1 10, 1920. raday, ¢ RIGLEYS : Local News Notes | ‘To mala BAPTISTS MAKE THK DAILY NEWS Jiffy-Jell is for salad as Ww desserts. Get the lime-fruit flavor ms ‘ and it wili make you a tart, green Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. salad jell. Mint flavor makes a Y BM 17} j peti, " ees flavors in Jit Jell ar a ARELESSNESS % \, ae Gleeson is going south) 5 juice essences Mi. Vials—a bot- Paying Off Debts inourred in Dark onight on a business trip. fle in each package The ‘ Days; Mort Bei a package 1 ire real ys; ortgage seing OS ee fruit, and the flavor is abundant Reduced > Cs = Ss cc» Special bargains in wicker No’ artificial favors—no saccharine , KR chatrs and rockers at Tite's. tf} Try loganberry or pineapple fla- * A report'in regard to the finan-| , py fave ‘salerg | vor for a dessert, and learn whet [ajay eondit of the Jocal Bantist) Vy 1). Zarelli left for Alice Arm on] delicious dainties Jiffy-Jell brings Ph temats oe ‘is ees t| the Prince Rupert last night. | op your = A package will serve BS ea De eeenae + e o ° Six people. neeting of the finance committee, \\\ Here S Crockery and faney china with Jiffy-Jefl with its natural fruit [This shows that the chuneh has} ce RES TT y) 1 ten per cent discount at Tite flavor costs much less than jam or t {asa honor all Y to teeth I , ‘a un a 168.) marmalade. | debts. alt eh not incurred A RES ® 8) Ganter.was ted ten dol ! f ly Or the * Bh ee ere ee , appetite S ims this morning for drunken. |} j ey nlected the Fi a LAST Ss U MMER The flavor i : y ele a | en ears Ago { quidating these debts incurred . ) digestion! Y A, Cotter, the G. T. P. auditor,| in Prince Rupert Pl tee sk Vy Ai HESS cosT lasts—and the Vi . ac tate at the Hotel Prince es ~ BE | : ational v ree June 10, 1910 19 rch roll electrically- X jedroom and dining room| et nk tell 2 om aii ' Bove Pr dinsre> . ; night by Alderman Barrow a at I { the sinall- tes with a 20 or cent als . j i sealed runt at Tite's 7 a ~ ed by 1 1 in an effort to ext { institutior Fi oO package . oo oe minate the nodents wil Wve v sembers 3 : . For three ply cottonwood lining |?eOO"* t nu rous I church's brings [ huildings—can be put on. by Cronrente stra Phe s are betts ALITTLE CARE WOULD HAVE SAVED THIS imateurs—see FE, H. Shockley,/¢,. ¢p, { ' t arter be- wr the re ol . ach, “ow ray. ul vl wil i lier -_ h B CA f eee ty ctl : ' rt from! ; ss I S. G. Smith arrived from Ocean oe oF noe > ee | or to the ° Falls by the Prince Rupert yes- - “ Q M ' : ne : { $1.50 have dis- T ‘ ‘ ‘ | i { da and is registered at the " Ha Si, 5 rt i- flotel Prince Rupert. pinion that > i .. eae to you with all its i. George Dehtom was 1 maintain ‘ite Hilustrated lecture on South),, wit wh : i 9 ous g Pe goodness perfect- |Ameri¢a by Dr. John Knox Wright King more mileage per gallon out of gasoline consu med. embers of I \ \ oe i Office and Mi ls Vancouver, B.C. ECONOMISE AND CUT DOWN iat He ex; : oe +? ') i YOUR GASOLINE BILL ber eee econ ' * 389 cissaietdiceisliis fenenin 6 ; * t iicat - Ak b Th & C Ltd. ceuseeccsneesesaneen Phan in. | ff . ~» Wat erberg, 1 homson o., Lt : reno nu |f . TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY ne \ i . Sole Agents ok yt ala adnate af the or Los Curved Gurkha k If al — ; _ stewa and U0. fugwell Island cn Ju i \\ gis 1 der please wt ° to Datly ; ; \\ SS ee HE OTEL eee 36 |e boar " — Se . ace th 4 ‘ Cert of Improvements. 101 P ‘ emberton Block T VANDERHOOF J et Hate aeRO oO = Fifth Street “a | le * e I fate ; . Div VICTORIA STEWART VANDERHOOF, ; . TU SUBSCRIBERS ® notice is Ma eS : ek ee a . rt “hat I: ome Le ; | LAND Al : Vard 1¢ Hotel That Is A Hom Subscribers to The News *) oe ce Centrally | cated, Convenient to depot. Good service are asked to pay the de- QONVTICE OF INTTSE LA pes \ oO Ss OF a e Rurone in Plan Garage and Livery nection * livery boys each month * In the | ! nt tat , af, marage arn Avery in connec . when they call, except *| rte ’ akeens, si vie x fe r JAS. P UNDER NEW MANAGEME? where payment has been * rk ice th Grail t . : ‘ is t >. F. MeCORMACK - - = Manager made for the year in ad- * T Cartas ‘ i that action, ut All Parts of th T } vane. The boys wheh \ Ser, permissicn to lea sy te of Timprors e own collecting carry ollicial re- * came neing at a | the easte ay ; um y i i iA ; | Ma D 9 * ceipts which should al- *), ether! from the 3 East yn i i MeMULLIN : re of ld Lots Wanted . . ° alc é ‘ at : : : — — etahes seiaiatetintetieiiidaliaee nen Office Phone 130 ts oe ae * ways be preserved, 5 | ouadars easterly 17 more aes lakh &: 2 -— sone yar yon * }to the Westerly t Ta the Kitsa wn ree So ee eet ee eeee ee ee een indian reserve thet y a “ X a sid Westerly 1! nila i ‘ Do ~ L } more ahl Tost beate’ec low. vo, Wien . Catame G HELGERSON,LTD - -- LOCAL AGENTS HE MATTER OF THE COMPANING [86CUOD, Wereol wish ie } ) Sou! Sake e ine rig t, e IN CT AND AMENDING ACTS aa Oya oaS : Star 4 RAYS, e Z and jacs sora yen Geg ! OPE nee . *RINCE ‘prep | mul West along p “ct f said ast y AW r \ (Peck, Moore & Co, BULLDING) r BRUCE MLA o UMreD AN LGUs. mentioned boundary, tine tc Souther FE Ss a= i he piste wos ; cor of sald jot 364 I © north Crs i ‘ T Lu L, | TION a want ne EO tekay tet ras ¥ | LAND ACT, ner of said lot 844 hen q ‘ CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. | | moer, Insurance and Genera NOTICE TO CREDITORS, |northerly along ibs ea i hb Notice of intention to Apply to Purchase PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. 0 s here ° extra. | Aid Lot iA ft mime Novi IS HEREBY GIVEN that the r Land. : Brokers dy pb) Ye or tbe Thembers |ment, nt and containing t 4 more t of land ten claims} ¥ - ; ae J mye areal t, Recording Dis- PHONE 93 f the above named Company duly con: |/°ss ALBERT B. ARMS Ne he PhO eat