— Thursday, July 8, 1945 THE DAILY NEWS See a _ GILLETT'S LYE PRESENTATION EATS ee } op € Tetand Club yester- The Kaien THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Publiched Daily and Weckiy Guaranteed Largest Circulation { Steamships Prince Rupert and Prince George iy For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle AT 10 A. M. ON TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS Close Connections Made for San Francisco, San Diego, Etc. SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO THE EAST Bank By Mail And GOOD RETURNING TILL OCTOBER 31st. | Traine Leave Prince Rupert at 10:30 A. M., on Mondays, Thursdays & Satur- \day afternoon took farewell of | Rober rt Gibson, who has filled the ile was presented with a blood- } HEAD OFFICE | Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert. B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING-—50 cents per meh “ontract | rates on application, a tone ring afid razor by the mem- bers, Mr. Gibson left this morn. | 2 ing with the contingent. DAILY EDITION aegasgro =| Thursday, July 8, 1915! | —_—— re yao of Steward for two years. |s | | | ! SSS ss soy === —= =——= | ° days, carrying Electric Lighted Steeping and Dining Cars through to : 7 pt bse e A Tri to Town Winnipeg. Tourist Sleeper every Monday. THIRD CONTINGENT the son of one of the commis. | Sav p ner Goce Excursion Rates to All Eastern Points, allowing Liberal stop- H Today, the third contingent} sioners investigating the WG) TE) over Privileges, Apply to— , ‘ : a : LLETT COMPANY LIMITEY | i P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B. c. left for camp. Lacking uni- wrongdoing of the late Roblin TORONTO ONT. _MONTREN, OR the benefit of those | @. T. P. pao re Ragh | who live out of town, i * oI we have arranged a MANY VISITORS ' plan by which you can do | your banking by mail quite government. Sir Rodmond de- clares that he did not make the | ~~ AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES aE IL TS, FE OA kd I PR forms, and most of them with- out any recent training, the recommendations with any in-| men had not such a military tenti f inflencing the com-| | : ; : , appearance as the second con on ae, at a mas as : ‘i 2" Arrivals at Hotel Prince Ru-| ag satisfactorily as if you eo hone 554 PQ Rox Ai ‘ varance as 2 sec ron - miss te Pas side is i‘ pe | | | oe ‘ arf eee jpert: KE, G. Walker, Toronto, L.| stood here at our counters. MUSIC for EEmr ro BEcwnen’. Saw care ae Earn ae et _ PD, Crann, Edmonton, W. EB. Dra-) Come in and let us explain vcudhhad ab Vai ina ae APERHANGING evidence that the material was] But the serious part of the 64, Haysport, J. W. Hoffernen| the plan — or write for the Band Instruments AINTING there. In three months the ; : ak aie _ ; as not “16! and wife, Edmonton, S. J. Maloney | information. A. PESCOTT OLISHING AND . ac at the son of a commis- |, : he 452 Eighth Ave. Gast ; 2 ; qué every way, | Vance or, Jas.-Walker. Vancou- 62nd will equal, in every way, sehUs. Ske Pavoed..- bat that ine ray 2 ; : i imap . THE BANK OF Phone Groen 327 WALL TINTING ae wl ava gona hefara : ver, Richard C. Secord ar Son, 5 . those who have gone before. Sir _Rodmond. Roblin, Robert High grade nter [Edmonton, Fred T. Congdon, corating a Specialt togers, or any other politician!) 4 3 Holland, Mirror, British North America |= Steetin Swanson as any say atever i he : eR ee any In the | sita., Wm. C. Marshall and wife, 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. DE N TISTRY | appointment of the officers of Edmonton, Geo. W. Gale, Calgary,| CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. Second Avenue, near MeBrich The departure of men for the front does not cause the excitemnt it did last fall, but the Canadian army. , sah there are the same great hopes as : a nents . ee ‘J. Birnitz, Prince George, Mrs. RINCE RUPERT BR CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK i si . Oriel ita in Od Bical esha i SOIIIIIOIIIICE IIR TOI III IO bt intensified by the happenings of There was a time when it 1S. E, Cooper Edmonton, 8. D. P ANCH A SPECIALTY ‘. » past few 3 W fas sai é » Canadii ® the past few months. When the} Was said that thi ae [Murphy, Smithers, J. Chester P. MARGETTS, Manager. DRS. GILROY & BROWN ‘ second contingent left, there government appointed judges |), adiev: Ithaca, Nu Y.