Thursday, July 15, 1915. ‘ —— ——————— " T THE HAPPY VALLEYS WHIC Why use eas of uncertain LIE BEHIND PRINCE RUPERT a quality and. value when deli i aes ’ Clous Pride N héC (Continued From Page One.) Vas 0. ; tee of profit. Can you better it? Times are hard, and to most it " “ is a source of worry as to what s : . ~ — —- the future will bring forth. But - “ production pays, and furnishes the worry killer; and whether you have a market for your surplus Tea can be had on demand. u an or no, you have a living assured. =o ° The price of land is high,| Black, Green: or Mixed. Sealed Packets Oni but there are one or two out Of) page Comple Packet on Enquiry. sbranih” AabIA Serend’ these who hold the land who ree- ’ to ognize that a sod turned over by o Save lVioney || = Soman we vow ore pho —— PPRe o their land, means a sed turned for tone (SURNCGM:3 | " = themselves as well, and are will- s SENDOFF TO: SERBIANS | ing to meet the man who has the , e ! . IF YOU DO you will shop at this AND? MONTENEGRNS|:"'* «2 meres to taoklo the rl e game, There is no speculation " ivi j . store for all wants In Drygoods, The company of Serbians: and |about it as far as a living is’ con- L di E W B Montenegrins, numbering: about}eerned. You cannot lose, They adies ear, oots and Shoes, seventy, paraded at Government{reaquire lots of things in these AT M 3 G d 0 | f House this morning, where they{valleys. They want cattle, hogs en $ oods. n y a CW MOLE | were joined by the local contin. ]and other requisites: for mixed d b f S | d P e gent for Vernon, Headed by the|farming, a small canning factory Ss roce ays e ore a e en S. rices cadets, they marched to the wharf|to take care of their surplus fruit, have never bee | H where the greatest’ enthusiasm)and so make them independent of |? PHONE 572 n sO Ow. ere are prevailed, After the George sail-]a hazardous market. Opportuni- a few of th m t ed, the Serbians and Montene-|ties; well they are there. For the - € any cu Ss grins lined up at the train, where|man looking for a living and a they were pr€sented with cigars}home for his family and inde- For FRIDAY ONLY July 16 ve and flowers by the women folk. pendence, For the small business ’ WHITE WEAR SUMMER DRESS GOODS On the call of the mayor three}man who can turn a little capital ‘i a. t . i hearty cheers were given, and as|into something that will meet the- QUAKER PEAS, BEANS and TOMATOES } oe Slips, $1.50 for. .96e. Saas — 35c. for..16e. Hine train pulled out, the depart-|requirements. of the farmers. 12 Tins for $1.00 oe $1.25. for. . 86e. i Soc suiting, 45c. for. .20e. ing soldiers called for cheers for}|There is a good town, good stores rawers, 50c. for........36e, | iris inen,35e, for......26¢. FH prince Rupert, which were given|and modern conveniences. All that GRANULATED SUGAR, 100 lb. Sack for $7. Night Gow 1.50 Flowered Pi 40c. fi ce . ‘ 8 towns, $4.50, for. .96e: ecie IS c. for. .26e. with a will. The company re-]Jis lacking is willing hands to help Corset Covers, 50c. f Mull, 40¢. f dee TT ee iae ae V ae ANC. FOP eevee ewes vO» Hl oorts at Montreal, whence about|in the good work of snatching a GOLDEN DEW BUTTER, Inderskirts, $1.5 foile, 75c. Le tae ; i ae EaRee 31.50, for... .8Be. Sa 1D... 30% “ So aah g 450. 30,000 of their fellow country-|piece more of the frontier for Regular 35c ; Special 4 lbs. for $1.00 vk. ; sis » . rT! ‘ hite Voile Waists, $4.50, 50c. ik a ae 25¢c, for.18¢. Fi men will proceed to the front. | civilization, and Me re ) j 4 . i ‘ . ae mI oplin, 40c. for. .20o, If the rest of the contingent is of Work is scarce; overnment FRUIT FOR PRESERVING AT CUT PRICES g HOSE Indian Head, 25c. for....15e. Mid onlibré of those who: left this 4 ; | ieindavira vt cleehhas . 