1 eae ated o! For the Salt Lakes pple RICH STRIKE ON LUCKY BOY THE DALY NEWS In Jifty-Jell desserts the frwit S2- vorn are sbendant For iastance, half s pineapple @ crushed to make the flavor for ome pint dessert. This Former Prince Rupert Man in- . Wi fs éome in Hawan from fruit too terested in Mine Close to Bathing Caps Water Wings 2 ee be aiiee AB ji@y-Je@l fro favors are made from coedensed frum jexe They v1CT - ar topp es come in lequid form—ae vialy—a oun mn package. That « troe : . 2 : ; ; mo other quick geistine desert | Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and Mew cs =a on ee inspect them. dessert =x No artrficsal | favor. no sacelbacine [tis the mom ’ | @elictous from descert availabic, and QO | i comes im ten choie flavors M je en . ‘MUCH EVIDENCE IN ~ The Pioneer. Druggists _ | SaPP nels Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 Continued f Page 2 2 THE REXALL STORE ployed to catch somebody? ' | “Yes. IH JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! Why wes Jack Miller t Dont know Thins Lips 7 jasked him.” . —— Was this thing being staged - iby the police om by Lips ? : i Well, I wiii tell you a : JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS ifactured because of | Here followed the descript — a : es - f you, and : f how Constable Bailey had t + olners. tou Want assigned to the Lipsett -robbery ; CUFF BUTTONS, A PIN, following his return {1 th A CARD CASE jeountry up to the final arrest am SOTHO CITE Crse wants : Questions cat fro the ¥ 7 nee ti bles, neck chains in reward t the poli , 3 ' $ you already “witich stated tnat the liquor was Thats why we keep lidentified at that time as that On American Side the lared’ dbsortmests wei én “hich was stvien from the Lipsett : WE PLEASE EVERYBODY house. Yet not one had be« 4 7 . iN STOCK AND PRICE » ideutify it there yesterday. '%" t oint \eurt ruled however that no suct i B ! R. W. Cameron evidenee could be considered be- ‘ * The Jeweler 3rd Ave. leause the book merely expressed ‘ ‘, @ ames | thie opinion of the police and was ihbehind the back of the accused Go to Jury. : ANNOUNCEMENT | This. eotticted” ts case 0 Special Value Se Natten meso a tor D é z Phe “World” Cafe, formerly the own mt of ccarrt on the pl sma Caf Third Ave. and|Of mo evidence of identificat : é in Section 7 i th Street, is now open for|the .vdge, bowrser, consid i Lit 24, Block 34, siness under new management,|'at white there was no direct 8th Avenue date service and|¢v¥idence still ‘there was s ' . hain of evidence that it w { Z I $225.00 =e ORS oe! 7 NOTICE icide whether of not Duff was Promising pry ' as Lot 54. Bi ‘43 iguilty. The court then adjiyurn- s F ‘6U ae rn " All persons having bills on ac-ied. tes y roe wenn wee ount« against the Yokohama} a \ecor a. M I $300 00 j iS Arc. OEE 10, DEMON), Mh 46 just as cheap Ww get you: se . 4 ° them to Mr. M. M. Stephens, at) srimting done well and done at *\tuated die Terms if desired his office, Third Avenue, not later) yome es it is to send it away. Try stream of water traversing ‘ts than July 1 next, prope rly certi-| The News Print Shop. facé j ee fied as correct by T. Nagamatsn.! x ‘ieee ° the former proprietor. McCaffery, Gibbons Dang Ho and Lew Shong Way. ‘BUS SERVICE TO HO & Dovie. Ltd. (2 ___ Proprietors. | SPRINGS AT LAKELSE | 3 . oy e, @ C Undertakers, Phone 1. — : ur ig Visitors. lo Lakelse Hot Springs ; Piette Agents ican get automobile service from 3rd Ave. Phone 