-H, wu, aie | neat riveree DENTISTS — == 2 as ¢ neling a ; and army officers regardless of}... arate: aay ee re Mice: Smith BI * was a feeling amongst them ey a : g s fin, Elmira, N. Y., E. W. Congdon, Ome m oe Third Avenue : that they might not be lucky their polities. For very many | ; Gien Ridge, N. J.. Clarke Mil d Delivered to any part os : . ivr., Wis age, N. J., GlarKke of - enough to take any part in the years that has not been true, |’ ; rs : Goo of ee Oe \ : any pé fs ‘ ' ie Racine, Wis., Lawrence War- : wemie ace ———— - $ | x [ . eeL EG! ; : “xcept on rare ceasions ,in Bakery an fighting, but, today, there Mi een Pe ee F ner, Beloit, Wis., Miss Blackwood, Pure Fulton, Cash eva Be ee eee ‘ seems every prospect that the respect to appointments to the} Miss Wilson, Calgary, MacLaren zm " x 3\% , : , re ste } eee Tels taiet : : i > iglesia s third, and probably fourth and ot neh. a age dae tem, Gordon, J. T. Morrison, Terrace, Milk Govl. Inspected Cows FOR A TAXI? * . fifth contingents, will be re- iu seems. has entered the army } IR. c ye m ; : : C. Ward, Edmonton, John T. quired to do just as strenuous as well. ‘In fact, every person) iChisholm, Vancouver, F. G. Wall yee ee ete ‘ : 5 A oulgat ‘ ; peerage 7 ey hiepe : : fcr ih atin Moaeraes iry is the work as the earlier battalions. knows that it has entered the |Vanecouver, H. MeLorie, Vancou ee ‘ 15 PHONE 15 ; a yeas vo? ’ qnce . ’ = x . . == =o Though there was not so militia. . ; ke tats > x ——- eens - % : Iver, J. F. Mieke, Victoria, A. E. nce AUp ary , 33 mé rer , Here is our nation in the}__ re much fuss made over them, |Faweett Prince George, T. J. Me- Phone Green 252 ; waeme 174 Box 976 Prince Rupert is just as proud death-grip with a most be ad Po Minneapolis, Horace | owerccesceoe. Seka: ‘ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING , , a ae Sea ee midable enemy, and our po-| se 4 Be aloes : eich crab : . of the boys who left today as es Aad a , - |Harvey, Edmonton, Allan Harvey ; ; tod oa: || SMITH & MALLETT it was, and is. of the first and litical Jeaders, with no know-|} Miss M. V. Pitts, Ed Corporation of the City of Prince Largest stock of Ptpe north of ’ |Edmonton, Miss M. VY. Pitts, Ed- Vartouver, Crane Valves and Fit second contingents. The ex- ledge whatever of military TS ih Miss Mary MacLean, Ed- Rupert. Par? te, ee tings, Pipes cut to order. airs, are making the t- | Pe oe Oe Third Ave., Head of Second Btrest citement of the early days of fairs, are making the appoin ~limonton si: ae Vancouver Troan Prince Rupert Re oan yy wages ea ‘ ; ments of the officers. Could the | ; TAKE NOTICE that: (1). The Council the war has given place toa : pe Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Weir, Edmon- for the Corporation of the City of Prince B. €. UNDERTAKERS | Ne ee tee ee ee cool, calm determination to see patronage system be much} ands) sTRLN ae and wife,|#upert intends to construct as a Local |] eungra. DIRECTORS Alex M. Manson, B.A. the thing through. The novelty worse? ‘That is a serious re- iis ’ ' i 2 ia) ow oe a four-foot plank sidewalk eaters eens, Mn W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B : : fees “ samonton, Mr. ane Mrs. 4s -}ou Claude Street, from the existing plank NTEEO—OPEN ANO 1QuT has worn off. but the steadfast flection upon our party system Rieard, Edmonton, Mr .and Mrs.