- Sat s BE DALY N 8 i | j ' Nt sania ie Se cceabianiientil —-——---- ae a ny a RE CALLED 8 4 inl i .} oe A ; om . DISCOURTESIES T0 <<. YOU CAN PLEASE — SINCE F 08 H. S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED her wilh our Candy. Ev- — —— etybody who enjoys will Accommodate | ware | 18 O Irish People Take ‘This Mothod of a the most delicious, whole- wee oe tarkoeee at m Proteting Against Imprigon- 9 . Ops some and or gby tslan 30 S8shs COUGHS ment Without Trial | DAINTIE sais , a a —— FECTIONERY render s are being called by the LONDON, M,: ww 20 rhe Sinn| con Dominior Government for th NO CRI FROM | Why don’t you try our . apn ‘ rf bts . Fhivi e TICISM Feiners apparently are developing if 5 . > ‘rection oo Wo double dwell ; ; ’ i 7 Cat urself or buy : r ah S plans similar to those followed het o un friends and Int Digby Island to ace ommodate CIVIL SERVAN 1S, SAY y ragettes in pre-war days some if v ws ; oe " 4 ; ettles } as ‘rove ite excellence? jthe incredse in staff at the Ma PRE I JOHN OLIVER yg annoyanee to the Royal] I ‘ irine Depot following the estab u ' ‘ ck’ Shana | ° A shipment of Neilson’s fa Recently when Queen \ has just lishment of the northern district " itiended a charity concert. | Chocolates iThe ground for these new dwell \ stinging has beer , . arrived | Irish women on the Recep ie” jings is allocated directly on thejsent ! y Premi ) to Ag Committee appointed to re-| MES IMITED pe apa DEDPersy and is ne ee eS 7 ' aa ve refrained from courtesying! TY 4 : venient te ! the station. : Phejupon the tatt of to her Majesty's arrival. The| wough a special lucky purchase we cal ; muses wi a le same style as the local press J. SS ‘ eo — Jueen took no notice, assuming] have secured ninety pairs . . Miat already built at the Wireless Cowper, MP. ] statements | ine disco: ae : ¥ pairs of 5 ' Station made by the | genes One eet ees Ween stare 9 e Pioneer Druggists —« |] Ss le by the: Ta Wional and due to a Jack of know-| en’s Gun-Meta The lighthouse tender Newing : of the ] i ee +t wast oi court etiquette iia ton has bee ut for some the ite for t} ‘ nd : 7 i Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 jton ha een ou of port e the y { i queutly one woman wrote to th ag jdays tending buoys and beacons pkheep of Britis iil i ' OeS ! . ‘ ‘) hat sh had deliberately THE REXALL STORE south of here. She will be back the Lor h te th a ourtesy as a protest . J to Digby Island headquarters im Agent-Gene il a . set ; : i tail | Goodvear welt, in bla *k or maho wy jthe course of a week or ten days./siderat ind A tried Irish prisoners either in recede toe or broad r: und a steps sh 1 te le . vi ! a : sane . - ‘CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS, { \ : \ similar incident occurred on toe. These are well worth $11.50 a. . t ' when Kine George look} A RING ke te oh m feacal- thet ane pair but we are putting them on Sak Mr. Wade ¢ t M cate fae wan) = ; ie that means something is al- j TAKING PLACE TODAY | ‘ " : » ite Club An [rish officer did for a time at ; wye = s ‘ ; i bial ; . 