THE DAILY NEWS RUSSL/NS INFLICT SEVERE CHECK ON ENEMY — HOLT’S DESPERATE SCHEMES-LINERS TO BE BLOWN UP AT SEA-DRIVE ON CALAIS MORGAN'S ASSAILANT HAD "Rea r=] _ RUSSIANS INFLICT SEVERE | DESPERATE SCHEMES ON HAND IWANGOROD VLODAVA RETIREMENT (N SUPPOSED PLOT YO BLOW UP LINERS AT SEA—-HOLT IN- SS CHECK ON AUSTRO - GERMANS | |ENEMY HELD UP AT KRASNIK IN POLAND—ITALY KEEPING LINERS ARRIVED AT HAVRE WITH UNEX- PLODED BOMBS ON BOARD ~mee UP HEAVY BOMBARDMENT—RUMORS OF A GREAT GERMAN DRIVE TOWARDS CALAIS—THE ALLIES HOLD PILIKEN TRENCHES ily N n Hol ‘ wae (Special athe: ra, nee 4 It’s trunk lle intended to (Special to The Dally News.) ture the trenches which they lost ' Cove, N. Y., July 7. Olden anita: Nad a st bila ; * tl uicid f Frank Holt eo vine ee London, July 7.—Tne Russians] at Piliken. he s eo rank ) Sixt sticks of « AITO Ara ald | last night, a letter to { es o RZELOWs have inflicted a serious check on on eremenrennenncinnnetnge caminentatete is discovered, announc- - re ope tified Witiala ithe Austro-German forces at ST. PETER’S PICNIC ' ° entified. —_ the Cuparger Pexonia, oF} G Pp Krasnik, in Poland, where the in- ae i : ' New Yi July 7 Frank Holt RLELA The annual Sunday School eee On has I ively identified by er a eonarynr 4 vaders threaten Warsaw. picnie in connection with St roy x} a | At Ais Italian Bombardment. Peter’s Church, Seal Cove, took sent a warning to ee PRET EO TRS OUEONY Italy continues to keep up a place yesereny- The Northern . hicl » at se po aeypeerodn 1906 .after| SHOWING THE LATEST wrens ie IN GALICIA AND POLAND heavy bombardment along the Cross, by the kindness of the Rev. pT a ae a peing dicted for th rder « t W. Rushbrook, conveyed the Wining them also ee eee “ FIFTY- SIX PRINCE RUPERT aon ne children over and the Eleanor dvising them also to Sac j ive. ac > retur stlakatla. ard each other as a mu- Bombs on Liners. German Offensive Mac on the return, to Metlakatla tumors have reached London|4 much longer trip had been ar- y case of an explo Phe ties admit that lranged but owing to weather con- The Philadelphia replys | thr h vhich sailed fron of a great German offensive along | lditions was abandoned. A small oe but there is no reply|New York ¢ lavre, Fra I the western front, with Calais as balance to the good after defray- Saxonia. The potice|May arrived vill unexploded MORE THAN HALF ARE SCOTCH—MEN FROM THE INTERIOR (an objective. The Germans were ing expenses has been handed | d 124 sticks of dynamite | bombs hoard WILL ARRIVE TONIGHT—WILL PARADE FROM THE jrepulsed in an effort to re-cap-|oyver to the Red Cross. TRAIN TO RECREATION PARK — BASEBALL lo — — i FHKE EEE HHS GAME AND FAREWELL SOR ION ELECTION FRAUDS le ROGERS AND MANITOBA. *| aoe leernaseeseneses®s/DISTOL DUEL BETWEEN j IN INDIANAPOLIS . * | Farewell will be taken of Prince |J. MeViitie, James Young. John §./* * BANDITS AND CITIZENS ‘ > The Bail News. i The GConseryative, press % Rupert's third contingent tonight.