|'#4 on Eighth Avenue to the centre of . "9 oes ore WILLIAMS & MANSON tea ; in ig Ms ‘ning Al- ne oe, ate ait es ~~ | Seventh Avenue, thence along Seventh 2ND STREET—PHO! F purpose is just as strong as oe country.— Morning ‘Al-) . WW srene. Calgary. 7. Re-CleeatavenGer trom the centre ot: claude-Strest, BRUCE MORTON, Fupere! Directer Barristers, Solicitors, Eto eo ertan. exis sidew or 3 MONEY TO LOAN ever. nan, Duluth, A. 8. Duncan, M. M. Se facets. ty Sacer casei tha Box 1585 The men who have gone be- ROBLIN’S COMPLIMENTS Dunean, Calgary, Miss. EH. R.|upon the land abutting directly on the Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. ( fore set up a standard of fight- Butcher, Vanc ans work. Ba a ‘ee - utecher, Vancouver. S * : 2). The estimated cost of the work 1 ing quality in keeping with tie Sir Rodmond Roblin con- or ier ected sane 00 oe Chaen ae is ei e. oaia on "Sterling Marine Motors Office corner 2nd Street and 8rd Avenue traditions of the race, and tinues to shower praise upon NOTICE To DELINQUENT GCO-! ine Corporation. The estimated special ———EE== ———— 7 ; : i ' eee OWNER. rate per foot frontage is $0.26. The special Can be purchased In town. A ‘PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED Prince Rupert, Canada and the Premier Norris in a way that assessment is to be paid in one year. Motor that will give you en- Ridedasianh on Peudtin “teenecer Ci I Rd ARAB ines TO HENRY JOHNSON, or to gay per- 3). A petitio inst the work will i isfacti Built f ee ; Empire know that the men who ; Vek ee el a ye ae { I n against the work wi tire satisfaction. uiit for I ee must be embarrassing. It may Sala lr hat not avail to prevent its construction. hard work. Guaranteed. | General Cartage are now on the way wiil mea- be well meant, but it is very | that E Be undersigned Go-0 th) Dated this 19th day of June, 1915. —HEAVY DUTY— LADYSMITH COAL sure up to the same high ; . |you © Ge Go Bing No Pan P ERNEST A. WOODS, Clerk No. 2 cylinder; 4 3-4 bore; 6-Inch 3-—Phone—e3 a a? ‘ B unlike Sir Rodmond Roblin, | ‘Hastings’ Mineral as = an ee ; SE ; stroke; 8-10 H. P.; weight 800 ns “ty standard. A Alana: ie Taste ail and ; wee Ibs. and the discredited knigh‘ is in | ters of a mite from the beach, 5 Saat na River Mining District, | Pr ee LAND NOTICES No. 2 cylinder; 6 1-2-Inch bore; 7- $| v a such a position that flattery | British Columbia, have dotie the ps ieee ancy oS ges eis . ‘ anny Parhonaok vy 4, | tmount OF work on the above mentioned divas Laas Dui a CS JAMES GILMORE from him is more likely to|¢clalms for the year 1914, amounting ae ant re ’ 8. es we o = . | 8100, in order to hold the Queen Charlotte Islands Land District—- No. 4 clyinder; 6 1-2-Inch bore; 8- At the royal commission a Arguse, suspicion than te dispel section Be of the public or Grabam Island. Inch stroke; 25-36 H. P.; 1,700 Architect Winnipeg, one of the council unjust allegations. If Sir Rod- eee stalin "ne haan se to sontribvie pee . ae dacs oak cichnets< baad ure, dies cadet lab Aa tits ice 7 : o. 4 cylinder; -2-Ino re; 9- ngaged reg leer: =p eally wishes ig | wether the costs of this advertige- TAKE NOTICE that I, Grant Thorburn, ; : ‘ . ‘Br Stree engaged read a telegram sent mond really wishes to do his tent, your interest in tk emia ee of Prince Rupert, hotel man, intend 10 pp Ah ong 45 H. P.; weight 2nd Avenue, near McBride Stree\ , Sir i é successor é yr “ »}claims Ww yecome the pro; y of ‘ “hie i . . ee a — by Sir Rodmond Roblin to Rob uccessor 1 good turn he ng Ah TE eid ea . oly: 0 ae Chief pues ssioner of lands For Further Information ert Rogers, urging a commis- should can his complimeuts,— | ra! Act Amendment Act of 1 eat ignnat ae "i ore ae gapoaeg oe F ‘ c E * Vi 4 2 "ese 0 oOspec or c a pry? sion in the Canadian army for Edmonton Bulletin, oo 0-OWheP. J role; Starting at a post planted two _ E, , Wilisoront, rene CANADIAN PACIFIC miles west of the northwest corner of See- ue or rown, Elec- —_ $$ - ——S Coughing scatters germs tion. 