1. ie Ways treasured, san ae A Ts . wunt shod t rise when the King entered] b Perhaps you have one Kuhinieibicnd for for civil service ; Calimnle the roo This was so notiee- 6 that some friend gave or left | Stenographers are taking place ir eo ' “en the @ thet tl King’s equerry in| a pair you or that belonged to your jthe court house, J. H. MeMullin ag : ' gated the Oaptain, who said ‘ mother. If so you know government agent, presiding di : Mr Wade's it Was a protest against the keey hat we mean. This morning general subjects ie part ; : Na ; ing il of untried Irish pris Another number is a “LECKIPF é rc) y » » . as Ar ’ 7 Spell 2Z . i ‘ le rnin ¢ reason, | Had you thought someone }such as’ Arithmetic and sy 54 ' 3‘? irning the ra smart-locking but casy-fitting ig would appreciate in the were on and this afternoon th: ,,, lis Majesty had the officer in 4 same Way a eift from you of istenography subjects ate bei sahil wed that he had nothing to do} These are a Speci il snap at . a 1] a S titi a ; , Baia fare Gur Quality Jewelry? jtaken. he Gin kal 1 the action of the Exeeutiv 45 | The candidates = are Misses ; ’ oi ie nent, nor was he able to fa ‘ : CEN Siac ee EK tia eaeT aT \ i r a ¢ , : w a R. W. Cameron |Elizabeth Bailey, Grace Brook ma hin . tat { ere The Captain thereupor a pair, The Jeweler 3rd Ave. iRlizabeth Henderson, Jean Bailey ou se and apologized. tt ts / , (Jean Ross, Ina Lindland, Anna B : Ml Suet lents have been of SZE WINDOW }Lundquist and Margaret Willa), ; : ce lately, and — in . 2 . SS | Dyer. .} ary ng take TIMBER SALE X 2428. | — Me rd strations 5 Sealed tender$ will be received by the z - ' hions Minister of Lands not later than noon on} i or a e the 3rd day of- June 1920 for the purchase! W f Licence X2428, to cut 3,500,000 feet} of Spruce, Hemlodk and Cedar on an area| u TRIESTE MAY BE Third and Fulton H 0 U S E S situated on Shannon Bay, Masset Iniet,! dj Queen Charlotte Islands District | Two (2) years will be allowed for re-| 5 ‘ FREE TO ALL WORLD i‘ moval of timber ’ aie ' ; Further particulars of the Chief Forester, TIMBER SALE xX 2438 : -— - Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince « t ' ) i SECTION 5 Rupert, \B.C.” pa Be . AMSTERDAM, May 20.1 . ao Fo Sealed tenders will be reeecived b ; . : has re 4 Rooms, 5th Ave. W. $1,575 TIMBER SALE x 2400. } Minister of Lands not later than i - , i} y jie 22nd day of July, 1920, f% the 1 sia f 7. ' i 6 Rooms, Dunsmuir Street, ati“ scimibai’ Gat tes cenieaaee is hase of Licence X 2438, 1 t 6,014 ' \ ‘ at f P SS THE BRI * | Se er viers iil be ec ( feet o Sn re Cedar Ralean anced : . . $3,600 tp rer ci “ i ioe iales Aina ol OD) lock on ad shin situated ecr and Bea 1! i ! } ~ s | ikl bs Crd + the Oth day o une 1920 the ) « es ova Sland taligy ‘ 4 Rooms, 7th Ave. . . $1,775 iehase of paonekn Xo4e 00, toe soa i, 80000 | rans, pisces, sae I ; . isa ! : will b 12 th x f Lriest lana Fo Spruce, Cedar, ~eoreen penn Three (3 years will be allowed f ‘ nf 1: , an ir, on an area adjoining Lot 232 ' m8 <0 ne i ‘ raad iar ‘ ‘ ratty ‘ SECTION 6 joan Channel, ane, 3. ‘Coast mas pict. "Further particulars of the Thief Forester,| stated P (9) Wha ATTACKS TRAIN | Good Bread is chie ly oe ae TP : > wo (2) years will be sllowe or re ly a stric orester, Pri } 9 i 4 Rooms, 9th Ave. . - $1,800 m pa be ae 5 ee i Sieenaten! Rupert. B.C ge +; ere ind ! | s Aa “ going D | . an | metheds ” a so a reste ‘ . sited Nat Linke kK wt cmnnjinemeaeee Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince h Y ao | 8 int te /"aper. B.C. idopts such a : I consider bunting stories to a