Legislative Library Republican Candidates N ae A All da - | sizes made E c ow ” ; y enw | c. H. donne & Son N Ss F fl Dy a a T sy id WE NEVER SLEEP yen is 5 8 Ba t M PRINCE RUPERT al (}° Prince Rupert Auto Ls J. F. aguire § *.° : : 4 207 Second Ave. - Prinee Rupert 732 Second Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ‘ shy" ~ f a en , Fi ed Ce. ti oes ie FP I PRINCE RUPERT, BG, FRIDAY, JUNE ff, 1920. “PRICE FIVE CENTS ; id DAMAGING EVIDENCE GIVEN AGAINST THE BOXING. CHAMPION BY HIS Final Session of Republican Convention Choosing Leader Major Wood was First Name Proposed amid much demon- stration; Platform drawn up shows great hostility to President Wilson”. see CSS SSCS HT TRC eee eee eee ee ee ’ * : Bin ih ‘iileenes ‘ CAR SITUATION ’ . + CHICAGO, June 11.—(Fliash) The Republican nominees are % + Wood, Lowden, Johnson, Coolidge, Pritchard and Butler. . ‘ > seeeeeeeeaeeneeeee rere ee eevee eee eeeee re eae a Colonel Peck Writes Board of 0 nent pune ! , Trade Regarding Matter and . Gives Information. fi LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN ‘ " RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS 1 { It | cae Board ! ed { ‘ { . b | AK In i j ! i ' gh th oa ’ «| px y ; hr’ - » t it Z right ective S v jixcovéred that i! 2) ne railways are ‘ e clinging \ } war-time autoeraly ithe return of cars from this ! VW He vegfrts that the repo fh i y ; prot and {awaits 4 able bop > is not Ure enceuL i i riher develop SBE e ‘ he Is SLL Wore “ re Roll +} cars “ batons oa Poh. Cat y aya i f pics ’ | Kaslway idan, Ad ( ae ard of pt iit for “Tuinediately oD ecrrpt of irs of the 28 I ‘ . , one? ca § eeeator cars . , ' I - me gu 5 ' nk Pa \ huge with iH : the | Railways, b y that ) leery Aerial Officers are urn fam enclosing herewith at Hazelton Today tic sini ines he Grand Tr Captain Howard T. Douglas, United States, and H, A. rods M Le Royer, Ottawa, Making Plans for Trans- Dris S 1) ir ‘ ; \ ; ‘ wai pa ‘ continental Flight be —_ \ " Lge ON LTO BR. ¢ i ‘ w rife wut here |refpias t \ | rb gias, United nnot is Ww i at ally i hat g “Gis \l i) both of whem ' N \. I antic seal and Orient Bay he Omit ,' 70ug mae We ha wy wired Mr. Rid ! lel { } tail Associat ‘ \ \ it 1 has |Canad M trea i see 4 the ‘ wht w firstirelief can be granted f itl iraiuways, and will iet ¥ now Nine the resull as s nas.we have a i ] “A irt ¢ 1 from e J ; HM : ‘ ’ , . Lnawel ® ‘ i. oi cd . el 1é ‘ pped Ww h Liberty motors | Mr Carvell apps j : eport | io to be followed will ne mm the G. T. BP. superint dent RIG E | ext iit : i Portal of cam service hieh follows 1G LEAGUE BASEBALL |» exsition to Portal, Sorta, stry ee Nt " is ; : below the Gr ind Trunk Paci Nati Canada on this didell : onenm League a +a Sone will frat }repont for May 2ist 2nd and } } : ’ i . 1, Pittsl i ila t Saskatoon, The]- th l 0 : ' 4 lve to hdmonton, May 21 ! express refrigera , Brooklyn one a a 1 . aff wittor om hand Prinee Rupert; 9 1 . deiphia ¥, Gh woh where » landing will be effected * ; American League May's 2 Anne rhe fol-|transit; 2 loaded Rupert t7th; 3 oe can League ' , iit at Basper}°? Oth: 86 freight refrigerators ’ tre ) gk stops W ‘ o® ; . { , ad i ino line of im lon hand Terminals; 69 in transit une hiladelphia ul oi } 29° express re el | n 8, Chicago 8 Grand ‘rank will be followed un. | May . i oe | ' ' , tion normh is made after liters on hand Prince Rupert; & tn Pp », Washi mf + GOvie oo , itransit: none loaded: 8&7 freight : acific International. th LOY AOre, lrefrigerators on hand ‘Terminal . uver 6, Yakima rh purpose f this expedi-| tua nail Victoria 10. Spokane ¢ ’ to extablish a military ait 71 in tra ee a aha ! ntinent says] “May 25-2 expness refrigeras| roule across tne a atloul a ltors on hand Prinee Rupert; 9 in . . houglas ne 7 ( i | he “4 } Tonight & Tomorrow Captain | \ vo is 15o| transit loaded 22nd; 8 loaded M P R E S raee Uk en cal { Asia io4th: 82 freight refrigerators on ( e 0 sia, _ : S miles from th . wn te eat ae lhand ‘Terminalsg 70 in transit | THEATRE The prowre of tlieht langely aee-| ae re a i A Six PART FRATURE pends on the s sunting of dif J. G. Steen was a passengeny VIOLA DAN A ficulties which cat sily ty Tearn jsouthbound on the Prince Rupert d flights of this kind last night. He will meet Mrs, | » I Stee n in the south on her return ’ ease Get Marti d ’ Pake advantag of the sale at/from a visit to Scotland and after 10th are { Les Furniture House to buyla visit in Portland, Oregon, will “oT LSND Oe Cs that Chesterfield tfireturn to Prince Rupert, They a esterfield, he Tiger’ 8 Trail’’ ’ Ihave taken apartments in the ee Mutt and Jeff Block, Launch Alice B, Phone Blue are court house i 7 ove CC GH eR ee te eee. * a * LATEST NOMINATION * * sited *) * CHICAGO, June 11.— * * Hooveris being nominated. * * Dupont has withdrawn and * * Sproule, of Pennsylvania, *| * Is leading as a dark horse. * * Secacsenmecebees OFFICERS OF. ASSOCIATION Prince Rupert Branch of Canadian Fisheries is Established Again. ganizt ting of ; iT { the I let \s ti zit I for tl tow] ws eS son, a ‘ na Fish a ; Ca \ j i Ly avi Royal Fis . = James L Le iti- “ Atlin bisheries. © OFFICERS NOT LIVE AT DIGBY Newirgton Men Wiil Homes There—fescnt Houses |Mountain View Gemetery Not Have Foreign Ship Contracts are Offered to Canadian Yards Shipbuilders ask Government Aid to Finance Prcject; Two Suggestions made and being considered by | “~~ the Government i! i ° custltctimastusanietinaiaaiaamemniainteeniniainlittitatlita 4 : y ee i OTTAWA, June 11.—A delegation of shipping interests rom the maritime and Pacific provinces, introduced by H. Hy . Bord Two forms of aid were suggested: a $100 per ton subsidy on. _M.P. of Vancouver, yesterday waited upon Sir pa oy en BIG FUNERAL and asked assistance from the government in shipbu le »,§ displacement, $10 per indicated horsepower and assistance in Obsequies for. Richard’ Marpole! foancing foreign contracts. It is understood that a very large k Pi rday a oy ieee! e foreign shipbuilding contract has been offered. The buyers are Bais SE. willing to put up a large proportion of the cost but want the VANOOUVER, June t1.—The (.) Government to make an advance, too. The cabinet is aenehdering, PR. offices were closed yeste rday the question. iar the funeral of the tate) ais e tichaisl Marpols executive for! une C. P.M. in this prowinee, who ‘ Longshoremen’ s Strike liedeat the otel incouver a days ago There Was an ,enor- ‘ J Si f Endi , and autora] a Shows''No Sign o ing loads of thowers. \ i a.i@ SE Church : ek Give aut: Statement Regarding their Position and iN Quote Letter from Mr. Brewer Showing hy Company’s Contention ‘ RETIRES, BUT STAYS ‘ng . oh pte | On the surface the longshoremen’s strike at Prinve Rupert udsons ay gte= a ae d ‘ “ fo ir, Macnherabe, rai: Retir , hows ue sign of settlement. The officials of the that they are ope for gegotiatinen at all times: Will Remain pnside, 5 : “ heén able to receive no’satisfaction from the 2 =v - for Mombers of Land Staff. DAWSON, Y-T., June: 10.—/ their demands. , es ta , Word a. an fas Bae In a statement given to the Daily News this morning, Wm. M i ! t arin a on ‘ e Ottawa has fed the locallsat BS "he 7 vr I : 2S me iHenning, chairman of the committee, stated that the union had . ss . eLremen ol o € ft = 4 ‘ Boa Trad inswer to en-| factor af the old Hud®Oiis Rays nt4n its notice to terminate the existing agreement in 30 days, that homes for}eompany post at that point, saidtthe time expiring on June 4 when the strike commenced. The s of the steam-j/t) be the most northerly station) iipgin claim in the request for a ———— ae 3 - ts ; g to! perated by the company, waceé tucrease was that the cost} tl : eh sn " ; Prodan) ere trader, trapper jog sis gg in Prince Rypert was ee & , : v ind whaler along the Aretie coast; j | ' ‘ Mas : from {@ per cent to 19 per cent i i i Ma ows Firth. His son-in-law, i : : ; highy im. Prince Rupert than in} lack Parsons, has sueceeded him t a ,;/Vanteuver. “Mr. Brewer,” stated as factor. The old faetor will re ai a gentineel Bi.leiend bis pemeinink ee ee Mr. Denning, “refused to admit} aie ae oil dociety tonight at 8:30.