ae ee Oe eel +t a So —_ — a p ' bh ft Arrived Safely STEWART TEAM ON THE ROCKS this Morning After CALLIES WIN FIRST GAME By a Score of 3 to 1 Scotchmen Beat Sons of England. THE DAILY NEWS = ee 2 CENTS PER WOR te ee ee —— D IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken fer Less than SOc Tan Damy News Wit Net Be Resronsinie Por Inernucry CawcenzaTion OF Want Abs Over Tue Tecernons NS Rather exciting Time— The Sinnewe. eum 7 WANTED. LODGE MEETINGS ; Soe I t j ke Seg ae eee e The Stewart team arrived this with each The Reece a 7 ni 4, uk ! WANTED Kiderty woman whe LODGNS 001 LovAL" morning on the gas boat Prinee| age are a i 10 Bras will give services fret 0 Mice ni ed in themselves, ; ' ID rei ty — - of Wales feeling fit and ready for | imal mint ; ' ’ = 5 . o'vlecek each day and a tinited fvening al Uke Deep Sea liste the tame this afternoon against! ; “ ' a , ' number of ‘evenings dutics mene fall ° the legal nine. There are two sincera | Pe ee eare of four year oid child a ; are our satisfied games scheduled, one at 3 and Market Prices un ( f ret hieht housework Apply box 80 LosT m the second at 6:30 rhe line- ag Sank © , customers hd a i line-up by Daily News office tf LoS of the visitors is as follows: | Naty ee ~~ . il style * . Ruchanan ¢., Preist ss., Me- Meuts. i“ feaw hill im WANTED Miners for Mountair \\ ee i i i" at i ’ , ‘ ' ' ! Ark the people who Knight 3b., Daly p., M. Romans eet ip ie ? rr, ck wath geile 55c/' mt Vt hall tone a Park Collieries, Fare refunded). et ».. Kellerman 2b.. V. BR o& roast, tb, 30¢ to 35¢)°°°"" * snd fayor of the after thirty days’ werk Full ‘ h thei if . V. Romans ef., “ ' - , ave cir work done S. Benson rf., Malloy If; Hern ‘Reef, chuck roast. Ib....... ihe i \ ienetish panticulars al Government Fim oo ) i by here — particular per- referee, peer pond roast, ID, ........ 4c a ae . Tin ployment office, 43 is ! There was pather ¢ re eel, Douing, ib, 25e to 3k edtal rhe hist ' sons too—end let them me coming ath cabes ie Hamburger per ib ao ! s ie tal WANTED Young man with gro BULBS, SEEDS & PLANTS. K hie Nhe su en BO} os, : ’ ; oe eeeeeeee ‘ he n re end aetniu . tell youwhywe do their Prinee of Wales went on the rocks cece per Ih. ...... yO : ™ wareh abt St z 7 or ve during the night and the ball Tne eef, per th. Oy play . encdy einploy Peron te j j ; work. An 1s > oP ie : trent Kell nt ne i ' , d then—try players all turned out somewhat} plang be ache AEE ate eae Ltd calla eggs 7 Fl tle our excellent Dry ff i" ‘istabille to see what was the: Re ate er snr tf import : i Cleani : inatter. They wer®soon off, how | PM, GROWING «+--+ +00 - , , tOWANTID Small hou flat ae | Catal 1 , ; : e ‘ ’ . ouse oOrela ita aning and Pressing eve and arrived safely. vest ok sega roast 32e to 35 h ' - I on Seeond or Third Avenues wary . FOG) ALTA GAN Ve » . ' ' ‘ ihe Service, eo a aa L ee ene: ones ry i feet eee between MeHride and “ixth St _ " mW 38 eg of veal ........30e and ie)” ne ere tin Phone 193 t nae a. i S . Pork sausages, per Iiy...... 0c i i ow : d >. -_-_--- : Canadian / port Briefs Tomato sausages ....... os. 30e}'" ' . long shot! BOY WANT ED to learn the print MISCELLANEOUS S i= Pork, leg, @eereoecee i5e to 560 fr nea4r ‘ ’ d by the ine oe . or for the heli. FARI ii ‘ as team Laundry In the Smithers-Telkwa base- tein hl obeerececdocecs 60. )al goalie and tted the Sok day’ Apply Daily News , is \ scar ; he e fice Phone & ball game of last Sunday Hutchi- or, shoulder, ........... 