delighted) T 9 . TIMBER SALE X 2452 | this a glaring case-and I won't audience of boys at the Gounty| ry S McCaffery, Gibbons he rem | eS sie Galea, Teta eaee muerte a Casse ’ |. Sealed tenders will be received by the! .. } haais st i“ id ist. returned fron , Minister of Lands not Jater than noon on! ; re ¢ ay & D | Ltd jttie 17th day of June, 1920, for the pur-j ‘ as a are ’ ehase of license X 2452, to cut 1,674,000 m charued a oy ¢, @ feet of Rorean Hemlock snd. Gecar on an} Advertise in the Daile News Vas , \ Divina ial A area sitpated On Shannon Bay, Queen Char- - - iriv a ajled cn a jlotte Islands District nm ' 4) Rents Two 2) years will be allowed for re- as oe oe WATER NOTIC!I e th trair was . al of »e se ~ ene > ; ” reeive , ” ry ‘Dp mA ‘ e Ts 3rd Ave. Phone 1] % Further aardioalis of the Chief Forester,| Minister of Lands not later than noon of UGE AN re . ve ™ a ee ee ECLAR ECALE Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prinee = o vay of oe . 1920, for oa) j I tt ' ingled l gray wires Nuper Ca: chase ¢ vigence X 2450, to cul 5¢ ; ‘an | Rupert. Be feet of Cedar, Spruce, Hemiock and Ba id., w Nut s ore , , TIMBER SALE x 1991 sam, on on area sitvated on Dufferin Is a ve ~ es re land, Range 3, Coast District . mas . § oO 2 ears | be wed f ‘ ‘ ‘ ; Sealed tenders will be eived by the reenter or tdaber ree i es - b ’ 4 LOOK Gor o! ree “ peas. not Jater yoy ag On| Further particulars of the ( ore A ' / "YOU L.ONT has Or L ¥ nes x 199 ‘: $0 € at $ 900008 maa fs » Or District f 1 i ; if i ‘ / Have Los r eet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on at t t t x area adjoining Lot 204, Kitsquit’ River, WATER NOTICE. " , . ae THE MESSAGE ; jRange 3, Coast Distriet ! ‘ ir ey (84° reals Wil be athowed tak der DIVERSION AND USE ut scree } moval of Lmbe ‘ r land ! w fros Bi Alberta Screened Purther prrtictlirs of the Chie Porester,| TAME NOTICE that Premier Gold Mining 7 et.| WA : pyiee a, p C,, or District Forester, Prince A ma ts aa cy cocnee , Bt Eo os ‘ any fishing trios a tue Cc } P rt, . app?) or @ € e ¢ : ia : ' GUARANTEED LUMP lass to take and use three cubic feet of wat j a a la id pit el out of Pletcher Creek, which flows \ rh For Kitchen Stove. Galy, Rind ‘Auman (ete Tecceis Crack of eme that Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton ; re dencer, Spe norte of the Intersations 3 Bid in, application | Woodworth, I Sacked ... $7.75 per 2 ton Grand 0 ening The water will be diverted — fror "1 the | ind MeNicholl Creek and 3 stream at @ poimt about near the 1 i \ i ' Bulk ......, $13.50 per ton Upe ataae rote Sine” Ghnatt ttcee a . ‘ , ioe —- Only a Limited Supply Clea. One will be used for wer if 1 Wa ! , ! stronized tomorrow upon wm Premmile owe 1 1 be 1 ‘ Right a‘, Phone Your Order Now SUN DAY ldoated on Lot 3697-—Cascade Ff ‘ \ § i uf ; y i - ; (This water is to be sed t ge rate | this i : ' Deemer emer ewrmer mer cnbaieepensituiaiinaesiall ' wer for use on the prope rty of the | this n ‘ cal t ' Albert & M Caff Alt { { j tl Premier ‘Gold Mining Co tia in con The ih | d erations owards 1¢ jnection with its mining and milling opera wer and tts Ch h N ti C ery enlarging of our Ice Cream nee 1 osted ee gant urc 0 ices LTD. is notice was poste on the ground aut a Parlor, increasing the seat- on the 29th day of April, 1920 rT ; f Phones 564 and 116 A Copy of this notice and an application L bul Be St Ee Otero =o ing Capacity nore than three pursuant hereto and to the “W ater Ani 1 1 First Baptist Church. i . 