Pare 2 a SEepEeeeegees " : ree THE DAILY NEWS w 9 eT - a BS | ae CAINE Vanderh i il ddlildninse Lee fl . anderhoof Grows with | a alate eos a GREAT STORY D op — a me ‘ ee "5 | SSIFIED AD , i evelopment of Distr a cant SEME | oe 3 PER W { ; Picture at W ORD IN ADV I o » A, os esthoime Theatre is 18 close to Geographical 2: nen a bre HO? hi rom Novel “The Wo- is ' pnica Centre of “rovince; Farmin pny. News WiLL Not BE Resronsiate F ee than 50c i ; bull , on man Thou Gavest Me.” well advanced and Soldier Settlement © hwo ANCELLATION OF WANT ADS OVER Tite ts coe oe Sam / y omelette N ® in mi ; LEPHONE | eighborhood x ' i Halt-Gaine:. wes ood; Fishi =r x aine, considere > ie ’ n w teeeey / w the worlds fi te . aoe eee. - aie g and Mining Se meta VANTED. ron HENY i) Hien re a Using Wa a ‘ Sven ver novelist, As the centri — IWAN TE poe ! urniste ' y ite a great story, “The W aha in the central point for one of the | i 9 KbD-By couple for summer ; _ Apply 410 Sixth . . > ie F i ’ , gree . wiiealye hy a \ “ : hou Gavest Me.’ andes cenit th r 1 1e whole of the provinee ot rae fie i nitural tracts a se a d house, apartinent | hil i ee * . ake . as Th " " itt na ' " MuseKee plug cherie ‘i are our satisfied ! ken the picture story that is thas been receiwing a greal deal of 1 ¢ nhia, Vanderhoutl onde pir I i ite fer ro) WEN ; 4 wine shown toni@ht at the’ West jmonths. The town + al of atte | nw the last few = furnished, Apply box 68° ne fort 4 customers whlme Pheates, it es “| : nohas teen steadily growing a 74 Daily News office, Wait , a wih 4 ° is a big story! supplementary district sl! ye ww and with its large bP hy ir +] ith a bie theme. Katherine My y Lineudt : iet should continte to pr ener 1. : WANTED Smal ! 1 Ask the Donald takes the leading eee sh of settters is certainly indieat eo present furnished Small comfontably AVAICEMT | people who Phe story fs part. pan a sShert time Naturall rer vhat may be exper ted \ op vee rag ae hhanse ii F POR RENT “h have their k éf az one of the sacri-/the fact ) aturally the ‘present residents ar oung couple No childrer _—" le, Phe it hs wor done ace om wha fer a title, of illicit ' at that only afew sila taal f ire proud of \pity bow mM Patty ie niin ite ' i in t here — particular per cone pt cording to present day| one monument marks the geograp! Psinkut Lake @ WANTED, M1 pp POR WENT 4 eS onceptions, and of final “|More and ee ttre of the ’ UNCE--Good Se Furnes! é son eae nal happi- and more are inquiries Pathe provinee, ti : od stron ply box veel ! i 8 too—and let them have ht we interested parties soteatary uf the ‘Board ae flowing in George Upston, ‘the ae e be work. Wages @20 I} Ny i ween P o e . ’ > ‘ eth: ; ar _ ' if tell you why we do their ici is : = into the valley of |" and: they.come from far and : vw Ruiner r 7 rt Advancement POR RENY ont a p it ation. is full of tr L Althou! ; ‘ eat . elegy able Supply. ; ted 15% il me wo and pe ie agedy | 1 the town ec ‘ hed ” A rk. And then—try ss - Oe . and is looked. on as |istence in4914. the aan into ex- COCK Lady wilh first ela : ac ‘ific Milk ee : a 1? gre ; * time , aas