|Laurenson, R, Gibson, Thomas |* A subscriber recently * Sea $ eemennaee v8 = maar + nas’ Strive hard’ fo prove we I ait Sree: han Wel Beith id aan | Buchanan. Neil Keith, John Bre -|* advertised in the Daily * (Special to The Dally News.) ipolis, July 7, 1 een : g At at ats : S CUMI~ | : : i » vk ‘kansas ] — i os ; that the Hon. Robert Rog- * m ee me phy, John McMillan, James Brown ta News far afoan ot 44500" @ Little Rock, Arkansas, July 7. Ene ria on a charge oO rwemen Ol mel rom ie Interior Lava f rTP a > 2. j © ; ee Sane gee * ers had no part in the * {Rod Campbell, J. Thompson, W.]* on improved city preperty. * Seven bank robbers engaged in a raud a e last muni ; the train at 6:45.] iste sl for , wi , ‘ | es Manitoba scanda Prob. *# ie tra t 6:45. Lindsay, W. J. Chalmers, Charlos/# The loan bas been made #|># tol duel for one hour with one < eaded g£ y O- ‘ De ceed: an er 54 thx me fy : . : “e sitize , as ig ; ; , ee ee ably Sir Rodmond Roblin *)They will be met by the men from) wepellan, Ben Ferguson. '* by a subscriber in the * aUOAEAG Oise here last night. sete ihe une po * and the Hon. Bob wired *|here, headed by the city band, English. * state of Ohio. Daily News * Phey escaped in an auto after ; a eee ie ae veather reports lo *!piners and the boy’s bugle band] Robert Gendall, Jos. Finnigan,|* ads are effective, even at * me a ee ch e of venue, git : : e s »w open the safe o l % each other. * and a parade will be made to Re-|Ben Johnson, John Rudd, Wm.|* a range of many hundreds * ee ‘ne. 4 OJ s , - - * | t d ae yee ee 1€@ 10CE x. CADET ORDERS COP FARBOR ESS n “= creat ark, 1Booth, W. J. Lincham, F. H. Clif-|* of miles. * Ti ge ea a j \ cements have been made/ton, J. Cornes, Arthur Eastwood, | * Hee eae Eee ea ’ 4 nade ne T ; ae De Misa os habe eos a a YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL Pi Orders by George Leek, C. I. PROTEST AGAINS f i eball game between the|Joseph Briggs F. W. Silversides, | j 4 Cadets “a eaqnester g ints anc e Chaffeurs. |J. . Stephen, and W . Stephens ' | leis are requested | LICENSING METHOD nts and the Chaffeu I). Stephen, and Wm. Stephens. | WHERE WOUNDED cnahucadi an simu: iform on the Ma DS the | eeds of which will be dis- Danadian;. OFFICERS ARE LOCATED Vaneonyer. (Si. Baghane, a 5 Thursday, July 8th at he lott from. M_|tributed amongst the boys. Each Isaac Forbes, C. W. Hewitt, C. | Tacoma, 5: Aberdeen, 3. ' i \ 2 : WW »T Ase er f ich e mDSO : M. Ve | uy, M ‘Lare rT: s : 7 harp, to march n iM. Stephens ¢ Ltd., was read at One Will De pre Saved with 8 TOR)’ siehs 7 a ; i Canadian officers wounded at Victoria, 4; Seattle, 2. gent leaving for the} 2 ; ; 4+. calling for his proportionate | Gordon, a 1d H. L. Kemp. ; i th ‘a Monday night Australi ithe front are being given atten- Sees i vlers and drummers to ‘ nt of the fund. | ustralian. | i American League. Phe Maye ; City | V. Walker. Alfred Ega tion at more than a dozen hos- ? : : instruments. n inp rhe contingent leayes tomor- L. \ ad Suis cd abla od ; Philadelphia, 7; New York, 6. e Rupert, B. B., pitals in London and in the South .. FISHER, A. C., ¢ ; ' a act w morning on the Prince Ri Irish. ee Detroit, 7; Cleveland, 