day, June 23, 1920, by the Eureka Vacuum Cleaner and jt is ALL IN as as ON wel th irpet e carpe nd other things that | ‘ nd without dam ging f arpet or sur ‘ - s } ¢ he curtains with- wher you } Eureka “Vacuum? The EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS y cost $60.00 and will last a We w ed to give : pow ‘ ‘ nd explain our PATTINSON, LING & CO. Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Car and Gas Boat Owners The Canadian Gas Saving Device has cut down local car owners gasoline bill lower than one gallon per 6 hour day Why can’t you save $3.50 to $5.00 ‘a week also? Akerberg, Thine & Co., Ltd. Sole Ag ents —-MISS GLEESON—— has returned from the south with a personally selected stock of ° , Ladies’ Ready-to-wear You are invited to eall. Mre. Goldbloorn'’s Old Stand Phone 558 Third Ave. POOLE LOD EL OD OOOO LE OOOO OES orn - PLEASE PASS THE BREAD Good Bread is chiefly a matter of materials al i m Try La Casse’s *LNOdGS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW MARINE WAYS Phone 453 Shawatlans Passage Ejuipped for. building and repairing all classes o to 100 feet { boats up ) MACAMINE SHOPS, Columbia Ways, Ltd. Manager WOOPWORKING, BLACKSMITHING Beat equipped plant in Cents Seal Cove Marine Swanson, President Phong Red 391 ANI I E. Thompson, Ger Phone Green 153 —_—. Se Office Phone 130 Wharf Phone 423 LePine & Wright, Ltd. (Peck, Moore & Co, BUILDING) Lumber, Insurance and General Brokers ° Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf’ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 2 eee - ace Mbtaeaae reeerernree THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE -—Lot and House, with two large rooms, only $750.00. $400.00 cash, balance $20,004 month 3 room House, 8th Avenue W., near McBride, $750.00, REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE, on the Coast wv. T. Lutes of Massett is a vis- eh il | jitor in the city. Alice Arm is now undergoii Fie D -ty? a building boom and new. builds FV. H. Du Vernet left for the in- ings of varied Architecture are'l terior by this morning's train. being ereétéd All over the town . . * ; * ; Is choosing a husband a difficult in the last yar th ee $e oorke (buildings has been very woties task? See ‘The Loves of Letty,’ | ? a lable the: number having abort Westholme tonight. ldoubled rhe ~ buildins I . . . | 7 ‘There were three empty express |*bout evenly divided the 1 refrigerator cars on last evening’s|*!ice = Arm Development Co.'s train from the east. townsite and the original site now 62 @. belonging to J. M. Mort Outing and Panama hats stili| A new thoee storey hotel is going at one-third off this weeck.|t{he course of erect by Antor Jabous Brothers, Ltd. fal |Serbic h and should ady i ° e ° j few weeks Lime, ‘ Arrivals from Smithers on the|modation here is as irce as al train yesterday evening included|reports on the outside ha at A. Ponder and L, 8, McGill. jed and eyery available bed the ties: jplace is always occupied. Vhis W Coon of Anyox arrived in| fact accounts f sha * end the vily yesterday and will re-|tents rising. alipost overniczht main here for a brief stay. I'wo large cabarets built qf logs ae lare also in course of erection and Hazelton arrivals from yester-| Cneos! a day evening’s train include F.R.