45 hoe d oa t prop ldon of the G.T.P. sta oi the GE 25q| The, Bret goal for the Callies! wren penerionced ato factor . He GY-lHam, sliced, . As by V , , WANTED — Experienced steno : ‘ isional point ofticiated as referee | wae te Ole ’ i e b graphes Ph teeny gay eve eve Ml ‘ ‘ |eensee and acted most capably. All last leet | smoked, babecee ceed Gin re ‘ nice tf h in from the ee , te '} Af. ax bi aes ; x - ._————____ steel a ‘ason “Huteh” attended to the! [Ser acre aeeeccceenesesee S50 af * u i ral seupry that) —- . -—— ——---—~ Bee # ‘ various fixtures and players and F we See BD. 9 89 0 e400 08 Scar r ' yw after the WANTED Kitchenmaid at Gen ” r Vn : : fans were all satisfied with the p be ~ Dee Ssadsesese:- ya ' j 1 ane 8 siowly eral Hospital Apply Matrot FARMS FOR SALE PERS]. decisions during the Various|/,“ DOFM: Per ID. ....... bbe lobbed towa goal. It bit) ae a MEKED FAM L_OooKket im slices eo ; af) . ns ! tance re gal ounge atv wanted or store re . i ‘a vs mate By pe . , per Db Rik : i} e and Le Te eae \Spare ribs, per th. ........ Bh. t. The part- tice. Asia Trading Co tf ° of the on vineiiat Roast ham.... on x shot D. Wig a’ tos ¥ 20 per cent. Reduction ; he most interesting Bol ces uate scam SR ee vie ' 43 ” WANTEL (Arl to assist with ( fi . atches of the intermediate base- ogna, BOP. Da bts ciss ; In { ! children i8?. Sod ae ior Two Weeks Only il league will be played on Mon- |Jellied tongue ...... 5Oc to 6 f it mang 337% 2nd Ave i y evening when the Red 8ox ROPORIOED 2» wh o's e shu kavtaeee 60 a th sides ARPENTERS WANTED Apply land the Colts for what most crit- Pee, GUM. 2. keh aseee & Th x hing Db. H. Morrison tt : . s consider to be the deciding | Galves ee a eee ds 35 yea \ Kingh wan gagement for the champion- Cooked heef tongue o0 8 t Live ¢ > reD—Invalid wheel cha ip. Both teams have been Dairy Snatien “ sieniie 1 ! : 49 . leagerly preparing for this fixture au r rassecseresoeicers. 70 Successful Shot BOY WANTED Genes. Brus 4 d an exciting ball game is an-j2utter ORIN). o's + As edisies 65x ha I y Store ry ticipated. It will be a supreme IG wOneG. EC Th. . i se aN eases 40 " RS S t the -- - : i effort by both to gain the com- |Limherger chee se, per Ib, 600 | : ht vd t SITUATIONS WANTED i: plete up ol hand. Rooters for ‘Rees CBOE} yo. cc ceogy eas GT Se fe 1 @ shou It was ' r " . ; ; ’ 1 e il pariies Ww! I! be on the beneh- B. Cy SPOOR OSES 2 0.00 kewss 7h 5 neh iv b ead Ma and wole, elper eur ec, wial < and great will be the rejoicing | | Strictly new-laid eggs ..... Rik “s sel ee it : tion In general alore, pre bas a gain is made for the respec- |Margarine ob 6 ode o6 ba Seeks 50% i tif im pies ¢ fe rably in mountains. Po. box = itive camp. THOT MOREY... oo cs ecnyee 504 i : 1 the Sons, like 186. Prince Khupert, B. “.° i2 S + (tis (Sugar, per Ib, ...........5 oop |the good sports that they are, kept} ssi ] ; permenant l Ver ‘To. ing $45.00 was collected, which |Flour (hard white) 50-1b 3k $4.00|bad shown up nf form during EPP WOT EM io append } : ’ ' « ofl | [+s the largest amount gathered Milk, per case 86.25 to 87.75 \the wi , rae: ie | erbs hav ways been own 0sseen Srinte Reset. oF | ge .. | chase of Licence X 2516 near Usk, B.C "|Radishes, per buneh, ...... Se | we daert , moe inat * mee oak, a and thirty reeords, $75. Apply} a at PO northwest ner of betas” 40,000 lin, feet of Cedar Poles and Sweet potatoes, per Ib., 20¢ lbut few bodil ‘ sielaints for aot Bigg sae Seventh Ave. East. tf cs ’ i lane “t 1s. c t | : | Parstey, per buneh, Oc | correctly not fou a. in the a ‘ : “ att ta TH ee len. 3 + mvt \v e dis re sgh deh oo Bag ee will be allowed for removal | aiitineewend °........ = eee as " ba - ara - FOR SALK-—Furniture of all kinds valk “te the the ’ } ° OOS stcbecvecssé 35e 7 sump : a ae dary 6 1444 ane # wing tite : Further particulars ef the Chief Forester Giohe artichokes. each pris lit re This facet is conclusively proven by See Barrie's Furniture House. | southerty bo ‘a el Lot ‘3 A nortt Victoria, B.C., of tt , , m OA one : ’ ’ ” truly wonderful work done by Wonder) msliihiersdiittillinn authepenpiamioas 420,08 wae 8 Genes 13 feet t SMITH & MALLE Vrince Rupert, b. C, my Heppres alee Wiese on ~ . 2 Ibs. for 25 e | Heatth hestorer, @ herbal preparation now HOUSES FOR SALE spent Ot oS ae ye A and ntelnas eR Fh ce 100) ered in Pris Rupert quest: capes aoe ; THR TAYLON ENGINEERING co LTD : ini th on Wonder Health Restore t ains oth 2 : we men - ‘ IT Spinach Bases shes 2 fb, or B56lias bat tne concensetes on bea FINK HOME, best residential ones Valeeadl ment sa ere nim ere 14 1 >| DATED Alice », Be ¢ is en PLUMBING AND HEATING ices é menaced Preiie. = fo ts Rot 9 Wee of alcohol or drugs| Sesion. Badqote terme. Mele lg he Sa nee ENGINEE Di oc eeysicmege dates SOO! preparation. It acts directly on| @@rson, Real Matate, Insuranee, Fe es Pee ated a 5 RS Weta iO occcccsooc, 25e |the blood and the various bodily organs, Notary Public. MINERAL AOT, Estimates éurntohed: Apricots e at he peg vel u - 2 f ~ irities, toning up|) ” (Form ¥.) ' “* ¢e +e ewer ‘ } ¢ ¢ fluids and correcting improper sa ~ Peaches .. an, |sction wherever It @ STEWART LOTS CERTIFICATE “Ol y INPROVEMENTS Address gra A MOTO ttt mtn eee ee eeae oe B06} a ' ver it exists, It 18 an un-| ee ee een Co iTICR ’ i venue MOE. os ae esualied preparation for cases of rt } a o . ‘Suns of Second Street mee CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. piatoted along 7 77 aaeltiam is a forme, sattine and "gindred | FON BALE—Lot 2, Block 10, Map| v. Hispot Ko. he le ot. ter eennree DC | dpeases, indigestio gor s 7. : ia mil 4portamar Mineral Clain altuate Phone 174 — Pp NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Prunes .... soe. 900 a - gestion and all stomach | , Stewart Townsite, Pricn.t athe haan River Minins nlatalan’ of: @ a . .0. Box 274 serve covering the belt of land ten ae Seoesse cee 6-30 : -_ , ne rv us complaints, kidney and $1,000, This “lot adjoins busi. [sar District; a in width situated alon# the north shore Fruit. ", a am Se gy miaean #, piled, ete ness section on Sixth Stree weber focatedy—-Abons 98 miles. from wm Island is cancelled ip so far as| Bananas pica unple of the work of Won- reel, |bead of Alice Arm, on kiteault iver : it relates to that portion lyin hetwees sete ececccceseede POC| der Health Restore | Appl Dai Ne ' TAKE NOTICE thar Lewis W. Patinore ——- lithe easterly boundary of Ind e ate t r ls that of Mr. Dunean APP YY 'y we ottice, Ufleree Miner's Lieence No. 94018 oat precececn care. reovencnonen | NO. o situated in the vicinity eens jrapefruit (C alifernia) 83 for 25c\0f 1368 Eleventh Ave, W., Vancouver.|~ ry —_ oF Wiliam Martin, of § attic, "Washing i the southerly af Of Lat 1016,| MONS veesegegeeeeeeeees AME rhis man suffered from ssthma since | FOR RENT ton, U.8.A., Free Miner's Certificate No ano Tuning | ueen Charlotte am. ae Dates (dram) ... 3he noe , his condition being so acute as} ~— a okaee "on ona aixty, Gaxg tyom jas cate 5 ; eerereeeee BUCO wake jospital treatment tr ens > . Cea " : , © . ecorur and All Kinds of Repairs. Lands De apie iuipister: or Lands, Valencia oranges 40c and $1.00) the advice of « crand he arte a eek FOR WE NT Newly completed and aired - Or abe ft aererwn Orent mnt eietnatimeeti Vic wor ap © ‘ ok Apples Yellow Newtons No.1 $4.50 He alth lest r and, such was the mar- | decor ated hall above the Uandy nat of the above claime GEORGES GAGNON tt Sonnsiiin bogies Ho: 4 is... G406 |e rit, Rennes eat te ten] Sine Oe Dum OF ae eee Iof atetlon 2b, quiet be commenced befor For Outside Orders address SERNA LAND QaTpICT — DISTRICT OF Cooking apples .......... $3.25) allm * lis use by all sufferers from this} Hall is a hundred fect long and A” Oh ete «. > . 