Oiee expen ; our excellent Dry eat films of the day. iditdons held Dack its progr: em ks posit se 7 FAPMS FOR SALE $32 Ore Limited now it is blo ears bookkeeper s eashier, siygey ; he BL, Vonce Cleanin an X 1 . ossoming forth. Ba per, ete Apply box 7% aan ’ FARMING : ASTORY ay e Servi s d Pressing SUDDENLY ILL bea year-and this spring the ev AR matty Rows ‘omey. ; til ' aoe GB oer: ae rvice, . che LY on have been more than Lady eal ae ee We ‘ led ' hief Prati ying. bili ra, e perienced, desire ‘ ‘ eb Vickers Taken to Hospital| s T. 4. Pi position. in: iniieow-auee i f ud ‘ @ Se ee C ‘ Following Seizure. | OM heep and Cattie. . HK. Pidduck and Thos. C. Nut- Write box 78 wail eamy pri . ie al ete. anadian 7 ite ixed farming is generally ter Claim Two-Third Ir on ’ eee oe : Ste L | Chief of Police W. H. Vick avored and alre ady Some bi a a Praaae nterest WANTED (Clerk ads \ , ih if yi fe . 2 ‘keardg Ti » 4G o ® am aundry was taken suddenly ill in hi =n os hata Wave the--foil4460 acl parties nan. KExperienée not ree ry ‘ ae nis ae ret Ae P \ ice ¢ s, . s of-jun r cul ‘ cres : . ot essenti Phone € feo = Saturday and was removed bay’ in a a Oats, barley ‘tain have a ti third Meftae Brothers, Ltd o . , t ; 0 2 hon dilinn ja. ame { as ; : ei : vo.-thirds j g . ow 1e General Hospital in the popular ‘ore are the most nterest all properties ar WANTED { I ° afternoon where he E ar crops at Present , terests « : nd in. Giirl for a few d ‘ ind f ‘ : 1° UuNnderwentan | tance [ q nt but the ps. Has j ‘a ao . binde ive to mat peration. Reports from the h of possibilities is a wid Arr, “LC. } - oe lee ndery Werk, Daily Ne La — laps i it » hos: one, Sheep raisin . dé, , dduck of Seattle 4 " : ie . Qasr. Rats aca i! tal this morning say -toat nad ais by ee eerie crore ores Phomas ©. Nutter > ite and COOK WANTED at K "We . Var FOR SALE 4 jpassed a fine night and is pro-fher ‘ George Sreli, who can have la ie eee Man or wom “% Pe t P i gressing most favorably the e from Australia. Four years “ on - ae “ we eer ines tf It Lasts 4s. * i a ago Mr. Snell first came into Var A ; ck, says a| BOY ‘WANPED or : LODGE MEETINGS ; sty Of BU Dd district and li © this . rh basi f Stay res Drug RNS. ‘LAKE BIRTH incre: : ast year his ‘ he alls at act if LODGE 1059 OVAI ‘ "7? ‘ t 1 ’ 1] anes ( ; rs a are 130 per cent. ria Mot set t is : ! “ ‘ | A i ¥ . BURNS LAK ifercentage does ‘ nA dink hors ton FOR SALE YT] ; Im alt i ki, Jane 7.— mm no include a mW ‘ . ; | . ec. fidaughter was born to ES oareuing of the weaker ‘lami : “7 Fon BALI oe us : Mr: an . : ambs a \ i | eee t Mrs. V. Schjelderup of B jwhich were killed off f fi r" ee rercdy bene ' eee emma : ie : hliLake§ @1 urns betterment @f the ot - ‘ | par 1,7 b Seootior ” f mine t ee ; n lhursday, June 3 I : te others. iculars . tind (own ¢ it~ e ment ring anes Mother an se hae ws ast year some excel , wea . Atse Laat a, "> ; | and daughter are do | xcellent stee a ; Pho » } ; | \ well : oing}was imported ’ . { at tte x of moet hon 4 a t It does not pass with tt } . i : ' into the distr "es ’ ‘ ‘ y Te ' : v o “jy ' i “like a s fe 98 ons }}. G. Bovehaven, who brougtit - i ft % ‘ jhe he ity he i ‘ fs “ *y herfehed a vif res | AUVAaATE ih ; ox Fe y otet . te r of spruce ence X 2218, to” cut a cacupa isthe commercial tishing i y the plaintiffs to the Vai x 73 Daily Nows office i ob , .seerit f ? inlet, Oueen ST. L. 1719p, Cumshewa | : the present time the in pre pimnent wore POR SALE 20x8 -t ‘ | «Two (2) oye te Islands District. project is only, being ‘ wress on prospects of . : raised dey nate e K anaintaint Laeere will be alowed fog re-jin « y, being carried on { d Metals Wir the cruiser; suitable for trolling ‘ . of ; ‘ Soy Refuy Purther particula a small way with an ice ! the sited. All of pleasure pt Hing or ae et : ci Pals | Victoria, 1. C., 01 os ee Coes Pe on ‘the ‘river bank Where tl rouse the many aetivities of D. J. Har Sond iat purposes, “Apply Sealjtwasne ! lr sh F jtupert, B.C orester, P et - eT e 8 “nek . ale ,Y an. Ave arine i ' : 5 r-F ‘Ginzer ten rinclare stored unti).a car | SPSL, Note 7 ‘ Ae Head 194 ites of} Mr. Murre oars meat. i h by BR 30 2 of intention to A ‘ \T oe Office, Vancouver, B- o.| per aiay tg MADEN Murray claims thal this de- A. Garlick on Wednesday {t oa ip on SAL ~ oad haan nna 40, Cerenece ae = | beparime eputy Minister of posit is come to be Mili ent y last of| dice desk it lortet of wrong fists f ; . oe | DOT A ment of 4 ands, wf Lands. pie 1 an important ferson and Mra, Frs | eonditio ~ 1 food oa, fe . ae i et B. ‘ me in the future history of tt \\ red -Kust ; rane i ade n, 107.00, Phone Hed | of oe a : ; ry a tl: Oe eee eee pril ian 1920. province, since its ocet me 1), . we, the former idik a tm s “ j 2 at ; = Peoria tag i . os s occurrence is, n is known thro ———- +> -- e he fol : : ' } LAND ACT. so unique. The silica occurr i? bh Ne “Tar rates hroughout |/POR SALK—~F\ A wing des : ; On Monday, 10th For Co with the | Ar Cpe iderson is man imiture of all kind ana of ce island ; , ‘ mfort Co NOTICE OF INTE ematite is’ sufliete ager f the Bur - Ree Barrie f nadsisn’ ss aa of ; ; , urtesy~ TENTION TO APPLY high'in perc ictently |), rns Luke branch of rie’s’ Furniture House chains herly ft ; and Servi fa the asalie Pa LAND. ¥ TO ‘ust percentage to make it self ” Hoyal Bank of ¢ j e ime ' J 0 Pilea tier ta ; , ice loistrict of salar Land District, Recording fluxing. San fine anada and ” ‘en aid land ion oe Tey ; ‘ f Lot 1074A $A ate in the vieinft | , y & member ~t OUSES FOR. an sk ne n followit ; eed h ; g° to Take notice what a . , Local Institutions. staff of the Prince Kuper qt ‘wat j te men 2 oon iy s nt [ wt 1 Th SA aopapatia ArEAe Orig bf Allee ‘Arm, Bees The population for the pr t The bvride® recent pert branch. | FINE HOME, — best cre, more OF eeatsdeii ent eae re rors ; (eee ate cartagemen, Arm, BC lis about 325 » presen , ecently came fry i sak vas ? residential » ERPs oe a darnere : } e VOY HOTEL OF er ake to lease Rng hg r out 325 with a school at- Nigland, 7 section, Moderate terme. Hel April £4 can MAWHINNEY - eecmeee Ohl 7 ’ Commenting : dance of 86. Two sehools hi lhe wedding 5 j werson, Heal tatat . wer | ne * o 3 youndary of | at a point in the easterl been erected ¢ 8 NAVE | .4 gk was of a very quiet Notar State, Insurance LAND AU! i; 2 Po-: mates oriherls waa 074A, Constar, STE 1 thos are ‘ar d and arfother one is iaracter. Mr. and Mrs. Hend Notary Public. | ; JO A 7 said lo ee outh-East cor *e r¢ s IPE 4 ot g . s. en a Atty + rt Rte ete oe is tse ace at right muah, SOveaE. 