EE ss EEE AG LEAD EAD SE LGD SB SAB AG AND. AGA A A A tn i = DT tehtades Liv vy § AWNINGS T evccooovoereovrcocere All kinds and sizes mack (40 Years’ Experience) Agent J. F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper E Cc. H. hata & Son N T 5 wn == Se voL, XI. NO, 150 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1920. Se eR ae | Vice-President of G. T. P. Che Daily Nets mistic TAXI TAXI ” Phone 3 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince ‘Rupert Auto M. HW. LARGE SFr ected Ave. - Prince Rupert - sourer - a Se oe — PRICE FIVE ENTS ———— ee f DOMINION GOVERNMENT IS IN MELTING POT; PECK AND STEVENS MENTIONED Railway will Show Profit Earlier than Was Predicted Results will Confound Pess'mists says W. P. Hinton in an Interview at Vancouver; Higher Rates necessary to Make Road Pay MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE MAKES CIRCULAR TOUR OF CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA VANCOUVER \\ “DR WRINCH | general manecges (j ' ¥ S several day wen owe NEW PRESIDENT } ert i} } wid a — aver avi . ' Gl , Heads B.C. Hospitals Association , : Succeeding Dr. McEachern ' of Vancouver 4 pre } ‘ Mr. Hint ‘ i i VANCOLVEI lune ®R iy ‘ Higt gers te Weineh of Hazelton was her Sa May by ing i eigh ih tt i ; H ; ane Associat ling Dr. M. 1 Mckact Dasescrvatic Convention in Session at San Francisco A¥!0 PLUNGED CFF WHARF, VANCOUVER R. D. Lynn was Victim of Accident at Hanbury Mill. Favorites for Nomination are Mc®*doo, Palmer and Cox. Muthing Expected to be Done Today Oliver agriculture ia the I DD. Barrow, minister of ived in the city lastnight «ardent south a ile . ‘ / Who am SAN FRANGISUO. J : i s . CGouventioh'o! the VANCOUVER, June 28.--. D the stear Prince George. lemveratic party « ' 4 . pk Shih eae y Lyn ve yed , the ty Dury M Ba wo js net given to ’much talking but rather to rhe credentials | thie .« u nih ~ a ha ee “as aclis He nt up onuethe G. 'T. P., visited at different poifits, which would . e he es ey ee red ’ i “ we Geotge, and arrived here on the tiain last rhe favorite ire Mf rf at e yard. the mat I ie isa vnied by Col. Davis of the Land Setile- Adoo. Palmer and | ; , ¢ thre? ed ment Board and the visit had to do partly with the workings Very are ‘ f vt it is ss ol + OFgantas tio ' ‘ ecole eamat AID FOR AVIATION Mr. Ba vy said he was very pleased*at the way in whieh 7 he | 90 the ind s en i is " iting i entral Biitish Cplumabia. Over Million and a half Dollars \ 5 s were coming into the tountry. for Purpese Voted by Steeda te lee Sse Parliament WIL ATTEMPT 7°"... COMMITTED — OLIVER-ELLIOTT IN HOSPITAL | DRIFT 10 POLE!" 'ycece: FOR STEALING LIBEL CASE IS AS RESULT plank in the Democratic platform, Peck and _ May Go Both Mentioned as Possible Nominees: _ Reorganization of Cabinet’ Expe | Directly After Session Closes OTTAWA, lleagues. H.H. Stevens of VG., to carry on until after the organization. fall to pieces directly. A good | When the salary ads many lames are after the sta on a nigel DUFF GETS ‘A YEAR IN JAIL Leahy Picads Guitty and Has™ Three Months Added to present Sentence. Sentence was given this afternoon in the cases of Rex vs. Duff and Rex vs. Leahy. Duff gsts one year of hard labor jn the common jail and Leahy three months added to his present sen- tence. | Leahy pleaded guilty. | directly BRITISH LABOR IS. AGAINST PROHIBITION wi fect sure Grat when an ap- ‘alias Majority Seibel at Con- June 28.