ne 410 19°09, CATARRH] | ? meen x A ‘ of the cn } , s j b BLADD S Brief j Wi) ‘a relieved in port Ti s } pay roves! SOCIAL NIGHT” ry Pech Cap. Gunn) Batting Spree , ; ’ a * a jabe” Muth was swinging two Neoware of conaterfelta " f - Enjoyable Banquet Spread by elite’ con cated met ae Recently Formed Lodge; Music fo i i ea ' ~ ar oe . - Sa " and Addresses, . eusel hit a homer into the right » Hpet er an fleld bleachers, Rabe, it's , Phe Elks are here, That was ae pees earns, 4 ten yolmen TO dent last nigtft ip the K. of p al the swatter, He ain't th hall, when the newly formed lodeelo= one,” the Babe replied Che SELL held their first social night. [1 desire to steal Huth stull has : at fn oall ; ‘ ibecome an obsession in the Ame TO VEQS Writes asin tition ac Pec acre ri ' d before the gueate or nt thi ona three weeks lueging spre ee snc oh int hesasiai ina drive that promises unheard ee thie f 1. fell j of records, Connie Mack's ball- Le : eri il ‘ent mmenced mak- that was ats © tha: sental ae yard seems to be the most popu- Val in 1848. Still in extended and by the genere||.2" [OF Murdering the ball, when f ‘ iu ormerse were tu vr fi line of business nb of “forget troubles and i hon kn ! it in ine ‘ ’ ; , {i days, but that became almost 1097) H ndreds in use in eit forget our which pervaded 192 I the mathe insignificant last Sunday when | Prince Rupert. Mxalled Ruler ( ' . jed the New York Polo Grounds start ee : ; led taking in candidates. In six} ee h it the head of thel, , ON SALE AT a8 ft days the pill has been hit for the * wre ‘ speakers Vimert e 5 Conk Waket i, Dr. Grant full cireuit. twenty-one times, The Fre tor Ss a a oe oie ag Ay Yanks are leading phe leagus i! ' \ i} ae . nae Y circuit bagwers vhich is more 1 tv Sy eaelhoime ) hestrs ro Hardware lead thy ec and the aaa . igh han they h in the éntire seasor ' . oe f 104, ‘ ND AVENUE : George Waddell and Eddi u i ‘ Phone Black 114 gg, while instrumental seler India at Olympic re weve Nill dui ds : , Will Edmund India will have at least six ® r , Kalag athletes entered at the Antw [ Mr. Cash ! | ng iress a Olympic Games, three of th _ f 4} ff wa ; ; ' . a ne Marathon runners one i { spirit of ra- ] , gymnast and two wrestlers, ac . s ; mm 1 li ‘ eteme “ . [ ) rsides P : ee ee cording to an annoucement mad tiv wtivil . were never ¢ [ VE ‘ cu ‘ : by the British Olympic Associa a s of the order, bu : ° . . , tion The Indian Olympic the 1 \ s “ eat played ! MEETINGS I the £000)i, New ¥ B Trades Unit, at ‘ to prevent any ‘ j Yiface of his » p. ae ' ne . ' . x - > ‘pi ’ «iting ‘ j "ira! Leber Council Ja ‘ mplimented the} cen pullers Women's Auxiliary, First : the excellent entertain-| ight have something prevent inves. Social ent they had put up and also when the plats ‘ i ude. ' . ; ; ! p . ‘ . 4 ? y ag we ion sj “ nto he mood af the ing by the w ¢ 4 | siha Meeting gat ring im discussing the need), Z ‘ e the q di Pithermnan, ee Whanndaw. be ' > alle aba batters, cith t lid | . ad . eS Cee. q St. Vitus’ dance or else the Ga i Metal lradea, I r Third } the present when every- fornia pitel had eve taken @a Piss “ is a state of unrest, course. it arksmans?¢ It ! kera, First Saturday Tie ral Brady made afew dition t giv yg el a j pret ivy remarks and then re ing a homer, a trit ind a fe r te excellent manner KIP-/ gounies, the visiting twirler als = ne’s poem “Gunga Din.” ldistributed five bases on balls, hit \ At the elose a hearty vote of), magoon player on the hack of i ; » entertainers as . m= t } > 0 g t T : « to the entertainers wW the neek and uneorked a wild creage a errace : i with @thusiaam and the piteh SENSED ’ Pa a OR ee ok a Se es ’ ir Acre Lot or Ten MINERAL AGT. at Terrace fora norelaphertte | (FOr He, home before prices CRATIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS I Good lots adjoin- NOTIHCE, 4 Townaite at reason- | “Wolt” Mineral Claim, situate in the} 1 j (sas Miber Mining Division of Cassiar Dis ; ibe prices, | ries. a fruit and lots of fishing | | Where tocdted;-—Near the head of auoes ; ire own ai &r notice that I, J.B. Stark, Free Lots $75 to $200 amare Gertineate No, 203860, intend \ Bunkers will be Ready Soon and isty days from the date hereof, to apply Work of Replacing Light Rails with Heavy Proceeds Kenney