11 ‘i Terrace by notifying C. A. Waits Graduation jthe liveryman, Park Garage, Ter- - eet wea irace, who bas a new Ford car and |} Gift itruck for this business. Keaso: Ss jable rates. il 4 " ail i ft 1 ww } ] t a } Se ct a cee os es re appreciated and treas- _—— will be held on ured longer than a five hun-| Take notice that Hunt & Shrub- ; se herta Screened dred ad ir present would (|sall, Ltd., intends to apply to the GUARANTEED LUMP ifter years. Prreeerene, OF Farmt. Wook Coe V1 ay For Kitchen Stove. We have a good variety of panies to approve the change of Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton f Sa * jits mame from that of une & his . ’ Sacked ... $7.76 per ‘2 ton wmne Gils ane 5 © VOrpmnen, 144, 1p that of F. 4 ; fer some st s* bas Baik $13.50 per ton known fact that the jewelry|Huut, Lid., in accomance with gains Only a Limited Supply store has always furnishedisub-section 4, section 18 ,Com- ; ; Phone Your Order Now the most cherished gifts, {panies Act. Men S, Women S and i i Dated at Prince Kupert, B. U., CALL AND LOOK this 12th day of June, A. D. 1920 Child , W rt & McCaffery | AROUND HUNT & SHRUBSALL, LTD, aren s Wear LTD. | nna Her a few of the lit Phones 564 and 118 J oh n Bul r PUBLIC NOTICE. we = aa ; ’ ’ oe ge We, the Undersigned, have Ladies’ Nightgowns, in fu i deweler jtaken over the Yokohama Cafe , rer ; , ; y i ifrom Magoici:i “Fukuyama and » ry re om screen ia) Nacamiateu. All accounts pt e040 Sale price nner _ en 1OWINg up to this date will have 7.50. to be collected from the former Ladies’ Combinations, | owners. We will not be respon- veloy style, “im Hahata We are sible for any accounts after this mae with embroidered . date, except those auttiorized by Aon Hegulat price B Ul b0 p ourselves. 162 47.50. Bale price $6.00, (Bigned) DANG HO, ‘| Childern’s Cotton Crepe , LEW SHONG WAY.'|}) Dresses and Rompers for $ a * Whdlesiiy: ang Retell Prince Rupert, B. C,, June 7, 1920 the Boys. Ages fro 2 prweurs: " 7 The fuliowing lines arriving Friday TIMBER SALE X 2218. ae a aa : Pe sa | OUR COAL 18 IN THE LEAD — some ia rice ft 41:25 to #82 When it cor 4 , New Potatoes per sack, market price. Sealed tenders will be received by the | price tren “9 o - wn it comes to quality, New Carrots per sack, market price siatees o tends pot tater pen noon on|T) Sale price $1. oo . Ms . “ yo uly, 1926, fo ” pU and you will always find New Beets per sack, market price. chase of Licence x $548. 40 out sso0 bee! | Men's Woollen Socks. fie- tere the right kind for every New Turnips per sack, market price, feet of Spruce, Hetulock and Cedar on an) | : a area edjoining S& T. L. 1719p, Cumshewa ||) gular, price 50e¢, Sale purpose, Kadishes, Green Onions, milet, Queen Charlotte Islan Di«trict } No matter what you need “orrivi ‘s tn lars “Fuip- wit i. f imter mie Srewes ir ae ro whit 4 in arge # - val of nber, ' f coal fore-—cooking, heating, on every Dost Further particulars of the Chief Forester, |]) Mne’s Horse Hide e Gloves. power wa have ¢ are inable Ww pane & price aneen's c.” or District Porester, Prince | Regular price #1.50 to 82. . will have ayy trode. we ‘ape or - - yon | Sale price $1.25. COAL THAT IS RELIABLE rales on Gur goods Unt they arrive. Men's Gloves, lichiwricht. | Hothouse Tomatoes, No 1 20-lb, Keg pean, 3 i 20. Sale onsumersCoalCo,,Ltd, py i" #6 1) DENTISTRY j) p75 Pee: “eho ” ’ 090 Dee Onions, 100 Ibs, gay Owing to the holiday naxt oes th ue Se 25 cases Sunkist