fie Fp oe ae eS THE DALY NEWS o! For the Salt Lakes ————— —— "Bathing Caps Water Wings Ear Stopples Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and inspect them. OQRMES J IMITED The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 THE REXALL STORE ‘eileen =| PRINCE GEORGE All ‘the money by-laws) were ipassed at last Monday's election Iwith comfortable majorities, The Iby-laws were for stroet improve- lment, hospital extension, water- Iworks extension, electric light ex- ‘tension and school building, Sev- eral debenture by-laws were also passed which will amount almost ito the borrowing power limit of Mosquito and fly bites will not trouble you if you use Zam-Buk. This herbal bulm ends the Irritation, draws out the poison and pre- vents inflammation. Zam-Buk is also best for sun- ithe city. burn, heat rashes, blisters, sore | A a ee feet, cuts and all skin troubles. Keen it handy at your summer cottage asa “first aid” for all IMJUTICS. — Draggivs and Srores, She. bow, | ‘The ftst inter-town game of ithe season Will be tomorrow when \Vanderhoof will arrive here to [play the local squad of baseball lers. In its presentment to Chief Justice Hunter, the Grand Jury OF lore ae ie eee has ‘made MOCCASINED INDIANS jeriticism of the jail and court jhouse accommodation at South Fort Geotge, plumbing, heating ; JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! \s . JEWELRY SF ALL KINDS is wianufactured because of the varied wants of you, and of others. You want CUFF BUTTONS, A PIN, fi CARD CASE © and someone else wants a | and capacity of the schools, in- i:ngs, thimbles, neck chains and other items you already have, That's why we keep the large assortment we do WE PLEASE EVERYBODY IN STOCK AND PRICE R. W. Cameron The Jeweler 3rd Ave. a - © = a LAND ACT. Special Value j Ss" fake notice t Hume 6B. Babington of in Section 7 Vrince Kupért, pation master mariner, Wtevids to apply for permission te lease in im fviiowimg descr bed iands Lot 21, Block 34, Cominenciug 41 a post planted about gu . ial Haiftis southeast of George Pt, thence 8th Avenu hurth 0 chains; thence west aboul 980 fs tuere or less to shore; thence south $225 00 easterly along shore to post and containing 15 acres, mere or less @ i e i. B iG BABINGTON Lot 24, Block 43, TIMBER SALE X 2439. | bt ‘nue ith Avenue SEALED TENDERS will be rec d by! I i the District Forester not later ‘pen. noon | m the 24th da f Jun 1980, for the! 6 purchase f Licence Xx 2 i 59, near Cilio Bay, Kildala Arm, to cut 36 ,000 feet of | Hemlock and Balsam T ’ ook ’ . , Can get autormmbile se re fro Terms if designed One year will be allowed for removal/t#een over the Yokohama Cafe ‘Seirand'dey vathitviie A Walt OF ET a ics a af from Magoichi Fukuyama and i bose “ke col irther'particulers of the @hief Forester |, kon ; retin rk dare me Victorta, h ear the District Forester,| lamaji Nawamatsu. All accounts the liveryinat ‘ , ; McCaff Gibbons "rince “Rupert, B. owing up to this date will have '@°°. he is a rd en ery | . . wner truck for this business. Heasor ? TIMBER SALE X 22138. jto be collected from the former erty yd ie & D | jowners. We Will not be respon- ! . Sealed, tenders will be received by the! , k . ' oy e, Ltd. Minister of Lands no t lat , than aches on} sible for gny accour ts after thi NO TICE ioe chee day of Juty, 1920, for the pur-| date, except those authorized by mse of Licence X 2918, to t 6,600,000 a L Agents feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar 10.009 | ourselves. 162 ; NE rea adjoining S. T. L. 1719p, Cumsh : ‘ ANG uke ‘ i | ; 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Inlet, Queen harlotte Gaineae notin Signed DANG RO, a ‘" as ' ena Pwo (2) years will be allowed for re- LEW SHONG WAY oe : moval Of timber. ns Regist " | s ‘ iM aia ica Oe Rs ce) ae Further parti olars of the Chief Forester, | Prince Rupert, B. . Sine 7, 1920 , irforia, B. ¢ or District Forester, Prince po — panies to apy : i i Rupert, B.C. WATE Rt NOT ICE its name f ne USE AND STORAGE Mirhastl. Ltd. t “ior F. 1 TOPE PTD | i It’s a Good Time To Buy Diamonds A good time to come here! Best Coal Alberta: Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per \2 ton for them any ay ! MO Oe $13.50 per ton Yow might travel far and! Only a Limited Supply not see a more worthy sel-| Phone Your Order Now Albert & ‘McCaffery LTD. Phones 564 and 116 ection than we are showing. | We nave them in ladies’! rings, set sclitaire and in combination with other! stones, priced from Bo $20.00 up to $600.00 | ’ DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Let us show you. John Bulger ® Jeweler Office Hours-- -Morning, 2 to 12; Pde at ee nn Afte rnoon, 1.30 to 5. Satur- d+y, 9 to 2 only Chto. Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, irom 7 to 9. Canned Fruit Specials DEL MONTE SLICED PEACHES l’s Tali LIBBY’S HALVED PEACHES DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 For APPOINTMENT ee Oe rer or ernenenonmeds Egg Coal CLEAN SCREENED Delivered $13.75 ton. We strongly recommend it for your kit- 1's Tall Shen! ennai ; ROSEDALE APRICOTS SCREENED LUMP Delivered 1's Tull LIBBY’S PEARS 1’s Tall Special, 3 for $1.00 Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. 815.00 ton. For your heater. CADOMIN MINE RUN | O08e, $12.50 ton, Backed, $13.75 Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, M Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 i otice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. | | a licene# to take and use "50 second feet, Panies }of the board at a date to be fixed by the E- may Mle an objection thereto tn the | | Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. i jtrict of Skeena, and situate % mile east leat from town of Alice Arm, 6 lapply for permission to lease’ the follow ting described foreshore lands WINNIGEP {4 ‘ jadequacy and unsanitary condi- uh th a tion of the postoMee and the een ; : heating plant and kitchen of the fadiath o lhospital. fae ea ae ; } . . . The warriage Was solemnized aq at lin Winnipeg on June 7 of 8S. 8. squatting a ' \— ne |MagoMn, the railway contractor, | asi feet land Miss Margaret Boalt, of Win, “oush she wer t e. S inipeg. They are new on their YO"e & Fayly honeymoon whieh will take then hegd and wa dina bas far as Honelulu. jadress af 4 atyly soceegliy spins ion husband, a hus bras i] ANN up and down o de. appear - to be more inmy sed t ‘ | ‘The “World” Cafe; formerly the with the grande Yokohama Cafe, Third Ave. and) The Indians hail | , iseventh Street, is now open for Hills, Sask. and wail jbusiness under new management, see W. N. Grah Ind ori iwith an up-to-date service and from Regina. I — : popular prices, they lend. t _ nouths’ t wit NOTICE of the fa All persons having bills or ac- A party of S&S ‘ounts against the Yokohama United States Cafe are requested to present Po: ! ‘ them to Mr. M. M. Stephens, at while tl! husky his office, Third Avenue, not later | e, and apy than July 1 next, properly certi press« w th fled as correct by T. Nagamatsu,/wildnes® of the ¢ lin he former proprietor. Dang Ho and Lew Shong Way. BUS SERVICE TO HOT 1v2 ‘ha ibaa PUBLIC NOTICE. We, the Undersigned, have Visitors to Lal fol S Take notice that Wwe Tgylor Mining Co Lid,, Whose sddreas is 607 Credit Foneier «1)})~ «+ ‘ s im { building, Vancouver, B.C, wilt apply for } aud to store 2500 acre feet of water out of Dat: t 4 i .. 4 Clearwater Creek, tributary to Kitsuult Hiver, which Nows westerly abd drains into {lis { day j .: 35 hitsault Kiver about 23 miles orth of HI . bs ' oe? Aig Arm, B. C. HUNT & ‘LU BSALI he storage-dain will be located at out let’ of Clearwater Lake. The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about 25 B. C. Undertaker= Prane ** acre feet, and it will tlood about 200 acres —seenee of land. The water will be diverted from ES oO} Yr LAT! ti) jthe stream at @ point close to lake outlet PATI } uo j jand will be used for power purposes upon McKAY. INDIAN. OF METLA | the mine described as Wolf Mineral Claim eng lights to Alice Arm District KATLA, B. ¢ Thi¢ notice was posted on the ground on the seventh day of April, 1920 rers “ he ain A copy of this notice and an application ; ; | pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act 10144," will be ied in the oMce of the! qQurs it 1 the Te { | Water HKecorder at Prince Rupert, B.C vai 6 : “ ; Pe Objections ta the application may be Bebher \V ef mary jiied with the ssid Water Recorder or) tory declaration. to Indian-Agent with the Comptroiier of Water fights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within Perry, P tupert, B. ¢ iJ thirty days after the frst appearance of AT WINNIPEG HOTEL SPRINGS AT LAKELSE thie notice in 8 local newspaper The powers of this undertaking are to | be exercised for power and lighting within | the teriitery embracing all the Wolf min jeral claims, the Dolly Varden mineral jclaims, and all of this Company's Railroad E. H. SHOCKLEY Cow Bay: Doors, Windows, D. D. Fir and Spruce, Boat Lumbe office of the Comptroller, or of the Water Cedar mb e Recorder of the District. « Oak, TAYLOR MINING CO., LTD, ‘ 7 "Applicant Glass and Marine Paint by C. B. North, Agent The date of the first publication of this Phone 383 _ Quick Delivery by own Truck notice is April 17, 1990 LAND AOT, wd properties and bulidings, or any prog erties and buildings of others in and ad aangnr to the Alice Arm district, The petition for the approval of the uagertakies Will be heard in the office | Comptrolier, and that any interested per In Cassiar Land District, Keeording Dis Power Schooner ‘Lady Mi ne’ willaccept freight for Port Simp son, Naas Kiver, Alice Arm, Anyox and Stewart - Hyder Sailing ~~ * a y Commencing at a post planted on east Every Wednesday Evening bank Of Kitgault River; thence south 206 from Government Wharf, Prince chains; thence east 80 chains more or less Rupert, B.