on enemy THE. DAILY NEWS ! y eas MAL ; naalieots — —— aaa | ’ ee nemeneee ses enen HER CASE SEEMED JAIL GOVERNOR 277" ssscntoue °°" 5 = THE DAILY NEWS eee aneateeeeseeane Be an PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ls | JOINS GANG OF For the East. ae | Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. °.4 , | i ‘ Published Every Afternoon, —- oes > — H PEL | urdays at 10:30 a, in. Printing and ‘Publishing Co., Third Avenue. INCARCERATED : : . i From the East. ++ Ol,, H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. { PY ” ao Sia i ———— But Frult-a-tives Brought ce iy Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: a Health and Strength Refuses to Produce Prisoners at 7878 at 7 p.m, os QUALITY City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month Peveescvees . ead Order of Court and is Sentenced nd South. ———_!- By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United | 99.8r. Ross St, Mowresat. to a Yoar. ndaneee Te Pe en se in advance, per year ...,..ceeeeeees + SRB e reese eeers roe’) or ented hoe 45 toll. pou that i é 5 ceiaemiauide ‘eet et coe, To all other countries, in advance, per year ........ 6.46 : wl bidentate “Droit cead This | MONTREAL, June 15 Hotat Riedinga Ox 3 pis iw a ne PHONE 98. ee ree eee ee re pas “unpriscna MOO sds +s oa eis it ® TELE | given up hope of ever being well. MON SXpPressios : oer M {4 and 25 OFFICE HOURS Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion.| J] was a terrible sufferer from jin his own jail’ now promises to Sy ahithon: Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays § ty 1 , | Tor vertis . MRS. 4.6.66 bo Seiare $2.00 per inch.| Dyspepsia—had suffered for years; [be popularized, Penitentiary Gov- , > “omy ; 012 ony Transient advertising on front page ... I yspep: S 4 y ; ; ae From Vancouver and Scuth. Every Evenin from 7.30 5 Local Readers, per insertion, ............. ° 25c, per line.) and nothing I took did me any ~~ ernor Malapert has been s , Sundays vat » lbstetii ry q to \ , , 5 2c ord, I read about “‘Fruit-a-tives’’ and |jtenced to a ys imprisonmer . 7 ce eee © o:0le . : Massified advertising, per insertion, ........... oO, HPC le i Wednesdays ....s..1 10:30 a.m, ; : : eae: Weave: each insertion, ... o «-ere. 15c. per agate line.| tried them. After taking a few boxes, [for declining to produce prison ow 1000 oan. Dental Nurse in attendance F ; Contract Rates on Ay (beation. of this wonderful medicine made from \ers on the order of the court sorta Ad gh 5 ‘om Phone 109 for appointment : i j Few i y - it juices, I amenow entirely well” An appeal was asked but the -" oS Me PF . as ivertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre-| /rsé wns _— April 30. May 10, 24 and 34 : : ‘ co canlinelion. All advertising received subject to approval. Madame ROSINA FOISIZ, [Minister of Justice has approved oe ~ Pe ; . Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. ird and 6th 500. a box, 6 for, $2.50, trial size 25e, [the refusal. As a result, Mala Pep tile: and biebiued Best Equipped Office in Northern BC ray , ; ; 15. 4920 At all dealers or send postpaid by [pert will have to serve his time, ihn a . a : DAILY EDITION. anti p> uesday, June 15, 1920, Fruite-tivés Limited, Ottawa. Sa a Sundays cc doen sauce cook . ‘~ * onan = — : _— im - m) Wednesdays ......6665. it p.m —!/ = j i ensinh American People i CY FOR i] Ten Years Ago } From Anyox and Alice Arm. ’ | ™ a And Their Presidents. | AGEN i in Prince Rupert ) | Tuesdays ....seeeeeeeees De m. It is eurions how presidents are made in the United States. ALL KINDS oF it | “hursdays ........ cocvece PLM. GRAND ewe PERT 30 far as can be seen nobody wanted Harding as a Republican|§ Canvas goods, oilskins, June 15, 1910 wotshnoniaise , a oe oe “a ; se , the people of Ohio and only part of them. Out-[3 boots, overalls, mackinaws, Work on the construction of For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill { TRUNK candidate excep 1é@ peoy ‘ \ . gloves, waterproof clothing, tin Caneel ich and Cold Stor. | Say, Wales Island and Naas River. FIC S S PRINCE GEORGE side of that state there was no demand for him as a representa-} canbe Wktndde shoes jthe Canadian ; sh ; Sundays Si ee PAC ; We tive A great many people wanted General Wood, a great meee woolen underwear and socks. oo ie te piting | [SE HORIS...9.4 6.4,55% woo ese dae > pan BAILING ‘ ; fioad o Me ind i" Ee has wanted Johnson and other candidates were in favor more or less} TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. 