—Rumors are busy here in regard to a |general reorganization of the Union (fovernment., it is said that | Premier Borden is likely to retire as well as several of his col- Vancouver of Prinee Rupert are mentioned as cabinet possibilities. The general opinion seems to be that if the Government is census there will have to be a re- There is another opinion that the present Govern- jment cannot stand the proeess of reorganization hut that it will ance was made at the week-end it was under- jstood that it was for the new man who was to teke the position Stevens to Cabinet cted ‘ and Colonel C, W. Peck, mentioned for the premiership. , tururea COMING | Man Than Expected, Says F. G. “Dawson, who is Just | Home. Mackenzie King is Bigger | Among the arrivals on the train Hast evening Was F. G. Dawson, jwho has just returned from at- jtending a meeting of the Liberal jexecutive at Ottawa, He was very jmuch enthused of the optimism of the eastern representatives, peal to the comMhia i” made, the Liberal party will be returned to ida. Th rower Tf vgn eee GOING ON TODAY vention af Sqnryeree The sathering was presided ' ' toria i 3 He 1 Woman’ ow alee ee OF ASSA T Tonneson Says Amundsen Expects ult hullding 3.) en Norris I oa Rin ‘ LRBOROUGH, Eng., June 28,/0¥er by W. L, Mackenzie King, to Make Another Try for Most ra " 7 The Buitish Labor convention and Mr. Dawson says he is a far Northern Point. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL Phis ning in the police CG. H. French eps. on dury Even {here turned down prohibition by |Di#ser man than he expeeted to dantd Wate Wied Oi) “Unc f Mn ciulieie tac hiabia Though Passage Booked a very large majority. ‘There|nd. He is well supported by all conscious When Case Called my eee | N s James Sullivan to Nome. lwere only’ 472,000 supporting it,|'he leading Lberals of the ecoun- National League. t as | ia ar try and has a complete grasp of In Court Today \ Xp Sa m lic for trial on a whereas 2,600,000 votes were re- caked whith ue ee 2 & . from here st. L 5 ¢ nati 3. i ig a ri fron VICTORIA, June 28..-The trial|corded against such a policy. feet OGES WS or the lhe Came i J LA Ine plans St.' Louis 5, Cincinnati 0 M \nne Sayer on or about of R. T. Elliott for libel on the big gia noma g Vv iarged with a ‘ irift across i N Yo { j tt It is rej to the suit of Premier Oliver fallawing RE LIT Weliaterhetad ie Vea ey Ph : Ty i s ow ODA : - . rat by sats ! he bas mal New Y } hiladelphia ¢ ne and the dae- the infamous letter sent nee 4K MI ARISTIC ne rae an ane ae h ; ht te station the closing hours of the: bLelisla- GERM NY SFTAngeO FOF Se F i ' t meen Ss a i | = : “~-s a » ture to ea ta deal een SPIRIT OF A |Hupert in the near future and to idjourjsiod Bost 7, Brookly err — . ne ip a ‘nd a few days here, wh bul ty that ? y ’ ‘ as allowed to against passing the Dolly Varden spend a few days Lere, when he t that . CALGARY MURDER a veces ! Calor tak tbe sepmnenthdll otad here this morning be. 8@ Says Marshal Foch In Inter= will meet the people and find out ae . American a 7, = si dant fore“Mr, dustice MeolaelA | view—London Could be Laid their needs and be in a position i ck w ve Chieago 12, Cleveland 7 ! : © SBULAOR ICS ys . re ee Perey | } , > ‘ir : he effect At Woman Named Anne Gordon was Wash neton 4, Philadelphia 3. the « t was brought int CG. H, Freneh, one of the jurors, wn Suguests. He ” help etic m nt the - problems, the eabitese: cr 4s i Killed by Unknown Person. Neus York 44. Boston: 0 » station by Sergt, Adams but) had his passage booked . ae eater _ % “or Sate atukee oe ad the scarch reveale »'and asked to be released, but this nat s kee ae L, \ \ I Epreh5 My Louls ; i ‘ , i r ' vs ce na fi dint He later eleeted PARIS, June 27.