( fo Hiiance Hiver; thence nerth 20 chains more or less to Lot 60; thence west 80 ke notice that H. A. Fowler and A. FP.) Kergin, of Alice Arm, B. €., occupations mariner, and married woman, intends to POPOLOIPLLOLOYOLODOLEPELOLEPEOELOOD meal of meat bro chains more or leas to point of commence ment, and containing 160 acres, more or) - KB rowirn, | PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. A. F. KERGIN, H.R. Powler, agent PHONE 63 SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, Keliable Service at reasonable Rates, DISTRICT OF 1h Awe a CHARLOTTE We have Warehouse facilities S. E. Parker, Manager ; Rinne: in a visitor TAKE Sorte that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for ecense to prospect for coal and Petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands: Plants Flowers, Roses, Cabbage, Cauliflower Many Varieties Commencing al & post planted one mile | north of the porth-west corner of DL 503, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence) seus 60 chains, to point of tommence- CITY MARKET Dated this 25th day of October, 1919 WIL » eye quickly. LIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. LOCAL EMBARGO 1 CONTINUED Captain Nicholson Says There is No Mope of Early Settle- ment of Strike. VANCOUVER, June 15 cholson, meneral manage 4 hd j ripy & “ul P nd that t re Was i arty etl oN “¥ | it stilen tor the kk ands of th h pay a t il h PICNIC PARTY Number of Local Make Trip up Skeena River. DR. DRESSER HEADS EXPLORATION PARTY DUTY ON CATTLE FROM STATES LIFTED. OTTAWA, June 16.—As passed lift Mm cattle imported try from the Uni TAXI-DARIVER STABBED mV beet ] e 5 if , a 1X I by a n A i that wil MINK FARMING Valuable Furs May be Raised by Animals in Captivity. ' ni tiggr the 4 ce ofnu ~ . rh bet £30 upwards t Si it t hand I J ‘ ‘ im i i + vy meg . tlie spa eap fed al | lial) of i lily al the anh near th Appe te I i posit for f tl ar Win fines f obtaiu sleek, W 0s f domestica ta 5 ne ha the prospective re ght to be in a suCCeCsS principal diet of min aiwave be meat or sparrows mice frog ms of buteher’s 1 coarse fish and iy be mentioned as the sort of feed They will also learn ereals readily and they well-cooked graham th milk together cereals, however, be taken nat to cause In winter the food best served warm As to quantity ounces of meat daily for an adult, having come in from cannery yesterday, Fred Nas sh arrived in town from yesterday and is regis. the Prince Rupert Hotet, Two-color window eards take) See them at the |News Job Department, Young People H. S. WALLACE Co., Limite | ene —— EFFECTIVE Floor Rugs at Moderate Cost Japanese Art Rugs for Verandah , bed-roon 8x6 $1.25 6x9 1.98 3x9 $6.75 ae Rugs Ey ; $10.75 Bungalo Rugs 9x7 $19.20 9x9 $22.50 any nee in greens, browns, f ii x 6 $13.50 9x9 $36.59 9 x 7 5540 931.50 9x10 $43.50 Full line of House Fur uishings WALLACE’S Third and Fulton Phone 9 n uf Ww. is Fureka Vacuum Cleaner ALI thw d ' IN ON the t Eureka “Vaciun The EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS $60.00 PATTINSON, LING & CO. Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.( ho 423 Office Phone 130 Wharf Phone LePine & Wright, Ltd. PRCK, Lumber, Feet ehe and General Brokers > Bt Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf PRINCE RUPERT aa — NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale. B.C. in the} THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA RECOMMENDS !TS MONEY ORDERS ‘ amounts up As asafe and economiéal method of remitting am to $50. + any branch of any These Money Orders are payable without mares Ee Yat the principal bank in Canada (Yukon excepted), in Newfo at over 300 point cities of the United States and are negoti able d ts in Great Britain and lrelar ading: $30, 10 ¢ $5 and under Scerts Over Sop. wt a xceeding ng $50, 15 cen" Over $5, not exe eeding $10, Geents Over a anager Branch - - - AW. Cameron, Prince Rupert Branc ees