Monday, June 28, 1920, SROTHERS rp INTO Sweet as a Smile A smile of satisfac- tion from radiant youth and beauty— wearers of clothes washed with Sun- light because the garments cieansed with Sunlight Soap retain alithe “charm of their newness’’—the preservation of fabrics in their — freshness and smart appear- ance, Insist om getting the Seap you ask for— SUNLIGHT, et ibnublFe hi ae — Ne, CS SS ‘\ ‘ WH \/ SURLIGH\\. (OVA\\P fi: y i \ it i Mai 4 ali fi ide | iy ' HiT Ih Mi i IMANIHRE | i eH pit hies t Hi ' MUU hi ME Te a J Li : ; ree Mh Hilt; j © i ii i y ee — ——E_= i” this morning's train for Smithes ews otes where he Will spend the summer ah as among the arrivals by last Vening'’s train, / was an arrival in the city yester- day from the interior, Q XNA Dawe and P. W. Mackinrot of Port Essington, and &. W. Sinclair of Inverness, | A CLEAN S PATTINSON, LID Third Avenue WEEP sw rr u 7 is Eureka uum Cleaner t ALL IN ‘ *s ON ge i other things it dam rpet or sur- irtains With owr whet you Eureka “Vacuum” The EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS $GO0.00 and will last a et « used to give explain our G & CO. *rinee Rupert, B.c. What they want now is sunshine.| Summer Coats : Voile Dresses White Cotton Gal Middy Blouse Mra. Goldbloon Phone 558 -MISS C Phone Blue 69 POOPLOLODOLO LOL OLE EOLOOLOL LL OOO POPPER OOEER EO! OO OA OO LOBOCCEAD eet) LEESON ; ck & nn Piviviicr/ 1s Old Stand Third Ave. THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE Lot and Hgu $760.00. & 3 room House, *' REAL ESTATE ye oma, only monu MeBride, $750.00, GENERAL INSURANCE Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast NORMA TALMADGE “THE HEART OF WETONA™ @larring tonight : Westholme Theatre Block LOL OOP LOO OOO ILS P. 0. Box 66 »t the Westholine Theatre. pital, Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. ul . . . A. It. Macdonald of Hazelton W. B. Steele of Manson Creek . . . | rhe Tillamook is on the ways the Prince Rupert drydock *« having her annual inspec- n and cleaning and painting The New England is receiving ropeller repairs. . > . J. Db. MeAuley atrived home last ght from an oMeial visit to inniper He says that on the rairies the crops are not looking y too well, as they @re so late A. W. Carter, manager of the (weanic Cannery, who arrived in} the city last evening, reported hat fisting this year was just jabout the same as last year. There Land Act Amendments were nel quite so many boats out.| . . . i Many Prinee Rupert residents! fiave been receiving invitations uring the past two weeks to end their bolidays at Hazelton) th their friends where they can the aeroplanes on the way to ne, Alaska ,. . . Mr. and Mrs. Vanophen of Brus- ix, Belgium, Wete passengers Stewart by Saturday’s Grand boat They returned to ince Hupert vesterday evening and wi remain here for a few days before continuing their jour- ‘y to the east. . . . The P ss Alice arrived fron the south at 8:30 this morning land sailed for the north al noon Besides carrying a large number passengers she brought forty tons of freight for this cily. In- cluded in t barrels of beer, 200 of which are billed through to Hazelton. he shipment are 300 The Princess Mary arrived from the north on Saturday afternoon! and left for Vancouver with a large passenger list of tourists } iwho had just completed the round Vitrip to Skagway A number of United States soldiers were als beard, returning home fron outpost duty. The scene on the government wharf on Saturday” afternoon would have reminded one of con ditions during the general strike last year, Prominent mer- chants were there with = shirt sleeves rolled up and doing yeo- man service, At first it was hard get the necessary handlers, but in the latter part of the after- fnoon there were thany to spare, Between sling Toads a few minutes iwere given over to mopping Lhe) iperspination from their foreheads land enjoying a few pulls from ithe fragrant weed, Miss Edith Fraser who returned ito Prinee Rupert from the south lou Saturday's boat, sated for An- lyox last evening Where she will lvisit with her parents for a few iweeks, Since graduating fram lthe General Hospital here, Miss Fraser has been nursing in Se- lattle where she did remarkably well in her profession, A short jtime ago Miss Fraser Was serious- ill and the holtdays have been iwelcomed so that she will get a chanee to fully recuperate, Her lsister, Miss FP, Fraser, is at home trolidays from the local Hos- THE DAILY NEWS Jack Sutherland went out or vacation with friends ‘ . At the fire hall this mornined the testing of the alarin syster was being carris by Chie Macd@nald and th: . A, C, Hearns ret ed to Van couver last evenit He will b eatly missed in by ball circles during his absene is he was . . . very competent un \mong the southbound passen- Yo kers last night were Mr. and Mrs,| Mes. Fred. Weseh and family G. Stewart