1914," wi e filed in the oMfee of tle ' 4 —— eet tines, have now been com- Water maaderat at Deine Rupert, B. ¢ ' ' Sunday, May f Morning ser pleted and we will open with aie eas ee eice ey ae Bled nds . h fn c ‘4am opi God's Grip formally on Sunday, May 30. | Comptrolier of Water Rights, Parilan ita 1 per-lof Human Affairs Aflernoon | ] 1 ays ; | , Victoria, B.C., within fifty 4 » t DEN IS RY lry any one of these leaders: SAor tee nrst sopsaabnce of this ® tee 4 T ’ 5 t Wa 30, Bible Behool Kvening ser. ‘rope : ‘ es . oi i local newspaper | ‘ ss . 4 Don’ Crushed Orange Nut Sundae © (GAUMIER GOLD MININO CO.. 1 rp. eh MINING - viee at 7:30 Lopir evolu Nt neglectyour Teeth fia 5.5... 25c |) by Date 4. pier *pplicane tg Applicant. | tionaries—the Genius qof evo ‘ oo z | 5 »y Dale L. Pi gent b 1 Nort Agent One decayed or missing tooth 4 Rupert Special Sundae 3Be | The date of the rst publication of thls The dat 2 stra : bs fr tt lutiors Preacher Kiev, Jamies lowers your efficiency 1f Marshmallow Special .. 36e notice ts May 4, 1920. native in A 17, 199M Dunlop im 7 Caramel Special ...., . 35c | as 7 he Oe DR, BAYNE: Take home a quart of Al- First Presbyterian Church. = Hours- Horning, 9 to. 12; mond’s Tee Coeam, straw Morning service at 44 a, m, ernoon, 1,30 to 5.30; Satur. visiy bs bloc time fe day, 9 to "9 ont Ment . | berry or vanilla, 75e per at. ubject Christ's Vi w of in Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- my Sunday School at 12:30. Kvening day, from Tto¥9 Rupert Table ol | CO. i a ervice at 7:30 Subject: "The DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE | Kind of Men God wants for Com.|} PHONE 109 FoR APPOINTMENT | PHONES 211, 212. anions Mixs kdinands will] L. ae NRIOL OE OT COE Ol OE OT AE OE Oe | ising during the evening. Preach. | 3g Oe nee lem Ttev, H.R. Grant. / i ‘ om fee e First Methodist Church. | FOR SAI E } ' Morning service, at 41 a. mh, | Sunday School at 280 pom, ven asap ing servive at 7:30, Rt (@ CLEAN SCREENED Delivered te etuzeviment tor HIME 813.75. ton. Wea PUBLIC MEETING $3,000 CasH $ mat fon, We strongly | On a purchase price of gs¢ 000, that recommend it for your kit- Dring Aw enIGIs .0f-673.50 a month I chen range J. 8. weetune ' . i ae al One of the idled Labor ollietals — SCREENED LUMP Delivered aeons F separ | Also for a payment of $15.00 ton. For your heater of Winnip will speak in the} B15. mn, } ‘ater, tet $4,000 CasH | CADOMIN anaes : Melniyre Hall on Thunsday, May! OD 4 PUrctare price of $19,000 that UN Loose, ith, al 8 p.m. on “The Winnt i brings 1) pomtals or 137,00 a month $12.50 ton. Ds ID. 0 bd peg Ed. H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agents 324 Bec ond Avenue Sacked, $13,735, Best Furnace Coal in City, Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Bleck Phone 7 a tie. * POs 11 1086 presenta WILLIAM S NARI At Paramount strlera/i Wulwe ” Starring tonight at the Westholme Theatre. Strike and Trials.” ' lIsland, “The Fight for Freedom." . eee ; Sunday, May 36th in the Me-| ne wee ‘ntyre Hall at & p.m. “The New! » John Petticoats |Era.”’ Colleetions in aid of the Labor j\Vefence Fund. 26° | hriday and Saturday at Dundas