6. , | Dear Sirs:—Herewith find b : of England. According to cor- ! pert for Vancouver, en route for Wilson Boyd. Chicago, 12; St. Louis, 2. f (7.90, overcharge on account h respondence from London receiy- ' fore so ¢Cheap—dry- | Vi nm. where they will undergo Welsh. : 2 Washington, 1-1; Boston, 5-4. \ | ! ce issued to George A rt ’ D. Harri ‘ed in Vancouver, some of the ’ paper, crockery, glass F os s e months o raining. ‘ ; arris : d essic ine 30th, 1915, Brietly British Columbia officers were Wallace’s Fifth Anni- | : I to this morning the follow- Just on going to press the fol-| ° " National League. : he 1 wwe that Mr, Tessie ’ hed. as aad tarde idistributed as follows at the time acai a as msnckios. 84 . Sale ' rince tupert me 1a en- owing names wer a ec 0 1 Os » 2-93 ) yh, 0-4. t t of business on June 21 aus z |! . fee . lot writing: At 8 Chesterfield pias the aera ain { ; {! | for the third contingent for} list, making sixty altogether: | H.R. G 7th Cincinatti, 4-2; Chicago, 5-2. I anus » Witt iardens, Capt. H. R. Gunning, : 3 fi ; : tried Quaker Pettijohn? aa ‘ itive service Chere are 83|John Reid, Scotch; A. J. D. Maer wegens, Capt _ ; . , 7 : New York, 5; Philadelphia, 1. { ; t having 4 ! any ficense fee] j ’ Battalio at 10 Carlton ouse ; es ee ae ay 2 Nees cen Seotchme 6 Canadii % Aus-/|dougall, and N, Bochinsky, Can- : St. Louis, 2; Pittsburg, 1. oe “Zjuntil J rion LRCDRA HAO eee touiiean and 1 Wels! | sir 1K ; rn list ross ace; Lieut. F. M. Davis, 5th Coast League tral 3 Irishman and elsn-|adian; rec wing, English. : “i W E ST H 0 I, M F account fhe business | ' yenn an ae : Battalion, at 10 Cheyne Walk; cra tt Bahk 0) Veulsen® aa man es Pally dic ’ ’ ‘ ° erly conducted by Mr, Tessier . Capt. 8. J. Anderson, 7th Battal- en dging b he above figures, BALL GAME TONIGHT é ——_—___—_—_—-— i ON A was taken. over by Mr. Ben, F.j “veg! jboss : Cae ion, at Torquay; Capt. G, M, En- SOD PRALL + . 5 ' e ighting bioo u ne SCO eee % is é OPER A HO rs E Hunt on June 28th, but the city be : 1 the Sootrh The CG. G.’s and Colts will do dacott, 5th Battalion; Capt. D. E. . Fr sy : | as wel mused, ane ne eo e Ae he Re 0 iii de eS RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE tran rel nsisted o1 thy Pessiel jha , t 5 t living | their ie ¢ entertainin the Carlton, 7th Battalion, at Queen The Regiment defeated the s Ibovs in Prince Rupert are | g 1eir share o nterte g . | g paid uy id com Dank Alexandra’s Hospital, Wands-]prydoeck team in a league game T hip to the centuries old reputation | boys tonight at Recreation ; Tonight at 8.30 pleted, although pares ee tl hardy northern race, The]at 7 o'clock worth; Lieut. J, H, Diamond, 7th)}jast nigtit by 2 goals to 1. The iis hare oO e %, { ere ock, The Majestic Stock Co eady out of business, or thal a, | ire the names: See nae Battalion; D, M, Moore, 16th Bat-|ppydock boys were distinetly off “ owing are ° ‘ Cs. —— . j Aare at No. 3 G spite § 5 me charged 0 ‘ te are é 4 : ia Ve i aii ake a Presents Denman Thomp- new license should } om ’ Scotch. Hundreds of patterns, from the talion, 3 Gen¢ ral Hoepit U,Jeolor, and lacked several regular ' lof 840.00, although there ren ; , 3 spade | Wandsworth; Capt, L. E, Haines,| payers Mr. Eardley refereed son's reatest Production OE BSF | sR. Kerr, George Heggie, W.