1e calibre of those who left this|}work especially, and lois of peo- | Sarven ClO, S00. . + BV. morning, the Austrians and Ger-|ple will whisper to you thé “ob- eee a = aye | ; p i lisper u that prob Black Cotton Hose 25c. for 15e.. | Organdie, 25c. for 15c. : : Dlink Linié: Hoek. Skea Seatac niacts nena 465 mans will be kept pretty busy. ably the country is getting along MOT ; é ais i; ; - | Vietoria Lawn, 20e. for.... ¥ : i593; or se ae NET MI TENGE RE better without government work. OR DELIVERY FREE Silk Lisle Hose, 50c. for. .36ce. | Nainsook, 25e. for........ 150. PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES mm Silk Hoge, $4.00, for 150 True it makes a shortage of cash, : Pe = but then it keeps a man at home ORDER RKISH COFFEE | HALF PRICE MONEY ||, ys ee ibe. Se where he belongs on his ranch, r 1e first-class passengers on the LADIES VESTS SAVERS ; : : f e No man can work profitably on AM LadiesEnglist : George this morning: th tside in th : i ys y 4 4 3S Iu § é “Oats f > 28 Bg tes Fine Cotton Vests, 25¢. for 15e. | ellen meg eh renee tt: TF ohn Xmery. and: with, Mac ante” Ce ee summer. and Bo | Suaranteed to be absolutely Nitin in. Sat M.A ‘ ‘ farming in the winter, at least|3 . srson, Mr. Minor, M. Armstron 4 | waterproof, from Britain’s best j ; “*Inot in the Lakelse and Kitsum-]2 W S ll | ] 4 Pat pee : P. S. Woodhall and wife, W. Ste- . a pmeum-19 €c e or CSS HIGH GRADE SHOES makers, We are offering you oe kalum valleys, and that is the ‘ena od venson, G. E, Richards, Margaret ny 4 ; i‘ P eS s eas , > are ‘ - Ladies’ $6.00 Shoes....$3.00- | oye uate pequtan price ||* Wise" Mrs. J. ©. Catlet, Dr. ee ots ert eee eee Men’s $5.00 Shoes ....$3.60. Bi A -Sthwart snd Sais. Me Aen” Sa acreage under the plough. ie Boys’ $2.50 Shoes..... . $1.90. : tke, E, Cook; D;.Roberteon; Hugh| = *e SARBe-ab home this | aes ; - . Girls’ $3.00 Shoes...... $2.00. | | ONE THIRD OFF ALL Pringle, T. C. Thomas, W. Rane, year and cultivating their land. T. D. Pattullo returned from NOTICE TO CREDITORS Children’s $1.25 Shoes. .$1.00. CHILDREN’S COATS Mrs. FE, E. Johnson, G. N. Crowell] The old question of markets is|(he south on the Prince George|., rye supRENE COURT OF BRITISH _ G. 0. Lindberg, Mr. Hobson, G. D. a difficult one, They look to Prince | {pis morning. COLUMBIA McKenzie, Kenneth Mathieson, T,.|upert to help them in this line, eee IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTIU , Kenne son, T.| cones é ay TION ACT 2 D. Pattullo. and the people of Prince Rupert Children’s dresses—new, well malas a I l e as O e ar. going to do it, The farmers|made, good materials, 75c—-Wal- Maan macnie Suma, rt. 9 Wall paper % price—Wallace’s|“!!! Shortly be sending down) jace's, i64-5.| TATE ; Fe eA OL Re ce a a Lege Sale. 164-165. vegetables, etc., to Rupert. They * = . TAKE NOTICE that by order of [ils 7 : ” dene ee ——=|8sk the Rupert people to patron-| Gone south to meet eastern|4oner, 7: MeB. Yauns, loeb: jute eave ‘ eejize their produce in preference |trayellers rf ; Sashes 2 € ‘rs and buy new fall goeds|been appointed administratrix of the es e APERHANGING 6 e ” to Seattle stuff. A dollar spent > die. of Watiina’é tate of Rosario Mazzel, late of the city loneer un ry KA Th D : -P. H. Showler, of Wallace's of Prince Rupert, Province of British Co ; ; LSOMINING e y ews on home grown stuff means a} — lumbia, deceased, intestave: a Third Avenue East - PAINTING CLASSIFIED ADS