Pare 2 . THE DAILY NEWS = - pa nn - — _ et et as ae — —s - sd \ ° a ae [CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS |. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. More aN Instructions Besséctine Reports, No SS a, Taken for Leas than GOc } 7 | Tas DatLy News Witt Not Be Reevonsmte For Inerkvertons 1) mk "i abe aes, " and @oflections. . CaNCeELLATION OF WANT Abs Over Tir Teber hin Yn Tim | ~! tha? - apy PAIN: athlete Heiny In this issue of the “News” ap-/ wo omsemee meets es tt tt SY a os oa i tj wt ( ears an official advertisement | , WANTED. : . vig f dealiwg with the Sales and Luxury | ’ Ae kabel iW \N th D APT ONGI tiood atrong | a. “ ne ) or » Bie ; | natural desire. And our obsolete ee boiling, ADs: 04 25c t i ‘cineeits pleasure purposes Apply Seal ” ‘ ~ ee co a vs have also been.a cause of ee a Seeeeesee nin . i'n ; : ns tke Cove Marine’ Ways a0 : ; veryiMing ected W ‘ : , ey os Stewing beef, per Ib. ...... 2 ’ “ pro 1 any 1k fostering this same desire, toviesiad inant : 1b j with the OR SALI Betas Se 7 ' : mn a supe leg r excel Now let us consider it from a , es ‘oe Fea kee Leo fx settlers to A ‘ “ % 5 ore at " ner D> iii ‘ . ~ res seul ae lence—pa business pofht- of view. The amb, leg, j MM sateen kee { 4 stint D Sest aces venue : ar il Take The | i g : Et: FO ol Oo ee a ‘ é Apply 416 Sixth Avenue a ae igs i ; ‘ain average man does not use a boat Matt , i ' te etting a full : Zs : ihe at ewmin , Si let us hoy thy f tion of all ore than one day in a month. M ee nabs oo ibis Ss are raf : iicallleeteiiintaaen . ° So that if i elect is wis rake a launch that will cost alate sae ene ss a of y iy be said FOR SALE-—Slightly used piar ' he w sole a toh vhich is a £5.000. and the interest will am-}'°* ae Ce Lee Cee me j , Gerhard Heintzmar ls “ - fitting remembra f the } ind ("to $400 per amhum at 8 per EAR OT VO 654 os 5 08 Mc and 4 ; “i , ‘ 4 tA = esteem which it is intended to con Ma ae oi Dork eaneage “or 5 Lumbering Active. SRO HOT 04 Thire | vey. cent. The insurance will amount Pork eo ast $s, per tb. ah” * . S ; ; : : | The Highest Qualit Ring you to $400 more and the cost of up- Pomato SAUSBARCS 2. sce setees ik , } be r some poh RAL Furniture of all kinds) « | x ; » mar Te ma i tle ; ' ring nialus ef wr Pa ’ j fab p i iB ep will average $1.825 more Pork, leg, ... me+++: ie to Sik i ant industry. Mee Barrie's Furniture House ; Pa j nz a-:total cost. of $2,625, PORE ORODG.. 73 6.6% % oo A , ot \ alan ‘ nain bi of the|- ¢ | @ igh r iPork, shoulder, ........... 45e jt. 9 .P lis are operating, HOUSES FOR SALE . without thes é¢ost of operation. | is ' ' , - : ; ao same aia poneelametinth dianenced . ae slice . “ ' i ; tye ft rices f ’ Phe same ratio applies to a larger . sssego a POF ID. . +. ees a4 y } 2 : REN} HOME, best residentia neren hs ; r MG ts Pad 54 0b - 65c}! " Howing a dispute , ‘ ‘ ' ' or smaller launch. wat ” heh : i 4 aes A ad . section. Moderate termes, He é s Mi, wee ee eeoeeses i" : ne riehihee S. ne men It is much cheaper for you to par or ve ; gerson, Heal Estate, Insurance LAND ACT hire a Jaunch at the prevailing|™* U backs .....--- Rae en ity a ess rr i Notary Public, ates. You do not have to pay Chicken, POT ID, cee eeeeees - on i : . me p-to-date | —— ——____ nnn nen | Sollee of intention to Apply to Lease Land Vancouver, B.C. the eost of upkeep alone, for the Fowl, per ID. sevice sie Faces 20c;" " ran ab Sei scams Other STEWART LoTs ae t { . . $ regi Pickled pork, per Ib. ....... S5c Millis betwes there and Prinee . ’ trict of Sk st A ‘ jreason that many other POOD IO | nokad . a a ; * ae ra well and the FOR SALM~-Lét 2, Block 10, Mapit i ‘ > i sliced mer ti at ‘ -* a tat? - i p Ae t that % “ ’ en lare dividing up that cost with you. | ~ ciel ft oa : ; 005.