2 adie onsidered necessary. The n 9 temporarily tiv ier | OR . "a Sa Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land ‘i 7 the Wvestariy hour feet more or | less on and Presbyteri: rooms over the bi ne mM RALE 6 roonwed | ime Moto Yransfer 4 t Phone 37 Pp indian reserve; pewnaety of the Kitsault churches are t OM aM) no 1 bank until their! house on d MODAOED | tries iL Land District, We I F . , .O, Box 1704 said westerly i times southerly dougihere ¢ oth represented w home which was recently M , double corner. Otto |B! f Skeena, and situate at A 4 Pas senger Service H the aed 925 feet more J he. projeetion and both pastors are held quired from Harry Je papedcgray Mher, 1545 Oth Ave, Mast v7 Take notice that John M.S | , ‘ rons Bd atone es with the woltiak’ ocak. in great esteem, ‘fhe Canad ' y Jewell, is ready. | + BT l Alice Arm, cocupats ten ta Stand, Empress Holt i " mre ~ —_ Paseersy | © » southeriv ¥ v ; , » Canad . ) apply fo ermise ¥ ere ere , > encore wameonen, [hin Woot ai thence orth 87 eg, 44 Bank of Commerce is alre sae STEWART Lors owiht descrified ands: Ph 264 Black wl est along tens ss e: : *f es Commenecin ; : Piano Tuning jrvan isons ul boundary. Nae to. or said "last prezmenes and the HKoyal Ban) QUAINT TOWN OF FOR SALE 7s a ae sider ng ets poet lant tat i ones ’ yi and All Kind jae. Hava ald lat 3648; I al pAb nly aapening shortly. Both the Gov- ; 905 a ; «ol 2, Blow k 10, Map ee deg 2° me W 689 feet to the ‘ liveries + erent of Repairs. norte ey ae lot $043) thence he feet ees and G, T, P. telegrapt THE FISH T a1 000 ewant Townsile, Price, |iiverve, ps west bow aley af the. euiia Quick cassie marae , iy along the easter A feet line me va petapr RADE aie ag || eneete, produted; thenes march. ¢ inte ’ } . GEORGES GAGN i ao Ol 10744 tie erat of come af t res come in and this summer ¢ ness This lot adjoins busi | te ‘he ees , pane nee north 605 f Lomenrne Creree ee For Otside Ord ON My and containing ten acres omendness elephone éuibiees wil) be est a i section on Sixth Street. |Heaerve; thence une of the Ind ; i P.O. B Orders address + ALBERT Tilished, which will : , estab In an interesting Poly Daily News aitice Het the south soundary of Lot 1070 inooseneoeet 1 Box 1666 Phone 71 ALLEN ot feitireone, the ‘valu ill further increase | artic ’ ing ihhustrated| » Li ce, Finan, ee point ¢ rommencement, & TR : aes te esontel wer | Oetee 12 way ioo0.” Falsehes, Agent usb. An a the system now in}/soulths ps i ante to the coast and ee SALE-—Lot 16, Block 7, and . NOUN M Ore OL ON DEN? E N TIS adiienae . 6 88, xter a ‘ oO . : ’ pe. } 4 ‘ . ol 7 7 . 