Legislative TAP ; 5 Ps Daily News Se § AWNINGS T POPPOCOPOO OOOO ORDO All kinds and sizes made (40 Years’ Experience) Fe WE NEVER SLEEP Agent coraedeen J. F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. , PRINCE RUPERT _Prines Bupest pute Second . - Prinee Rupert Northern and Central British Columbia's eremnga we rte PDN E c.H. Jones & Son T Sj mT — > ol XI NO). 149 : me , , gt r ® : PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, SATI RDAY, JU NE 26, 1920, PRICK FIVE CENTS ———-——— ee —— a ae = Cee ee ee a = Last Act But One in Liquor Drama a DOMINION PARLIAMENT ONCE MORE NEARS CLOSE OF ITS ARDUOUS LABORS sPortorctt —— TS Duff Found Guilty by Jury — DEADLOCKIN DEMENTED MAN Commons Prorogues Of Stealing Some Liquor /’CALSTRIKE KILIS HIMSELF on Tuesday Next wee on Sean Minis- Gets Constable's Revolver From Will be Sentenced at Clove of Assizes; Nothing Specific Asking 147 Coneltte- Le dae aaa EE (Grand Trunk gets Grant of $25,000,000 about Verdict brought in ee Afterncon On the last trip of tile Pringo| tO Enable it to Carry On; More There is a deadicck botween llupert south, a provincial con-| It was @ lense scen he Assis e Coit ferday oon “LUMBER RATE the striking longshoremen and | otic boarded her at Ocean Falls! Money for Ministers the company, and with the pur- when the jury, whiel en he evide 4 the Duff sheft pose of trying telbreak It Mayer maving - his care a patient suf. | ‘ that conelud ' g, re ed wave McClyment statef this morning {NE from mental deraggement, | OTTAWA, June 26.—It was announced in the House of Gom- f “guilty T0 THE ORIENT that he proposed telegraphing Ee ee eed totes tke mons yesterday that prorogation would take place on Tuesday Chief Justice | g ge, reminded the Minister of Labor at Ottawa wits an gripe, while te -wéat on next, ined aE vos dy | Cee ae DROPS $10 TON a cooniionamaiea, rt *, deck. Immediately the policeman The Premier announced that there would be increased in- a conciliation rd. ; é her of theft f ‘ g had gone, the man broke open the demnities for ministers of the crown and for judges of the su- he jury ag i Simeot The Wager o_o = grip and secured the cdnstable’s perior and provincial courts j jury ag - ne sad no hope of effecting a settle- cal atl A to kilt perior and provincia rts. Duft guilty « Z No Change on Canned Fish Yet; ment by any other means than ne 8 ti ria noe aan . = Supplementary estimates were tabled including a $25,000,000 Sentence wa ‘ ‘ f Herring to be Considered the one he remy ees to take. own hail The man did “GR aiains loan to the Grand Trunk Railway to meet a deficit on construction kly U ni Later ‘eed in killing himself at once Work, bond guarantees, etc. There were other estimates for t for the . roe FOUR DROWN and was taken ashore to the hos-}publie works, harbors, ete., amounting to $1,977,798. ind there ha CITY BONDS VANCOUVER, June 2¢ pital, but died soon afterwards. | _ , ' lation o 1 Pactilc Coast Oriental ‘Tarifl | The shooting caused no little MERCHANTS i a 1 font f {? rean in eouference here has re NEAR MONTREAL alarm on the steamer, one of the DISCHARGE 0.8. U. CANNOT ‘ «tal BEING SOLD daced the freight rates from hers builets passing very close tu two? A HEAVY FREIGHT a , the Orient of ber from #35 young ladies who were passing vetlel F SURVIVE LONG ne was a fr ea eae sal Woman Tries to Save Life of */0N8 ie seererae Prince George Brought 131 Tons | added to the | tie Some Already Taken and Others) = [hie canners’ rate of $16 stands Niece and cess Wer Own * |. Mie! Minty received @ ware for Northern Points. onaige - Expected to be Sold Salt herrings will be discussed b oe on from Constable Beeaven a short ‘SASG proceedings . J lay . ihe Bureau fete an aughters. » before. going s : a runing the case had | ‘ 4 yo 5 ; sl BS aa ' sd st a be fore. rae . press eae On this trip which is No. 418 Ss , i wae ctcretls s ; er ee A reduction ye made of : fi ‘ jthe cononers jury ac +n : , and the court ¢ iv ' The sale of the city bonds has cline Qusiaks init an gatens MONTREAL, Jainé 26.