>Stewart ‘Townnsite. Price.|atcc an it Jom, 2. S boys Spare ribs, per th., ....-, 35e 1 ait come to | © (gporge , ; a rhe launches for hire are gene- R i : : a . ' i \ es } £1,000 This lot adjoins bus f ’ ' as WN chord os Obed 0 04 Boi y spend ‘ me e tom ; lrally in much better condition on ae bas ‘ ‘ e ness section on Sizth Street r : ‘a, : Tord kee ORE: BORN. oss sass es ' is large, but it is also ecuthiweet ot —— than you ear’ afford to keep one Jel st ee ’ Bll eB Bens f your own in. When you are|YeMied tongue ..... ’ : a} J ‘ , QUAKER t} ret | hir ; : EP OUBEE 6 sass es Peau eetecueee 6 ' lant will be erected in the ' f rouch with vour hired boat your ; 4 s 4 ' tt FOR RENT / FES: | osts stop. The “Narbethons” is ee 7’ a Poe ee ciel a e . sit oe say . "ae Sei teal rom . Pe a> if your service forthe sum of 60¢ lves Tiver, ID., s+ eseeees ar " ' : 1G POW" FOR TENT—-Newty completed and , “ f ‘ h Aa JA ry le: &4.00 per hour: $35 per Cooked beef tongur vi spall , ; decorated hall above (hte Land 25.00 ° Dairy Produce. ; tearried) store de Luxe, on Third Ave lay for cruising work and Pee Nes age Fraser Valley "fuse BEANS iper hour for towing, with a mini- ad ee Aw vie ie +429) Me ah » number Hall is.a hundred feet long and Be | iBotter £ ‘ ret ina promising ——- num charge of $5.00. Pree tech she es be Gamer oe . specially suitable for dances Refugee beans, grow in HOOMES K. FREEMAN. Spent ad ID., ++ ghee ts aA Game. and other social events. For MINERAL ACT the fertile gFraser Valley. | imbergel cheese, per ib. ... OO For the sportsman Prinee terms, apply to Jim Killas, Uf Form # They are stringless Soggy CASE) cece ees ceeeees 50¢ George offers many attractions,| ———-—————————— CERTIFICATE oF 1mPnovKNE : cee es er ee oe oe af Ma exeellorn hotel furnish FOR HENYT Good tlat dewn town 5 — QUAKER BRAND | siriony new-laid e@es ..... * firat ~ me nodation. 4Lakes test location. Will be vacant) < Kite ; N 1. a is the choicest of these, and! MP RMS iS Vie et ees Hie ' nd there are good trout July 1 Apply bor 7% Dailyy ™) *"Spertens 7 only the perfect ones are| COI BONO Sok sks 608 66608 Bf af . t far distant from the News office tfiine lei = . canned under this famous Ruean nanih! ......5.... > ‘* ay ‘i a i wr wes : 5 name, | iSread. she oe i age ‘ {Sey ‘ irieties ‘ at ak at aaa me FOR RENT—One furnished bed-|™ TE rt ‘ that ae? | TIMBER SALE X 2218. } iene an room Apply 410 Sixth Avenue, | Pree Miter Liner x io44 * ae if oy * - {Flour hard white 50 Ib sk $4.00 thie | HDURINCAS Ff if the centre is 1 ° wi am Mortin f ati Ww a mi ’ * » 2 : r Ne 2 : ¢ 2 ~ ealed tenders will be received by the} Milk, per case ... $6.50 to $7 Phone Blue 247, tfis i A. Fe Min ‘ Dominion ee Min ster of Lands not later than noon on | Fish. var a oo ia and Gheteel Lo aie fic ete ok aria ae reof, ta apply yt " hig ie pre 2nd day of July, 1920, for the pfir- | i TO RENT. One furnished -auite.