24 an @ef nda May 29, goog, a abe THE DAILY NEWS ; ; | wits re See Se TE] MUSICAL CLUB a * ———___—= relia DDER | Sport Bri ef 8 a J LU OE DA ILM I NE EO Dey tt mt et te meg 32 Bight through ¢ to the. Fach Cap- aul me ar “ ; °C nane ” ! r : i Pant 4 pee | a oe : Gatew the We Lal - Social Success Although at Announcement was made in ay of lest’ b anece Not Larg aT pes " ork at the first of the week “The fi ear eae is Getting a 6 J a “ ene lnanager of 2 inst chotce ee slliisatiied re brie AAP POHL that the bur. = ’ , Alth@ugh not largely attended TOON Sea as SGNee ae iE tlie dance of tt os ; ides to box Battling Levinsky’ \z re le Prince Hupert! jot later than July 2¢ The b ut H meal Society , ees 2 he bo = SELL in te Ot, A held fast night! will be twelve o1 {teen round Ef ’ ndrew's ball was « very! ft without ae 4 pleasant affair, The guest 4 Vind oa in New | . iat ; desta gn] ve City or New Jersey, accord - ; Ny and congegial to Carley. w! if , # 3 ang tie yas plenty of room jn 4 e ie Fe ' =—— ail lo dance to the ever. 7 ‘ ” weigh 5 ' ted tra ' - wis at th gaide, if Ps . Gurneys commenced mak- of dance music! Cary er loses ' ie , ; . }' vided by (iray's Ore} . P li go hack ra ; in 1843. Still in Phe floor of the ball rchestra to France," .eaid Curley He + CHEWING TOBACCO ° . a!) e a seemed bye . well ; ¢ ip tho same line of business @/ter than usual and thi on c Office Sashes should F ee \inerican bs ! ; : ivi ° en ' * ttions f 1 ia afre z 9, Hundreds in use ip Gded factor to the enjoyment off use Lifebuoy Soap i Ay ; ie. " > a 2 5 rrince Rupert. lie event | . E Hh woxers. le will try to Pr —" rt '"t Sl iad Think of the bondreds of | mnoup for a fight th Dempsey ie that a. ; y Small nie, dusty, germ laden things you be ' is the A can cham-} On SALE ; : ave been allending the} mut touch every day! Think "" ets cfear ‘ dravt eva. ‘6 : : ; G indicate that! of the danger to your skin. rt ‘ re a le akc, {ting Loo advaneed| You meed the best soap hae H d “ torin of entertainment! end axee—the best disinfect - Hoisted Pennant ar ware : in ely that the most peo-| ant, You get both in ! ‘ ineday in eh # SECOND AVENUE ' . be enjoying Uh LIFE re t gofaft ons * . , evel ine elee mee ‘ P = Phone Black 114 i! : aan: dat . setae UOY Bos | Braves, the . is as iat ‘ uanhtes & . a hall . hamy ons) . GUT is ist te ns treqnent eat HEATH QAP Fh vers, on by tiem ast tall ‘ : e 80 frequent tH Its hesling, soothing olls and ft tt (hij zo White Sox. was - ’ ' dretefal disinfectants thor- t Rediand } pee . Delightful tyfreshinents were oughly cleanse aad disinfect j { atti We ' age - mi in abun 1 partioulerly useful for Phe Reds ‘ ® wundauce last night bruises, cuts, wind y ead +} Nations ‘erst es i arrangements went off ’ wind sores, ete ls : i gp ional ; i The swrboiee 8 year AY possi- { : Pabru Wae tnaster on aol hehe Mibaes toa Y They ary ace in YROT HERS ” * Sh while F. W. Grimple ’ with Pittsburg in the } ‘ « \ * hie deor With thaeial } t ed ve ee I ‘ eet gent the committees in - r ; ir ahead, a Phone Groen 156 h ted ‘ ' i smiles | John Currie] Resolute Mast Sn | P.O. Box 120 J. 4). MeLetlan. J. F. Maguire. Mes eae ri ; ' pA4 1) Wel Hu M ; . a sposane wor nast of the soap re reD sumibte t New- ree ome M 8. Darton and Migs| *2O8@NTO, ons tic - ‘ 7 ands little | i week. as tC. Mille Tradingde K pa J fiz x the first Piant at Vancourer. <= ~~ ~ “ileon ¢ he witts It ‘ 7 ve rat e an i the Moon eating ‘ . ’ sa i rigging oo ———$————————— Ss & ij ig tit ' the i ‘ or " SAYS:-— was naked ar a t was 2 1 bow. lance can be placed on built-up u ta pass the . . a” min-) wooden