THE DAILY NEWS Maturdo, eee = = 3 = SSE esr : gw i = > lat er ae. ee eee eee eee es eT, HE DAI NEW MAIL SCHEDULE | f T DAILY NEWS HAD RHEUMATISM Ten Years Ago (\#eeeeeaeneeeeenes, ® AGS Te - ee ee | Saree Mapers l For the East. ++ I NN | ee mee et ee ert BE Pe . - Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News se ; pomenge te Ph suena and Sat.) Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. oe may 29, Mer , ae urdays at 10:30 a.m, | , | A. C. Garde, a mining engines - OR the pesson os ‘H. PF. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR, — of Nelson, has arrived in the eity From the East. F the Drodtucs vn nnn | Neue enroute to the Queen Charlotte! Sundays, Tuesdays and Thure-| to of ndind a, sir SUBSCRIPTION RATES: et aeeien islands Where he will lake charge days at 7 p.m. re the" 1diy hi, pat City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ 75e. | of a black saugd mining project on hevinddiintie arheted | Maa il Sy mill to all parts of the Brilish Empire and the United States, | Graham Island. For Vancouver and South. fishing Tudgeeee™* ot % or it OS. Cy ab biwibee 0 to 6 WR se bs 08 ce Oe $6.00.) “ * ,* TRIBOGRE NS cee NO eee eRe 7 pom . nt : advance, per VOAT cee ee erewneere AN ' ‘Hen tane i, a ae od = : : To all other countries, in-advance, per year ....... veces 87,00, | bi Phe - weas) "¢ * et a Deuredaye a... Po aa eee {1 p.m Resourses encecd $174,600 NS CLY, HAs gone to MaAsNe IBMUUTOA YE boi secs cae ee 2 p.m ex become Indian Agent theng it pan TELEPHONE 88. Sundays a i 4, Transient Display pope 3 a $1.25 per inch ee aren | The Prinee Rupert Mining and May 4, 14 and 25 4 q Transient advertising on front page ........4. $2. , ch, Steck Kao Save aneniet thee pinlpetnail : i i i Sanders per insertion, ........es465 ».. 25c, per line.| ieee st yo need between | From Vancouver and South. Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Brodezick, Manager EP Classified adver tising, per insertion, ......4+.4. 2c. per word. | lbind bad bide: d Avenues BUDGAYS «6 visessesecess 10 p,m. ; Yas: ji ‘wen wet ... the. per agate line. | ; ae & . OC | Legal Notices, each insertion, ........ : : ' f ? Contract Rates on Application. R. W. Cameron has just ~re-|BundayS ..6.+s.0.66- 10.30 a.m.) . me aS " Au advertising should be in the Daily News Oftice on day pre-| loeived a message from Vancouver |Fridays .......... 4 pan ? eeding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. | telling of the death of his infant April 30, May 10, 21 and 34 F D DRA Ss SOLD : rs aughter, Ursula Beatrice, in that ea OO F I EDITION wees Saturday, May aus 1920. | ‘ - ee See ees ai Ne a x For Anyox and Alice Arm. leo you wish to eu svide Poop for relat vee or f i sama : | “ft suffered with Rheumatism for Ywe |“ hangman seine Bunda co siieservives {1 in Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czecho-Slovakia : mt Pe erga . J years, having itso cee times I was Ae ee rns rm rms ew BE Wednesdays eeeeseeees if p.m if th bank will sell you for the Canadia ‘ ‘ bi able to get up without assisiance «8 a eatin in Mew York Kinks 1 Tien 0 A Comprehensive Church, unable a ia aks Bled aA Tenthe anon a a Suggests Archbishop. : — Seenves Saves 5 en Mining News { From Anyox and Alice Arm, \u can Relief Administration Warehouse in a ' § If an institution is @ means to an end rather than an end. advertised and was treated by doctors Ee etre Tuesdays ....... : . p. m. ii aan dilaaeinaee The drafia Will be leeucd t } ip itself it must be adapted to the work it has been orgagized to) in Amherst, also in my home towao, } Soldier. Prospectors. | “hursdaye ses... 5 ue p.m. chabaed Gadtre davabie th tad. i re Tdi but the Rheumatism came back. | Many applicdtions are being -—_— particulars may be obtained from any «1 + . If the Church of Gheist is to perform the work for which it) ie 946, T eae in es cing ~ eg received by the Proyincial Goy- |For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili branches, He was commissioned and inspire with the Spirit of Christ all classes, | that er er to oe ay ok jernment from returned tnen Who Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. ; races and nations in the world, it must be a truly eatholie church, | ia Teta ¥ teak = ae ' * me lare desirous of t®king advantage |Sundays ..........