THE DAILY NEWS » necnnie: GOLD WATCH FREE] cccncc tinue Monday, July 5, 1915 = — THE DAILY NRWS. — = aoa rt OF Te 00K THE ADVICE HON, ARTHUR MEIGHEM AND OF HIS FRIEND Stomach Trouble anc and Rheumatism aes Relieved By “Fruit-a-tives” we | (Continued Fr rom : Page One, ; jehe ‘'y calculated that Mr. soOurassa » boss fire bug. He is. In Ontario he operated direct auspices ‘of the Hon, Cochrane held the To suggestions Frank who that Mr. Borden should substitute for Mr. Bourassa the re plied “We candidates don’t need do need Bour- passa Thousand of Le Devoir ow a for him. | | gruftly Borden to win, we copies of ted free to were circula | fan the breeze, The solicitor. general not fall motives were need have Jot Mr kone into the rise Monk, whose but he and sincere Istuff when he n pourings of Mr. jband of hope, iInissed a lot of hot eglected the Bourassa There MR. L. LABRIE 44 Champlain St., Montreal. “T have been restored to health by r ‘l’ruit-a-tives’, For two years erable sufferer from A’/ excuse for the oversight and Stomach Trouble. I became lof it, also the co] weak, had frequent dizzy spells | en 7 took hod. felt secla j bh old fyles of Le I suffered from Rheuma- | Where it adfully, with pains in my back | hy ints and my hands swollen, end advised me to try ‘Pruit-a- id from the outset, they did me vee of the \fter I had started the out- and his Is really no becavse if Hansard re full record Uns ¢ ced Devoir a has been put on industrious Liberal members. Broadly speaking Mr, Bourassa that Canada debt to England opinion second | had paid all her fel was getting well an: |, ‘ é : ; was getting well and I /and that a Canadian navy would 1 in the treatment. I can | ; Ve ' * i ; m f aid 6 y say that ‘Fruit-a-tives’ is the |°™''?! nada ‘in Downin treet ; ware y medicine Wal Sons | and that Ci and that helped me. LOUIS LABRIE, UIT-A-TIVES” is the made from fruit Juices. inadian husbands, sweethearts were in famous | crave danger of being dragged 1 box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. |away by this sea monster and dis- ers or sent on receipt of price j embows lled by foreign cannon ta-tives Limited, Ottawa, jballs. Mr. Bourassa, to give him ler dit, still holds these opinions, ADVERTISE IN | but all his nationalist allies—in office at Ottawa—are singing the is sweet and astern ve one’s native becoming to die for A Real Lever Simulation land so long as the native land Conservative A straightforward generous M offer from en cetablished firm We are giving away Watches to thousands of people all Over the hoge sifortisement. Now fs your chanee to Meighen will admit, greatly alter What did Mr. about it? Mr. Deputy cases, Alfred Sevigny Sevigny obtsin one. Write Say now, encleing 9 cents for one of our fashionable Ladies Is now Speaker of the House of lone Gnarta, of ’ . Gents’ Alberts, nent B | Conimons and his-sister Madame carriage paid to wear wil ‘te acm “beh A) Plaimondon sold pills to the mili- (these watches are ' ‘ . guaranteed five years), tin department at twelve hundred should vou take ut ‘ vantage of oor marvel. na saan enn Speake toon offer. | We expect you to tell youg friends pe nt. profit. Deputy Speaker boat ms and show them the eotifu Watch . Don't think this ofr too good to te tron, bt rnd | Sevigny is now waving the old 25 cans today end cain & Free Weaetrh You Jeuetlors ince it }, 1 Cowal Ro toe El flag now, but at that time he was Prigland Wr . wiping his boots with it. The fiag | | | | | | . “tt ‘f MAL, (or OPPOSITION eee with under TS es Is quile an impersonal matter | 2 inidt (4 7) these fellows—-its just a i question of how many votes can FOR TAXI be got with it one way or the | E, other. What did Mr. Sevigny say? mpress ams Oh! he said Laurier was an | Ph 99 perialist. That his Navy Bill was one slave traftic, an attempt to coerce | Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the wes oitilage mae pei ant Stand - Hotel Rupert | a et ee ES eae hie: ae P the Fraser Valley anc Vancouver Island, to said more if there hadn t been Sit gots LL eee teat Peete ee ladies present, but that should be| ~~~ cae eee ve purest of Cane Sugar. enough to hold him for a while. tovceeee roscoreon Every step tn the producing and manufac- Mr. Pellotior edid -aueust. 10 ¢ di Delivered to any part turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the become Postmaster-General, and 00 : ie Mee prosperity of B, C. It will satisfy the most subsequently judge, and Mr. Nan- | Pure reno Bakery and the exacting. tel got off a few remarks of a| eres, ~ : : SOLD BY ALL GROCERS contentious nature enough to|$ Milk | Gov. Inspected Cows In 1-1b. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins qualify him as Minister of Inland | Revenue and afterwards as Rail-|g The Best Equipped and Most THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. way commissioner at $10,000 a| Sanitary Dairy is the Vancouver, B. ©. ¢ ‘ | . é copiously om moeund. Me Bioware ¢ eMC Rupert Dairy COplOUus 0 ecord, Mr. onain | may be torn from his moorings | Print ‘ E arikuedeal cacacaa aera rere Pr Aatidinttond tet dated as a Nationalist by the tempest, | CO aaa ROR Pee mice Impress Jams but as Deputy Speaker and sub- | BERNER Aso vem en, sequently as Minister of Inland FIRE ALARM SYSTEM tevenue, he never shifted far XN 7 enough from office to cet over his OGIROUIT MO. 1. t ' head. As far back as 1914 Box 12 Box 13 Sih St. and Srd ave 6th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 14-—-8th St. and 8rd Ave. Box 16—Junction of ist, 2nd and rd Aves. ever, he Make Monday Ironing ses | ET Sunlight Soap do your washing yn day morning and you can do the light ironing Monday afternoon. sic The rub, rub, rub at the board has no plac ° in the Sunlight way—so with the ek of washing cut out you Il feel like eeing ce a good day’s work by doing at least part 0 ironing. Follow the directions tha remember there’s nothing in Sunlight t ow dainty hand, A $5,000 guarantee backs this unlight Soa All grocers sell and recommend it t cut your work in half aud o injure fine fabric statement, 1311 way of naval aid, and McBride 81 and McBride St and 2nd St and 6th St Laurier navy or otherwise, was a debt that Canada did not owe. between &th and thing in the (Post OMice.} Box 23--%rd Ave Box 26—2nd Ave. Box 27-—G. T. P. how- : pointed out that it might : we necessary to shoot holes in the : canker: ie i Union Jack in order to breathe Box 16—-ist Ave., liberty through it. He was also Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) > ; Bor 17-—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen of the opinion that England had tral Hovel.) butchered his forefathers on the ; CIROUIT NO. <. * * ; Box 24--18t Ave. CIROUIT NO, 3. ; ; * ; : : f * Mr. Paquet, M. P. for was another L'Islet, supporter, Borden Plains of Abraham and that any- Bor 22—38rd Ave apd sra st Box 26-——2nd Ave who saw in the Box 81—-6th Ave. and Fulton St. Liberal navy a} | dragon. Mr.} Paquet has not landed # Box 32—-Borden and Taylor Sts. Box 34-—7th Ave. and Fulton St. Box 86-—-9th Ave. and Comox Ave. Bor 87—-8th Ave. and Dodge Pl. Box 38--45th Ave great flesh-eating vovern- | but it that when he lets himself go now like “Foul something that ment job yet is noticeable and Thompson St. CIRCUIT NO. 4. something ae thee, it is on Box 41 PL. anc) §6 Emmerson Brood in Bees,” will not revive the past and inter- Box 42-—-5th Ave. and McBride St f Box 43—6tb Ave. and Green Si. fere with the rewards of virtue Bhi 24—bth Ave and Basil ‘st. which must come to the man who Box 45—7th Ave. and Eherts. Box 1441-—-7th Ave. and Young st Waits and says nothing. ik linkhtorkwh ik riick i iih toe Meanwhile, just to show Que- dinsitibined 5 bee voters that the Nationalists | AS PAY ¥ had nothing on ‘him, Premier | ite. | ni of : REE: torden was saying via Montreal |ii*d falas HASLAM S TRAPPERS Gazette and other papers, “The FOR eae | SEN Laurier navy will cost immense FURS ra ates ys sums of money to build, equip eae and maintain and it will probably {] Write Taday result in time of war in the use- Jonn HALLAM =2. 70 TORONTO ess sacrifice of lives.” THE UNION STEAMSHIP €0., OF B.C, LIMITED SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS ; wrens ad were SHINGL:”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS A. J. BURROUGHS, Maneger tat Ave. and McBride St. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. PHONE 25 Brancy s¥ard at Smithers rn ~\ MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 As a medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every cocasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. Birke’, Vanoouver, is the great gift itore of the West. Our Mall Order Department and our Illustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- Ing to a selection from our immense stocks. WRITE FOR *HE CATALOGUE—-YOU WILL NEED IT. Hania Birks a ‘Sion Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS @ranvilie and Georgia Streete Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C 7 pranes JAERI III TOA IATA III AT IIA ATARI RABIN RIAA RE JOO LY Ramsay’s + Empire Cream Sodas In 2-tb. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscuits. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. to tb hI athe e-waste thon ee ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern : British Columbia :: =SSSSS= Three quarters of the local Ad- vertising is done in the Daily News Largest Circula- 3 THERE tion means the} [g Best Advertising A > Medium :: 3 REASON PE PIPLLIO DELL LPL ODODOODN Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! ———— Read THE DAILY NEWS a ei etl eS at en et a A a a lt amen. re 5 ae Sah