dollar kept at home where it be- FOR RENT AND NO'TICE.1S HEREBY GIVEN that #! . is rs, , Reartes ‘ Nicely furnishe sui persons having claims upon the estere of Phone 118 . G. ROBERTS longs You housewives make icely . orocer s ; ri ri r s. } » Me! die. , are We Use the Most Modern 14 Dyer Apts. P. O. Box 642 ue AE CE AO I snes - aan ae Bee tr tenenaes ax Paton, s Laundry Machinery Built. Ree one or two respectable young} nome Brown vegetables. Porgel fue PRINCE. RUPERT FAIR'1915|>8risters, Prince Rupert, B.C. on or a Come In Any Tuesday or home at reasonable rates, Close in. that there is a vegetable grown in _-_ S eauaeaineenes an + hyehnalendlt 4 Wednesday and See How esas ee Phone Blue 270, 163-169. the world outside of Northern SPACE RENTALS securities held: by> them, duly» verified, and a) We Do It ANYONE Going to Edmonton or Saskatoon|British Columbia and help your- after that date I shall proceed wo (ls ae ; will find it to their advantage to apply self and: your family by helping Serene tribute the assets of the deceased amons Bi Absolute Satisfaction Is HE to Box 115, Daily News. 159-165)" : ; ‘ y by helping The Directors will be glad to receive} the parties entitled thereto, baving re * ; Guaranteed T IMPERIAL BOARD AND ROOM—88.00 per week,|the rancher of the north. It is|tenders for a space 15 feet square in the] #@rd only to the claims of whieh notice 5 x j Comfortable, airy rooms, close in, good easy enough to spend that. dollar centre of the Exhibition Butlding for the [has been Mled. Cat view. Phone Black 83. 163-166. : aD 1b COMA | inree days o! the Fair September 22, 23 Dated at Prince Rupert, By C., this 20th G — WATER HEATER COIL Re on your own people, instead of]and 24. day: of June, 1916. “a sas : re This space is the best stand in the GAETANA CITRINA MAZALEI, a i ; FoR “meee FOR SALE sending it to Yankee land. building, and is admirably suited for com- | By Patmore & Fuiton, her solicitors. om BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Is made to meet the demand for FOR SALE—Thor : : ee mercial display. aaah é > SALE—Thoroughbred Cocker Spaniel|, Other space inside around walls of the é ? LUMP Hot Wtok: inatenae and ee dog, 4 years old; trained. Apply P. O building with depth of 10 feet will be Je. | CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ie ne Used, Box 1636, City ; 163 166, for the three days at we 36, © + 5 2 se days #1.00 per front PRINCE RUPERT : COAI Eo LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ne ee : 4 esk, chairs, cornet, guitar. foot. i " WARNING! Apply, C. E. Bainter, tf. No tender necessarily accepted; Tenders ey .50 ssz Ton — Gash on Purchasers of any In- a Japanese ing » A yar close July 34st. . Hy $9. por fringing Stove Coll lay oe maneitnes of four rooms: com- Japanese matting 19¢ a yard- Outside space for refrestiment booths, TRADE LI€ ENCES a Delivery themselves open to proce- Soon cooers tS Gerey What offers? |\Wallace’s: 464-5. | side shows, ete. Prices on application, 3 Money Back If Not Satis- cution equally with the ror y Bhat re, TOM Ay tf, Sich The plan of the building is now ready parties manufacturing oF OR SALE—-Furniture of four-room flat . ) ‘ and reservations can be made, NOTICE factory making same. ans flat for rent. Apply P. O. Box Dry goods bargains—all kinds For further particulars address the sec- Pursnant to Bylaw 255 governing abo)’ { UNION TRANSFER CO 272. 162-9./__ Wallace's sale, 164-5. ee ee of Trade rooms, City, P. O. Jaiso resolution of Council dated July 12!" ; : a e BO te All licences. are due and payable on J!) . Now is your chance to get the FOR RENT We emote + : 6 . 