g Y || TOM LEE CO. It Represents Our Store vou MA e i 4 [joka DEPARTMENT OF | LABOR ISSUES ANNUAL REPORT Gives Review of Conditions with. Particular Reference to Inter- national Organizations. * Vancouver, B.C. ee RT LEST Baan? CNN? A TORK’ SELL TOVE ee —_—— Gurneys commented mak- i stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 3 Hundreds in use in | Prince Rupert. — —— ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware AVENE Phone Black 114 Ni Acreage at Terrace yt your Aere Lat Acre Tract at Terrace fora r home before prices or Ten vance. G od lots adjain- ng the Townsite at reason- able prices. fruit and lots af fishing Town Lots $75 to $200 Write to Kenney Bros. & Co. Real Estate and Insursace Terrace - - B.C. Plent PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Gouncil, O.B. U. ee ESE SSL ated Unite and Dates of MEETINGS Building Trades Unit, First Third Mondays, § p.m, Central Labor Council Lvery’Tuesday, § p.t - Women's Auxiliary, First and Third Wednesdays, Socia! Second and Fourth Wedues lays, Busine: s Meetings Fishermen, Every Thursday, Spm etal Trades, First and Third . “95 ‘ Fishpackers, First Saturday ais Mees. 340 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labon Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547. — P.O, Bor 725 roceneooseeceennennerdh Prorene Hand Your Baggage Checks to JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and Passenger Service | Stand, Empress Hotel } Phones 264, Black 334 j Quick. Deliveries Weece rcccereeccoooososossosoores | Meee aa came Phone Bir hone 665 827 2nd Avenue 3) C.V. EVITT hie Auctioneer uditor and Accountant } leovornment ihe city of Prince Rupert has beenithe construction of an addition) wilt read it again tomorrow if it} full to everflowing, from a hous-|to its present wharf with large/is still on view. | storaue ing standpoint, for maty months Government Expenditures Provinelal acknowledgment Of\ and estimates for a modern apart-| n S in the} ment house to be erected near the} amount allotted to this district IN} eenter of the city, and numerous | the government estimates which| qwyellings are being built. Hvery-| these conditions is seen - é6é freight Their purity can | surpassed - J 5 oe | ever be THE DAILY NEWS cower haangrii ‘ qe CIGARETTES SS .? UC ee ee peint type a i ee You Judge a Cigarette— ies How >—By The , ; TASTE That difference the cigarette critic finds in Craven “A” comes from its 100 percent pure Virginia Leaf. 6 Craven ‘ ‘ Taste a ht ok : . An sheds, Eng- Acivertise often and make the ad, snappy and you lish capitalist has called for plans/are bound to get results, MINERAL AQ'P, (Form F.) | CERTIFICATE OF INPDOVEMENTS., have just been submitted to the/tning seems to indicate a pert el erry Assembly, ‘The principal expend lof marked prosperity In ane otty. Wolr’ Mineral Claim, situate in the iture in Prince Rupert itself will} yppe one distinetly unfavorable | vans River Mining Division of Casstar Dis 7 » | ‘ . . ‘ be for provincial governme nti feature is the lack Of housing} “Where tocated:—Near the head of Alice Yr . ‘ : seri. | \rm, buildings to cost pat i nana aa which is seri Take notice that I, J. E. Stark, Free . s provided in we, ve dimer’s Certifeate Noa. 20386 C, inten, which $100,000 Is pr US, ixty days from the date hereof, to apply expenditures for this year, A} new publie sehool is to be con} strncte ‘ ©. KR. Rent was dismissed from d at a cost of $150,000 toline hospital yesterday afternoen g2a0t000, for which the provineial |after a week's illness. one- funds. will provide third of the necessary Advertise in the Daily News, be CURR Re prt cen RY co" o the Mining Recorder for a Certifoate o mprovements, for the purpose of obtaining Crown Orant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, un- r section 85, must be commenced before he issuante of such Certifeate of lim spoverer ts Dated this Sra day of April, 1020, 