3) iad from Wancouver and th : AE wr moe. me cua Ghai ian si v0. : ; el + , : TI alls, Vancouver, a and Seattle the country. This did not count in making the choice. ail oumence «hortty. From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mi ce , : . t disliked 1 ; lust be a J. F, MAGUIRE a ae ri ‘ fe be An ao | Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. Anyox Wednesday, 10 p. m. Stewart, Saturday 10 p.m A man had to be chosen who was not disliked and it mu i 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert (The sawmill dock ne a Pudedett al. cic vec takin. p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN man who had the confidence of the controlling interests, As a} ltemporarily for the unloading o Malandtetck de kare ae Port Clements, Ma t and Buckley Bay, June 9h. Ay result Harding was the man who eventually was picked. |e a eee | aterial. ae i s Points Southern Queen Charictie Islands, June 12th There h&s been a general feeling throughout the country|@ ####@e se eee ee eee The Prince Rupert arrived he ref Queen Citariotte Islands: TRAIN GERVICE that whoever received the nomination by the Republican party on|* . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * 4h her maider p today at noon |For Maseett, Port Clements and Passenger Monday, Wdneedey snd Beturday of 11620 & m for Smitten thi would undoubtedly be elected president. ‘That is|®**®*#**ee ##ee eee @e e/g 4 pretentious ovation was Upper isiand potots: Prince George, Edinonten en wore a @ direct ns ‘occasion ous ' : , cn : op Danis: ai May 12 and 26° all points east and south not ad all sure. Not only does he start out with a str ng opposi- | Hich Whee Se, jigiven “ thre . - : : pa y 4 - | en, to:42 p. im, 19. eet. gers who made the tlr rip Ssh _ : i tion in his own party, but he also will be oppose! by labor, which| Low, .6:28:0. m:.. 1.3. feel. is commanded by Cantein Berney! tutu Mbsoelt Sued Glatiate ond Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines is stronger than ever it was before, as well as by the Democrats. 18:25 p.m., 6 feet. 5 hin ons camel sin G. H Niel Upper Island points: For informatica end reservefions eppty wo The reasonable thing now would be for the Democrats and labor Wednesday, June 16. son is the manager of \jve fleet May 13 and 27 Clty Ticket Offce, 626 Third Avenue. Phone 260 interests ta unite their forces. In that way they would be irre-| High, 0:30 a.m., 23. feet. A dance is being given ir eM —_—_—_—- : 19:30 p.m., 20.4 feet, iIntyre Hall tonight in honor of| Sor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte sistible. | Low, 7:16 a.m., 3 feet. ithe passengers City and Lower Island points Democrats Nominate 19:17 pom. £7.5 feet. c's oe May 1, 15 and 29 | At End of Month. v Thursday, June 17. | Application has been monde From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY | por ; a | High, 1:18 a. m., 23.1 feet. ithe provincial covemment City and Lower Island points Thare seems to be much less interest taken in the Demo- . if ao 14:17 p.m., 20.5 feet, ipermission to build a railwa May 4, 18 and June 1 CANADIAN PAOIFIO OOTAN SERVICES cratic nomination than in the Republican. The convention is “4, Liow, 8:2 a.m.. 0.2 feet. trom Portland Canal to the Gir ' a a apenas le ys “ice » OR : > > | . _- ee ee lear. oi ‘ . - me 7 ~ ad . . be held in San Francisco’ on June 28, but who the nominee is 20:7 p.m., 5.3 feet. Trunk Pacific Railway at Kilsu For Skagway and the Yukon. rv tegr B.C. Coast Steamship Services likely to be no one seems to know. McAdoo is mentioned, and| Friday, June 18. }kalum. | April 30, May 10, 24 and 31 ere s > thi “Pp 7 ; lils | High, 2:5 a.m., 22.9 feet. i patent | From Skagway and Yukon. there is always the third term possibility for Wilson. 15:5 p.m., 20.5 feet it ~it May 6. 14 and 23 8.6. PRINCESS MARY Much now will depend on the nomination of the Democrats. | ae Seo a oF a. | The M : M } ; | Por Ketchinan, Juneau, Segway, Alaste, from Prince Rupert: = LOW, a7 A «3 rt. ' NET - 1 es: 3 7 » The third cqndidate in the field so far is the Socialist, Eugene} hike p. wiv OS Te Fe an in the Moen 1? iacivipte tneber, Bad edd, Ones po RE Re a eT, Debs. SAYS:- re Point. june 19, 94; July 3, 40, #7, 26 ; The time used is Pacific Stan-|g< ~ S|. Fors-Batarday 9 ni Hider dee 0 lk. 9 = wedayh say... 4 9 pam 6.4. PRINCESS BEATRICE Leber Against 9 Re dard, for the 120th Meridian we) PHAT a farmer hates to admit; From—Sundays\..... 10 p.m. From Pringe Rapert for Swanson Bay, Poe meee’ Gow, Ger oe Soviet System. It is cGunted from 0 to 24 hours,|he is making money these days Beaver Cove, wey See eee ore a , It is a notable thing that the British labor representatives are] from midnight to midnight. a hes a ’ — a opposed (p the soviet system of government as worked out in| The table given a Port); THAT call 7 stg eee] we Weperveneeas a { : 1 > Si but the time for Prince|something is likely to happen at * ORSHARS, Genera! Agent. Russia. The English labor men have been pointed to here as|>!™psen bu ac. @ ; ; ; . Rupert varies only a few minutesiany time. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, . being so much more advanced in their policies and methods than ook die days and on others is . i i . . ; those’on this side, that it was expected they would immediately|the same. The range of the tide) THAT the only person who re- sale te seize upon any better method that they found and endorse it.| may be computed as 5 per cent/members the cold winter days ix Apparently the method they found was not a good one, hence|sreater at Prince Rupert than at|the man who is still paying off NOTICE. L they have turned it down Port Simpson both at springs and |his coal bill, . ; HE ANDERHOO ia De as : . jneaps. Therefore the rise in the pe ae arn Re dance ee ee CON tnehtn. 8 pe poyes system Of goveramént mey-heve:'some'good l€a~| prinee Rupert barbor is slightly a a aa Ir bor oor : rs Po ee tures in it, but it has not been tried out. It appeals to Many | greater than Port Simpson. ve ae a, Tote the i . ling an dereement for sale Tron VANDERHOOF, B.C. aCe & licence to Wake and use 0,000 gallons appropriate } per day and W store 32% acre feet o | . . . ;Waler out Of the Bast Branch of Hidden pny 4 , Creek, which flows southerly ‘tnd drain | PHAT a United States PAaPer lints Observatory Inlet about at Anyos letate ‘ e designers de. | townsite ee ae sesigner ac The storage-dam is located on Lot 2224 cide that the skirts are to be/ The capacity of the reservoir ia about ily ere ef ‘ oods at one al ere tlonger, the prices will go higher ae" te ‘ = i se erieten pant Cer \ | » “6 , nave a Streams at 4 point on Lot 2224, about 800 (And if the y decide to bave the ifeet from ine south boundary, and is used skirts go higher — K00d night! !for minting purpose upon the nine deseribed ae te }as Lots 481, 482, 483, 485, 890, 4513, A’. one a ree 1676, 1677, 2210, 2221, 9892, eves, vee4. PHAT someone asks when will 2226, 2227, 2220, 9240, #231, 480 the weary war hetween the United States and Germany end? ’ This notice-wais posted on the ground jon the 18¢ day of June, 1920, | A copy of this notice and ap application Pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act THAT possibly the U. 8. wants 10d,” will be Aled in the omfice of the ; j ater ecorder & rincé wiper to be in the war as long as the to the application may be [filed with the said Water Hecorder or with the Comptrotier of Water Rights, Paria ment Butldings, Vietoria, ff. ¢ within a , june }thirty days after the first appearance of THAT what everybody is WON |this notice in a local newspaper \dering abolt is what has hap. |CRANKY CONSOLIDATED MINING SMELT Objections PLEASE PASS THE BREAD Good Bread is chiefly a matter of materia! and methods ™ La Casse’s | ee : Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block DENTISTRY do with your suc- =aee (¢CSS---your person- ality---your appearance and your good health depend upon your teeth. You eannot afford to neglect such : Mee a valuable asset. aaa LOW PRICES---Best material money can buy, PERSONAL ATTENTION, Prompr Service, will insure the BEST RESULTS ies Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block =| ¥ Lady Assistant Open E 9-12; 1-6; 7-9, Phone 575 Sunday by Konan pened to all the June brides this| [%% 458 POWER COMPANY, LiMiTED, | year? Most of them tol jhave been married in May. | P . . e | THAT some judge: a mari by jis walk and others by his hand- shake, but the best way is to go ito headquarters . . Aeein | THAT it is all right for a girl) ss be independent when she is| jnineleen, but the neare r to thirty) she arrives: the more desperate | she becomes, Advertise in the Daily News, October, Applicant ty PF. BE, Patim, agent | The date of the first publicatiow of this noite is June 6 1020 NOTICE IN rut MATTER of an application for the issue of a fresh Certifeate of Title to Lot Three (3), Block Fifteen (15), Town! of Stewart (Map #18A Satisfactory proof) of the joss of the of) Tithe heaving been produced, notice ts hereby given that it is my Intention to! iwsue after the expiration of one month| from the firat publication hereof, a fresh! Certificate of Title men above Certificate to the above Honed lands. in the name of Victor A. OG Eliot, Which Certifieate ts dated. #4th 1910, and is numbered 26041 land Registry OMee, Prince Rupert, B.C. | 30th day of March, 1090 il. FF, MaeLRop, District Registrar of Titles, THE GIFT OF THRIFT There is nothing you can give your children, in a material way, which will do them more lifelong good than a savings account in an institution like the Bank of Montreal. By en couraging them to save, you teach them the habia of Lt thrift and provide a foun- % dation for their future, 4 A savings account may be *opened with $1.00, Inter- est is paid at the highest current rates. Te BANKOF MONTREAL Established over 100 years. Total Assets in Excess of $500,000,000. Head Office: MONTREAL * Branches in all Important Centres in Canada~Savings Deparime ots at all Branches