++. {1 p.m The Royal Bank of Canada . at aed e\variety.of the Structural and fulhctional)., Set Mien 2 ook Shem righ’ oes lot the scheme inaugurated re-|Fridays .......scssccees 5 pwn VE dar fatal At ho nliweil rp not only in name hut in ent for about six months and the Khecu- rth chem ) Capital paid up and a ry i Aaseld ove elements which it comprehends. Only a comprehensive church wy ae . icently to send out returned men —_— - #25 G00 000 850 , sa. | matism was all gone and J have never ' ¥* ean reach the whole community. felt it si e as prospectors, [tis the intention From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mili y While the essential truth to be proclaimed may be the same, : ito place the parties in the fleld Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. r ig ol pattie st differ'with \every race of people and| — Anyone who would care to write 1 4, according to William | fueedayé ........+se0+-> | ia the way of putting it'must differ wit y | | me as regards ‘Fruit-a-tives’ I would [by June 1, according PUNE a'c sug eee ean 5 . ; every type of character, While the object of worship may .be} tig ‘ght do toll then What ‘Fruite- IM. Brewer, government mining|Raturddys ..........++s- noon | {f 4 the same. the method of worship which best appeals to one type} tives’ did for me.” lengineer at Victoria, who is in ailicitiamnabiti uy. of mind will differ from that which bast appeals to another type JOHN E. GUILDERSON, jCharge of getting the men out, Queen Crariotte islands: st of mind among the members of the same race or even the mem-| Contractor and Mason. |There were over 100 applications|For Massett, Port Clements and : bers of the same family. Never was there a greater psychological) | sy. bos. 6 for $2.60, trial size te. [in Victoria at the “first of last] Opper island poiate blunder than to try and force a uniferm style of religious service} At all deilens oe anh postpaid by |Wweek. May 12 and 2 upon all classes in the community. Absolute uniformity is a Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. | i cae . .. of ** human impossibility. ee eee eer ee ee | Telegraph Creek Rich. ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and As we survey the mixture of races in our land, as well as Kk. F. Williams returned to Se-| Upper island pointe: UALITY think of the variety of classes among our people, the truth is} AGENCY FOR Jattle last week th the latest May 13 and 27 borne in upon us with irresistible force that only a comprehensive formation regarding the placer ‘ : church can reach the whole community. j ALL KINDS OF strike on Telegraph Creek the) @or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte 1p Canvas goods, oilskins, old Cassiar district. He declared City and Lower Island points Need of Union boots, overalls, mackinaws, githat the Sid Barrington crowd Bed 4 46 and 90 r a ne ; Felt in Country. : gloves, waterproof clothing, Biwould clean up over 8$450.000 Se eae e q It is in fhe sparsely settled districts that fhe need of chureh baggage, harness, shoes, ae sdemla a ned duning thelFrom Skidegate, Queen Charlotte 4c IRS i union is.most.acutely felt. Often,a community of about three |? woolen underwear and socks. $\ winter where pay rap as high as City at Laas Island points— ee a haa ‘ite 4 hundred people has three or four churches while another com-| TENTS, SAILS, AWWINGS. $)s5 on bedrock, Last week at A aa +8 and ten 6 Morning, 9 te 12, Mterpeon, 190 to $.30, Saturdays, { to 12 ony te munity not fifty miles away is entirely destitute of religious ser- | J F M A GUIRE iWrangell he anei ia late arrival! ae Si ise i tery Evening Irom 7.30 0 $ viges. This cannot be in accordagece with the Spirit of Christ. 