Wednesday, J ; fHE DALY NEWS ednesday, July 7, 1915, ——S3 =~ Sete, ae “= EE * a + POP OM * PRIP PPPS. ; the whole audience. ae There’s a Wealth of Goodness | i> viv: vse: sore in cape. . ble hands, and the piece was Ol ir ing an ounir 3 : . $ in every package of heartily applauded all the way ee through. Tonight the company = a [Presents “The Old Homestead,” fl Ce Ou - jan old time favorite, which never a & | grows old. The Majestic com- + i rk F }pany is composed of players of hu ny RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, ‘ real ability and talent and should : CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. B. CG. MILK is much superior draw crowded houses every night. to fresh milk for al) purpores. e ' TEA Fe It is especially adapted as a food RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT ; for invalids, or persons with 5 . a ci 7 poor digestion, owing to the fact - é Perfectly preserved in the sealed Aluminium package LICENSING METHOD that in sterilizing it 1s heated oni a —keeps the goodness in, and the contamination out. se : to an even higher degree than aust inh: t0 tn: oP fi (Continued From Page One.) ordinary pasteurization heat In view of the recruiting which is in progress at presey| ; — ee — — — tank Wd sBth: eteht 7 saa Wai as satan’ throughout the Province, it is apropos to answer a few 4 conduct 1 ll ¢ » 1OLN; elgg 1e t has 1e (i! AL FLé ° ; ; : , 4 wo “THE DEEP PURPLE” AT ee 3 oe ; oc . Seer the questions which are considered by those who conte, mt ; days. The city treasurer allowed Buy It At Your Grocers i ; . é ‘ ” THE WESTHOLME THEATRE om j plate entering the Service. The following is a list of pert ty Mr. Tessier to run nearly five ; : : : sue if e al y ews = ! j 5 — : —= nent queries, together with the information waich each elicit : The Majestic Stock Company months without a license but re- 1910-1915—-It means Wallace’s QUESTIONS ANSWERED. ; , : "| fuse allow Mr. Hut le same oie ls CLASSIFIED ADS. made another big stride into pub- oh toa es : ee ae Fifth Anniversary Sale, Thursday, 1.—How long am I to serve? Until the end of the wa ; rivilege. » have he ake } ,, ‘ 5 : . § pews e on lic favor last night, when they ’ ae oes ven ; 5 ? aa Friday and Saturday, this week. and six months after if required. Sa : e LO0( 1e difference between the ‘ : ee mate presented a 5-act comedy drama i ‘a a as : 2.—What pay shall I receive? Your pay as a private w ; ion i ro-rata proportion of the license : ; la Siete a ae entitled rhe Deep Purple,” at|! hict a : titled { Did you get one? Handbills|$ be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field allowance. Besides th ; which r. Hunt was entitle 0 ; i ' WANTED—Piano box in good ere the Westholme. £ eehak baa’ ; descriptive of Wallace’s Anniver- you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by the Gover / CE : : vie : pay and what we had to pay, an ; Apply Ci * Bainter ee The story deals with the luring Naniiécloee 4198 as “id of ‘ sary Sale now being distributed. ment. i WANTED-—Competent nurse IgE two f an innocent girl, the mother lenve Ost 917.90, or would lave es 4 What ill : rife : ive-dur “ » abs ca i Pareree. SPIT SO 118, News. = eau. ~Jlost our tenant through the ne me Oe et eee eee Tee weeenoey Every ‘ WANTED—By = single gentleman, board}!ess daughter of a parson, from ‘ ' SKIMMED MILK 5c per quart. month there will be paid her a separation allowance of $20 ' and room with use of plano. Private; hor home in Buffalo to New York | 2/e¢t DE a eeoneer eos ERMILK 10 Iso part of your pay) and if this be not enough t sana 5 : alo 4 : - 3 or ar } (aiso part oly “ pay) ¢ 8 e ol enoug 0 com family preferred. Apply Box 113. a BOt_aeo sees for a” gank ot | form the duty of collecting the wut aa quart, two as ‘ ital family, the ( i p 75) at ; ; pitas t as 2CO} " &@ gang : : ; , ‘ts ' 45 c. Delivere any rtably maintain your family, the Canadian Patr > Func : 14 FOR SALE erook Willis Lak ay ilicense which he is paid a good quarts for 15 ¢ ; AvGreG 50. any | : te : : mee Aone ie j rooks., liam saKeG, a Young atayve tide We whe ave papiri part of the city—Prince Rupert will further assist them. . . salary Oo, e ( ‘e ay = . ° FOR SALE—Typewriter, desk, chairs cor-|engineer, who has struck it lucky fa fea skal aug vata Dairy—Phone Green 252 tf. 4.—What will happen if Iam wounded or sick? You wil! . Apply, C. E. Bainter. tr. ‘ be i San LSA id , | eaxes anc 1dentvally aying, ‘ Pen wares, PP in the west, is marked as_ the with other tax payers, the salary —- be cared for by the Government and your pay continued FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- | ..), ” Mire a Si st than lien ( er tay ayers, » salary ; ; plete Sct $1 000 00 “What oftersy | /2mb. rorewarned bys: Ftigoo yf the treasurer to perform the Follow the crowd to Self’s until you are discharged. If you are permanently disabled a: ‘e Apply Box 106, Daily News. tr. | Kate, a reformed thief, Lake ; : Cafe. There is a reason.. Next allowance will be paid you, varying according to the extent « : Bee rg ~léiwene* the tables t} woote duties of the collector find that]. ef “i na . si 4 urns the tables on 1e crooks ie Majestic Theatre. 