A - , ry So MIWVE LIBR oN ~~ UPN . > f i } is i * j J »O J XS i TA v Jo ee Vi I Vi. N¢ ), ” PI N T pr ’ > > ' . ise o “meee ait AE BOS aaa aaa INCE RUPERT, B. €., SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1945. PRICE FIVE CENTS AUSTRIANS SUFFER HEAVY DEFEAT IN A Tee: NAVAL _ BATTLE IN BALTIC — GERMAN LOSSES — FANATIC SHOOTS J. P. MORGAN @ CERMAN CRUISERS SUFFER PASSENGER TRAIN VANCOUVER RATEPAYERS CERMAN AMERICAN FAN ATIC { FALLS THROUGH TRESTLE) AND GOVERNMENT LOAN IN GOTHLAND ENGAGEMENT | nasimetinnen iil ats ATTEMPTS TO KILL J. P. MORGAN i acoma, July 3.—A Chicago, | Vancouver, July 3 Tr } : ’ i a; 4 3. The Cen- sich nemeseseelis ‘ RUSSIAN DAMAGE SLIGHT—GERMANS BEACH ONE CR Atif ean can ae ox thai ae) eee s A AMOTHER 16 FOF ASS -FLiGNT.RUSHAN tUD UISER ily a 3 Z St. Paul passenger |tpal Ratepayers Association pass.| ASSAILANT HAD MADE ELABORATE PLANS FOR ESCAPE BUT on - itrain fel rough a trestle near}ed q resoluti . if s on urging the city} IS FELLED BY BUTLER—MR. MORGAN’ MARINE HAS A BUSY TIME—A BELGIAN Rainier at 8:30 this morning, on|y aig RSET ge . woUnee i STEAMER nol to accept a loan froin the} NOT SERIOUS—A BOMB OUTRAGE AT SUNK {top of a freight train. Mary were] gover ’ for reli jork. The | ; government for relief work. The WASHIMGTON ee killed and injured, association claims that the gov | (Special to The Dally News.) | the Baltic, with many shots under clase, peace ia E ' g wt os = Se ernment should look after the| (Speciel to The Dally News.) satchel was found at the door { pTirograd, July 3. Official) [the water line. She is a battle. |DRAMA AND COME ’ : ; : en : i ; 1 battle-| DY mot ho ar mrvie | New York, July ; > ; : : ion who are out of work. New York, July 3.—J. P. Mor-| filled with dynamite. The assail- t Phe ftussian Baltic squadron en- abi of the Kaiser class. AT MAJESTIC THEATRE Be 5 : ; ‘ i ' Py bianlik Pence - -- -——-——-- lgan, who is chief purchasing}ant is of German descent. He is ed five German cruisers ¢ ubmarin ’ rareeaen rT ‘ oa ; citi pve : Beihh 6s, es alameda Petrograd, July 3 ‘ oe The Majestic Theatre presents POT jagent for the British government|#@d numerous railway tickets ; f edo flotilla off anat conatl elrograd, July 3. submar- ' Ce : 8 ita E whic iti a ; aie ped illa off the ist coast} oe ag Fe ge a owenhil: devo smeak> deena ae ee ee e lin‘ the United States, was attack- vhich he had purehased in order thiandieeetaiias One ine in the Black Sea sank tw | rama n na league game at Recreation | to effect his escape by any road ithians esterday. le Gere ‘ , $9 ‘ . $ 5 C5Ce ? y any road, ’ : Purkish steamers and one sailing | jtitled “His Nemesis,” tonight and} Park last night, the Merchants jed and shot twice at his country and had a fast auto waiting. Hi aa o vee ; a é é é ast ¢ 0 € rr is 4 ruiser wa beached and ship, and drove three armored | Monday his is followed by a]football team defeated the Dry-|home at Glen Cove, L. I. last 7 ist = RS ae eS enc : oe ’ hand hag bears the name of 1° as 0 g ; , . a 5 i aughter-provoking * , of docks 8 goals to § aa £ a nig : : / : 3 oe I | 1@) schooners ashore in the Tone ide on Bre ae Z foe pe : cks by 3 goals to 2. It was|night by a fanatic who claims to|Schwartzheimer. but his real ( ie te ‘ tusSli lee as' phorus © ask All, Fi > sar ar icK O » iro orkers at) . : . ; ; 9 i I ian f t was! phorus. | e ‘ Ve | Ar ss i : ck on the ir nw rkers that ibe F. Holt, an instructor in Ger-|name is said to be Marcoe. significant. { Jim Brice” is a drama of great/they had to face a stiff league|man st Corne THe tires 1 ; Belgian Steamer Sunk. aah internal hie “GRE Con ais f jan at Cornell University. The Bomb Outrage. | : : ‘ Tha Bs | i I . i , w-!game so soo after a stre ous}. ails wt : iii r A Cae geahoag ; rap ed hui 5 on eel ene ywogs Picnic’ is a screaming] cup final,-< , : ] é I ae jassailant said he felt that it was Washington, July 3.