and family. jand Miks May “Martir oe. ven ‘ . . sengers aboavd lay t sert Mantrop, steam boat in- fou Terrace where they will spector from Victoria, was on the} day during the st ‘ nonth Princess Alice this morning. - ’ *. ,. Gi. Me A fee ofr G raf We can save you 15% on Firéjamong those lea for ft Insurance in old strong companies |south on the Grand Trur sleam Phone 7—J., Lorne MacLaren, last evening. | be awa Ltd 2 3 : Uf for a short time For three ply cotteénwood lining | rs for buildings—-can be put on by The ise of Re itichat jamateurs—see EK, H, Shockley,|Leahy which apened at the As Low Bay. tf) sizes at 10.30 thi ne was | P a , ladourned until 2 t aft Arrivals from Smithers by the! oor ss , ‘rain yesterday evening included| . ya es : Rie os ;counSs? fhe pet rs ichardson, L. B, Munray and | Sused until Miss M. RR. Allen. ' tae ea 77 3 Up to one o'el today no re Mrs, P. V. Fatlon of Burns Lake} iy had been ree he Mave ‘as & passenger for this city by | Meciyinont in reg ast evening's train, and will bel wpieh he sent regarding the isiting: here for a stort time. | strike situation to the Minister ? ’ ’ Le ' ‘ i 4 °¢ Among the arrivals from up-| abo at iilawa.,. Lely = s @ex- ver yesterday were Thomas|Pected some time 5 Gtternge to what pr ssibl tio lay be itaken to reliéve the situation. . . School Inspector P icompanied by Mrs. Patterson anc jchilde left for t “ y { boat last evening ' . pspena ' sun During the past 5 r Inspe Patters has bee Live { Ma ha pe d f serve all the rich juices of the meat. Davies’ Ready-to-Serve Foods. Nothing but solid meat—not a particle of waste—a tasty and economical dish. Your dealer has it. Ask him.also about the other ‘varieties of— Davies OODS “A Different Dish For Every Day” Pork and Beans, Roast Beef, Corned Beef, Hamburger Steak and Onions Cambridge Sausage, Veal Loaf Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce & cae, and seventeen other delightful dishes—all made in Canada, by Canadi Tomato Sour ians. THE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, Limited ‘Toronto - Montreal 1 . DAVIE -LunchTongue possesses a goodness and tastiness that cannot fail to win you. 3 Only tender young pork tongues, cooked and processed so as to con- i One of the most enticing of : TT Avie SS Synopsis ef 6s Mintmum of first-class land re@uoed to &@D acre; second-class to $3.56 an acre. Pre-emption new confined to sur- veyed lands only. Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes and which is non-timber land. Partnership pre-emptions abolished, but parties net more than four may with fet for adjacent pre-emptions With joint residence, but each making vemens on respective claims ° Pre-emptore must Gocupy claims for Sve years and make improvements to value of $10 per acre, including clear- and cultivation at least 5 acres, ore receiving Crown Grant Where pre-emptor in occupation not tess than 3 years, and has made pro- portionate improvements, he may, be- cause of ill-heaith, or other cause, be Sranted intermediate certific - provement and transfer his c Records without permanent resi- Gence may be issued, provided appil- cant makes improvements to extent of $800 per annum and records same each year. Failure to make improvements er record same will operate as for- feiture. Title cannot be obtained in less than 6 years, and improvements of $1000 per acre, including 6 acres cleared and cultivated, and residence of at least 2 years are required Pre-emptor ng Crown grant may record another pre-emption, if he requires iand in conjunction with his farm, without actual occupation, pro- vided statutory improvements made and residence maintained on Crown granted land . Unsurveyed areas, not excec ding 20 acres, may be l¢ased as homesites; title to be obtained after fulfilling reai- Gential and improvement conditions. For eee and industrial purposes areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased by one person or com pany Mul, factory or indust siles on timber land not exceeding 40 acres may be purchased; conditions tnciude payment of stumpage , Natural hay meadows inaccessible by existing roads may be purchased or conditional upon cofistruction of a road to them. Rebate of one-half of coat of road, not exceeding half of purchay price, le made. = PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE GRANTS ACT, The sco of this Act is enlarged to include all persons Joining and serv- ing with His Majesty's Forces The time within which the heirs or devisees of a deceased pre-emptor may apply for title under this Act is extended from for one year from the death of such person, as formerly, until one year after the conclusion of the present war. This privilege is also made re- troactive No fees relating to Pre-emptions are due or payable by soldiers on pre emptions recorded after June 26 i918 Taxes are remitted for five years Provision for