—Saeri- | paict of suicide in the cine the Grand Trunk steamer Prince veal ed host of the time : proceeding very satisfac- Gul ports ificine her life to save her litte me mae. George left Vancouver for the | ternational Leader Mas fhe. peosaseulion.for stealing , ne for. The part Week did aac evans area : PEA ARON, PFN AneiTi ont, WTOP ind t to be Winart. A rider to the “rorth with: $a? oft Fatt "| Ken lathinr 7 ong fullowed a conviction f ‘ 1s taking a vacation at Vandre- |_| ex 4 11% tons were left at Ocean Falls From Nothing. " nirary to tl vu ning’ te from LEAHY ARRIVES |, was drowned in Lake St.Louis 1s = ss Ce ty hie ei aad 9 tons at Swanson Bay, and half! { the Prohibiti het - h T dss Many people have ‘ Dauchters, Joette and oe ee a Tk eo ja ton was for the Prince John VANCOUVER, June 26—Samuel — Dull was liberated , a te ght and thers have inter- FROM OKALLA FARM ; es fhe other victim was iwhich sailed for. the islands at Gompers arrived here unexpeet- + ty W. b. Vance and have ielen Hamilton, daughter of the ORE STRIKE ON 42 o'clock today. 28 tons will be edly yesterday and remained thirty W. KE, Fisher 4 ‘ d the value of the wit be Tried Before Chief Justice oroprict of a department store |kept on board for delivery at minutes between the time of ar- 9 i ta ine the f ihe . . ay . ining Hunter on Monday. here Stewart and the balance, 132 tons, |piyal of the train and leaving ox + of Wiel y they bave delayed The childgen were bathing when ROY AL GROUP | lis being unloaded by the nter-/the boat for Seattle, w t tuient Phere Senior Constable Si North ar-/the amether went to the aid of her lehants here this afternoon. | Interviewed herve by a press. WhO are UNe lived} Vaneouver .on. theo who was drowning rhe pee who were making ship- rebrese iene Mr. Gompers ess} y t and in what fi cities "1 : stody |. rs of age respectively, became inerning were kept busy up tO matters. He pronounced the One own and as- ideed: Lasty 9% 7 ippear ¢ nf en and rushed afte eT ears 8" noon trucking their Big Union abortive, and toid of ~ hi ve ‘ +} , j = QZ * uo ers ” » i 3 re . > : A DAY TO PAY neds a @t the jAvsizes on Monday morn- | . aud all Wel ® Rich Free Ruby Silver Assaying ~' ting th thers to get their ithe reeent growth of the inter- ! ‘ nd are! ' ba oa ' , rey drov i shipments over to the slings. : ‘ 231 oz. Close to the Dolly nationals. FOR HOSPITAL 3. .s.e.ctssets etn oS NEW MOTOR ACT IS Warden mine. FINED IN COURT FOR tsi ns dono noting an alin. te ancouy iat 4 | KC OR June 86enl i cannot survive long,” declaned So Said Dr, MoEachern at Hos nat been ie aiuzht. the prissher tay EFFECTIVE JULY J aiiver strike nas been made on BREACH OF PEACE \- « ‘avorsicader. » cEachern a S- me Fen ! I SUE BENE ees ere ae renee of the : ses, Next weekioy icurarin where he has be the west side Royal group es plital Convention in Van- era idvertising Fade lial , sent for a breach Only Applies to Now Licenses at Alice Arm close to the Dolly Tu the wget aes ae Se GREEKS TAKE couver that the citizens Taken Out after End of Varden mine, wires Manager -Mc-'ing before Magistrate Mc Mordte , of the Prohibit Act en ‘ . i of the offer, Wicnth Lennan today. He says they have there were convietions in two 7. VANCOUVER ' ‘ : . - - , struck Number 4 lead-of the Dolly }¢ases for drunkeness Sad “two ver} 8 000 TURKS “—~ shentooh to the Va ; ‘ STRUCK WITNESS AS NEW VANCOUVER RATES VIOTORLA, June 26.