—The jnilitar- | about qgonditions here, " : | Ee ; ed Pacific International. Ce ie cere f a a in rh iret oni »was istic spirit of Germany must be Speaking of Crop conditions, unds were iniljeted ' al Anne ¢ i wit eUaTe Vacoma 8, Spokane 4 th ‘ ip OMeriperen Sere aaa tbroken. st ars he t : ; King party and d tine ’ person ou vieloria 5, Yakima 2. Resid hae constables this'crowded to watch the prelimin- mee ag eer ey — = Mr. Dawseg tam Ubet everything hospital toda dg , : ‘ rt 3 ul 4 anes Saal snd Ernie/laries : interwiew here, If given a chance seems late on the prairies but the spite mihy wa ti { PCL af : ‘ Vancouver i, sea ( 0 or hes ’ ayers aint pare ts ; j t i é Ss that although t! pat t i \ The tiremen dis s i Results ié { is to the occur It is expeetéd that the triat will they would fight with airplanes |, rops are growing fast and every- Lill : i i! re Ts i i “al t to the last until Wednesday and they could lay London waste |one is hopeful, a ? resting. easily A Mf ; { ed body with a National League. renee OF Le a BOG 6 Visit v ase - we between dark and dawn. Conselous state, it was d LO al th Pilt(sburg 8, Chicago 3 West End i ing House about eee acet ce I EM OF antl alien | ascerts at how hatiee i 1M i.2 the time of the loss of the ring. } BREAD GOES UP ; im ju i \ St. Louis 3, Gineinnati 2, : hile DRUNKEN EUROPE PROVINCIAL ELECTION | 3 night be the complicatior NOTICE New York 2, Brooklyn 0, Mrs. Say pes that Whit | VANCOUVER 27] R. Nelson and Gopal Singh a American League. fooling around: Noeris had held CANNOT COMPETE IN NOVA SCOTIA ot Ry: Mune; | 27 Ene peared on a charge of dru A registered letter was re Oleveland 4, Chicago 1 her hand, jand t laf is what made jetxhtee n ounce loaf is now eleven hess and were each fined #10 and bc the Prince Rupert Washington 7, Philadelphia @,/ ler psure that none of the oth. SOBER AMERICA HALIFAX, June. 28.— A pro- leents. It wit De doprer Monday i” Costs, Ciniintint < if al ntaining a] St, Louis 3, Detroit ft. ers had taken the ping, The ring vincial election is to take place in|'t 18 expee ted due tw the ee ‘a x hi ‘ de by the Graham Is New York 7, Boston 5 whieh was on exhibit she atlesied SAN #RANCISCO, June. 28. jthis province, Nominations will price of Hour. sa ear ad snd Cedar Go,, Ltd Pacific International. to be hers William Jennings Bryan, who is'take place on July 20, it is @n-} ~~ e UT GOES favor oO \\ I llastie for Seattie 6-7, Vancouver 4-6, I ‘ Pierge told of how he) pore for the Demoeratié éenven- nounted, and the elections on 84.706 and a pension cheque in Victoria 14, Yakima 1, had met the accused at Swanson tion, interviewed on Saturday July 27. | IGHT ; lo visit Mrs.| said: “Prohibition is not ihe main RT | | WES OLM )Phis counte y Will sweep The world, | 10 VANCOUVER :: wenn et] 196 YEARS OLD. = (sr aot ts aatic Heware of casita sathe 1) oreward for information —_—-— asked to give lis testimony he) ppunken Rurope cannot oumpete| VANCOUVER, June 8 A linndis to their pecovery, Lady at Eburns Retains All Her maintained that he lad never seen with soben America. quarter of a mijlion pounds of prin it t General Hospital Faculties Although Very Qld. the ring before, . on halibut and satimon was received } a Phe Magistrate committed Harry Lipsett, who Was ane here today, ‘This is the largest bi those leaving for the EBURNE, B, G,, dune 28 Mrs. /Norris for trial the principal witnesses in quantity shipped to this port in " ‘| n the: George last! DeBeck celebrated her Odth Dulf case which closed on Satur- Ihany weeks, anti wih Morley Shier whojbirthday on Sunday, She retains Archie Grant came in on last/day at the local ass leas, returned ing ce : eon a brief business triplall her faculties in spite of her evening's toain and returned up)}to Vancouver on the Grand Trank 2g jadvanced age. [river again this morning. jsteamer last evening, Launch Alide B. Phone Blue 548.\to Va of the PRINCE RUPERT is WELL REPRESENTED VICTORIA, “June 28. ‘for stenographers are in order of merit: Jean Ross, M, W. and G, Brooks. /M, Bailey, V. M, Plummer, j Among: stenographers who haye sue- the cessfully passed the examinations | the follow. Misses Bb, Dyer, Norma | ‘The Heart's “of Wetona’ The Gran Moan *; the greatest and 4 event of Lae