—The pub- " London, July 3. The German;steamer Bodimogato has been tor- laa A ; , 5 nat, a ane a oa cir play- | his duty as a christian gentleman |} lic reception room at the eapitol , so ' | uy. ers were oO ously s ‘ring fro | ; : tleship by ittelsbach) has re-|pedoed in the English Channel. } en Ce he ele dale the pti: Cee rc ul ie fre ™/to kill Morgan if he could not in-|was wrecked by a bomb at mid- | to Kiel from the battle in|'The crew was landed at Falmouth. | : ‘ , orn wee ’ ef cts of Thursday's enon 1 does him to end the war. night. A letter to the Times, iain j}weather is, the Majestic is always|ter. The play was never of a very| T f 1 ied : gait ; : ae The wounds are, fortunately,|/posted early in the evening, said ist: Sidney Hunter, 2nd; Willie |‘ lightfully cool and airy, thanks| high order, many chances being | not ser Wika wadath es é { DOMINION DAY SPORTS om nter, 2nd: PEP IR kee ANION ETE BS echigieth cs not serious. 1e assailant is in-|/that the writer, R. Pearce, would { ‘ oO e ne syste oO : ation. sse oO s as » EKar : mings, 3rd. : 1 ym a Dy Don sides. Mr. Bard Gee; having been felled by aldo the deed as the crowning act ! UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS. Boys and 14: Jack Naden, PEN 05. Rie ae ley, who refereed, had the game |eoal box thrown by the butler. Alof his career. \ i _ A. Wallace, 2nd: George What does it mean? 1940-| well in hand from the start, and | \ rhe Dominion Tike sports, held {915. tf.| did not tolerate ‘ougl k 4 j Roberta. Srd. } ‘ any rough work. & tra watering an 4 Prank Seo MAJESTIC STOCK CO, AT. ARTHUR NOBLE EXPECTS nd bate AO ccatveree idee Oe te ore ent 4 WESTHOLME THEATRE) TO BE INVALIDED HOME pectators, were an unqualified | yo jeg. 3rd a a -_ ¥ success, by Boys 18. and_ under: ine AD The Majestic Stock Company The following letter from he res ye . F se : » A . » | , : The judges we re Wm. Manson, m8 sunders, 4st: Douglas Stork, TALIANS will present the great racehorse | Arthur Noble to his father is 4 a W. Morrow, Geo. D. Tite, V VJ 94 4i*Fobu“Cumite ‘Sed. Seo aerees ae ee at the!taken from a recent issue of the j hompson, J. R. Beatty, M.M.| Gin ¢ . esthoime on Monday. > ‘boro Exami : : | iirls 6 and der: Laura Friz Peterboro Examiner: ‘ ' cheni Keene We Mies ohn. | i. ed ae : FRONT OF AUSTRIAN COLUMN IS SWEPT AWAY BY ARTIL-) [n “Wildfire,” the greatest Lindow: wamlana vanessa { : Ee 2 . : ize ll SL; ai eek, 2nd; ary , ; f 2 , us she , June na, , senda dahon ie starter! aha : m ; LERY F{RE—ENEMY RETIRES IN CONFUSION—THE ir racehorse comedy drama of the] “you will note by this that I ( J. MeAleenan. The indefatig ae AUSTRIAN OFFENSIVE BROKEN DOWN— jage, made famous by Lillian Rus- oR : : : : : , a'e-) Giris 7 and 8: Dorothy Adams, AMMUNITION BLOWN UP ; re *-|have left France and am now in able secretary, Chief Vickers, was}; 4. Mariam Lando, 2nd; Rachel Aa ‘ll, the owner of a string Of)fngland. I had the misfortune to assisted by Jos, Howe . jhorses, the John Duffy stables, |be slightly wot . oO or’ *, j o ’ » slig ’ inded » 22 The following is the prize list: ae . ’ pape 8 a heer ead "Jin eont Conran te | dies, leaving his widow, Mrs. Hen-| of May ata ee cd ta ar Girls 9 and 10: Laura Tite, 1st, Rome, July 3.