4, Pe from ‘Telegraph Creek familiar) gop gkegway and the Yukon ’ In British Columbia the Anglican Provincial Synod and the 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert §) ii) 1, Barrington groynd. - He} April 30, May 10, 24 and 34 Dental Nurse in attendance k Presbyterian Provincial oe a aaa appreved in sp gta — was informed that. during the uD Mel Phone 109 for appointment ‘ terms the report of a joint-committee favoring a measure of co- IF ER RY tye ay ee te ak : oe ble eiel fans z ; . SFP eeeeeee ee ees winter considerable x 12d From Skagway and Yukon. i‘ ) aie operation in new and sparsely settled districts. All the Angiican . NCE RU TIDES een washed out by hand panning, | May 4, 14 and 26 Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th a Fa Le snare wed " spe of thie ¢ 2 . PRI PERT i y 4, ita : » bishops of the province are members of thi eee are lo tees es ae 8 ee 28 we [and that a large dump is now be- My . ulp Office in Northern B.C. a communion reserves the right to send a clergyman from time to} jing sluiced, The usual winter Stewart, Map!o Bay and Swamp P| time into such districts to “dminister the sacraments to its own Thursday, May 27. method of thawing is being used. | Polat. i f people, Jn cases of sparsely settled districts where, missiongries High ee ae ~ a \Barrington is a former Yukon For—Saturdays ...... 9 p.m. ‘ of both communions are already at work it is recommended that e250" D: Bin core feet. River pilot now operating al prom sundays 10 p.m ir services be held either on different Sundays, or at different hours| Low, ek a. ID., Ys nc |steamboat on the Stikine River.|} ; we u on the same Sunday so as to avoid apparent conflict. Already in 5:53, 6.3 feet, ta homa dn th Manttlo , 7 4 : : : F shh oambesen intel eyes SkEE LAND HECORDING DIVISION } the northern part of the provinee this plan is working well. Hiet be May -. font | Pit. 8 Siete ; o Ot a nt HARLOTTE iy igh, 10:00 a.m.,, 10.6 Teet, Analyzing Coal. ISLANDS § S PRINCE GEORGE i rectone naene fer 7m 22:50 p. ., 19.4 feet. The Government of Alberta is| et eDe Ahy rf Dare THOms. ae | Low, 4:54 a,m., 5.5 feet. considering the question of utiliz Pr-snnd niga De eee ae oe ae H We need every style of public worship*from that of. an in- | 16:46 p.m., 7.6 feet. ne-ehs didlieent enviinies oow-l re I datende apply a SAILING ¢ | ¥ -¢ . } ve . “) - : ; . “pr f coal “Ml 4 forma! cottdége meeting to that of a stately catchedral service. | Saturday, May 29. low plants throughout the province alhab im op aad ut foik oan There is no valid reason why there should not be in the| High, 11:44 a.m., 17.1 feet for the put wse of showing which | e*eribed lands same village church, at’8 a. m. on Sunday the Holy Communion} 23:30, 19.9 feet, . ; : yagi mpencing at & post planted at the For Anyox and Stewart Saturday 10 p.m. ne ee spe 4 ; . ny . A ' a service oe ‘ o : (iaAsses © oaLare 5 SUILADIE west wr fp ingé e? decording to the rite of the Anglican Ghur h, at 11 pm: a ervice) Low, 5:44 a.m.,, 4.6 feet. for certain purposes. A great! south 60 chains; thence east # nies Swanion Bay, Ocean Falls and Vancouver Monday 104m ; according to the custom of the Presbyterian Church, and at 7} 17:30 p.m., 7.7 feet. ideal of consideration is also being | Meece forth 80 cha menue SNES & ; i p.m. another service according to the style of the Methodist Sunday, May 30. fend to the problem of obtaining |! point of commencement yi pmurch, High, 12:26 p.m, 17.6 feet. fe fesdinee desl to Albe as coal ' or r+ : oy wet et x a ’ , ee " yn | bs 8) ‘° ’ . J . 