4, B. STARK, via Stewart NOTICE OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN holding Crown Lands or nsite subdivision® under sate from whom the purchase that Lots Jn agreement > mowe'y | eh lands or Townsite Lots remaining npaid {8 overdue ate required to umke} a nt, within six mopths from tbe date f this Notice, elther of the full amount) 1 together with imterest thereon, if! u due, or a substantial proportion of} such at nt, which muet at least cover th nterest due to date, together with ! that all taxes, whether Municipal wri vinctal, have been paid, falling which ir rgreements for sale will be cancelled, us provided by Section 7@ of the “Land Act Chapter 129, Kevisel Statutes of) i9if G. R. NADEN, | Deputy Minister o? Lands. i Denart 1t of Lands, | Victoria, B. C., April. ist, 1920 WATER NOTICE, DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE that Premier Gold Mining Ltd., whese address ts Premier, B.C... ! mt erty me Bour The east \ i/ Her ‘ on ‘ iA a a) ' eu I the Pn 1919 na t n et hd ee : Department of sk eR a La j ‘ leal th im es Fie f d { ti Hig Union ‘ f the rit t al Catholic if Le abe " { forces inizat : tial gain the non-| ‘j d inde-| the eport ibe 1 has iched ' ded ‘ i the ‘ al re | eid, the tot rte | { ‘ a of! (anada at the {919 being} Phere a il 1847 | hi “i tt lL) ‘) at ‘ éanc| “ OO,247 ivi * » Hi } e i 5 x : th | Sa ted) bY PACKAGES. ‘ ‘ tan . en branches i | \ f 16,1} I hit i 8 nz a mem-| ; iine ht gi 1401 1 ts with a ' f 1,46 ’ “ al n g ’ mnches of all cias 5 1 ilitix 4 ! irkable wrease p of 129,160. The] ae ‘ized labor in Canada, as re- “LEC YA deal the Department fdr the set ni years, has been as fol-! we | eit 133,132 ivi? 160,920 TOUS .cevewerceces 175,799 1914 eene 166,165 14 149,943 ‘1 160,407 ‘ 204,630 | a t 948 RK etd tat 7R.047 —————_—_———— ~ a iThe present ‘ . ‘ , Prine STEWART LEADS CONSUL TELLS "= . ‘ sao O00 ‘ ‘ ets nt OTHER TEAMS AMERICANS OF 2: | by the pr ! ee i r ‘ ti y In Northern League Ball Team PRINCE RUPERT -«:: of $61,0 t i ( Holds Premier Position, with |George sect $51 the Anyox Second ey 1Omineca er 1 £98.000 f Speaks of New Work About to b@ line 41); ~ rt baseball team, the Done Mere With Large Ex- | penditt as 7 : ' e Sisitove thé ity; have penditures of Money. Iwith additional spe ovisions |) & mood’ Btart® in “the 5 lfor a new ferry at Usk and a new rn league. So far they ! the United States commer ial bridge at lerra i int ire} ‘ vat game and are eee” May 20 appears OR) ate, provided r wharves and \ to ha i good whack at gned by Consul b. % improvements Port Ess Pri R On Sunday the Wakeflejd of Prince Rupert tellin® lang port Simps im ¢ nection asf Reitue takes of the expected developments IBi with the fishing industries. On ween the Dolly Varden thie district, It says:— the Queen Charlotte Islands pt ows and the Anyox. team, to be A general belief prevails that vision is made for the Skidegate- hing wih Aen. Prince Rupert and the surround+|Qyeen Charlotte road and for the Phesnonthe league has. been « dist will expand and d@-|necjamation of 10,000 acres of tting up a good brand of ball, elop wonderfully dumng the next lswamp land at Myers Lake. t Stewart with its superior vy years; in fact, that the de-| Other New Work ittery has been shutting elopment period has arrived.| “phe municipality of Prince |others out. The standing of the Conditions in Prince Rupert today |_ypert is about to vugurate althree teains in the league is as lare said to be wnore promisinG|nermanent road and sewer Con- | follows: than ever before in the history Of|.¢euetion, program whieh will)... , WoL Pot. the municipality, and the same 18 \normit of continual development Stewal } 0 1.000 true of the surrounding district./ with the inomasing growth of tne Anuoe { 2 333 Mining activities throughout cens|eity, On the water front, in ad- A] Arm 0 2 000 : * Mine tral and north central Hritish dition to the government wharf a i oo Sa, Pat ee vores’ No. ©. Columbia and the demand for) axtension already mentioned, th If you have an alvertisement in | power (OF wk ainee tan te a forest products are responsible! Grand Trunk Pacifle Bteamship|this paper today several thou tion with its mining and milliig opera for many new arrivals hene, andigg, will immediately commence sands of people will read it. Phey | i tom noth sk for netr dere nort Aart 80 enn men Nate 1914,” . loeal Skidewate, B. « mse three feet Creek, which flows ake and cubic f Fletcher and drains into Cascade n Salmon River Valley diverted wary water will be vw Premier Mine This notice was posted on the ground 20th day of April, 1920, ) “ A copy af this natiee and an application pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act] filed in the oMce of the Water Recorder at Prinee Rupert, B.C Objections to the apnolieation may be fled with the said Water Recorder or with the Parilament Rolidings, Vietorla, B.C. within atty days after the first appearance of this notice in ae co. L will he of Water Rights, ntrovier newspaper PREMIER GOLD Applicant by Dale f.. Pitt, “eo is May 4. 1920 from jatream af a polmt about near the north- ner of Lot $507, Rupert Mineral) and will he used for power purposes power house to be ‘ Arent, The date of the frst publication of this will apply for a licence of water! west-/ Creek, about) quarter mile north of the International the Thr. FRNA TSLANRS TAKF NOTICE that William J. Leary of intends to apply RK. ¢.. lleense oleum an end rihed lands: settler, under b of the north-west corner thence east 8 chains, ehatns, thenee weat 8A ehains, h 80 chains, t “a! this &*th dav of Netoher, TAND RECORDING RIVESION, MSTRIGT OF OUPFN CHARLOTTE to prospect for enal the following Commencing at a neat planted one mile or nm thenee north te point of Commence. 1919 WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant, Bowmen oo and thence Mememeyr Adds MILES to Every GALLON The Canadian Gas Saving Device - ACTS LIKE A WHIP TO A SPIRITED HORSE Cars or boats equipped with this devicé can get | more mileage per gallon out of gasoline consumed, ~ ECQNOMISE AND CUT DOWN YOUR GASOLINE BILL Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. Sole Agents THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE—Lot and House, with two large reama emp $760.00. $400.00 cash, balance $25.00 a month. 3 room House, 8th Avenue W., near McBride, $780.00, REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast | Phene Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. — - — 2s MINERAL ACT, MINERAL ACT, : (Porm F, (Form F.) ” Certificate of Improvements. Certificate of improvement. ty NOTICE, NOTICE, 3 “Silver Tip No i” Mineral Claim, “Silver Tip No. 9 Situate in the Naas diver Mining Division situate In the eNaas River of Cassiar District. of Cassiar District, Where, located On the Kitgault River Where located: -Strteen adjoining’ the Dolly Varden Group Kitzault Kiver, near. the TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. Patmore Group, Pe of l'rince Rupert, B.C, Free Miner's Cer- TAKE NOTICE that J , tiNeate 310148-C, es the duly authorized Administrator of the e. acent of Frans August Swanson, Free Swanson, Free “Miner's ye the 2 ad Miner’s CertiNeate No, 90347-C, Intends, 30846-C, intend, sixty 4eyn fs ‘ sixty days from the date hereof, to apply hereof, to apply to pe Mi w the Mining Recorder for a Certificate for a Certificate of Ivq@rovemen! : of Improvements, for the purpose of ch- purpose of obtaining a Crown Gred taining a Crown Grant of the above claim, a@beve ctatm. a And further? take notice that action, un- And further take i - der section 85, must be commenced before der section 85, TnuaAt meneed | the issue of such Gertifivate of laprove- the issue ef such & . press: ments. ments, any ; DATED this ist day of May, A.D. 1920! DATED this tat day of 206 LEWIS W. PATMORE, JOUN nwow a ' J era