—The Italian] lntatia Rennie ; ta edo: Leta eS ee Races. ee ta aa ON arrik ih angi | Austrian Offensive Broken. rietta Barrington, with his horses|jn France. However, I am prac- Little tots—boys: Robert Grant) weijjamson. 3rd oes Lave ape LOEPANO loss-| The Austrian offensive on the}but without money. tically better now, although I am {st; Beverley Davidson, 2nd; Geo Girls 44 and aa Lorna Tit les on the Austrians at Carnic, in|]Plava-Cradisca front has com-| Her only chance to get money still in hospital. I will in all ‘ Gasey, 3rd, last: Mary Mackaloff, 2nd; Annie|{the Alps northwest of Malbor-|pletely broken down, At Udine, brulee she needs, is to enter/probability be discharged soon ' Little tots—girls: Jean Dixon, |, radical ard lehetto, when their efforts to re-|AuUstrian ammunition convoys | “Wildfire,” one of the horses, in}and sent to a convalescent home Ist; Julia Calderoni, 2nd; Mat | Girls 13 and 44: Lilly Shrub lieve a fortress were repulsed prere blown up by Italian aviators. jthe Ocean stakes. She is com-/for some time, and then sent % | Hiris > “ti : di ‘ ' . e : pelle oO oO is secretly i Muse, 3rd Isa 4st: Hilda Halversen, °nd: | The whole front of the enemy's | mmm) 2: arr ath ames " ie a this “seoretly, : Bee home, I expect to be home in | , . , | | | ‘¢ se ‘yr sister is engage » ” % Boys under 6; Andrew Nelson.) norothy Tovey, 3rd. }column was swept away by dead-| What does it | mean? 1910-|' ” es ees eee d to the/about three months. Geo, Mussallem, 2nd; Bru-} gaa, pace: Tom Sherman, 4st; ly artillery fire, and they retired] 1915. ge |e eer Wao opposed to horse BI Ae Si Shwe ie AIS sa ia ee et racing. At the Boar . Trade meeting we Bert, ord. IWm. Stephens, 2nd; Ralph Smith, | ” ae ee ae ne oard is Prade met ung Boys 7 and 8: Douglas Frizzell, | 4.4 YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL. =| delphia-Boston games postponed is... &..fing.and interesting ins} Dishh: MOP ARO ee Ist; Paul Syrotuck, 2nd; Leroy 3-legged race: Frank Saunders, - - on account of rain. ern, a5: domeatee = She Mie Berea. aro wiht Rhaoore “arison, 3rd, and Douglas Stork, 1st; Northwestern League. Washington, 0; New York, 1. oer Pride a ” end ange inviting him. to visit Boys 9 and 10: Aubrey Sweet, / shaw and Ralph Smith, 2nd; Jac 4 Vancouver, 13; Seattle, 5, Chicago, 1; Detroit, 2. oe mm Garrison, played by Fred|Prince Rupert at an early date. aa Ratan efi a lat | , . Cantway, wins the hand of Mrs. a en oe wets ougias, 2nd; Gali Naden and J. Currie, 3rd. Pacoma, 17; Victoria, 7, cea re Barrington: “Wildfire.” of cours Mrs. F. MeB. Young and Miss ie \nderson, 3rd. Potato race; George Shaw ea Spokane, Aberdeen, 6, Coast League. § = ; dfire,” of course, ° ae B re ae i ote ae a wins the race and money and ey-]|Youns returned from a_ visit \ toys 44 and 412: Geo, Roberts, | Morrow, Wm. Stephens, Roderic k| Venice, 4; San Francisco, 5. : : capac is : ieildethad ats erything finishes in a way that}|Seuth, on the Prince Rupert, treereeers eorccooes | Mchai First three equal). National League. Salt Lake3; Los Angeles, 1. a) fost nae Se ' 2 makes Llé 3 sarts >| ow JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES Playing of three different mil-] Si Louis, 2; Cincinatti, 0. Oakland, 1; Portland, 9. ne ; as ad the hearts