| tors ichase of Licence & 2218, to cut 6,600,6 6} « aha a ian ae sath eat a : i : P / . B.C. Limited toate wr anrtite rents: ©, Ut 6.606, 00 | Ne i es ea gg ae on ] ieorgee are dwindling in im. Mrs.:AVolters.4t. Louis Hooms i vy nn i ¥ ea w . H Of a , adj ining 2 1 Boe scaee Cumshewa | od fille *ts, smoked, 9666 ees 20c \1 ' ‘ nd residents are moving Phone Hed 91 qi And ¢ her t ' that ead OMoe, Vancouver, BC, |! “4 wo” (2 , ye ate will be a Se eee re- Fresh black cod per Ib. .... 15€ into ity Il the people seem e ———— a J e mecen ae. f .™ mnneede® i ;moval Of timber e he ; 8 deci aa : ’ bi Purther particulars of the Chief Forester, Finnanhaddie .........,.. mu l ting tokether for a mu LAPARTME NT FOR RENT Fur. |provements iVietor 4. ¢ Halibut, p lt One 4 ' Dated thie Pod daw of Apr an t® eit \ anment i , ur District Forester, Prince wid o POR ID. cc cccescone 20 mt for the town ' niture for sale. Phone Black 1 ew Ww PaTMone “ Be A ss aacid aah ett chigersese cachinerenatais hs les rring, kippered, per Ib., .. 18¢ es a3. 87 q} alt Herring,.each, ........ 1c Mr C. F. Robingon, § aseom.-| — be es acuishd Fata’ t The | Flounder F Bete, Thee oes owes 20c\panied by her dadahter. Gladys, | FOR BRENT—Tent and fly. hone ’ ieasindin Mes | os : demi ’ ’ . this paper toda everal tl SMITH & MALLETT 4 ‘ [Balt Acadia Cod, 2-Ib. boxes 65¢€ | leaves for her home in, New West Ned 159. 46 ede my ar Y ee anes 3] ssi Of ote \Oysters, per dozen, «..-ces. 50¢ minster by the Printe Rupert to-| ~ ail oe - - pl on . f . = | ISh pi : ‘ i “ind it again tomorrow tf 1 PLUMBING AND HEATING 1 pariens, me De Nas tas ae 80¢|night after spending a few ‘days| .._ FARMS ‘FOR SALE =n al tae aT ce leas, , Aatdinelion: ott ENGINEERS nas bee ira “ | ate, per IDS occ ceceereces 10¢ visilting in the city with Mra, Geo, r i > dn a ea ad. enanp d vo Estims , has been re-opened by NE sr Ode 8 for 25cim i “ales. Rohinece’ aa MIXED FARKMING—The ©, P. HK.) and make the ad ppy ‘stimates furnished. } Martin & Bush | Herring Pie far Oba ina: , . | had still some choice lands injare bound to get results abeaders 2! } ian panitonta in : ' re lSal So aa , pioneer resident f this) want settled districts in, West-} Address, 3rd Avenue, eal’ ie : |5a L OOIBOMENB OID. 60's 40000 {0c!city, her husband having been a ss e le . > ih First class accomodation | Spring salmon, per lb. ..... 30C! part of Mn Monro’s intthe ern ae a or SAle OC) 10W) se” of Second Street, —s WINE -SANNOR rs Fes 5, BOM bet bbe etl | prices; twenty years to pay: Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 for Visitors to Port A de as eee ewe, 2h SAME IR ECE SED ) irrigated lands in Sunny South re anne i § Essington Vegetables Ape od at |? ern Alberta, witht loan of #2,000; Oo anrren nye | Onions, dry ’ 9M ¢ pM ot 9 8 0888 r+ 396) in improvements to assist now! ‘ , es | ; 5 DOP AR os aces 12%4C| Peaches «........ She | The continuous Increase Pin; ra hl Smrrota.” DOr Te in b's 2 aie 6} App! 2 PORGhabwtsveenese can Bee] seltiers, Act now—they are in the costs of production, an : Turnips, per Ts pdt id é ocace 140i} Seed cil! Ralsi a ete oe 3 : ‘ going fast, For free bockleta) botl n wages and material dA ” Tuning Mee ’ ‘i si Steen, 371 Cabbage Cone eeeeeoenere 12%e!) Pru; > ee 200 saat and full information write HH.» Sad kenge it necessary fol an li Kinds of of Repairs, cana — \Cauliflower ........ 25¢ and 60) ates <2 Fruit ar oe") G. Loughran, Canadian Pacific |B iie advertising rates charg GEORGES GAGNON 7 rg ‘ Head lettuce ....-.. 10c and 25¢\ Bananas ........ : a50| , Hailway Station, Vancouver, b.