102tf. your injury or disability. "9 FOR RENT sad cokseien ahes-atnl, and. soride these matters are not being at- ss : : 4 3 a eet oe oe a aia i aha aaa tended to and that we are asked Sena eee 5.—Whaet will be done for my wife and children if I die > ONT -urnishe ro! 8 , nA: sg wale ; , Of i > are aske hh; . . : , a : e a cat tricepates Wk Eee pack home. HORSES FOR SALE. while on Active Service? The Government will provide a: F very low rent. Westenhaver Bros. 54-6. Mids Pane Geyer ae Mia Fal to make good the losses to the ; : ' ; ee MISS é » Us *t, aS Mrs Fale — t ’ ate ons { , ¢ , iVe Cor i FOR RENT——A_ beautiful 5-room flat,} : : ee : 5 pets city through that official’s neglect The City of Prince Rupert, B.C giclee an Pabnegpe ty rt wh Chable. ‘the’ faraily “to live com 4 modern, fine view of harbor. Phone 112,}/0n, an ex-thief known as ‘Frisco f duty ahs 1 art fortably until the childhen are old enough to look after them ia i _ + 4 4 oO y. s Pawn » enlea er nti t pe f or Green 337. 146-47.) Kate,’ acted with rare restraint eee snariae: oar on ate Toe will offer for sale, by auction, at selves. The widowed mother of a single man, if the son be ‘ he : ay come as ¢ atter ¢ pr A r 3 C T *sday : MUSIC. thtoughout, while Miss Helen gaa Prince Rupe es B. C., on Phureday, her sole support, is treated in the same way as a wife. ig ity \intatina (at) We », {Surprise that this official is per-|the sth day of July, 1915, at 2:30 May, as Christine, Mrs. Fallon’s ae ; , : o ooo r o on os De TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Bovaiiat maid provided ite: ce mitting businesses to run in this p. m.: b Musical Instru- amiharhent. and ae Mea Twke’ the city without licenses for months One bay team, geldings, about — eer . : | POP FSi: Nenalred. nother of the mining engineer at a time and sending policemen ]3, 900 pounds. Good general f g g ; ? Bows rehaired, The acted with: hecutiing Hiinity to collect licenses from men who jutility team. Age 11 years. Don’t merely smother your cough ; Prince Rupert Mu- eS : a have not been in business for a One bay gelding, about 1,350 dein aid illite 4 sic Store, 345 8rd 3 d 7 as a a gt as Harry - week, pounds. Good work horse, single CURE IT Mathieu's Syrup of aoe i ae ch be Rosner oe a i lant le chierl o le gang, actet ; : as a ; es ee promptly arrests coughing, but thanks to its tonic an 4 me mn the part of a eall louble-dyed 2 AIR AHE ieee cece BygOr double,’ “Age 0 -yéare, strengthening properties it helps the system to throw off i are Se Ce ee unfair to the ratepayers and to One roan gelding, about 1,400| the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this quality which has won for ' recccccccsccocoeooes\Villain splendidly, while Hugh : 5 ; it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. M4 ; i ; ; those who are paying their trade]|pounds. Good work horse, single / { 4 O’Connell, as ‘Pop’’ Clark, aj,. 35¢. large bottles, everywhere. et 4 l O ) t licenses when due that such afor double. Age 12 years. in altace WeELS 3\snivelling old sneakthief, with a sc sos Sas ates ; J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. i é state of affairs should be allowed ERNEST A. WOODS, your cob te feverish Mathion's Nervine Powers, the wonderful headache ou, of 1 wholesome regard for his own to ‘exist.and that.thore should be1143.484 City Olerk Rey Soe ea tom heed, beck smd limte = Ben Of bon i skin, earne arty . Pree a abet ms on i The Cholcest Stocks of i, earned hearty applause. permitted the interpretation of I Pate. gon icici Edward Tisne, as William Lake, the license bylaw by the collector BEAL IPC aR TIT SP ROE a a a a Rea a young mining engineer, played| jy different wavs to suit the cases A —— = i if Fresh Stock of RCH EWA 74 ‘otector of girlist Pies ai na k¥ ‘i RAMSAY'S, LOWNEY’S AND HOME- LEAS ONG promotor of Sushi ot different’ individuals. 7. MADE CHOCOLATES innocence, with a delightful air} Firms have gone out of busi- } , ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN of unassuming good fellowship.| ness during the last six months fas SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES W. W. Craiz, as inspector of po- without having paid their license. = a= 'g ey lice, looked and acted the part althougl law a e gh the bylaw states that H. KILLAS, Prop. . truthfully, while Charles Ellis, a8|they shall have a license before Kart Block, 3rd Ave. and 5th St. f ’ a Hotel copper, did well in a part) thay may transact business r pt which gave little scope for his We also believe that when the abilities. As children, our first de- mand is for nourishment; our collector is permitted to compel Miss Julia Gray as Doris Moore those, not in any way interested > ; 4 A. E. WRIGHT $/ the innocent cause gf all me in a business for which he has second for facts. $ Provincial and Dominion trouble, claimed the sympathy Of} neglected the collection of the Land Surveyor = —== license fee to make good the toss All through life we go about Surveying and Engineering f to the city that too much power sea 1 1 1 ‘ BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC is being delegated to that official rching for information. 