0 3 rater ith day o rch, 0 » for Smitber Y The different methods of presenting the same Truth, and) Low, 6:22 p.m., 4 “ent. lal the Government and the fe ETAT . _ Passenger Monday, Wdnesday and Saturdey of 11:90 6 © q the different modes of worshipping the same God, which prevail | 18:10 p.m., 7.8 feet. iUniversity of Alberta are carry SKEENA SAND RECORDING DIVISION Prince George, Edmoutun sod Winnwbeg, making direct . j m the different Protestant Communions have their necessary | Monday, May 31. pate ihe aol iduel ae enesacent TT ™ ~ foo: eT all points east and south. iF function to perform, but this should be, not in competition one! igh, 0:8 a.m.. 20.2 feet. iwork on the mineral resources of| . . ss F with another, but in co-operation and co-ordination one with| 13:5, 18.4 feet cre : - | ‘TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of . ae P+ ’ a.* . ”. . * . ) ‘ogee _ ly. rhe } , i il ’ co i Lines i another. In other words, the different members should function! [ow, 6:57 a. m.. 3.4 feet. st © aestleuna ar. al ate Shidegats, i. C., setmer, tatends pply Agency All Ocean Steamship as one Co ‘ehensive CG “ch. “We : any are Zody A * ia ;Clp ay ' MEMINESSION tor a licen to prospect for and For toformation and reervavons apply ” a A ae ive Church We being many are one Bor Y) 18:48 p.m., 7.9 feet. lof far sands, classification of|petrolemms we e04 under the followins — i ee ee Peace men ¥. H. DU VERNET, Archbishop of Caledonia. | | DENTISTRY } Skill, Care and Judgment Are the fundamentals of a suecess- ful dental practice. Your personality and health depend upon your teeth. Personal Attention Prompt Service Best Material Teeth extracted in a scientific manner. Make Appointment Today Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Dentist. Phone 575 Lady Assistant Open Evenings Sunday by Appointment “= SS a 4 iene | eo7%, Office Hours: 9-12; 1-6; 7-9, | | E. H. SHOCKLEY | Reopening in hew works at e | easterly of the southerly Bay | mip West along projection of ssid’ With additional Machinery and af full stock of Windows, D, D. Fir and Spruce, Cedar Boat Doors, Lumber, Oak, Glass and Marine Paint’ ia Phone 383] Quick Delivery by own Truck’ Dated 12 May, The time used is Pacific Stan-jenals, quatitative and qualitiative dard, for the 120th Meridian west.|q(etermination of the mining It is counted from 0 to 24 hours,!gources of the province from midnight to midnight. The table given is for Port} Simpson but the time for Prince) Boom Atlin District. Rupert varies only a few minutes; There seems to be every ikeli~| on some days and on others i8|bood of a boom at Atlin this sea | the same, The range of the tide|son. As announced before a con-! may be computed as 5 per cent\centrator is to be imstalied at the, greater at Prince Rupert than at/ Malloy Group. It is more than | Port Simpson both at springs and|probable that the Stewart and) neaps. Therefore the rise in the|Alice Amn districts will be over- Prince Rupert harbor is slightly!crowded this summer and the greater than Port Simpson. overtiow would do well to go fur- “Phe height is in feet and tenths|ther north to Atlin as it a of feet above the average level of |»plendid distriet, The Kngineer lower low water, mine gives prorfise to become one} of the biggest gold mines in the province. re- and the! development of clay deposits, is Two-color window cards take the eye quickly, See them at the News Job Department. LAND ACT, Dewdney Trail. The Hope Prospectors' Associa- tion has taken up with the pro- ail ; iets Can on vineial engineer for the district — NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO : en - Se LEASE LAND, the matter of reopening the Hope- | B*!4esate. 8. C. settler, intends to apply sommes “athe ’ for A licepae © prospect for cosl and ® In the Cassiar Land District, Recording | ?rincelon-Dewdney trail with the} petroleum on and under the following Ditiet oe wae. peevete jo the vieMilt¥ /pegult that the Hon. Dr, King has | deseribed funds: { en Take notice that we, Allen Faleoner and| promised that the trail will be! Commenctag at a post planted at the OW e Albert B. Armstroug, of Allee Arm, B. C.,| as adhd a co |northwest eorner of D.L. 18098; thence! en occupations cartagemen, intend to epply surveyed this summer, This will north 80 ehains; thence west 60 chains you for permission to lease the following Be-|\he good news to prospector ; ’ , : sity for whieh ¥ seribed lands:— a TS AS| thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 Electric Light, use the Blectri tiew awey Commnencing at @ point in the easterly it will open up to travel a con.