| ed by the Daily News to be } For Outside Orders address STEEN& LONGWILL ae per BUCK cesses BIOTG) apefruit California 3 for 950) CG, baw teats Fs hk revised, and the new rates . P.O. Box 1666 Phone 71 i ouUnerh <6 i'ase @ lbs. for 250 OMONE Gees ies oc 5 +) Lo E will take effect after thie SO VORE ATOP RTO es Sheet Metal | Works Green onions, per bunch 5e Dats Gree) isin... oh 3h0\-—— Whine pores. Paaue From now on, tran Teeereoe Agent for McClary Purecaes Cucumbers, each ....40¢ and 506) Valenes : opanges 40c¢ and $1. 09 LODGE 1051 LOYAL Obit of | sient display advertising W iM ent eee men nome F@esh spinach, per Ib 12% Ap l M ’ p $1.2 : th pen in am oO ] Sanitary and et etl Get. ples Yellow Newtons No.1 @4.50) OORE meets every Monday coal § > per ineh | ~P oO Par or Heating Engineers oe wn eae each, 45¢\ Jonathan apples No. 1.... aA 06) evening at the Deep Sea Fisher- sertion, and if required on 10 TO THE hell hecnes trac aie A808. DOT..DUNCH,... +++ 5¢ Cooking apples ¢. 4.05) men's hall, tf the front page, 82.00 pet NORTON SHAMPOO PARLOR pam ireet nnd Tene ans 9 Sweet potatoes, per Ib. .... 20¢)Canned aa, Ret ta #484 98 OO EEL eet tented ite | i iewitag walleen\ wilt to tafacial massage tos he | ry ut C, , » ” . ; AVAN PEUNCE .. ++,» 40) | AED , a 7 +0 gs Ae viel maaat age to see tha | Parsley, per buneh, ....... 10¢) Raisins, per Ib s50| _ SUBS, SEEDS & PLANTS. be charged at Bho per lin doe 4) 1 expression; a Parc ae am : an ° m Bae seer es we i- we . Henna Pack* to jatar the grey I ts esa lanettal waetiniteaieieeinrtnnckshllscenanittcath techoll hitinesieteiie Fre BD IMROETEONS 5 occ ieice 35¢| Currants, a se 85a | Puli Dall per insertion and elas ified hair to any shade, Scalp treat | Globe artichokes, each, .... 206) Pee! per Jb. aGa| ee Jalfodila, Narcissus and) advertisements 2c per word ment, electrical vibrator treat- A; G GRAY Californ® beets, ... 2 ibs. for 25¢)Mixed nuts per ib yee aa. aholen sliould be ordered naw | he rates on the othor pal ments, face powder and all kinds 4) ‘ . Parsnips, perib., .......... 10¢! Table. Wig ’ er ete aoe for Fall planting, Our’ next) ' , 1 f advertising . of me creams, os : i ann Teacher of Piano Spinach Sie ‘tan aie Me ty) he RE Wek: 0.6 0.4 0:0 $$o) importation will arrive early in| tic nse classed . nah ots pposite Government Buildings » hall ee ek, ME ki ea ee ae . ° SOG as nes BOG bed vs Uae be bd 4'ss POG Or “a , Henao s are shown on ma ney ‘ ‘ $| Stadio 187 Second Avenue ‘ Evaporated Fruits. Sis howelma! vou. aa ' tobe fr. Bond for Catalogue, | card whieh may he had 4th St. Ph 493 ; eeeerewwe TOUS, = | BraWhorrles veecseresee'eee A0e a . one } Black ¥ 800) how ' ready, ALTA GAIDEN ’ 5 PHONE Blde 421 or 444 Y WEB ceecereterneres $00) Black Tartarian cherries : upon application wane ° doe 2 mannnnnangnd| White Fig8 ..6e6e cece e eas 30¢|'Tomatoe r++ The) ACKES—-Inporters, 519 Wine hi} i ome meme bade tthe ees 490 Bidg., Vancouver, B, U,* tf} _————————=— Pacific Milk "A Limited Var ster Y aT LADNER, - POPOPOOOCO POCO Sage, | MIM Stephe No! ary Publ tic Cony : FOR SALE a © yo pod Cfo M. M. Stephe Rey! f ; ance Fitencial . OOOO LOOP RR OR ObY OAV YOUR a Conroe were rn erereore F red — Third Ave Princ POPPE LOLA LO OOLOL Opens Sto an INTERIOR 4 asQCiaTl H. Thoms Avenue On Monday, 10th Mi pce COOOCEEOOOTT POCO POET O TOT ‘JOE BROW Passenget Service Stand, Empre** Hotel Phones 264, Black 3 Quick Deliveries pewens ceeet /DENTISTA orice HOURB: | © a.m. to 123 1a07™ pn. J. 8. tie paenvisT aver emith Block, Thire Phone omoe: aoonnnrrrt Hotel Prince Rf