Bros. & Co. mine inspector, Real Estate and Insurance | r. J Terrace = 2 B.C. Shenton, larrived yesterday from Alice Arm n the steamer Chelohsin, lle F save that the Dally Vard@ mine aba: ony is shipping one regularly and that mrp eeeeoeeeeeeceowosceesen| 5, pew bunkers being erected TOM LEE CO lare well advanced and will be ® ready for use soon, meg he light 36 tb, rails are being replaced by M.ib, steel, an evid- that the work 1s considered ccond Avenue, West. VEGETABLES eo ers to be of a perman- Wholesale and Retall eS oa ‘ jens } lent nature, ai 4! Contractors and | in view of the developments in mon Sewanee the Dolly Varden and other mines ee ace buildings ane going Pring it this place bul P} "ince Rupert, B. G. up and many people are living in wee oy P.O, Box 725 tents on the townsite, There 18 one : y Pr overy evidence Chat the camp is to ; ————= | he a permanent and prosperous Bin er ee eee one Phone : he 827 2nd Avenue C.V. EVITT Audit Auctioneer r and Accountant $)oor Hight, Witeeseeesesooooemooosoooes ||)! )N to destroy th | METEOR FLIGHT OKMULGER, Okla. June 9% Thousands of pedple saw A mote which they believe was is planet THE DAILY NEWS o the Mining diecorder for a Certificate of mprovements, for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above claim And further take noticed Uhat action, un ler section §5, must be commenced befor: lasuance of such Certificate of ln Toboome 1s Dated this 8rd a y of April, 1920. i. BE. STARK WATER NOTICE, DIYRRSION AND USB. TAKE NOTICE that Premier Gold Mining 'Co., Ltd, whose address 15 Premier, B, ¢ via Stewart, B. C., id take and use thtee cuble feet of water out of Pletcher Creek, Which flows West erly and drains into Cascade Creek, about one quarter mile north of the International Boundary in Salmon River Valtey diverted. from the The Water Will be stream at a point about near the north east corner of Lot 3507, Rupert Mineral Claim, and will be used for power purposes upon the Premier Mine; power house to be lacated on Lot 3607-—-Gascade Forks No, 5 This water ts to he used fo generate ower for use on the property of th ‘remier Gold Mining Co, Ltd, In con nection. with its mining ahd milling opere tions This) notice was. posted on the ground op the: 20th day of April, 1020, A copy of this patie one an Apoiicavon nt thereto ane 0 1% “Water c a will be fMled in the oMece of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B, ¢ Objeotions to the application may be Ried with the sald Water Rocorder or with the Gomptrotier of Water Rights, Partiament Buildings, Victoria, B.G,, within fifty days after the frst appearance of this nofice in a local newspaper, : PREMIER GORD MINING OO,, LTD, Applicant by Dale L. Pitt, Agent, The date of the frst publication of this notice is May, 4, 1920, ill apply for a licence e ess . . MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS AND ALL PERSONS WHO MAY BE AFFECTED BP THE TAXATION n NOTED HEREUNDER ARE ADWISED TO CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR REFERENCE AS CCCASION. MAY DEMAND _ fhe following are the provisions of the Resolutions affecting the Special War Revenue Att, 1915, introduced in Par- liament and held to be in effect on and after 19th May, 1920, . Resolved, That it is expedient to amend The Special War. Revenuim Act, 1915, and to provide: i That thy exe og tenes be imposed, levied and colleeted on the On spirits ar ng waters of anw kind, mived with any ingredient toial purchase i the articlés hereinafier specified, and on articles of or ingredients, as being or known or designated as anddynes, elixirs, thing Ue sa tay be mposed upon the combined selling price of essences, extracts lotions, tinetures medicines, of ethereal and i nateriale ana manufacture “when sold separately spirituous fruit essences mot otherwise provided for in this resolution; 4 A tax per Rent on in aleotiolic perfumes and perfumed spirits, bay rum, cologne and Boot mp® and slippers of. any material, (not incinding lavender waters, bair, tooth and skin washes and other potlet prepara- os OF alt made Ww order for persons having. a. crippled, or tions containing spirits of any kind, formed Toot iikie) in excess of $9.00 per pair v, A wx of thirty cents per gallon— . ila tw i by in excess Of $5.00 each; « (0 ale, Deer, porter and stout; | (aps, me and by in excess Of 82.00 reel; On wines of all Kinds exeept sparkling wines, containing net more | Hose or tockings, stk, men's and Dboys’, in exméss: of §4.00 per tman forty per cent of proof spirits ; pa bh A taa of three dollars per gallon r kiies and ckhwear and scarfs, men's, women's, misses’ and on cuampagne and alleother sparkling wines; | » . in on "8 cach A tax of fifty cents per galion 4 f lothiny ' ting of coat, vest and pante’ or coat and pants men's On lime juice and fruit Juices fortified with or containing not Mor ang beys ' $45.00; “*than twenty-iive per cent of proof spirits not otherwise provided for cChoth v ut mews and bhuy« womesr = and misses’, i} excess in this resolution, 9 ‘ 4. That the ex taxes as imposed by the preceding resolution Shall Wala old separately from sults, In exc@ss of 85.06 be payable in addition to the present duties of excise and eustoms at ihe ach time of sale t the Canadian manufacturer or when imported, but Strait stir ty ifve ing fightshirts, men's and boys’, in excess of §3.00 net apply to such articles when exported, and shall be aceounte4 for to His Majesty in accordance with such regulations as may be preseribed, Hats, Bor und hAods, women's and misses’, In extess of $12.00 5. That every person selling, or dealing in the articles upon, which taxes vet are imposed as pres¢ribed by the foregoing Resolutions, may be required rT or nes ilk, Women’s and mis*es’, in excess of 2.00 by the minister to take out an antual licence therefor, for whieh leenee a ur fee WA exceeding #2 “@all be paid ‘ hirhona ais and waists, In excess of $12.00 eart; 6. That the provisions of the said foregoing Resolutions shall he ghigov excess of $3.00 each; deemed t have come into forre on the 19th day of May, 1920, and i j ‘ ne jackets or bath ang lounging robes; have applied 1t al} goods mentioned therein imported or taken out of tha lerwear in excess of $5.00; ss Warebouese for consumption on and after that day, and © Nave slse Fan ao applied to goods previously imported for which no entry for congualiele 4 ketpooks, in excess of $2.00 each; Was made before that day. : sh z bags, m excess of $4.00 each; 7. (a) That a tax of one per cent in addition to tite present dugies I rmbretia ar and mshades, In excess of £4.00 each; of excise and custems be imposed, levied and collected on sales by ue runks ss of £40.00 each; farturers, Wholesalers, or on importations; that the purchaser shall be Vali ‘ « bags, suiteases, hat boxes and fitted travelting furnished with a written invoice of any sale, which invotce shall state ‘ ‘ each; s¢parately the amount of such tax, when’ not included in the purchase * ess of $3.00 per pair; price; that such tax mnst not be included in the manufacturer's or whole- 1 misses’, in exeess Of £45.00 earch; saler’s costs on which promt is calculated; and the tax shall be paid by inisses’, In excess of #60 each; the purchaser to the wholesaler or manufaggrrer at the time of puch 1 sale, and by @he wholesater manufacturer * His Majesty in accordance a | t mponent material of chief value being fur, witb such regulations as may be pres« !, and such wholesaler or manu- i ° facturer stall be Hable t i penalty not exceeding #500, if such payments are not made, and in addition shall be Hable to a penalty equal t double _ . the amount of the excise duties unpaid. > as nnis racquets, nets, racquet covers, and b That tie rf may require every manufacturer. and whele- i . : ‘ boggans, canoe paddles, and cushions Saler to tak uit an annie | nee for the purposes aferesaid and may i bat vioves, masks, protectors, shoes and uni prescribe a fee therefor. not #5, and the penalty for neglect or ia « and goals, basketball goals and uni- refusal shall be a sum not 21.0 * «. lacrosse Sticks, balla of al! kinds, Sshing That any tax, costs or ‘penalties may, at the option of the I i tables bess and cDecker board and Minister, be recovered and imposed 1 th Excheqner Court of Canrda arts f games except playing carcs and or in at ther f competent jurisdiction, in the name of Jie a g « d all similar articles commonty or com Majesty. ‘ ling goods, in eseess of 50 cents; ad That this tax 1 sales shall not apply to sales or