_ THE DAILY NEWS IL. Vi. NO. d PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1945. PRICE FIVE CENTR BRI TISH NAVAL COAL SUPPLY SHUT OFF ALLIES ADVANCE--HEAVY F IGHTING IN ARGONNE~BRITISH _TROOPS IN SERBIA HARLES CROWELL HAS It will be learned with at Charles N. Crawell, banager and ation to President d expects to sever n with the G. T. P. st of August. Mr. siness for himself, site and the for the establishment red a pital ited States. be the operator, ywwell will lder Bo hold a large interest. and and mr. and Mrs. L. for the WwW. SENT IN RESIGNATION) ___ regret general superintendent of he drydock, has sent in his resig= Chamberlin, his connec- about the Crowell expeets to go into having se- necessary arge shipbuilding plant in the Of this plant Mr. t designer, will Patmore interior this morning. this ee general counsel of act released on request Rogers and Roblin to in Manitoba inquiry. Pern ihiee Figures Naat In Manitoba Inquiry HON. F. H. PHIPPEN, K. C., of the C..N.: R. Messrs the Crockery and glassware V. Rittenhouse and C@aptain lingham went upriver praing. Prices—Wallace's. 164-5 (Opesial to The Dally Mews.) ( ardiff, July 15,—Virtually ation O00 are idle. the act, 200 per day, or men le, under to a fine he rank and file igh the mines in the Welsh 1 for the British navy. Substantial Advance. July 15.—Athens substantial made by the Mondon, ris that s been Abba line in the Dardanelles. Heavy. Fighting. There CVe- ’ : . | mine in Wales is idle today | Bpite of the government proc-| They are imprisonment, are obdurate leaders urge arbitra- | fighting The strike shuts down all fields Mich have been supplying steam | ond engineer re- advance Anglo- ench forces on the Krithia-Tehi has been heavy fighting MAJESTIC :: THEATRE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW FOREMOST ATTRACTION — LASKY PRESENTS “CAMEO KIRBY” In five acts-——Fea- turing Dustin Farnum, leding favor- ite star in a romantic drma of the south, The most remarkable fea- ture ever seen. in the city. ” PATHE. GAZETTE “THE HOAOR oF THE CAMP” Drama, ADMISSION 10, 15 and 26 cents. 10 rowes of seats, reserved at 260 Ow Paramount Pendnctiom We beola sto tenes coupons ‘ond cate alogue tonight. Albert Rooms ===—=2nd Avenue==——-= Close to the Westholme Theatre CENTRALLY LOCATED STRICTLY MODERN RENTS REASONABLE : Weetir or Monthly bead Aipeqagemant UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 950,000 WELSH MINERS IDLE— NAVAL COAL SUPPLY SHUT OFF N STRIKE IN SPITE OF GOVERNA GOVERNMENT PROCLAMATION — ALLIES ADVANCE IN DARDANELLES—HEAVY FIGHT-~ ING IN ARGONNE—ACTIVITY IN. POLAND —BRITISH IN SERBIA It is estimated that | newed activity along the Nieman in the Argonne, both sides claim- ing captures. Activity in Poland. The Germans are showing re- and the Vistula. British in Serbia. It has been announced that the British troops are now in Serbia the Austro-Hungarians. Submarine Murder. The Norwegian steamer Ryn has been torpedoed and the sec- killed. — ———_— JURY REPORTS THAT HARRY THAW IS SANE (Special to The Dally News.) New York, 15. Thaw is reported sane by the jury. July Harry K. Justice Hendrick is to pronounce | Friday. | the court decision on : . : | Thaw will go free on bail in any} yevent, Thaw was mobbed by admirers j today on his removal from court, his’ clothes being torn from his back by souvenir hunters, NOTICE Any information regarding the whereabouts of W. H. Wark, who left Prince Rupert on May 28th to join his wife and family, and has not been heard of since, will be appreciated by Mrs. W. Hl. Wark, P. O. Box 606, Simcoe, Ont, 163-168, CORSETRY —_—_—_—_—— Spirella Corsets, made to mea- sure. Gives perfect free@fom of body movement, Healthful, wood lines. Abdominal contra!, tevcom- mended by physicians ef Ragland, U, &. A. , Canada and the Room 2, Phone Red 94. St. Mrs. Margaret MclLellved Corset 150-67. Louis Rooms iere, Sale ifrom a business trip to Vancou- iver of the off Victoria was i orders, He lor two freighting MR. Z. A, LASH, K. C., qpoted| by Hon. Robert Rogers as recom- mending Mr. Tilley as counsel in| the inquiry. PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS FOR DRYDOCK PLANT | Charles N. Crowell, general | |manager and superintendent of | ithe Li vt, drydock and ship repairing| who returned this morning | in the interests states that H. M. which has been and Victoria company, 8S. Kent, anchored for weeks to sailed some ant for | ‘aled expected come here repairs, has under s+ wwever, there are cue other vessels which tne dtydock will have a chance of gel- Mr. ( representatives thereof the ting, rowell having seen th ard plac- iry- ed all facts regarding the dock before them. Mr. Cre ollicials are all the information Mr. also had that the ad-| full ‘SIONS mwwell states in pos- miralty dime and session of necessary regarding the in the | | | | | “ } Crowell while local .plant. south, a lengthy | | | | | item by a strike nor | Trust | admit }creditors, s ROBERT ROGERS, Roblin \for assistance in getting HON. whom. Premier appealed ex-Judge to Phippen, his general counsel, jact in Manitoba case. STREET RAILWAY STRIKE IN CHICAGO IS SETTLED (Special to The Daily News.) July 15.—Fourteen thousand employees of the street Chicago, railway have been granted a wage increase three con- They had tied up the sys- for on a years tract. two days. DOMINION TRUST DEPOSITORS CLAIM (Special to The Dally News.) July 15.—Liquida- of the Company has all Vancouver, Dominion to as Stewart, refused to An appeal to the courts This affects 5,000 British claims depositors rank is pending. in Columbia, total already amount to a million dollars, They had no power de spositors whose hold the company to accept deposits. interview with one of the repre-| PROPERTY PROTECTION of the lumber ort | business in Vancouver, that sentatives who a a great shortage of that he| | three there is vessels, and expected that two o1 would | be built and that Rupert would be given a chance | on these. shortly, Prince | to figure In regard to the manufacture of shells, Mr. | ed the plant where Crowell not only visit- these are be- ing made, with a view to getting information and a line on any special tools which might be necessary, but also approache: the secretary of the Manufactur- ers Association, who gave him assurances that Prince Rupert would be considered for part of} the next’ order for shells, Mr. Crowell reports that saw- mills around Vancouver are busy, having orders booked well ahead, and states that he is making an effort toward working up a trade with the various in yellow cedar ship yards along the coast. Sale stilk going on at Wallace's JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE | Cozy Barber Shop BATHS THIRD AVE. ALDER BLK. la tax sale ge FOR SOLDIERS AT FRONT (Special to The Dally News.) 15. council has decided to hold Vancouver, July Point Grey tomorrow. The council will announce which lots are own- ed by at the front with the request that no bids be offered soldiers for these. MANSLAUGHTER CHARGED AGAINST JITNEY DRIVER (Special to The Dally News.) Wim. driver, Mc- was Vancouver, July 15. Clellan, a jitney charged in the police court today the of Wm. Beers, a Accused with manslaughter machinist. killed Beers with his car on Gran- Bridge Tuesday, while ville on Beers was leaving a street car. Follow the crowd to Self’s Cafe. There is a reason.. Next Majestic Theatre. 102tf. to LONDON CAFE And Grill Serves Nothing but the Best Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES SIR WILLIAM MACKENZIE who responded to Hon. Robert call for help by releasing his general the Manitoba Rogers’ Phippen, act ex-Judge to in counsel, case. THIRTY MORE MEN FOR THIRD CONTINGENT A party of about thirty men left on the Prince George this morn- ing to join the third contingent at Vernon. Twenty-seven of these came from the interior last night. Captain Fullerton was in charge lof the company, which included Cecil Brown and M. Henderson, of this city. The Prince George was gaily decorated for the occasion, and the Serbian and Montenegrin con- tingent lined up on the wharf to bid their allies goodbye. The ship left amid cheers and counter cheers from the large crowd which had assembled. For a room of ordinary size $41.25 will supply the wall paper, ceiling and border to match, in a good quality—-Wallace’s sale. THE HAPPY VALLEYS WHICH LIE BEHIND PRINCE RUPERT F. S. WRIGHT, AGRICULTURAL. ASSOCIATION SECRETARY, IS GREATLY IMPRESSED BY HIS RECENT VISIT TO. THE INTERIOR—TERRACE AS RUPERT’S SUMMER RESORT an aE What's the matter witb Ter- Kitsumkalum and the La- Nothing. The first thing one notices on arrival at Terrace growing number of famil- iar that greet the arrival of the train. Yes: Holiday making Prince Rupertites. The Lakelse and Kitsumkalum valleys as a summer resort for Prince Rupert is a fact. It’s a change from the eternal boards of Prince Rupert. A change from the rush of busi- ness and worry. Quiet? Well yes; but that is what the ones who go But only the of the eountry, the quietude of depression. Cheap. Why go south fora holi- day when you ean get the same effects for one tenth of the cost? It’s the for the kiddies for the summer. Lots of things to do; berry picking by the ton; fish- ing; long walks over the roads; strawberry patches to crawl into, where the only requisite to get al! you want is an appetite, and six hours of the Kitsumkalum air will give you that. It’s a country of brown and happy faces. Try it; it’s a holiday worth taking and beats the dusty south hollow. One can spend a fortnight up there and still have something to People have said that there chance for in Scepties, who rush to conclusions, smile when the up- country farmer is mentioned, but he is there and, what is more important, is producing, and that is more than most who decry are doing. One can walk through farms to- bacco, lettuce, cabbage, po- tatoes, asparagus, alfalfa, clover, wheat, speitz, barley, oats, rye, pumpkins and tomatoes are grow- ing and doing well. There are fruit.trees, which, after six short years, are bearing cherries, ap- ples, plums, ete, There are small race, kelse? is the faces are looking for. usual calmness not place see, is no agriculture the north. rest asured, him where corn, fruits galore, wild and. cultivated. It is a great country for the drone of the bee, and where did you ever hear the bees hum except where there is bee food. There is a beein the country except There is a hint for the rancher, or the man who is looking for something to pay his way while breaking the first soil. Honey is always marketable and costs practically nothing to pro- duce. Now as to the farmers, They are breaking and cultivating more Clearing is not any too easy,but and more land and the exhibits at the fair this. year are assured. It is a new country and the farmers are meeting with all the familiar old difficulties. Experience only, as other places, can furnish the remedy, but that will come, and come quickly. Clearing is not any too easy.but even under hard conditions T saw a patch which had been virgin bush in January last and now growing just as good a crop of spuds and vegetables as could be wished for, The owner has work- ed, and worked hard, but he has reward. He has enough to keep him over the winter and nevt year’s crop will leave a margin (Continued on Page Four.) ESTHOLME WEST HOLM OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE not wild ones. in uis Tonight & Tomorrow Night EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION-—5S REEL PARAMOUNT FEATURE “THE SCALES OF JUST!CGE” Featuring Paul McAlister and Jane Fearnley, This is the best picture that has ever been screened in Prince Rupert. Don’t miss it, THE SPEEDER’S REVENGE Vitgraph Comedy with Walile Van in the running. Prices 15¢ and 25c. soo