masts, : > 4 ai the wind . * . . ne at yar eam eet ee Coa asin HE VANDERH : aa rH ' en u « that no one nmen Renee fiutdins| ovement Suppor OOF ie ed incider ia na he ha lieial government recognition c Ce er ae . ae . : rons he a the yacht Of the British Olympic Commit ‘ . peapl ‘ ‘ up m priee «i the ; ent : ’ , sOTNTDIL~ z ‘ ew wit vent o , : the \ reste ss that . protubitio r . .L., where e's effort to secure a represen- VANDERHOOF, B. c. z ’ ; s ist t it on tative teain to comprte in : eee en , a ' : ! e rat Z with Olympia aanice a tae 3 ee The Hotel Th That | Is A Home. 4 WALLPAPERS Se ' \ , ae suseiane a Be ce et eee 7 ee : aoe [HAT of Goutes- ieee ure .. NEW SUPERINTENDENT voniee h ahall de- | sumer bas been made by the one located. Convenient to depot. Good service ; “ aa fe who ’ : s | ixains Sir) SPP intment of a committee of - : ss vA ys a few who would like to live at ee : uropean Plan. RNISHES she peal aeaunite kad Gh GTP. TELEGRAPHS | Lipten’s, Shamrock IV,|the British House of Gommons of pe _ Garage and Livery in connection. KALSOMINE, ETC. at the work at i at wr ici eal Phese | begin early next week /Which the Speaker is the presid- JAS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ; ! efully be a : | A cireular has wt te ‘ =e nd “the Resolnte is/@™t, to assist in the work. This -F. McCORMACK Pee Manager . a rHAT altyady some people are (from headquarters of the Grand 9s Ppare at Bris-jaction is expected to lighten con- F CMe Fe th pay the new tares Tronk Pacifie Railway.-\ ind ' \ vis on the boat seem |Siderably the financial ‘hak of] umm ees . . . announcing the ‘ ‘ ; 1 accident came at | securing funds to provide for . . Na ate rHAT there is nothing like a!iR. M. MeMillan to the 7 . Py und that no re_|trooeps at Antwerp. It will also : PRINCE RUPERT " ment by the people. The! Division Super ; ‘ . add impetus for the movement for Fontan ang want cost of tiving re-jGrand Trunk Pa I w * strong, creditable team, which, NOTICE E TO FISHERMEN 2 Wit G labor Council, luced, Dut the peopte’s govern-|/Company, with by mart t jowing to the slow collection of r . 0 t reises a. Wiunipeg, succeed FT. Cal jcontributions, recently led to the BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH F g B. U. TH a’ ’ ° os . well, who rmeuntiy esigned th jexpression of opinien thal Great ce eneereernes AT what the people wanted) omee to acce nt a thon ° with | Britain's team would not be up to: and I ihe ol ; wnt to do with thelthe Automatic |! ‘ , former standards. Under the , ce iLETINGS i ‘ { aze it Chicago NOTICE new conditions it is expected that At BUTEDALE CANNERY Trades t - Wire . . . My - : . the British team for the ain - : hi 8 oe Male for High Yost soaiti sa a Y GIVEN that t events will number- at least 36 WESTERN PACKERS LIMITED entra! Labor Councihaag re e have been in general, gap. 1, ment to the “Town. |alnletes. , ’ hy ' time, bul it te gnid rev ie iis a P A . t Act po at silliinpintiiia! Butedale, ce men's Acunitiesie. First 1t a logger who had not been j a ’ ; ; S rane fr to. MINE RAL AC as . W odnerdars ; _— nane veo Psitet rT rt i hase c-} F th We ; = ww the papers, on coming to bi arinnandad ty. 3 A K, 2 v ot ee” (Form B), . : es Meetings and seeing the abbreviation leho for. nui e : ; % o ia omer Dr CERTIFICATE OF IMP BOVRMENTS rn a hhermen, ry Thursday terpieted it ag “Hell of « Coun been chi . - i means vortionate allotment | NOTICE "* Bitry to Live in paper cape , + sideration of the| “isgol No. 4," “Kilsol No 2,” “Sunset # p Metal Trades, First and Third s Manager, wit at et ah ret iat das | = tig ie Ne 