importations v Wise provided for in this, resotution adapted of “tp Mer ‘ Meats, fresh, salted or pickled; butter cheese; oleomargarine, vets ‘ lush and silk fabrics; margarine, butterine or any othe substitute for butter; lard; egms; , i r k vegetables: fruits; grains and seeds in their natora? state: bockwheat ne irs collareties of lace and all manufactures meal or ni pot, pearl, rolied roasted or ground barley; corm meal; , th i oatmeal or rotied oats; rye flour; wheat flour; coffee, green, roasted ‘ alk k and materials. or ground; tea; salt; eattie foods; hay and straw; nursery stoe%; fish, ' \ tar twenty per cent on fresh, pickled, salted, smoked, dried or boneless; sugar, syrups end , garette holders dnd pipes tm excess of $2.50 each; molasses; anthracite or bituminous coal; artificial limbs and parts eet crear eases, ash travs and maich boxes of gold or thereof or to goods exported. ‘ ‘ e) That the previsions of this Resolution respecting 9 ta8 on saled stumid and smoking stands; shall be deemed to have come into force on the {9th day of May, 1920, z ond shooting garments gnd riding. habits; and to have applied to all goods imported or tien ont of warehouse for Hunting en@ bowle knives consumption on and after that day, and to have also applied t) goods t aad sliver handled pocket knives and pencils; previously imperted for whieh no entry for consumption was Made before Gold. & r, ebony and ivory toiletware; that day ¢ 4 r er not otherwise provided fur in this resolution &. That a stamp tax of two cents be impesed, levied and collected on : “ id or office use; a promisery notes and bills of exchange of the value of one Hhundred dollars 8 : r gold deposit svare; 7 or less, and that a tax of two cents additional be imposed on every one \ z appa not otherwise provided for in this resolution, the bundred dollars or fractional part thereof in excess of ene hundred, del mponent material of chief value being fur; 9. That a stainp tax of two cents be imposed, levied and cotlerted on i ve boots and hats; each share of stock transferred. ‘ n 10. That the provisions of the said Ac? relating to Stamp dutics, on cess f $3 yard; e bottles and packages containing a proprietary or patent — or per- g tapestry curtains, in exces# of $7.50 each, fumery requiring that an adhesive stamp be affixed to sti@ articles ty xeey f eburches; the pe rsin selling the same, er by the imperter, the manufacturer or mm \ r mmercially known as jewellery, whether producer, be amended to provide that the said provisions shall Femain in personal use or for adorntnent of the person. force as regards tl stock of such articles in retail stores femaining un- 4 { I ent. on , stamped the Sist day of July, 1920, and such stock may®he sold in gold not otherwise provided for in this resolution accordance with such provisions@until the 3ist day of December, 1926, fh ousebokt or office use but on and after such last mentioned date every sueh article must: be 2. That th xelse laxes as imposed by the preceding ‘resolution stall stamped before being exhibited or offered for sale The stamps shat! be paid by t purebaser to the vendor at the time of sale for consumption be aMxed to all such articles on or Sfter tst August, 1920, by the manu- portation for consumption or use other than for re-sale, facturer or importer thereof, or by such person as the Minister may iditian ddties of eostoms already finposed, and by the vendor prescribe . . « Majesty accordance with suctf regulations as may be prescribed. 11. That respecting bottles or packages containing wine, sparkling end the follow&e excise laves be imposed, levigd and collected on non-sparkling, manufactured or tmpgrted previqws to the 19th day of a einafter specified, namely— May, 1920, stamps as set forth in the said Act “shall be alMixed thereto 4 ta f ten per cent om under -regeulations made by the Minister. Boat sehts, canoes and motorboats, Provided that on satisfac- 12. That the provisions of the said Act relating to moving pleture films ™ being furnistiied that these articles will be used, only for amd all the othpr provisions of the said Act ineonsistent with these Rese- trading minercial purposes a refund.of the amount paid under lutions, be repealed this resologion shall be granted; . meras