| chains, to point of commencement and you do not use Elec o™, blow the He , boundary of Lot 1074A, Cassiar, 375.1 feet ‘ j uortherly trom the South-East corner of Siderable iining area that, ow-| paid jot, thence at right sngles 10 welding to its jnaecessability ? tescribed ods Compenang 61 &@ post planted at the! north-west corner of D. L. 18538; thence south #0 cagins; thence west 40 chains; | ee Se ihence north 80 chains; Wence east £0)8 , chains, t point of inmencement WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant i i¢ RAILWA Dated this 6th day of March, 1690 SKEENA LAND KRCORDING DIVISION a TAY CANADIAN PACIFIO OOEAN SERVICES DISTRICT OF QUEEN ISLANDS CHARLOTTE elke TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of | Skidegate, B. C,, setiler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and | petrolewm on and under the following described lands;:- | B.C. Coast Steamship Services Ss. PRINCESS Bary Prince Rupert: y 10, 21 and 31 s. etonik duneeu, Shagwey, Alsake, from oer > , April ®, 49, 90; Me ' ines Rupert Commencing 61 & post planted at the For Vancouver Victoria and Seattie from pete port. west corner of D.L. 1863; thence April 14, 24; May 6, 16, and 26. morth 80 chains; thence east 860 chains; Troe ; .@. PRINCESS BEA t Bay, Mhence south 80 chains; thence west #0 te rn Ocean Fails, Hardy Bay, Alor chains, point of commencement From Prince Mupert for Ow gnoouver and Vidtorle Beaver Cove, Powell River, V WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant, Se ie ae oe Dated this 6th day of March, 1990. | a , | Por rates, reservations end silage, appr SERENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, | w. 0. ORCHARD, ' } @enera Agenk } DISTAICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Prince Rupert, B.C. ISLANDS. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary os a fan wv WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant, have to pay anyhow to Cook, Toast, or run Dated this 6h day of March, 1920 a easterly 175 feet roore or less! mae | to the Westerly boutMary of the Kitsault| been negiccted, It is claimed that reserve; thenee southerly along! said westerly boundary and the projeetion| this will make one of the best hieid nell thereof 925 feet more or less to the inter-| po4) om ; . aft IN THR d section thereof with the aerenee sous: | Touring for a trang-proving tal the ‘eipe of a Seotin eptentien for HOT PLATES - e $5.29 oundary ot | highway, ‘ Lot Three (8), Block Fifteen (15), Town - ) $643, Cassiar; thence worth 67 de * te is Seer s of Siewert (Map 1 Satisfactory proof | O . a $15.00 : : c i 0 loss OF the above Certificate of| Vv ° ° eaeeae Aden sede taste BOUL] David Jay, teller in the Hank| #4 "naviny “been Braduced:" note 4 " - $15.00 ; ee. reb iver 1 it tent ) - ” ne . jdeg. Kast 501.8 feet to the north esst/of Montreal, is out again after | issue Yay 1S at ratio nr “aha” moat | Fans ‘ket for 4 cents |corner of aaid lot 2648; thence 376.1 feet) from the first public , fresh | { a lamp aocke ‘northerly along the easterly boundary of his second operation in the gen. | {20m Whe Ars ie ae a eee 2 eae Hot Plates*and Ovens will operate from ial a 2th ie Bal oh compan [oral hospital and on Monday win {thud Wats mike wash Side Be | 9 tae aire el ' , ' s : which ale th | re service G0 leas ALBERT B. ARMSTRONG leave by the Pripee Cieorge Lo | eto er, 1910, oft ound tas 4 ' Have your old Hot Plates (Serv! TER paLconen. . spend a two months’ leave of ab. Land Kegistry OMce, rig Rupert, B.C.) Prices Moderate hited Paleoner, Agent, 1920, by sence at his home in Vancouver, S0th day of March, PATTINSON, LING & CO. NOTICE i920 i. FP. Maelo District Kegistrar o D, f Titles,