|~!! De opened sh Wee . eount of the searcit of miber Purvis and F. P. Montgoinery. | : ‘ . . , jand the diffieulty transporte For three ply cottonwood lining |''0", logs are be sed Jarge for buildings—can be put on by|'" the new buildings, Thege @ amateurs—sée E. H. Shockley, |'4ny skilled loggers in the pla Cow Bay. tpjand the buildings | up ary . . . ifirst class arehit and co fhe Loves of Letty” in whict | struction. t palace without love proves an} The cainp seems be taking empty paradise, at the Westholme/on an established hat has tonight never possessed past and ° ¢ e ali the residents a filled with Ladies’ crepe de chine, geor-|confidence at the out . Als tte and voile blouses at twenty} through has ally cent discount all this week.jcommeneed this s in f Brothers, Ltd. i7 ‘swing anothe ~ ti a Med the height of th son should 'he Loves of Letty.” She 0°-lhe on and all sh fully “or- ed t law of love and paid the)... ,ieg. alty Westholme Theatre to- : c 2 ght Pauline Frederick. n~ . eee . . . j a i ary Lipsett formerly mar ] Sport Briefs j in f the local branch of Lip- gee merece om & Cunningham, arrived from \ ne he south on the Prince Hupert fe “) = the ga si tne t i Cis iai ery e is being give to the fund . . . au Mrs. George Rudderham left|for the erection a dressin for a visit to her old home in ‘ ne Acropolis Hat Nova Scotia by tie tyain this}? is At the t games a rning Mra. Hudderham will |ready held in’ the ve gs away for a few months. sum of $47.40 has been real d . * which is very substa i consid Chief Justfe Hunter arrived |« g the s f the crowds un Prince George on the train nd the game. ast evening to take the bench ° ¢ : et the assizes which open at the Last week end 5 url house this morning. the city made -the trip . . . Shawatians ia with \ 4. Wattie arrivéd fromifiiend for a pleasant Hazellon last evening dnd was) jau Many of the local wt at the depot by his daughter,;men told them 4hat there Miss Margaret Wattie, who has fish out there and th been visiting. dn the city for the| probably have fo go as i past few days. Woodworth lake before they got » > . a bite However, the young een W ] times. editor of the Ne- 1) led 0 his } b s s rtiv ehaco Chronicle at Vanderhoof,|,r eaving the head of t j arrived | the city by the trainiand stepped to a s iy last night and will remain here/peach by the side of the str during (he assizes He is defend- |, d ay s ant im the suit Vanderhoof vs.) py} his ¢omrades. dis ged Rimes. him. lowe he stay wit! 9 7 se t and bef leaving had 1uled Jack Ratchford returned to the) ) oe tout Now the strang city by last evening's train from), . pias Sipe ohal-to dulblot his v he east This means that an- derful two bh a’ fishins an ther. good ball player, will be Prince Rut available for the local league. t ~ . Jack says that he is glad to be} rh Lhe back again Rex i icl ° % . wa is All ex-service men are COPr-|i 5) pounds | as put dially invited to attend a Rally ofl sccount of unsettled wea and Smoker in the’G, W. VY. A. the ane . rh j rooms Wednesday, Jule 23, al 9)7 oo, at heat uee ' Pins p.m, Songs, speeches, refresh- ery Rea Ng : J ments Admission free, 146 tp i . more fa \ . . . Che Prince Jobn arrived from)" Southern Queen Charlotte Island 1 the & . ca m4 of the Cup points yesterday afternoon, Pas- ta Seties Dominion Day sengers report a great inrush of), poi match the Trail Athletic new comers into all part of the), will be represented by the Islands, When the John returns following play: tonight against to the North Islands a large nuM~ji). Grand Tru teani: J. Judge; ber, of passengers are going from J rrinker and Vice Men Ww. here to go in for the summer. lAnderson, H, Day and W. Brown; . ° ’ P. Conlin, G. Lumsden, 8. Hardy,|! Miss Edythe Blair, R.N., Of}; jonnson and KE. Craggs. Re- Vancouver, who is the guest of serves, Davies and Lamb, Mrs. Erskine, Digby Island, has} Y accepted an appointment in the) Boys’ wash suits, negular $2.40 Prince Rupert Hospital, and willl). go z5° Selling at $2, at