4 . A , | ove oo Bom 3686. newest HONE 71 d , Canned Italian prunes ..... 400). What Wonder Health Restorer aid for | specially suitable for dances! Pated this 2nd day of April, A D. 1ea0 Riel —— 10 TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles Hartie, of Raisins, TS eRe 35e Mr. Durcan’s asthma it bas done far hun- | and other social events, For — a LEWIr Ww PATMORR ; find wo typ for peratsam rancher. sa-|Curranta, por Ib ..,.,..,.. 95¢ dreds afticwd with aliments such as are| lerana, apply to Jim Killas. tf) SHEEN GL END) iii NM Cy pis THeT “Te lihe following dese Peel, per Ib ° tiene SeOve mt was done for persons | rere DISTAHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Commes , 00% 6060068 we G0c | thus aMicted d X ena vv sareyy ISLANDS ants, Flowers, Roses, shore ‘of ‘Skide ante’ Inlet, ‘pitotea er ant Mixed nuts, per ee 85c | mis Wwonde oul ealanae yn igellbe ne fO RENT-——One furnished suite. TAKE NOTICE that Willfam J, Leary of ° nan easterty direction fi Table F ae “|The Road to Health,” Lee miained 19) Apply Mrs, Wolters, St. Louis | Pern Bo ewe intends Ww apply corne : #8, per pk : 1 & booklet just tas or i on val ge ull ower rer of T.L. 27806; thence » Pp ” 15c : just issued I f a license to prompeet for coal and ’ chains; thenee east, north and cm ‘S Mince Meat ; by the distributors in response’ to many } tooms, Phone hed 1. 4A | petrolenm on and under the following Many Varieties Agios spare line to point of commence: |Strawberri 9042 bee dceede 20c|enqutries. This booklet should be in every iad scribed | lands se or ame , wn_eT orien " ter e ciry MARKET went, and pneloning Ven serves, more or “pets er 108 vreseereeesens Ae | home, | Copies of it ean be obtained locally FOR RENT Furniabed sghine a commenciag af @ post, plate. thence erves CHARLES HARTIE, Black Tartarian cherries .,, 750 om the Prince Hupert Drug Co, who are| Apply 444 Kighth Ave, Kant south 80 ehalns; thence cast 80 cael April 6, 1920, 47 Yomatoea ..... 400 handling the sale of Wonder Health he- se , fence garth BO ehaina, Hhokoe moat so sete ean enne store 5 Ale . — ‘hhains, eo Soint of eommencemen er in this district, How RETO L wy F: W. Hart. 4 | WILLIAM J LEARY, Appite ant | Dated this 6th day of Mareh, 1090 i ee , | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT S | On Tue } } Shee eee reer coerce eee, — + weed! 4 | | | M. M. Stey ohens Rea! Estate insorene t eat lyr GAVE YOUR SIGH SS Bs Fred ° Joudry Practocal Opt cepetrest Thard Ave. Prince Repert Opens Store [ERN INTERIOR Co- OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION open in C. H. Thomass stand, Third Avenue opposite Post Ufes On Monday, 10th May, a Meats , and etowrer oe ee meet teem AOA OOOOAOOO OM PEEL ODO LOO OOOO LAE OOO ET” | Shampoo Parlor a eae ll ; GO TO THI $ NORTON HAMPOO PARLOR b to get a! mansagte to see the 5S wood it does e expreasion; § ; Henna | x t hange the grey ; hair ¢ ny at ‘ Scalp treat ment ele ‘ rator treat ; menta, face powder 4 all kinds of ace r se ete Opposite Government Buildings 210 4th St. Phone 493 The Essington Hole hat bx ypened by Martin & Bush First class acce ymodation for Visitors to Port Essington Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.00 per day and UP FIRST-OLASS OAFE A La Oarte, eee re DENTISTRY rom. DR. J. 8. BROWN panTist Le Omoe: smith Biook, Third Avew Phone 484 neers A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 oF 444