3." “Maud MePhee’" NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Pua . e a Tinted Gkaticn \ th = 7 eral Claims, sliuat Fiabpackers ' aiid PHAT he ay have been right the Unios tation, \ , ta za shams rt Sante eae ese pivision - cas N E W M A R I N E ° - wey ian @ what must be eaid of 7 any person iD af Where ioca ted:- About 24 miles fro nite ibis TIMBER SALE X 2385 a failing ae Sere ce | ee Alice Ares. oo Sitsauly River ea Phone 453 Shawatl ~ IS stipulated ereafier be de-| Ps Li . Patmore, ans S ra aie tend be eived by the red from taking wvantege " r each Free Filtaae noeeee oy ats i“ > agent Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet. Lhere is a “grea oppor. | 4 day of eras ; N Vilege and be subject to the ful-|ton,.U. 8. &, Pree Mip He, Wasmlas- length. é] jtunity now for anyone looking Jor) Semin” Maaah* wy cw 1,000,600 feat (provisions of ihe , oe oP SS ee aprtae pittande, sty days imme doie| BWwooDW CERNB.. BLAC KSMITHING AND MACIDS SHOPS. | } Acreage at T government job to beveme ie “ore a" . Ce Mer a 1 13.000 oY er ¢ p r hase me ey 3, connection |for @ a cere mie ot ingreremeal, Recorder | 3est equip ped plant in Central Britis British Col 5 errace aurvevor.~ge neral of the new ex es acct Inlet, Queen Charlotte tice apy ox the , ae Se bop the so ela tims & Crows t ot | S ] C vy D Get se duties ‘general super-|_ Ome tt) year will be wed for re er R. NADEN Aad further Nake Botice that action, un- | ea ove Marine Ways, Ltd. i,” ur re Lot T wie f bg tations (At) meral of Umber D Minister of Land lef section must be commenced before) AS P “ or Ten ison ¢ sales tax or omee 8U- - serie we irs of the Chief } gees aoe ister ands {see gene ‘of such Certifncate of Im- . Swanson, President . E. Thom M A ie a TN er ende j , —T eter! =) @ < Forest : or e j pson; Gen } it Terrace for a perint nd nt of the local tad) guger ° BC r District ' \ B.. Get, Dated this 2nd day of April, A.D. 1990.1 Phone Red 391 Ph GC 16s i I ‘home before prices pus tan. (= Pep. W.. PAFMORE. ; of , Mvancy : oe ie a ne = ae = fig the ‘T d lots adjoin- THAT add to the "political ina-| ~~ _ + —— iaeeatihl ‘OWnsite at reagon- ehine the big tax machine and | Bete tein ea —== : 4s Phen do. ane prices. the cogs one into the other and) # rne ceed i ' Ht and lote of fishin you have a dangeraus combina-| che i) i€S Sa 5. “H th M _W Y « 1 hue ‘ y To i G : ee it } '°wn Lots $75 to $200 tion that should come under ¢on-| So ee ys: ere’ 5 e usic ri e our Own Words.” | cen oe he demnation of the factory mepee-| ror ¥ _ I ——————————————————— ’ { r Lor. i d ty ros, & Co. THAT it is said Prince fyport! . | | 7 Estate and Insurance is one of the healthiest spots in} trrace «~~ B Cc iBritish Columbia, | “at. U Re eoond Avenue, vie: a CETABLES olegale and Metall Gener tor Contractors and “D0 Keay *ohange, Ry Upert, B. OG, P.O, Box 725 Prince bone 5 i? {7 2nd Avenue C, Vv, EVITT Audit to Auctioneer r “nd Accountant }} ment sometimes shows a dispo- THAT a Obriatian Scientist has lit Neured out that this is because lof the amall number of doctors in ithe place. While the average) per nani of population in British) Columbia ia one to eveny 905) . . . ipeaple, in Prince Rupert it one to every 1,300, . . . THAT it is a lueky man who loses his reputation if it is bad, * . . THAT some wretched cynic says that prohibition will never sueceed in Wales, because a sober man cannot speak the language, THAT it used to be that a poor man shined shoes for the tich, now the rieb man is the one who |gots two bits for eaeh shine he jeives the poor aman, | . | ' ¢ THAT*%ven a member of paniiay op :