Jabour } hearst hone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. Box 66 Juty 4. ciliation and longshoremen's union this afler-jiy held under Timber Licenses Nos, 16403 noon, | ithis week, Jabour Brothers, Lid.! Wedn ea sali die THE DAILY NEWS ————_—_—____-—___—— CLEAN S Gea { MINING CAMP keer - BUILDING BOOM ‘ lwought how much E I int sweeping could be if fl Ask for azine Sausage, ul if i oo : oo for you | Heather-mixture stockings, Miss; TWO CABARETS AND MANY. jute §|Gleeson’s. if} RESIDENCES GOING UP V ” wes | . . . We is AT ALICE ARM assume her duties there about! mothers. Ltd. e Miss Blair is an eXxperi- eneed nurse and is a graduate of) the Vancouver General Hospital. | . . . j Advertise in the Daily News. A telegram was received this} morning by J, G. Gavigan from W: P. Hinton in regard to the possible appointinent of a con board to arbitrate the longshoremen’s strike. diflicully.! the wire is considered favorable | being diseussed by the! CANCELLATION OF RESERVE GIVEN that th mer j NOTICE 18 HEREBY * reserve existing over certain lands f anl 16404, Kitsumkalum is | celled, Valley, can Ga. R . Deputy Our Special Sale continues all | Lands Departument, fictoria, Ch, Rist April, i920, NADEN, Minister of Lands oud ’ Lot 370, the most northerly part of the /for the purpose of obmMmining a Crown Grant said island; thenee in a westerly andiof the above claim, southerly direction following the sinues-| And further take notice that action, un- itles of the shore line to point of com- der section 85, must be commenced before mencement and containing eighty (80)'|the issue of such Certificate of lmnprove- acres, more or less ments C. MAWHINNBY, | DATED this tst day of May. A. D. 1920, April Ls, i820, ‘ LEWis W. PATMORE. The Family Smoke a LD CHUM” is a family friend. Grandfathers, Fathers ° and Sons have been smoking it for years and years. During this half century, “OLD CHUM” has grown steadily in popularity and favour. Every pipe smoker appreciates “OLD CHUM” quality—the choice Virginia Flake Cut tobacco—chosen by experts— stored away until the perfe@ tobacco taste and mellow flavour are fully developed. It is this dependable, constant quality, maintained for. years, which has made “OLD CHUM” the chum of all pipe smokers in Canada. » OLO CHUM Canada’s Favorite Pipe Tobacco. sere ——— ees a Se ee Se MINENMAL ACT, Form Ff ( * , CERTIFICATE OF IMPRUVEMENTS t NWTLCE i Ft Kitsui No. 1 Kitsur No. 2 “Sunset Xo. 1 Suuset No. 2." M vee ; nd Ss} sian Mineral ii sitts 6 s i hive “i «x Divisk o : . , Wh t st al 1 x t : 4} eget Seen * } 4 ’ 4 h Z i " I at Lewis W. Patmone,| Z 1018 C, as agebt 101 Pemberton Block Fifth Street Seattle ashing Certificate No from the date VICTORIA STEWART i Recorder ens, for the ee ae * rown Grant of action un enced before cate of Im april, A.D. 1920 x va rMORE - in .- NORIO k ua: wit" w os eel All Parts of the Town a fr at Title te . Town Oe eee ace Te Stew r 2 yr t . . . ibov tiftcate of Listings of Business Lots Wanted ' . ' é above HELGERSON, LTD - - LOCAL AGENTS ; , ; ; , a ¢ 7 Prinen NS ; g sy Of March, 102 H. F MacLEOD, —- ” oe ee. - — SS secenneenseen n Ties oT WATER NOTICE, | " MINERAL ACT. USE AND STORAGE, | Th S | ‘oe ’ (Form | TAKE NOTICE that the Granby Con-| e Omeeton ’ solidaced Mining, Smelting and Power en ee ERTIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS. Company, Limited, whose address is Birks| Building, Vaneouver, B.C., will apply for} I Roo NOT a licence to take and use 50,000 gallons) ea ‘ Minera nm situate in thelper day and to store. 