Bihe whole of the next day, _ JHE DAILY NEWS v0 gM VI. NO. 165. he > PRINCE RUPERT, B, Gi F RIDAY, JULY 16, 19145. ae FIVE CENTS A(ERMAN SUBMARINE SUNK IN BLACK SEA AUSTRIANS DRIVEN ACROSS DNEISTER-—F IGHTING RENEWED ALONG NIEMAN STILL IDLE—LLOYD (Special to The Dally News.) London, July 16.—The German uper-submarine U-54, which edited with xcluding the battleship Majestic, as been sunk in the Black Sea Russian The vessel after Dardanelles, Gibraltar and, passing rough the entered e Sea of Marmora to attack the Assian Black Sea fleet. Miners Still Idle. Pin spite of a recommendation ade by the miners executive, the miners today. D. Lloyd seorge is to visit the district. Mr. Bouth Wales eturn to work loyd George has iS/return to work on Monday. sinking several of|time the government has estab- e allied ships in the Dardanelles} |ished a munitions board over all | Panama, Le refused to admittedly nc SCERMAN SUPER -SUBMARINE SUNK BY RUSSIAN WARSHIPS UBMARINE WHICH DID DAMAGE IN THE DARDANELLES IS SENT UNDER IN THE BLACK SEA—WELSH MINERS GEORGE TO VISIT SOUTH WALES great influence in the district, and it is expected that the men will Mean- South Wales. warships. |U. S. BATTLESHIPS PASS in| THROUGH PANAMA CANAL (Special to The Delly News.) July 16.—The wesnal as used today for the first time ifor battleships. The first-class ibattleships Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin passed through from ithe Atlantic to the Pacific in eight hours ANADIAN EYE WITNESS Sir Max Aitken, the ecord officer rmy in Franee, in a detailed re- rt upon the fighting of the Ca- adians from May 17 to 20, makes Major Peck of ity, who commanded one of the nention of mpanies that was assigned haz- ado Vork Phe Pith orders were meatack on the orchard that night, reconnaissance of the morning of the position broth- when pa-| is made by Major Leckie, of Lieut.-Col, Leckie, ols were sent out, one ery neatly managed to escape eing cut off by the enemy, and nother suffered a few casualties. that the and that an attack orchard would be no tight That occupied a ‘his showed Germans ere in force, yn the work, night the Canadian Beoattish close to the German lines deserted House and sueeeeded in establishing here two machine guns and a thirty were evidently not Searrison of men. The enemy aware that we were in possession of this although they bomb- British throughout house, for iurded all the With great trenches severity this garrison was left untouched. The Fattacking detachment under Ma- jor Rea consisted of two coman- ies of the Gandian Scottish, one commanded by Captain Morrison, the other by Major Peck.” For a room of ordinary $1.25 will supply the wall paper, ‘ceiling and border to match, in a -good quality—Wallace’s sale. size Albert Rooms =====2nd Avenue Close to the Westholme Theatre CENTRALLY LOCATED STRICTLY MODERN RENTS REASONABLE Weenty | or > Montaly by Arrangement MENTIONS MAJOR PECK Ria this issued for an | Hearst-Selig Gazette of which| rreel comedy OHIO RIVER FLOOD TEARS QUY BRIDGES (Special to The Dally Newe ) Lima, Ohio, July 16—The Ohio serving with the! river is in full flood, tearing out bridges and viaducts in its course. | Two hundred homes in Lima are | | | } under wate and many families have been driven to seek refuge in} Lie ity. WESTHOLME THEATRE rhe Westholme theatre presents a tonight ind tomorrow, varied program, which includes a showing the latest world events; a great two- | entitled it and Why,” featuring the smil- | ing Wally Van; “A Mixup on the | a western story of real “How to do} Plains,” “A Man’s Faith,” and a Keystone merit; a beau- tiful little drama, comedy entitled ‘‘Ambrose’s First ! Falsehood.” Such a combination of comedy and drama should pro- vide something interesting for, everybody. STU