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chats; trician, Phone 383. 2 RAILWAY a le thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 ‘ a 2 chains; thence north 80 chains to point Loweet rates to all Eastern Points 4 } of commencement; containing 640 acres, ’ ii Coughing” ticrenses the niGee: Oe Saka. } via Steamer to Vancouver and the | FRED ST ARDWAR HD geist te cnet tet |, bund seme ar or meres sors «s/f SEEDS! SEEDS! {|| canton racine nunway 4 ti flamed mucous membranes the northwest corner. . . |] Meals and berth included on steamer a ( and is niorcover apt to carry GRANT THORBURN, RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS 3, ; eee are ae i disease to 0! bers, 112-140 Samuel Horner, Agent. WE HANDLE PRINCESS ALICE SOUTHBOUND a 710 SECOND AVE Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and ——— atin . SATURDAY, 6 P. M. hy { Cod Liver Oil promptly sto Skeena Land District, Rennle’s Ferry’s, Steele’s : ; ‘ ND 4 \ Carpenters’ Tools uilders' Hardware Ship Chandlery } coughing, and soon, thauks Queen Charlotte Islands Land Distriet— A aigentee tre — : wi Cabl Stee! Block Fishl Tacki i to its tonic properties, effects Graham Island, Brigg’s ’ + re Uabie ee ocks shing Tackie i! 4 pease: cure. a inka Garden and Field Seeds 4. @. MONAB, General Agent iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns }) fhe wonderful popularity TAKE NOTICE that I, Samuel Horner Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave f ) of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar Ft ee co ee ‘ Also Fertilizers ) Rope Valves Ammunition i and Cad Liver Oilis 1 of Vancouver, prospector, intend to apply i op H Pal {( Tere \avhdca ae er tari to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for We Take Orders for Nursery -_—_—— —_A es ) umps ose aint s caeuistat coe eal “ete the Province of British Columbia for a M- Stook Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron \ edie! henler, 6 cense to prospect for coal and petroleum: ADVERTISE IN “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BE { Solid «vczywhere, 35¢ larre Starting at a post planted twé miles west Hay, Grain, and Feed at i T BEST” } 2 Pbgyhaee , . of the sonthwest corner of Section 7 t { bottles Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence Vancouver Pricee THE DAILY NEWS = a eee a | J. he MO VEIEU CO. Prop. north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; Chicken Feed a Specialty t i | Shier brooke, Pa, thence south $0. chains to point of com- Mai! orders promptly attended to ae (; FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ‘| ee wie fisibieve Neroing senna containing 640 acres, more or . Nerve Ener and 4 i fovem ond | chee oh often accompany eB. P R F d ( Sy ? i af i “cake. Hit gba 9 48 powders. Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at rice upert ee 0. ‘ } P the southwest er. 908 lo | sent: el 149-440 Nee SAMUEL HORNER rte ewes a Eyeg asses. Re wine " ¢ eee — ee tm aE : x = eee! a eed bk s, You Can t Tel IF a Girl Snores Before You SSITY. Her OES fae Ea DA See -~by “Hop.” ¥ x . J “4 A constant dropping wears 1 Pry ee ; A | away astone. A slight | pl DEAR ~CLOSE_ ‘2 oe. eS » ¢ . HT a ' eyestrain injures the health } “OUR MouTH: j]iREA Ae Pr 2 rs HIT es i rif because it is constant. The eB Ltt | Strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort od should be remedied at once. | This we guarantee to do with i i ie AH lasses. Consultation free. ‘ail ltl ie ey) hea. ae of take, . te Bee aan | elays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN '223 Sixth St. Phone Black 69 wf MOTD pil ai Ae na eR aegis eremnmenstiibitittlamatiahamtliams cami —