THE DAILY NEWS —_— vol, VI NO, 158 —_———_—_—- eee _ PR ' tprpm ‘ aa pe , ' , —_—— — INCE RUPERT, B, G., THORSDAY, JULY 8, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS ————| ——— SS ative Lidrany ITA. STIRRING SCENE AS THIRD CONTINGENT LEAVES WHARF SEVENTY EIGHT MEN FROM INTERIOR AND SIXTY-SIX FROM PRINCE RUPERT—HUGE CROWD TAKES FAREWELL OF THE BOYS THIS MORNING-—CHEERS AND COUNTER CHEERS Yr} rd overseas Prince Rupert this|they went along At the route for the camp they were briefly As at the Rev, H. R. Grant addressed by ind the depart ire mayor, ous contingents, the who wished them Godspeed and gaily decorated with |*UCfer to their efforts help- | and the wharf was|i"& to bring about a peace which vith people to bid the would earty goodbye. liberty of Four pe complement of 78 \s the boat cast off, cheers and| ed on the train last) counter cheers were given and the the command of Lt huge crowd spread from end to \ Der Byl, and were met by end of the wharf, while the Prince Major MeMullin and the oMicers|®upert made a wide sweep of the f the Irish Fusiliers and |!@tbor. 68th Earl Grey's, Headed by| =e Prince George members of band they marched to the the contingent tied along the side t buildings where they of the ship the banner with which ssed until 8 p. m., when their car was decorated, bearing ithe words “Prince George to Ber- lin 7.000 Miles.” iraded again and marched Westholme Theatre, its had been specially reserved where | In every way the men who left for them. On aceount of the rain | ‘Ms morning equal those who the baseball! mateh in-their honor4 jhave gone before, and after three ot be proceeded with. The months’ training will be part of one of the smartest battalions in appreciation | ithe army of the The total strength of the con- tingent is 144 men. showed hearty f the kindness of Mr. f the city Albert and Empire. , in making such pre-| ns for their entertainment. | rhis morning the men paraded | ee at Market Place and marched; Wal! Paper 12 1-2 cents a roll through the town headed by the; Wallace’s Sale. FR. DARLEY RECOVERING FROM SEVERE WOUNDS VANCOUVER TO BUY FIFTY MACHINE GUNS (Speolal to The Dally News.) Cc. S. Garden, of the Canadian Vancouver, July 8. In a two- | Bank of Commerce staff, has re- | campaign for funds to pur-!eejved a letter from F. B. Darley i the B. C| istating been in the Hud- ' machine gums for that he has ; } ents over $30,000 has been | (Carisbrooke Nursing Home, bed, They aim to get $50,-|derstield, Yorkshire, England, fot tonight for 50 guns. Jacklejeht weeks, and is still confined it and the P. G. EB, employ-|to bed ill give six. It will be remembered that Mr. cnntghiatiiiemail areca ceeaaEND Darley was reported killed in this morn- states that he sustained | the poliee court April. He \lba O'Neill, Rosie Bloom,}, padly fractured skull and had Dubois, and Georgie Petite }the back of his neck robbed of charged with selling liquor] yesh by shrapnel, at fill 60 near Comox Ave. ‘Phe sace has Ypres, His recovery 1s looked up idjourned until the after- |.) by surgeons as approaching the miraculous. MAJESTIC C THEATRE POR —COOOOO Majestic Theatre § 2 sos mm and tomorrow, presents the TONIGHT AND TOMORROW tonight l splendid five-reel Paramount at- | “phe ‘enana ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY traction, entitled The Gireu PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION man.” rhis play 1s founded on JESSIE LASKY PRESENTS 1 Wenn nee eh “THE OIROUS MAN® in five Acts. Sithe famous novel “The Most From the famous novel, “The Rose oe” This s one of the : the Ring. Phi I in the Ring’ featuring Theadore : eA Noberts, Unparalelied Artistic re finest product ions ever screened, ‘hement—Realistie setting and ex Tha tting and acting are per- quisit' expression of the silent rhe st iting ave ant Drama, fect. The Majestic manast men ! ? | , , * - “THE FABLE OF THE BUSY MAN 3/is going to great expenst to pro AND THE IDLE WOMAN I ide the very finest that the ‘lm afford. “The Fable of Man and The Idle program Admission 10 and 150 10 Rows of Seats Reserved At 260 A On Paradount Production rhe coo |\Voman”’ Joxchanges Busy concludes & Pe. vt ae which no one should miss. > ree eet JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES } . ae vam a UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Never before so ¢ { ) THE goods, will paper, crockery, glass ; Wallace's Cifth Anni- ware, ete., Sale, Cozy Barber Shop BATHS yersary contingent|cadets and singing Tipperary as | wharf ensure the freedom and| ——— — CANADIAN MAPLES FOR GRAVES OF HEROES —— JUDGE MURPHY SCORES London. Julw 8 Canadian Ma- (Special to The Dally News.) will flower over Ganadian Nanaimo, July 8.