Weighing net more than 100 pounds; APPLICATION OF ABOVE Cand und confectionery; : RESOLUTIONS Chewing gum Or substitutes therefor; ° / 1. Luxury Tax (see Resolution 1) ts payable on the frst and fftteeuth Pirearms, shells or cartridges for use other than for militia pur- of every month. Manufacturers’ tax and sales tax (Resolutions J and 7) are payable on the first of every month 7 snes and organs (other than. pipe, organs musical tnstrements 2. ENTRIES FOR LUXURY TAX MUST BE SWORN TO AND SHALL thertvise provided for in this resohition BE ACCOMPANIED BY (a) THE OUPLICATE SALES SLIPS OR cree b) Alax of fifteen per cent on TO WHICH THE ENTRY REFERS AND (b) AN ACCEPTED CHEQUe Aas ciliata tl adapted or adaptable for passenger use; CASH FOR THE FULL AMOUNT oF THE TAX. 3. Entries for Manufacturer's Tax and for Sales Tax must be sworn A tax of twenty per cent o&-~ to and shall be accompanied by (a) a swWorn statement of the manu’ Mechanical player planes, graphophones, phonegraphs talking ma- facturer or wholesaler as to the total amount ofssales shown of ' ; d ree sed ino , herewith or with : ; vy ee on n his: sales chines, 1 boxes and records used in connection ¢ recards and the total amount of tax due on the same; or a certified state- Inusical Mmstrament; ment of the chartered accountant in the employ of the manufacturer or 1) A tax on playing ecards for every Mfty-four wards or fraction of wholesaler to a like offeet; afd (b) cash or an accepted cheque for the fifty-four in each package full amount of the tax, When selling at $25 or less per gross package—twenty-fve cents 4. All entries are to be filled out in duplicate by the persons paying per pack; the tax, ’ When selling tn excess of 825 per gress package-—QOfty cents per 5, Manufacturers paying both sales and luxury taxes shall make two pack returns, each In duplicate, one covering sales and one eovering loxury A tax of thirty per cent on TAXes, Patent and proprietary medicines, including. medicinal or medicated 6. CHEQUES ARE TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO “THE RECEIVER-GENERAL wines, vermouth and ginger wine containing not more than forty per OF CANADA,” MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE BANK ON WHICH DRAWN cent of papot spirtt, AND BE PAYABLE AT PAR IN VANCOUVER, B.C. t 4 tax of two dollars per gallon— 7. PAYMENTS OR REMITTANCES ARE TO BE MADE TO THE COL- On rum, Whisky, brandy, gin, wines containing more th@n forty LECTOR OF INLAND REVENUE, VANCOUVER, 8.C., OR TO THE NEAREST per cent proof spirits, cordials, Nqueurs and spirituous. and. aleahalic INLAND REVENUE OFFICE IN THE PROVINCE. P lufuers not Otherwise provided for in this, resolution sutiahle for §. Resolution (5), Yh), (8) and (9) do not come inte force till Act beverage purposes: is assented to, : On lime juice or fruit juleess fortiNed with or .containipg more 0 TAX PAVABLE ON ALL GOODS SHIPPED, INVOICED oR DELIVERED than twenty-fve per cent of proof spirit; AFTER MAY 18TH, NO MATTER WHEN CONTRACTED FOR, ‘ = — Se — —_——_—- , lthe agreements for sale will be cancelled, | as rere by. fee ee Te Ot ihe ane ie * Acts GRagee AR. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN . G. KR, NADEN, ; ee a eee Deputy Minister of Lands. } : ‘ Department of Lands, : ; %§ Oneal BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH pril ist, 1920, ee ew : NOTICE MBEViulit Se eae anTTE” and Ice NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN. that all LANG. At BUTEDALE CANNERY | persons helding Crown Lands or Lots in fownusite subdivisions under ‘agreement for sale from whom the purchase peoney on such lands or Towns'te Lots remaining Unpald ts overdue are required payment, within six months from - of this Notice, elther of the fall amount as due, together with interest thereon, if any be due, or a substan Pp Hon of such amount, which must @ the full interest due to date, evidence that all taxes, Whether Municipal or Provinelal, have been paid, failing which , ‘ oe Skidogate, BG settler, inv us Tor license prospeat or petroleum am peau a0. ae neing ata per at the north+west corned. of 0 \.. ; ce sour. 80 ss ce east ns; ho gta west 80 WILLIAM J ARY, Applicant, Dated this 6th dey of March, 1020. | WESTERN PACKERS, L : Butedale, B,C.