2 #0: Box -40 mnAne we ‘ LUMP and that a great injury is being Bt Fourth Street ; ‘a 2 c OA L done the citizens, not only We make a new acquaintance; but before we will accept him rer Pom terete fac ves BN vane AOA RU through loss of license fees, but ‘ eke . 3 ow. ° toe oe oe $9.50 per Ton — Cash on through unfair SOR TRHtO in a6 friend or invite him to our e , Pi i L Delivery business by those without a li- home we ask for facts about him. re > lonee aundr Moncey Back If Not Satis~ cense against those who are li- +s . . _AOHCer Launary factory Me ia aaa We visit a foreign land; and from if Third Avenue East ; Bais ka Sy : es UNION TRANSFER CO. Yours very truly, the moment we step across its 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 M. M. STEPHENS CO., LD. border we are asking questions— We Use the Most Modern tnpennnes OOOO aT A f f Laundry Machinery Built. meen En en The city treasurer's report on searching for acts. | Come In Any Tuesday or g APERHANGING the matter stated that the rule We are asked to try a new food product ; isn’t it instinctive Wednesday and See How of collecting licenses in advance : a KALSOMINING Be eee aii 4a ce with us to ask at once: PAINTING went on to show how little had “Who makes this new article >?” Absolute Satisfaction Is > : Guaranteed been lost by this procedure. The asta Ss : be a F. G. ROBERTS cs eubal asin tal aaa Lie tae “* How is it made ? what goes into it ?”” 14 Dyer Apts. P. O. Box 642 ie wi placed the collection of licenses “6 Is it worth the price charged for it es ve Y on ainuch better basis than form- THE IMPERIAL Don’t Send Money erly’ that it oe iocppaain or Facts—we are simply hungry for them. in a Letter ie eer ee eee Strange, isn’t it, that we should so often have to search for WATER HEATER COIL but that the police department p . ee err HEN you send subs- [was handling the — collections them ? Odd, that some manufacturers still withhold the facts ca, erated 1816) criptions to magesines, Oia. ee aa wiedee nll dh about their product, Not always because they are facts to be S made to meet the demand for oro 3. 0 u ; pa : f Pigg Tag we ah way yg lao town, or pay small [action taken in the Tessier case ashamed of—for there are many worthy articles yet unadvertised, additional fuel being used, ‘ as > , 39] > » . * accounts at a distance, do not | was the only possible one, prnererrntnnarennannns place the actual cash in the | The city solicitor upheld the But it will not be 80 much longer. The fact-hunger of the | | WARNING! — envelope. Thousands of dollars | action of the treasurer and the human race is becoming keener and keener. The more facts urchasers of any in- > ; . fringing Stove Coll lay _ ey Oey cones finance committee recommended we get, the keener our relish for more of them. themselves open to prose- ’ f ‘i a . » sustaine : : . M cution equally with the Use the Bank Money Orders, | that the report be sustained. Soon it will be impossible to sell a man or a woman anythin parties manufacturing or issued by this bank. hey are Alr. Edge, seconded by Ald. until eve thi h } Id bo h j y 4 meting seme, payable in Canada and the Dybhayvn, moved that this be en- ry ing as told about the & that can be tol Cente United States in any sum up cia Ald Bacae. cahhadnn he through Advertising. Now is your chance to get the to fifty dollars. Gar , et. eee y beet in Hot Water Heating Appii- Their protection is well worth their | Ald. Montgomery, moved that, it The public has discovered that Advertisin tells much-needed facts— s small cost, go to a special committee. Ald, that, in f ss * ge Coll Connected...... . $20.00 n Tac Advertisin satisfi | ; ‘ Coll minus Connections. .$165.00 THE BANK OF Nicol, seconded by Ald. Kerr. 4 g ee fact hunger. 2 Your Money Back if It Dont Suit. Wy rey iN pet . If se : | “Sun diese seas Hl British North America [00% ts" it be veterred to tn Abeer ein Weal barnes lk ov your atetigprtlne wih he pene fname Sean vis Oa erties license committee. This carried. a [ow ete Going 9 popeinciel ar matiqnal buckanse bh would be well fo yee 4 . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. CG sijkneue aie nda ey wee on furnished, without cost or obligation, by the hear’ of Caned . he oe oe Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 P cleaned and put in order. Fitz, P. MARGETTS, Manager. phone 583, 156-8 —— ——— . ;