3% acre feet of TENS Mining Divis f Gassiar Dis-| water ont of the East Branch of Hidden 309 Seeond Avenue Creek, which flows southeriy and drains for \ Near the head of Allce into Observatory Inlet about at Anyox \rt townsite : that t. J.B. Stark, Fre ¢ The storage-dam is located on Lot 2224.) Home Cooked Meals s86.C, tntend.| The capacity.of the reservoir is about 3% ‘ ; hereof, to appl¥|acre feet, and Moods about one-half acre | — Dinner and or a Certificate of land, The water is diverted from gel upper vou . rpose of oblaining | stream at a point on Lot 2224, abeut 800 wn Gra above claim feet from the south boundary, and ts used Try our Home Made Bread ' ‘ tee that action, UN-|for mining purpose upop the mine descr ’ i n 8 i » commenced before jas Lots 481, 482, tes. 485, 899, 1513,/ and Cakes nee fs » CertiNeate of lm-/| 1676, 1677, 2219, 2231, 2222, 2223, 2224, mes ts 2225, 6, 2227, 2229, 2230, 2231, 480) ZL Dated this 3rd day of April, 1920 and | - 1 F_ STARK his notice was posted on the ground) rah : mn the 1st day of June, 1920. Power ‘ . ? AND ACT, A copy of this notice and an application oo |pursuant epareto pee to me “Water ot Sch mer a ine 7 1914," wi e fled in the oMce o x i Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. |\i's Recorder at Prince Rupert. no, will accept freight for Port Simp- i ; ; dni 7 Objections to the application may son i in Casslar Land District, Res 7 us pe fled with the said Water Recorder or with} aad bp ag Arm, Anyox t Skeona, and situate at Alice ATM, ih. Comptrolier of Water Rights, Parlia- ewart - Hyder, Sailing B, oe sala) Be Milnes ¢| ment Buildings, Victoria, B.C, within Every Wednesday Evening rake tee that John M. Morcisom ga {thirty days after the frst appearance. of from Goverament Wharf, Prince A Arm, occupation fretgnte ho fol, {tls notice in a local newspaper, Rupert, B.G; = ° ly, rx rmission to lease the fo }GRANBY CONSGLIDATED MINING SMELT- > » lescribed lands tanted at the} ENG AND POWER COMPANY, LIMITED, ns af & post pian at the! Applicant. -anaanapheraeRieenEE aE , west er, of . Lot it oF the nee By F. E. Patton, agent et gs Pe A The date of the frst publication of this : rae ; arf oh ens tanaka aa aie Indian |"otlee is June 5, 1920. PACH ink, LID Résemfe, produce we nertiy 605) feet ee Dene ee ’ 4 " ° to the southwest corner of the Indian] MINERAL ACT, Hot eS , . om A ho Bins __ Poni07? os | (Form F.) 5 Keliable Se ae t to the point of commencement, and We have ' ‘ » acres, more r less Certificate of improvements. '" JOHN M MORRISON, NOTICE, per Fred, Nash, B.C.L.8., agent, ‘David Copperfield No, 1” Minera! Claim, _bated May 21st, 1020. situate in the Naas River Mining Division om of Cassiar District, LAND ACT, Where leeated:—On west side of Kit- River cae jzoult adioining the Dolly Varden sorta moniter 5, oer © Purchase | OP ee ote E that ie Lewis W. Patmore nd. me . o & * iof Prinee Rupert, B,C., Pree Miner's Cer- In Coast Land District, Recording Dis-|tineate No. 31018-C, as agent fer William f triet of Skeena, Range 5 } MacLeap Free Miner's Certificate No. { rake notice that I, David C. Mawhinney,/20975-C; Alfred Wright, Free Minor's +e Ss f Prince Repert, B.C., oeenpation cook, | Certificate No. 31080-C; Alfred BE. Wreijrht, ‘ee mend to apply for permission to purchase /Free Miner's Certifieate No, 25284-C, and rt the following described lands | Eke bert FP. MeGinnis, Free Miner's Cora. Specialists in Li ae Commencing at @ post planted at thejcate No, 20388-C, intend, sixty days fram southwesterly end of an tsland, and about/the date prructian, Alterations, hereof, to apply to the Mining 20 chains northerly First Class from location post of Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements,