——————— voL. VI. NO. 160. PRINCE RUPERT, B. oi SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS WASI, ES GERMANY'S R ee INE UNE PLODED BOMBS ON STEAMER FROM NEW YORK--LONDON OPTIMISTIC ENERAL OPINION THAT THE ACTION-—-LIABILITY FOR . Ss ee 8 ee —————— ERMAN REPLY RAISES ACUTE DISCUSSION IN WASHINGTON UNITED STATES WILL TAKE LOSS OF LIFE ON THE LUSITANIA EVADED — DIPLOMATIC SEVERANCE LIKELY (Special to The Dally Newe.) Washington, July Brian reply to the Bie repeats the assurances that ierican ships engaged in a le- imate trade will not be red with, stating that Americar be safely. iy expresses the hope that the senger ships wiil freely and pass ‘rican government will see and. he reply has occasioned acute here, ussion be bound to take action, 8 to erican the to any right travel concede citizens of evasion ‘chantmen of all lives lost iermany's iMiiy for the on 10,-—~ The American inter- allowed | these ships do not carry con- and the genera! Mion is that the United States | as | esult of Germany's unwilling- | of} on nationality. | J, lia- the Lusitania is regarded very it that ef diplomatic the iously, and is believed severance will come, with meni that America will assert her full oceur, rights if further PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES Ger-| » | The the Prince George | Miss Miller, A. O. Merrick, G Challis, Mr. Pike, J. John Burkess, Watson, H. Cumming, Mrs. Miss McBurnie, MeDonald and wife, A. Mr. Carlin, Mr. Mrs. Tuftle, P. Lerd, W Turner, Mr. Mrs. Kk. W. Matthew, Miss Beck- ; man. following were first-class passengers on the this morning: QO. - TH, Cadham, Mrs. And- G.:,- Hi RR, Hi Davis, ;Geo, Davis, Mr. Ww. Nickerson, Turner, G. erson, 8. and and TWO LOCAL SOLDIERS POSTED AS MISSING m. the latest easualty lists, A. ennison and VY. F. G. posted as missing, instead of nded, as previously reported. 1s Gamble first transferred srs. Dennison and Prinee Rupert with the ngent ,and were LC e Princess Patricias. heist the furthes friends cily are in usly awaiting news. RIANS RELEASE ITALIAN PRISONERS 10,—Six thousaad held at inc'uded yme, July prisoners Trent, ng whom are ore ians captured in Galicia, been released and are now heir way to Italy via Sw.tzer- Others, it follow, There that find for their prisoners and cen- is understood, uent have been the suflicient reports \us- could not is ently have been compelled to them, ise eat Neer ho NIGHT AND MONDAY SPECIAL ATTRACTION SELIG PHOTOPLAY PRESENTS i) E LILY OF THE VALLEY”, In three acts—A powerful modern Drama, HEN A FELLER'S NOSE (gs OUT OUT OF JOINT’—Farce Comedy, NAM’S HARROWING DUEL” — A Scream “Ham Comedy. Admission 10 and 160 cK JUDGE RO! BARNES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE Cozy Barber Shop BATHS HIRD AVE. ALDER BLK. ; Gamble BECKER REFUSED 10, to further appeal in the Becker case to Justice grant July refused New flughes York, has a secker is condemned die on July 26, “THE PRICE” AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE | The presented Stock Divorce Question Majestic ‘The The play does not at- but brings out the dangers Conmipany last night. to strikingly of tempt solve the question, the present system, Miss Vane the dience; Mrs. vincingly, Calvert, Mamie, sympathy of her Miss Helen K. May, Manners, acted con- as had au- as Rogers while Miss Julia Gray, as Catherine Spalding, an impet- juous youngster, was delightful. as Father Jer- Albert Fred Cantaway, ;ome, was very impressive; Mr. Herbert Lock- divorced husband of filled a dificult role Lawrence, the | Mrs Manners, j as wood, j ably. Hugh O'Connell, as Dopie Doe, the outeast son of the Lock- was great. Edward Kickelbush, was }wood couple, l'Tisne, as Harold a youth, W. priest's love-stricken amusing, while W. Patrick Kelley, the tickled the his quaint Irishisms, badly Craig, as ser- vant, audience with Tonight the company concludes its visit with the presentation of a comedy drama entitled ‘The Price,” LOCAL BASEBALL The Golts and (.G,’s played a close basebalit game last night, the Colts winning by 12 to 44, Up to the fifth, the G,C.’s led by 4 runs to 2, but the fifth, the Colts collected six runs and from in that point on, it was a close game, ne F. W. Weche, of Kitsumkalum, ser- a relations announce- violations amongst FURTHER APPEAL LORD FISHER’S SUCCESSOR, ADMIRAL SIR HENRY JACKSON He is an expert in torpedoes and the submarine, bpt it must be remembered above all that he is a very practical as well as a scientific seaman; witness the fact that he commanded the Sixth Cruiser Squadron in the Mediterranean for two years, and, espec- ially, that he was in command of the Royal Naval War College from 1911 until 1913 and became chief of the war staff in 1912 Last year he was appointed Commander-in-chief in the Mediter- ranean. He was born at Barnsley on January 21, 1855, and en- | te red the navy in 1868. His appointment is everything that could | x¢ desired; he is a fine sailor and a master mind. I MAJESTIC STOCK COMPANY HAD TWO REASONS FOR Spirella Corsets, FAREWELL SHOW TONIGHT The Majestic players conclude their week's engagement at the Westholme tonight, when they ipresent “The Price.” The com- pany is made up of talented ac- tors and actresses who have finely varied repertoire, and their efforts have been greatly enjov- ed. From Prince Rupert the core- pany goes on an Alaskan tour, which should be highly suecess- ful in every way. CORSETRY made to mea- sure. Gives perfect freedom of body movement, Healthful, geod lines. Abdominal control, feeom- mended by physicians of Pngland, Canada and the U. 8. A. Peom 2, St. Louis Rooms. Phone Red 9!. Mrs. Margaret McLellaea Covset- iere, 150-67. Follow the crowd to Self's Cafe. There is a reason.. Next Majestic Theatre. 102tf. came in last night. Albert Rooms ss 2nd Avenue——— Close to the Weatholme Theatre Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRALLY LOCATED STRICTLY MODERN RENTS REASONABLE REJECTING THE ORDER Chicago, July 9.—The recent refusal of the Pullman company to accept a huge order for rail- road cars from the Russian gov- ernment was explained yesterday by a high official of the Pullman company, according to the Daily News. The Russian agent who ap- proached the company wanted 50,000 cars, worth about $25,- 000,000, The Pullman company rejected the offer that pay was to be made of to be built at a plant for two reasons, namely, in Russian notes and 40,000 the which the Pullman company was cars were asked to build in Russia. Presi- dent Runnels, of the Pullman company, demanded cash, as he said was demanded of all cus- tomers, and declined to build a plant in Russia. The Russian agent was without discretion in the matter, He had his instruc- tions and could not change them so the deal fell through. | } ' F (Special to The Dally News.) York, 10. — Nine each big enough to blow 25,000-ton New July bombs, steamer, were Kirkoswald, unloaded at The bombs were up a found on the steamer that of from New York. when vessel her cargo sugar Marseilles, hidden in bags of sugar and fail- ed to explode. Optimism Prevails. London, July 10.—A feeling of optimism prevails, resulting from the general surrender in German Africa; the put up by the Russians Southwest stubborn esistance Opening Announcement Miss M Feist Specialist In Shampooing, Hairdrese- ing, Scalp Treatment, Facial Massage, Packs, and Hair Bleaching and Dyeing. For Appointments, Phone Blue 202 Third Ave., Over McCaffery, Gib- bons & Doyle ' ver e e in Poland, and the repulse of the German offensive movement on the western front. Allied Conference. Lord Kitchener and Premier Asquith have returned from France, where they have “NINE UNEXPLODED BONBS ON BOARD STEAMER KIRKOSWALD FEELING OF OPTIMISM PREVAILS IN LONDON — KITCHENER AND PREMIER ASQUITH CONFER WITH THE ALLIED COMMANDERS—THREE SHIPS ARE SUNK— MINNEHAHA STILL AFIRE with Sir John holding a conference Joffre and been Generals French. Three Steamers Sunk. The Italian Clio, Norwegian steamer Nordas, the British have been torpedoed. A Norwegian on the Ellesmere by shell fire. Minnehaha Still Afire. 10.—Fire broke out again in No. 3 hold on the Minnehaha. The hold has been battened down and the and Ellesmere, steamer steamer fireman killed was Halifax, July has transport flooded. BOXING (Special to The Daily News.) Seattle, July 10.—-Ray Campbell got the over Chet Neff at tif end of four rounds, in a ten-round bout here last Bight. decision GTP GENERAL MANAGER ARRIVED LAST NIGHT G. T. P. arrived in the city last evening, Trans- Donaldson, his private car continental being attached to the He hav- regular train from the east. left again a few hours later, ing his car attached to the special fish train of left at 9:20. Mr. sary express cars which Donaldson found it neces- to as brief stay get back make a very to with as little loss of time as pos- By he to save a day in getting here, he wishes sible. leaving last night, was able back to Winnipeg, having a step to make on the way. Ue was not able to get about the city during his visit this time. The vice-president says it is very di@ cult to make ca'rviaticas as to prospective trade now. The conditions are abnormal! and in common with all the other lines of railway on the continent and in other avenues of business, there are no rules that serve as ai ac- tual guide. The trade is very good on the G. Tf. P., but not what the company could have ex- pected under normal conditions, The outlook for prairies is magni‘cent, a crop on the however. It looks now as if a crop that has never been excelled may be har- vested. Ever acre possible was put under crop last spring. ‘The consequence has been that farm- ers to get further land available for next year broke up rew areas this summer, so that the avail- tion business. able acreage has been most ey- tensively increased. FOR RENT Nicely furnished suite of rooms. Apply Mrs. McMordie, F. 8. Wright left for the in- terior this morning on exhibi-}% COMPROMISE EFFECTED IN CHICAGO CARPENTERS STRIKE (Special to The Dally News.) July 10.—The strike union carpenters A compromise was effected the an advance from 65 to 70 cents per hour. The strike had tied up the building trade for two months. Chicago, of 16,000 over, is granting men LITTLE GIRLS WORKING FOR RED CROSS FUND and Dorothy sum of $16 57 to the treasurer of the Red Cress Fund last night, of This morning those little girls were again actively engag2d their good work, and hope tu exceed yesterday's total. OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUGE Carroll Jones handed the Gracie being the pro- ceeds a flower selling #%am- paign, In Tonight at 8.30 THE NOW FAMOUS The Majestic Stock Co, Presents “The Price” This is the last chance of seeing this fine company. Don's Miss It. Seats now selling at Orme’s drug store Prices 26-60-75. .Boxes $1.00 PPE LONDON CAFE And Grill Serves Nothing but the Best Hart Bik, Third Ave. BOXES S$ FOR LADIES