|cheapest to the highest grades, ' players, ° Greene " venteen 01 shteen | \ ena ate innin 17th Battalion; Lieut. L. H. Major, | aeeeptably ed only ON Mote id. Robert Davie, Geo. W.Jal! our wall papers half price— i ptabdly. 6 ‘ense Wou 7 atts : ajor J . Pow- The Old Home - days until the new ficenst ‘ ~ | Abbott \W. Romains, Hugh Kil-]Wallace’s Sale. ith Battalion; Major A, B, Pow eee tPoepeerey nN } out. Mr, Tes eley, 7th Battalion; Lieut. A. J. The Westholme management d ’? have bo be taken Hin \W Ss. Dennis, Robert Robert ee . : ' on + , ee ‘ ‘ stea sier paid $18.00 for the priy 1eB0 | an. Colin Bain, J. MeQueen, Don- Mrs. W. J. Sthithers will not|Gray, 16th Battalion; Lieut. 4 _R. have placed at he disposal o ut ’ Rural Comedy Drama in f nducting the same business : a 1 rat MeKay, James|receive on Thursday, nor again , Morton, 16th Battalion; Major|city 150 complimentary seats to of eondut LR vid cLean, James ehay, James 0 sday, agi the prive Bs Allison, Peter 8, White, W. M.]this season, CG, W. Peck, 16th Battalion; at]entertain the overseas contingent Mr. Hunt to , ine Si lege of permitting IRrown, John 8, Watt, G. Sellars, ———_—__————|50 Weymouth street; Lieut, W.Jat tonight's show, which will be on Page Four. | — iD, Holmes, 7th Battalion; Lieut.jafter the ball pooenaeerrreere | panera renee eee Pane EPP It ttt Tt P Et eer iJ. M. Reid, 16th Battalion; at 27 i m | Opening Announce eat Lieut. G. E.}Quaker Pettijohn, at all Grocers. Four Acts. that we paid &22.00 fo Seate now selling at Orme’s drug store Continued Prices 25-50-75. .Boxes $1.00 " nor | Grosvenor Square; ef | Carpenter’ s Union | ; Albert Rooms ‘Shaw, 7th Battalion. _THE EASIEST WAY" # —-2nd Avenue Miss Etnies), Since that time Major Peck ac i Close to the Westholme Theatre Specialist in Shampooing, Halrdress~ l eording to local information, has LONDON CAFE are request- 8 emer rrr rrr i. nd g trercooooone POOCIOR, | All members : ing, Scalp Treatment, Facial i rill ae . ° been laid up with la grippe and IAOK JUDGE ROI BARNES ed to attend the regular | CENTRALLY LOCATED Massage, Packs, and Hair . . ; ; tea : . ae And G VROER NEW MANARERENT dnesday, 7th 3} STRICTLY MODERN Bleaching and Dyving. OE 6. PELVALO DAY MnO, Pine Serves Nothing but the Best THE |§ meeting on Weeanes RENTS REASCNABLE —_— jthrown open to wounded oMcers.i® joe iia Third Ave _ July, at 7p» ™ Important Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement For Appointments, Phone Blue 292 oi Peace ban e Cozy Barber Shop uly, . Third Ave., Over McCaffery, Gib- Wall Paner 42 1-2 cents a roll , " TIO \2 business. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT bons & Doyle a APO? 16 tne CONS ¢ BOXES . FOR LADIES TH BATHS J. NICOL Rec.~See. ae Wallace’s Sale, IRD AVE, ALDER BLK. : , ener 2 patie ODE PIIIED Wong oe a eee | b nccnenrernnren tren e’