return of moneys ac- erued, due and been paid since August 4 1914, on account of payments, fees Or taxes on sold pre-emptions Interest on agr sents to purchase town @ city lots id by member Allied Forces, or pendents, ac autred direct or indire< remitted from en- Metment to March fi, 1920, SUB-FPURCNHASERS OF Cc w LANDS. mewn Provision made for issuance of Crown rants to sub-purchasers of Crown Lands, Acquiring rights from purchasera who failed to complete urchase, involving forfeiture, on fui- Ument of conditions of purchase, im terest and taxes. Where sub purchas- ere do not claim whole of Original par- cel, purchase price due and taxes may be Sistributed = pr peortionately ver whole area. Applications rr made by May 1, 1920 POM) be GRAZING Qrasing Act, 1919. for systematic development of livestock industry pro- vides for grazing districts and range edministration under Commissioner Annual grazing permits issued based on numbers ranged; priority for estab- wr ewners, * Stock -owners orm ssociations for range man - ment. Free, or partially Wee, mits for settlers, campers er tra’ te ten head, — eel memes. the year, are asked to pay the de. livery boys each month when they call, except where payment has heen made for the year in ad. vanes. The boys “when colleeiipg earry olli¢ial re. ceipts which should al- ways be preserved, w HERR RHR ER ER RE HB “. MUCH WOOL IS HELD BY THE GOVERNMENT Great Britain Still Has Million Baies—And Another Million is Available. LONDON, Jur i9. Phe Aus- trade is at dhe part- the ways. In June the con- it he Imperial ight the whole Australia at a fixed ! expire and much dis- s s now going on as to that is"fo be fol to t x the trade back to ns. It would be ssible to jump back at a sud- ] a marketing of I don. Yo begin with, ntimict runs out, there Is b in Australia 1,000,000 Iwh has been both cht ip ‘ by the Im- ; id about an- i 0,4 bales m transit England. Practical- ~ \ i VN i have to be Cire Brita for civilian terest of the s it has not is been paid the flat rate by the British vas one of the ntract made Imperial Government f | not required s the growers half the prolit, if e British Govern- thes O the resale of the} cis i ise. At present this is a huge thing, for » world is crying out for i o wool, and the it at the sales 1 during the last few has fetched enor-} Ss prices } ‘es Tar ML exeess the flat rate at which it was by the [imperial Govern- wh values are now un- ck edly high, there would hil likelihopd of their con- ance If the Lontion, market swamped by 2,000,000 bales act wool within a few nths, to ie followed infnedi- by the 1920-21 clip, which be ready for sale at the end ° \dvertise in ite Liniy News, es*# et ee eevee eee eaeeee Tv SUBSCRIBERS Subseribers to The News Stew 101 Pemberton Block VICTORIA Lots for Sale oo es All Parts of the Town Listings of Business Lots Wanted ~ ~ Land Co. Ltd. art Fifth Street STEWART , + HELGERSON, LTD - - LOCAL AGENTS Office Phone 130 LePine & Wright, Ltd. (Peck, Moore & Co. BUILDING) Lumber, Insurance and General Brokers Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf Wharf Phone 423 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE Vas European Plan. DERHOOF HOTEL VANDERHOOF, B.C. The Hotel That Is A Home. Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good ser@ice Garage and Livery in connection. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT f JAS. F. McCORMACK Se - - = Manager i Where located » the And further take Commencing at j20 chains northerty southerly direction jities of the shore mencement ee oe eee eueeeenee L Dd. | April s4, 1920, MINERAL ACT. (Form F.) CENTIFICATE OF EMPDOV EMENTS NOTICE. “Wor? Mineral Claim, vaas iver Mining Pivision of Casstar Dis- ? Take notice that 1, LE diner’s CertiNeate Ne, 20386 C, days from tbe date hereof, M.ning Reeorder for a Certificate of mprovements. for the purpese .of obtaining | Crown Grant of the above claim } notice that action, on l ler section 85, must be commenced before issuenee of such Certificate OVC: OS, Dated this 3rd day of Apel, 1020, JR. STARK LAND ACT, Notice of intention to Apply to Purchase Land. In Coest Land Ditstriet, trict _of Skeena, Range 5. Take notice that ft, David &. Pringe , Rupert, B.C, oeenpation ook, ; jintend to apply for permission to following described |anda>— a post planted southwesterly end of an island, and, about from location post of} 370, the most northerly part of the! island; thence in a eee SESE Near the The ‘Senestoi ea Rooms 309 aeons Avenue Home Cooked Meals Breakfast, Dinner and © ‘i upper © “% Try our Home Made Bread — and’ Cakes ~~ www tonccoes a2. Recording Dis- following line to point of com- | and® contatuing eighty (80) | , More or less. Dalgarno & Watts | BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS | Spectalists tn fight ana Heay "hon tn hia Soa Revrmstan Gneesteity Glee | ©. MAWHINNEY, é