DYING SA LMON Dr. H. Gilbert, of Stanford Uni- versity, the salmon of this coast for a few who has been studying years, will be in Prince Rupert Dr. Gilbert Bella Bella will be here in the course of a again, in at present in the distriet, and few days. CORSETRY Spirella Corsets, made to mea- Gives perfect freedom of Healthful, flesom- sure, body movement. wood lines. Abdominal control, mended by physicians of Mngland, ©. A, Reon 2, Phone Red 94, Canada and the U. St. Louis Rooms. Mrs. Margaret MeLellood Corset- Pa 150-67. WIRELESS TELEPHONY Italian warships are equipped with a special system of wireless telephony, and the vessels Can communicate with one another by the speaking voice at a distance nicely lot 100 miles.--Ex. FATAL EXPLOSION IN | KENTUCKY POWDER MILL (Special to The Dally News.) Louisville, Ky., July 16.—A rigid investigation which has | : : jbeen made into an explosion which occurred at a factory of the United resulting in the Safety Powder Com- pany, loss of four lives, shows that the explo- sion was caused by outside agen- cies, fac- Since the war began the tory has been under lease to a Canadian company, until a month ago. & Co., of London, commissioner, them cluding ———————————— ENQUIRY FROM LONDON REGARDING | FISH TRADE, Trade The Board of tion Bureau quiry regarding fish trade This company porter of frozen salmen, désires to get in touch with Prince Rupert Wright, the with full fishing concerns. has received an ae sere Prince Rupert's | HILL IN ARGONNE FOREST RECAPTURED — HEAVY FIGHTING from McDonald, Scé England. is a exporters. Information has particulars, a list of Prince Rupert’s Fred. B. Darley Who Was Reported Killed Last April PS PPLEP LOL DOL PDIP LOOL OD. were Above adian Bank of Commerce Huddersfield, is a photograph of F. in Prince Nursing Home, Mr. Darley, hospital for eight weeks, suffering resulling from his head getting in His recovery is looked upon as apy his home expects to be removed to B. Darley, Yorkshire, who was reported killed last in Ireland shortly, Rupert, taken in England. April, from a badly the way of a yrroaching | : 4 ibe able to return to Canada in thesummer of next year. of the staff of the ¢ Carisbrooke has been in the fractured shrapnel the miraculous. and hopes to EXHIBITION NOTE The Indian Department at Ot- tawa has notified the of the Agricultural that it will contribute $ to the fund which provides prizes for the Indian competitors in basket work, ete., at the Exhibi- Indian tion, The prize fund for work now amounts to the re- spectable total of $950, FALSE ALARM A fire alarm was turned in from near Lynch's store at 14:45 last night. The brigade was on the spot, but not a fire could be found, quickly sign of y wor nace |? LONDON CAFE And Grill Serves Nothing but the Best Third Ave. JACK JUDGE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE Cozy Barber Shop BATHS | ALDER BLK. } THIRD AVE. secretary |manding the 200 cash|puarters in adian who wish to jein to the Prices— Cafe. —- 2 MORE MEN WANTED Major J. H. Association |received instructions enlisting men for the fourth Can- overseas major at oflices at once. Crockery and -Wallace’s. Follow the MeMullin, 68th Battalion, from head- Vietoria to continue contingent. should the government glassware—Sale crowd There is a reason,. Majestic Theatre. tracts in Lakelse ‘ladjoining Hart Bik. BOXES FOR LADIES ie _ FRENCH SUCCESSES IN HEAVY FIGHTING IN ARGONNE REGION CONTINUES—-GERMAN OFFENSIVE REPULSED AT (Special to The Dally News.) Paris, July 16.—Hill 825, in the of Argonne, was stormed by the Germans early this week, has been recaptured by the French. Heavy fighting in the Argonne continues. effort to break through the French line of at- tack on the fortress at Verdun was repulsed with heavy loss. forest which A German Fighting Resumed. 