—Judge Mur- rianders, phy at the close of the investiga- | | ‘Torento has forwarded largejtion into the Pacific mine disaster | feeee pe of Canadian Mapl>? zecds severely eriticized Chief Mine In- | jto the Overseas Club, Lond n, a lw! rganizer, Evelyn Wrench, spector Graham for suppressing is now negotiating with the Brit- plant those seeds used, The jud ish Red Gross to | MINE INSPECTOR GRAHAM the fact that the wrong maps were ge said that the in-| IAN CRUISER TORPEDOED-- EXPLOSION ON TRANSPORT—C ~YCLONE IN STATES GREAT FAREWELL SMOKER | IN GRANT, MAYOR NEWTOR, ST. ANDREWS | St. Andrews Society took fare- well of its thirteen members who left today for Vernon, at a smoker in the inight. rooms of the society last Songs and musical selec- tions were rendered by the mem- ever practicable around the quest proceedings were a farce, | graves in cemeteries where trevpue that, in spite -of elaborate | Canadian soldiers are buried in|O'sanization, the miners were and Flanders. without protection, as the mine Che Overseas Club proposes | OWNErS appointed officials who dictated affairs. ifter the war to plant an avenue jof Maple trees at Langemarek as Beate gi ee ja memorial to the Canndian dead.| Have you tried Quaker Pettijohn? | TERRIFIC CYCLONE STRIKES OHIO AND MISSOURI STATES MANY LIVES LOST THROUGH FALLING BUILDINGS—CHURCH BLOWN DOWN AT ST. CHARLES WHERE 162 CITY BLOCKS WERE DEMOLISHED—MANY TOWNS ARE ISOLATED (Special to The Dally News.) hands of the Convoy were drown- Cincinatti, July 8—A cyclonejed when the Ohio river vessel struck this city last night and did} ©@Ps!4 d. The damage in St. damage to the extent of a million Louis amounts to over $500,000. dollars. Thirty-five persons were |!0 St. Charles 162 city blocks were killed by wreckage of church demolished. July 8. Missouri of the spires and buildings falling in the Vancouver, Reports streets. The street car service is |from eastern limited rreat storm state that fifty deaths St. Charles, Mo., July 8.—The|have oceurred and that many Romat Catholic church was{towns are isolated. A train load blown down while many were}jof race horses for Latonia was } sheltered inside. Eighteen deck | derailed. ITALIAN CRUISER EXPLOSION ABOARD SUNK IN ADRIATIC) TRANSPORT MINNEHAHA (Special to o The von Gaile News.) -The transport (Special to The > The Dally News) ‘uly 8 —The Italian | torpedoed Rome, Halifax, July 8.- Minnehaha, laden with ammuni- Amalfi was | ! . + , rt | tion from New York, is making ecruier during a reconnaissnee in the up per Adriatic by an Austrian sub-;port, A fire in her No. 3 hold, marine. Nearly all the crew were started from an explosion, is un- saved, der control. STEVESTON CANNERY SOLD Vaneouver, July 8. Canadian Cannery, has been sold to R. J. Gra- U. S. GOVERNMENT TAKES OVER WIRELESS STATION July 8.—The The Seot- gov- |tish Steves- Washington, nment has taken over Sayville} ton, ireless station, Breaches of!ham, of Belleville. Mr. Graham east vegetables inst | ik ; in the neutrality are eharged against | has sit canneries in. the canning office, He The navy will operate where he is for the war the station. will en- it in future. It is the only pri- vate means of communication be- large the Steveston plant for sal- tween the United States and Ger-|mon canning. many. ————————- ae ie eee A 8 3K KR Re RR RR OR OR RO ek OR IE HEL « WILFUL MURDER * * ADRIATIC SAFE * | & * * | London, July 8.