1 > A G denied he eee, will also be'in the Winnipe we mn iA appearing > net #0, Block \{2, “May | 905 “ated et red. Nash BOLE, agont i ; } : Jhileo to serve the fo Pree Pre ; 1 treet ; =e PEARY, mm ———$ ——— Orrick wane" : Bed A, : - GRAY Sham ejnorthern distriet. Although ae llowing is the de vaiatiad = M. M, Stephens. e500 each | MINERAL AGT pam. to 12) 1907 m. 0 e : ana | Prin; ‘ AGT. X ay 7 wp yg acd mpoo Parlor . n° Renee at the present oe ee Khupert: 0 ns, tf) (Porm FP.) pr. J. 8. pe Ny tudio 187 See : a Site has at . f e sin 2 ee ee j al _- i ag cusemmentet? NORT GO TO THE are be is been donated and plans | thi Atayed several hours at FOR RENT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS panrisT i 4 PHONE Blue 421 or 444 » to re SHAMPOO PARLOR Dr ee ready for the edifice. and quaint town of the fish trad ; Ke , NOTICE omoe: smith Block, rind te Dae meennne 4 i get a facial mass ; . RK. Btone att ‘and the shipbuil ade} POW WINNT “Kitsol No. 4," Kitsol N re ‘ ki eae eqonnpnnl ood it does to th age to see the J) medical attends to the!) Hiding induatoy : Newly complet 1,” “Sunset Ne No. 8." funn - ne ye eager cal needs of the pe 1" inint is indeed the ne W. | decorated pleted and| \ nd “Sports Ps Mand Moree’ |& H enna Pack to ch a a. WwW ; 1¢ people, Thea 1” Name for ball above tt aw t yiamen” Mineral Claim atiunte mI P hair to any sh sy . 'W. V. A. is a very os it is built in the it,| Store de Jo *Garity [0.00% Naas River Mining Division of i i CAR ade. alp t 0 i ry importatit |tt le reeks and ¢ e Lyxe, on Tt jslar District ; TD ment, eleetrical v Pp reat. reanization and | 1 streel(s are e all Hall ' hired Ave,.|, Where located * ibrator t a8 a member ire either stair is a hondred | head herd About 24 mites from ™ PHONE 93 ’ ° ments, face powd reat- ship of seve er-jor bridge aireases od feet long and) A of Alice Arn, on Kiteanlt Niveg " ' Reliable Service a | powder and all kinds enty members 4 ges. One part ot specially @uit ne TAKE NOTICE that I ; 4 . ‘ ! © at reasonable of face cream . Farmers’ 1 , helis bigs if the town table for ‘dances | "fee winer'* at Lows W. ven ih i We have Ware hates, | 8, etc. netitute J eh on the and : ances | , Lirence Ne, 34018 a ame t Hl 8 : oem eae: Cupane Government Buildings much to advance a also donelother lies ies wrt nani oo raed aoe events, For lan, Bn, (eres “Miner's tie, ‘Washi 3 0 C ince ry > » Man : , itters : op in : ; , i J ' ee iner’'a Certificate N ager i 210 4th St. Phone 493 interest of the settlers m in the | Hinge vecith ‘tiehunih oo valley, pply to Jim Killas. tf enone ‘san aol minty dave rr a th date rURoPEAN pLan i | Se ’ ean 5 ified ' doin many PORT lfor a Cerin ea 0 sm =Mining We rder ups ; on a rs » ghee u ov ' riifeats of Improvements, for the nd Adve icleay : , eels hitve been cut NT Good that dow > ipa wo of ob pining , Crown Grant of §'. bO per day & rtise in the Daily News through them, leavir Best location. Witt % n‘town, [P00 of the above claims a j . lsive p ’ . ik Mase ’ . nd fart ake ee f un ve piles on either side.’ is duly 1. Apply bat © vacant |r aeetion ee take , net ¢ that eotte me u einsToLass ° oart . News oflice 17 Dally | provements. of such Certineale of im A La (arte. if} Dated this @nd day of April, A Me 108 Lewis W paTMoni