—The new | Varden and are getting rioh free eee a re Edie 3 : Mi Act becomes operative July |ruby silver, assaying 231 ounces. ‘ Y es ' tf ) | rule ' ot atfee *he le s e > to the Royal Hotel where a great Killed the 1 ; , LEAVING THE COURT APPROVED AT OTTAWA 1 i egulations do not affeet rhe lead is twelve feet w ide and Soa oe ae aac Capture Much Booty Including Hog a vole of hal iJ —_——— the 1920 car owners. has been traced for 300 feet on crowd had gathered aroune 1€ ; an: nite takine: ten Guns in Neighborhood i for hospita is give VANOCOUVER Jy 26 New New cars lieénsed from now on| the surface, It has the same scene of an affray ae of Smyrna. perintendent Melba Simon Duff, After Being Con- rates to be charged by the Har-\pay the registration fee of £10)capping as the Dolly Varden, jon the sre, cE he Watiees as Vaneous G : bo foal f tonnage handled at and a dicenee based on the new ————_——_—_—___— erpais, i. Mustokas and George LONDON, June 26,—The Greeks sted, Hit Witness In Face. rd , oe PF ag be ‘ 26, the Hospital ‘ ‘ ’ vere the wharves here have been ap-jseale, | Launch Alice B. Phunk Blue 548.|/Dirschus, were placed under ar-)|.antured 8,000 ‘Purkish Nation« Her i was laid at the proved by the department of ma-)_ B j st, : jrest and brought,to the gg sv alists 1ear Smyrna. Guns and ‘he! peers Jon Ohta oflice yesterday fine at Ottawa. It includes five rhis morning they were both} joty were taken and the invaders nted to half a tt ' ‘ La Duff when leav-/|cents a ton on fish Po . : ‘ geo Pevd Postmaster Burleson says the VANCOUVER, June 26.-—-At aja cessation of immigration for several years; to the ravages of | In the, police court today the} St. Louis 10, Detroit @. 610 per cent fexas delegation is Vorne for packed meeting in Dominion Hall! jpfluengza and to deaths of soldiers killed overseas. pedjanemed case of Mrs, Heareh, mark Pacifie International. OTTAY mei Pi a MeAdoo at the Democratic con- last night a resolution was pass- ian amattichidiinas \oline Freda Gold, came up for vie toria 9, Yakina 5. ys A, June 26 rep ta |¥' ntion. On the hathbands of the ed unanimously @sking for the final adjudication and the ae- Spokane 4, Tecams 9. 2, 1@ Board of Gominerce Made) go jacates is “Mac will do it,” The repeal of the Prohibition Act, @ 2 2 RR ® PRRRRRRRRRR RR RR ee eee PR eused was fined $50 and costs of public here shows that some Can-) of the MeAdoo boom seems oOures ad ' favoring the Government sale of p890.50, The original éharge was of fr xen aoe trade pron’ mysterious, \inallt and spirituous liquors, but) 6€ 99 fiat of the theft of a long list of| M P t : a ae a rn ah 4 ; 4 paul lomphatically demanding’ that ‘the at een avourneen articles from ~Lillian Russell, E! R im common stock tThvestipen } : — a 2 es i oa i : THEATRE| ai saloons be not westored, Henry which was amended to gead the “é | ee a two years, ’ he aren ee GOVERNMENT HOME iBell-Irving presided, The Sweetest Lrish Drama Ever Written ‘theft of two articles which were) nvested their surplus earnings FOR MENTAL CASES Joe Martin addressing the meet Special Musical Program of Irish Selections proven by the police to have been ~S on oe re r said he voted for prohibition stolen, Re DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND (ae) OR FOX NEWS MUTT AND JEFF The woman being held on tthe } are Admission - - 55¢ and 30c Will attend serviee atl Methodist)J. D. Maclean in addressing Chueh tomgero. AML meinbers |Mestical Association here intic) JH Mewthorntbwal 00) Westholme Theatre - - - Tonight |esieiton tn restitution of the re heme Trail” Kinogram VANCOL vER. June 25 Hon./in 1916 and would do so again, tei us not for the present law, ‘*The Great t Romance’ charge pleaded guilty and the encom nonilile sel tales requeste i. ‘ t ted that th Feo apn need would anid: i ( i (5 at at o Bevthe NEN: & s t iblis h ’ at atv alescent hospital} | polie » or filled the jails to enforee two articles be made. L. W. Pat- ’ ‘ » BE . ali L. WOODS, W. 1 { il ca the moral law,” \eReerr are RRRRRRRRRRRRRE RRR RRR nore appeared for the accused, , ‘ — a 0 monte cases, | ° ‘