Lemons, 2408, per? Don't neglect your Teeth | Week, our regular weekly ’ oc one 7 case ‘ -.. $6.00 . One decayed or missing tooth | Sale will take place on Tues- wbae + nO RT CT 1OG enen, Suayes : Opanane, $7.28 ; lowers your efficiency day and Wednesday. Watch wee wee 1,000 Ibs. Cabbage, trimmed stock, | for our ad. on Monday Rosey ‘Lad Mine’ Fiestas * Cherries, °° om DR. BAYNE i shooner LACY Op dagines eurewbercics, Man Wit Office Houre--Morning, 9 to 12; ili ps will aceept freight for Port Simp- Wweek-ond, Phone us for prices. Te eae “ 6.80; Setur- 3//) son, Naas River, Alice Arm, Anyox Seeley” Wesrnes “oo ry ) I'd If ( and Stewart- Hyder. Sailing @ day eile Ito 9. " 7 if, et Every Wednesday Evening uper qd e Uppiy 0, : : i ‘ } from Government Wharf, Prince DENTAL NURSB IN ATTENDANCE 3)/ 148 Third Avenue | Rupert, B.C, PHONES 211, 212. PHONE 109 YOR APPOINTMENT g |want, SEES SESSESESSEEESEEE EEE EEE EASE PE EGAL)V CEREBRO EEEE . : i . *. . . - ‘ zs + . > ‘ * * “ R@ > > * . = ‘ he . e > : with necessary sup-| 8 7 Rocms and Bath . I pick up e mining encineer|§ $2500.00 ? . pick up @ mre at . e . " ‘ la careful 1a 5 — : we . will be made r the * 4 ee, a ad : $500 CASH, BALANCE ARRANGED : ; ' ™ . SRE : FOPOSD, WHEE | ‘ ‘ $1,00@ each ; forti : withis - we 4 : { pla g in detail . , . ‘ af It is t . $1,500 each ° ; ' hewever to *# . ‘ . ‘ > : : . : t itiay Ait e ‘ ‘3 ‘ : ; f t « « 3 ' ‘ f . Lots 19 and i ss . ; > >. It wa B : $700 each. Terms. : thet « ‘ e ° . DAVID H. HAYS : ° . : « { : : . . Oras G . Phone 57 Corner 2nd Street and 2nd Avenue 3 : “way > iy cS eeeeee eed aeeeeeeeeeereseeeeeerareerertsererererererere t width a Pian to Ship This Year ; - nie hin tiie “ y that the immediat When in Town, Com bh : eae POOL ROOM dj pack hors { ee. whe + con pe & Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes t tidewater at Wyder t Proprictre> ‘ ' derstood] E. Petersen Uy that the ¢ ant a = will handle the product me th amy ! adj a TO nem ianage ent f “A it act ¥ : ! ne } : gts t f i t P lhe at i” alt 2 io he eatiede. 6 i continues that fu fa 4 Vere er nine ome distance tur ° rth, but bas turned up in 1S ee i atch « a better prospecth) th the Premier opertors se.}f : ; re kept away ledai atl n Coen tdes le so that many of our friends who wer kept awa) ething over $100,000. Five} last week by the rainy weather may have nen ape being worked on the & their opportunity. opment at the present time,| neluding Christopher Benson,)} formerty of Prince Nupert what " ar 3 asses has beén up with his ore since] Our whole stock of Hats for La lie ° Mi : , : oe > . rts, he season opened this year. — | and Children; Ladies’ White Pique Ski: The praperty was iqeated by <4 Middies and Waists, Muslin Nightgowns, icky chance last December Benson disclosed the ott. efopping while in the act of skin- shaw ning a bear he had killed on the} spot. Benson is jubilant over the; strike, and asserts that his part-| ners in the group have agreed with him to develop the property anong themselves, there being plenty of money in Sight for the immediate needs of such opera tlions as they have in mind, There sno intention of selling or form. ing a stock company for the pur. pose of promoting the develop. ment, There may be something you See the classified column “ heal ' Corset Covers and all Underwear, Also Children’s Gingham Dresses going at 20% Discount I , pe eee Bros., Ltd. Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street