|home built for him ahahe fait. this, saying that as far as le | misses N. Levy, M. Hastie and a ; p ; could learn the costs at Prince | Morgan Receive Diplomas ~ ek ee j}Rupert and Vancouver were about | of Qualification the same, in some cases lower “at nyt t 1 Ss Prince Rupert. He refused to ac- FOLLOWED BY DANC { ) V e | i} . 1e] } cept the market reports in the | IN ST. ANDREW'S HALL Daily News and Vancouver Prov-| ince of the same dates.” Addresses by Several Prominent Commence Operate” Service -e September ' VANCOUVER, June 11,-—Mr. tr. Keely, representative here Of |,any vitally interested inthe wel-|in the St, Andrew's Hall and>the he. Canadian Government Merehant Marme, says the Govern-/fare and competitive’ conditions jevent was fully as interesting and ment excursion into the Pacific carrying trade will start in Sep- jat Prinee Rupert as against otber | well attended as any other similar. tember next al the latest The \ plan fo use seven ships ou the terminal points, in acceding tojaffair that has taken place in the , 5 ; any Condition that must neces-|city, The ladies whe have been ‘ run and a mouthly serviee will be inaugurated in the early autumn) sarily increase the cost which|successful in training and have vith either the Ganadian Traveller, now being finished atthe} .p.,u1d be maintained at an equal|now become duly qualified nurses Vietoria Harbor Mariae Yards at the British Columbia capital, Or|pasis, and further we believe ifjare the Misses N, Levy, M. Hastie: the Ganadian Reaper being built by the Prince Rupert Drydock lthére are any inequalities in costs |and M. Morgan. ‘The event was le Engineeti at Prince Ruperk | of living here, the remedy ligs|arranged under the anspices of a al all ety with the colsumers and not wi. |the directors of the hospital and h ithe company.” | Miss Atkinson, matron, was in edaitcall Testimony + | Mattar of Wages, |Stanite, M | Aceording to figures given out! rhe evening § program was at the union hall this morning |“!¥ided into two sections, the Against Champion Boxer ' Jack Dempsey’s Wife Declares She led Life of Shame | and He Struck Her when She Failed to Bring Citizens on Auspiecious Occa- sion Last Night. Company's Position. In a letter from Mr. Brewer to W. A. Pilford; the local secretary | if the union, the company’s posi- Last night the graduating/exer- Lis explained thus: “You will/cises of the class of 1920, Prince cadily understand the inconsist-|Rupert General Hospital Tratn- ency of our position, as a com-‘ing Sehool for Nurses, took place jzraduation exercises and the balk For the former an exeetlent pro- gram was provided consisting of the prevailing Vancouver schedule jis 90c¢ for unloading general cargo and $4.35 per hour for overtime,} C |The rate at Prince Rupert on | ‘ ontinued on Page Six.) June 4, according to an agree-| menepuneenemeess Him Money iment made last year, was 80¢ and} 184.05, The union is now asking WESTHOLME | i lfor $ $1.30, 5 “s P SAN FRANCISGO, June 11.—Maaxime Dempsey, wile ol i! me 84 and ; ) hours for ® Tovar, we ta ; night call and double time for} AND Jeck Dempsey, champion heavyweight boxer of the world, ®@V@ | oat hours, The last two points | me some sensational testimony trial of her husband on the Mrs. of shame Dempsey declared that and that on one struck her, dislocating her Intense interest is’ being in the charge occasion when she jaw, taken in is crowded with spectators at the) jthe company is prepared to nego-| army slacker, tiale It is also pointed out| WwW she led a life here that coastaf! boats are the| whole here, while at Van-} jcouver and Victoria they are only side-issues, witness box yesterday of being an on, her marriage did not earn money after Issue and the oh a a Te | 8 @, Undertukers. Phone 41, ‘the trial here,