16.—There has been a renewal of fighting on the London, July Nieman front in the Russian pro- vinces of Coutland and _ Kovno, following the arrival of German reinforcements. The Russians VERDUN — RENEWED FIGHTING ON FRONT the Russian front shows little change. The Austrians have been driven across the Dneister with heavy losses. THAW DECLARED SANE BY JUDGE HENDRICKS (Special to The Dally News.) York, July 16.—Judge Hendrick upholds the jury’s ver- dict in the Thaw case, and finds that Harry Thaw is The judge now orders Thaw’s release $50,000 bond. New sane. on a Children’s dresses—new, well ire offering a stubborn resist-|made, good materials, 75c—-Wal- ince. The general fighting onjlace’s. 164-5 ——— --—--— << nner MIXED BALL GAMES AT RECREATION PARK representing the Colts Teams and the : mixture of Sons of England played foot- sali at Reereation Park nast night baseball the Sons of Eng- baseball and in five innings of Colts defeated the land by 9 runs to 2, and in thirty minutes of football, the Sons were victors by 3 goals to 2. The Colts played an unorthodox brand of foot- with a but very effective ball, and several of them, ittle practice, would be star per- formers. Neither game was taken and the spectators highly very seriously, treated to some amusing stunts. MAJESTIC THEATRE “Cameo Kirby,” a Paramount Lasky five-reel production is the big attraction at the Majestic to- night. The story, by Booth Tark- ington, is a delightfully romantic drama of the southern states in the fifties. Dustin Farnum, as a penniless who young planter turns professional gambler, is There is not a dull mo. while the setting of the piece is wonderfully The Honor of the Camp” is a western drama, concluding a program well worth seeing. splendid. ment in the five reels, ralistic. * THE WEATHER By F. W. Dowling, Observer. Barometer ......++ee20++ 29.940, Maximum temperature ...... 58, Minimum temperature ...... 50. Rain fas civ i cuaele a sce'e ea lele ee .06, WE OFFER FOR SALE—-10-acre at $25.00 per One-acre tracts acre on terms. Terrace Townsite at $150.00. Ten-acre tracts in Ter- race at $60.00 per acre. Quarter section in Lakelse at $12.00 per acre. McCAFFREY, GIBBONS & DOYLE FOR RENT Nicely furnished . rooms, Apply Mrs. MeMordie. and ammunition suite of ‘DAVID A. THOMAS WILL ViSIT OTTAWA THIS WEEK Ottawa, July 15.—-The British government's new, purchasing agent in Canada and the United States, David A. Thomas, is ex- pected te be in Ottawa this week, and one of his first tasks will be to take up with the militia de- shell wilh Canadian manufacturers the partment’s committee and question of placing further or- Canada for shells and A number of manufacturers ders in fixed ammunition, iron and_= steel have been in conference with the shell committee during the past few days with a view to finding out Canada’s capacity for shell making. They are willing to enlarge the present equipment and output consider- ably if there is a reasonable as-. surance given that the orders will be forthcoming in sufficient vol- ume to warrant the outlay for new machinery. NOTICE Any information regarding the whereabouts of W. H. Wark, who left Prince Rupert on May 28th to join his wife and family, and has not been heard of since, will be appreciated by Mrs. W. H. Wark, P. O. Box 606, Simcoe, Ont. 163-168. Sale still going on at Wallace's. WESTHOLME es OPERA HOUSE RUPERT’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT ‘and TOMORROW HEARST-SELIG GAZETTE—Showing all the Latest Events, “HOW TO DO IT AND WHY"——A Two-reel Comedy Featuring the Ever-popular Wallie Van. “A MIXUP ON THE PLAINS”— Western Film of High Merit, “A MAN’S FAITH"-—A_ Beautiful Drama, “AMBROSE’S FIRST FALSEHOOD” Keystone Comedy. ; Prices 10 and 15 cents.