of the ' ¢ : : spectators, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT itary calis: Willie Cumming ist:] Pittsburg, 1; Chicago, 2. eerie aie eee In yn i to Sha t : ; { ; : : additio ) arts THE Willie Martin, 2nd; Roy Lancaster Mrs. C. V. Poole left for a two ; 5 tl : hi . a Qs d astic ealre ’ i _ |played by the leading lady, Miss é Ird: Leon Sherme tth, American League. month’s visit to the east this], rs Cozy Barber Shop apm cri 4 Ratel Cleveland-St. Louis and Phila-|mornin Vane. Calvert, and’ Mr. Canaan, ‘ds as ; JACK caicene- ‘ Olas mene eo 40 Ss am 2s 0 &. : BATHS 100-Yards dash ; ng | a rs special attention may be bestowed Tonight and OneRy . , st: oche, 2na; a aze == . ; THIRD AVE. ALDER BLK. ford, 1st; J. Roche, 21 VA wy 4 ioe upon W. W. Craig, as the trainer pee oe ha h: J. Roche, 1st lof “Wildfire,” who thwarts the “me re two. parts een. ae 99(-Y ards dash: J. ocne, Sl; ar Saree ; te ra : owerful Drama. ; G. Hazel, 2nd; J. BE. Stephens, 3rd, WESTH OLME: [HEA HEA TRE eae GFhe: SNeeen) Loh Tips re ’ LONDON CAFE tN » sid, ; gee roves - to fix the race, and of Charles E. AT THE MASK BALL " gw broe $ be oehe, : 1G Running pb! M4 Mee oe One Week, commencing Monday, July 5 Klis, as Bud the stable boy, The “0 Garhing Comedy ‘+ nooks Ind: f kA. oPa. i 2 § And Grill ist; Brooks, 2nd; “lat With an Entire Change of Program Every Night show will commence at 8:30, “THE HEART OF JIM BRUCE” | Ser Nothi but the Best Standing broad jump: 3. Roche, fr as ee aoe erves Nothing but the Bes ates ta Ee hea oe me - ist; Rainier, 2nd; Clarke, ord, W. W. CRAIG and CHAS, E, ELLIS A party of Alberta’ school Hart Bik. Third Ave. Putting shot: Alex. McDonald, present ak Be f si “THE POLLYWOGQS PICNIC” g ; eachers came in on the train last} ¢ A Scream Comedy st: F. Goreoran, 2nd. ‘ 17 ° 2 and left for e@ 80 0 ; BOXES FOR LADIES ist; F. Goreoran, 2n Miss Vane Calvert on Frederick Cantway eee ft for the south on Pca ye aaa f — onere= A large number of Italians { supported by the "Cl Pee. 2enene : ia - so. the front, came in from *, Gree } ‘r for K } S} pound for the front, eam ite: Majestic Stock Company Re . Green, member for Koote- | [> “ i Princess Sophia enero’ nay in the House of Commons,and Opening Announcement §$)t10 vorin on te P g nada Opening in LILLIAN RusseLu’s Great Race Horse Comedy Drama George H, Hubbard, representing Albert Rooms this afternoon. ; —_—-—- ap Ts Wild ° 99 Victoria in the house, came in on | Miss Melntosh The Board of Trade has de.. l fire. the train last night and went 2nd Avenu 7. H. Sherrard, Close to the Westholme Theatre } Specialist in Shampoolng, Hairdress- cided to invite dg. ; — south this morning. mre in hla nthe ted Ing, Scalp Treatment, Facial president of the Manufacturers SEATS NOW SELLING AT ORME’S DRUG STORE —_—_~ CENTRALLY LOCATED Massage, Pecks, ond Walr Association, to visit the city. Prices, 25c., 50¢., 75¢.; Boxes, $1.00 G, L, Clayton's cold storage STRICTLY MODERN Bleaching and Dyeing. a ’ . iti , ah te aa ri ; i ised proposition was brought before RENTS REASONABLE f A baseba ans i tie ; For Appointments, Ph Blue 292 Over a hundred ; ; . the Board of Trade last night, aud Weekly or Monthly by Arvengemant Third cage a Prone aly Glb- left for Ketehikan last night on Guesday Night : " : “Che Deep Purple. referred to the fist e' ‘8 : - oo Tests ce bons & Doyle @ Hsheries Comm 13 YNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ‘ é i, the Royal. anor oeitee for report, i