15th, 1915, and be paid forthwith ° S58 End Ave. Phone 36 best In Hot Water Heating Appil- A) FoR RENT—Furnished. Cottage, bath not| W. W. Wright returned from|iN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN] section Sat abie Bylaw provides tie a - oop if BNO iaiiad a OE SR: 15.00; Apply a a vacation in the interior last HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. following: oh : Coll minus Connections. . $16.00 f : : night. aay ete trmey oF" 6 BeOhe " - On Your Money Back If it Dont 6ult. Between: TONY BROOKS, Plaintif, | bylaw, or: who carries on any: profess! As } own and-control the above, music. a ee | And NICHOLAS HOMENIUK,Derendant, | ade, occupation or calling, for whi 4 | no one can put’same in. Shall vig- A. G, Foster left for Work Point ce an a Bn eee rons such ; preusl i § NOTICE 7 § v1 = aw, withou aving firs ) FOR 1 AXI Pe nee ane A VIOLINS AND ALL|O" the Prince George this morn- NOTICE OF SUBRIFY'S GALE licence ‘and having paid the licence fee 0! = Musics! Instru-| ing. tax herein provided, shall be Hable, 0 SS HARRY HANSON ; 8 Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge | summary conviction, to a penalty: of twen') 5 Phone 489 P, O. Box 395 ments repaired. iets Me PF. MeB, Young, dated. July 10, 1915, 1! five dollars (825.00) together with the Pe te ; a Bows rehaired. The Leo Waugh left for his will offer for sale by public auction at/amount of the Ieence fee or tax, which thi Phone 99 , an : 8 7 3 : , old my office in the Courthouse, Prince Ru-|should have been paid,. and. in default of | ; Prince Rupert Mu-jhome in Nova Scotia on the train|pert, B. C,, on Friday, the 20th day. of |payment, to imprisonment for sixty (60) f a sic Store, 848 srd| today. August, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock | days.” f oo. oo. oe ; f Ave oie” in the forenoon, the following deseribed The Bylaw also declares: } : Ss - . w. u aD. MeMbrdic ? at “It shall be the duty of every os i : - i rs. 5. P. MceMordie leaves for ie East One-half and. the EastOne-half| or. company holding a. licence under 5 t j tand Hotel Rupert A. E. WRIGHT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Se Riel tone At Wid cen g of the Northwest One-fourth of Lot 1924) ] bylaw: to exhibit such» licence: at all times } Provincial and Dominion sara On Sat-| Cassiar district, said to contain 100 acres; {inva conspieuous placé in his oMee or plac: * Tenders will be received urday morning, more or less; subject to a judgment and} of’ business; so that the same may be see! ’ Land Surveyor wiaae sete 46 joan ee ge area costs for the amount of $863.72 and in-|by the oMetals of the city and any perse! ‘ Salv . : : . . terest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent, | dol busine them.” ; ation Army Surveying and Engineering oe es ual a for ae eens It will pay you to buy now and|per annum fro the 22nd. day of August, ott. oe oy persons comlns —_— company, Limited, : ( ebay ’ rences Public meetings, Tuesday.|3 P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 Plans and specifications may be secure {PUL aWay until you need it—the DaaaD AT TAINGE ROPER BC, ulate or ” + re . j ATE NCE "ERT, B. C., at once. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Fourth Street from the Avetiionets ro wall paper at half price at Wal-]}131) day of July, 1945, Yours truly, Sundays at 7:30 p.m. pees | 102-164. UE Arehitect, laces. 164-5 JOHN SHIRLEY, . D. JOHNSON, ’ , 1165-190 Sheriff of the County of Atlin, | 163-167, Treasurer and Collector