—Lord * * London, July 8 —The *|#* Mersey’s finding in the * * White Star liner Adriatic, *|* Lusitania enquiry is one * * under a convoy, is enter- *}* of wilful murder against * * ing Liverpool, She came *\* Germany. * * by the Northern route. OK |e ee RR EE OR OF OR IE |S eee | Sere TT | 3 Alb t R s Opening Announcement ert Rooms }} ——— ———=2nd Averue——— §}§ Miss Mclntosh Close to the ‘Westholme Theale Sorciatict ln. Ghampoolngs. Meledrose sera ie . Ing, Scalp Treatment, Facial CENTRALLY LOCATED Massage, Packs, and Hair STRICTLY MODERN Bleaching and Dyeing. RENTS REASONABLE ee rs Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement for Appointments, Phone Blue 292 ; Third Ave., Over MoCaffery, Gib- bons & Doyle UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ALDER BLK. Pettijohn, at all Grocers. ooo THIRD AVE. roe Quaker "Swedish territory. |hers of the society and the utmost }enthusiasm prevailed. Inspiring speeches were de- jlivered by Fred. T. Congdon, K. Ic., of Dawson, Rev. H. R. Grant, |Mayor Newton, A. M. Manson, and 8. D. Mc- in a very “Scotty” Dennis i} Donald. Mr. Congdon, ST. ANDREWS’ SOCIETY ROOMS INSPIRING SPEECHES BY FRED T. CONGDON, K. C., REV. H. R. A. M. MANSON, SCOTTY DENNIS AND S. D. MACDONALD— THIRTEEN ’ BOYS LEAVE members of the society who had so nobly respdnded to the call of the Mother Land, and dwelt on the splendid spirit of unity which prevailed amongst the different parts of the Empire. In the name of the city he wished the boys a safe journey and a safe return. A. M. Manson said he was proud to be a member of the society, and emphasized the fact that the boys who were leaving had a full- er knowledge of what they had to face than those who had gone be- fore ,and, therefore, it required ible speech, traced the history of f | the war from the beginning show- jing in clear, lucid terms how re- | luetant Britain was to enter into pe and emphasising the fact that now that she was in it, there was no turning back, but that the Em- pire would erry it through to a finish. The jspeaker dwelt on the spirit of the British army, tracing its through the centuries from the time of Cromwell's Tronsides, and pointed out that the today were imbued with the same At the most eloquent speech, Mr. Cong- don expressed his great pleasure at being privileged to be present |great and glorious } origin men of spirit. conclusion of a great oecasion and boys success in their on such a wished the great enterprise. Rev. H. R. Grant, full of patriotic fervor, dwelt on the findings of the Royal mission headed by Lord and congratulated the boys on the spirit which them to eo forth to fight a battle for lib- He said ‘*You behalf, and we are proud of you.” The mayor said he had come in in a speech Com- Bryce, prompted erty and freedom, are fighting on our even more courage on their part to face a foe of the meanest des- cription. He knew that the boys of the third contingent would live up to the reputation so dearly earned by those who had gone be- fore. “Seotty” Dennis, in response to calls for a speech, thanked the speakers for the kind things they had said, and brought out ring- ing cheers when he said that the men of the Empire would never rest until Wilhelm the Hun had been finally defeated. At the close, President 8. D. Macdonald, in the name of the society, expressed in feeling terms the pride of that body in the fact that so many of its mem- taken cause of liberty. up arms in the He said that, in bers had Andrews So- and they reunion spite of losses, St. still a great would live, hoped to have some day when they would with deep pride welcome back the men ciety who had so nobly done their share. The meeting closed with the singing of ‘‘Auld Lang Syne,” and the National Anthem, with three ringing cheers for the boys of the The Russian report regarding the destruction of a vessel of the Deutschland class is untrue, ac- cording to a semi-oflicial ~state- ment issued here today. It is also denied that the mine layer lowered the German ashore on Albatross running The Russians flag before are said to have fired fifty shots at the Albatross of which only 25 were hits. MISS GURD PASSED AWAY YESTERDAY MORNING Miss Gurd, daughter of the late Rev. Mr, Metlakatla, away yesterday morning residence of Bishop Du Gurd, of passed at the Vernet, was the only daughter of the late Fourth avenue, Deceased missionary. Hundreds of patterns, highest from the cheapest to the grades, all our wall papers half price+— Wallace's Sale, ad - to give a parting word to the contingent. BERLIN DENIES RUSSIAN REPORT W E S T H 0 L M E Berlin, via London, July 7.— nr OPERA HOUSE RUPERT’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE Tonight at 8.30 The Majestic Stock Co. Will Present ‘The Easiest Way A Powerful Drama in 4 Acts Seats now selling at Orme’s drug store 25-50-75. .Boxes $1.00 ~ Tomorrow Night THE DIVORCE ? Prices LONDON CAFE And Grill Serves Nothing but the Best Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES | t ere