Saturday, July 17, 1915, THE DAILY NEWS. q ER DREAMS ~|RETAIL MERCHANTS = CAME TRUE Life Unbearable from Indigestion Health Restored by “Fruit-a-tives” The Retail Merchants Associa- tion, at a meeting held on Wed- nesday, decided to apply to the cily council for an early closing bylaw. The petition is now being cir- culated and has been signed hy practically every storekeeper in the city. The merchants propose to close at 6:30 p. m. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS { KE. F. Doyle left for Seattle on the Rupert. Ree He ll. " MELLE. ©. GAUDREAU Rochon P.Q., Jan. 14th, 1915. “T suffered for many years with Wallace’s sale. vrible Indigestion and Constipation, I Ce. eS ecame thin and miserable. I had requent dizzy spells and became so un down that I never thought I would et well again, A neighbor advised me to try ‘Fruit- I did so and to the surprise (a f my doctor, I began to improve and Be add 21 sed melogoonwith ‘Fruit-a-tives’, continued this medicine and all my * * * Dry goods bargains—all kinds 164-5. Lieut. Marshall returned from Work Point yesterday afternoon. mie ee Lieut. Beatty left last night on recruiting mission to Granby Bay. ek ae ndigestion and Constipation was Mrs. 8. P. MeMordie left for her plieved. I consider that I owe my life | 4) 4 Falls this D ‘I’ruit-a-tives’ and I want to say to ose who suffer from Indigestion, ynstipation or Headaches, try ‘Fruit- ' Give this lovely fruit medicine ur chance and you will get well the home at Niagara morning, Ce J. T. Phelan, superintendent of Dominion Telegraphs, accompan- ied by Mrs. Phelan, arrived last night. CORINE GAUDREAU, DOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. t all dealers or sent postpaid by | eS t-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | Miss Beckwith left on the Ru- I pert this | | gene as | did”, | morning to visit her ibrother, H. G. Beckwith, Portland, | Ore, s s s Robertson, and = Mrs. tobertson and family, came in on Judge jthe Prince Rupert this morning jand left for Prince George on the ; train. LIMITED e859 Desk 512° rr ; = enema \ Tyson, Inspector of Indian | | | Agencies, and M. W. White, Dr. iMeKenna and D, H. MeDonald, In- dian commissioners, came in ADVERTISE IN ifrom Hazelton last night. HE DAILY NEWS SKIMMED MILK 5c per quart. BUTTERMILK i0c per quart, two -- === | quarts for 15 c. Delivered to any ipart of the city—Prince Rupert Dairy—Phone Green 252 tf. Remnants—all kinds—on sale Wallace's. 164-5. EARLY CLOSING PETITION = —— ——————SS——— ——s ONE THING IS CERTAIN oO TERE QUALITY OF 2 “DALADA’ WiIiLkt. NEVER VaARWT Wars may come and go. Prices advance and recede, but you can absolutely rely on every sealed packet of Salada Tea containing the same high quality that has been our reputation for nearly a quarter of a century. BRIGHT SHOW AT | fying the French flag. WESTHOLME THEATRE | | two-reel college story, featuring The Westholme Theatre pro-| Wally Van. Van and his uncle gram for tonight is bright and John are funnier than ever. ‘“‘Am- amusing from start to finish. The brose’s First Hearst-Selig Gazette is particu- Falsehood” brings | such terrible complications in its train that it is liable to be his last. \ Man’s Faith,” a remark- Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales,| able little | Wilson throwing a most enjoyable program. larly fine, showing Los Angeles j school children playing Hans drama, concludes a President first ball of the season, lady ten- nis champions at practice, and Wall paper % price-—Wallace’s the “Dacia” al anchor off Brest,} Sale. 164-165 S Sa = = = : =—s The Woman Who Takes the proper help to keep her digestion right and her system free from poisonous accumulations, is not troubled with headaches, backache, languid feelings, unnat- ural sufferings. All women who have _ tried BEECHAM’S PILLS know this famous remedy to be the proper help for them. A few doses will make immediate difference and occasional use will cause a pamecneet ates in health and strength. They cleanse the system and_ purify the blood and every woman who relies on Beecham’s Pills, ‘not only enjoys better physical condition, with quieter nerves and cighter spirits, but she Enjoys A Clear Complexion Worth a Guinea a Box Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold everywhere in Canada and U.S, America. In boxes, 25 cents. THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED SS, VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUECDAVS AT 9 PM, Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS err mn Per oe PLIPL IPL VMPPOOOP SHINGL*° , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A J. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and MoBride 3t. PHONE 25 PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Branch ¢V¥ard at Smithers (/7 7 “tte t 7 “tt tty if Si ee Make Monday Ironing Day ET Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon- L day morning and you can do the light ironing Monday afternoon. The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part of washing cut out you'll feel like making 1t a 4 MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 As a medium through which you may select gifte suitable for every occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. Birke’, Vancouver, is the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order Department and our Hluetrated Catalogte forms a convonient avenue lead- ing to a selection from our immense stocks. r ee = ae — WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. ——= Henry Birks 6 Sov Tanaited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Q@ranville and Georgia Streete Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C ironing. Follow the directions that cut your work in half and remember there’s nothing in Sunlight to injure fine fabric or dainty hand, A $5,000 guarantee backs this statement, unlight Soap All grocers sell and recommend it good day’s work by doing at least part of the ‘@ } Quick, Brilliant, Lasting 10v All DC valers THEF. F. DALLEY CO.,LTD, BUFFALO,N.Y.,HAMILTON,CAN. FBICIGIGOOOOUOOOOOUOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO UU CLL yy Ramsay’s In 2-ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by thelr superior “How to do it and Why” is af : mpire Cream Sodas 7 quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscuits. Fee ATR PPR PTT eRe Tyee TO an ei iodine bend hl a he enbas! okt o They are made tn B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by ‘RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. * KIAAAIDAAAAAASDAAAA AKIN Empress Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened frults of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. exacting. It will satisfy the most SOLD BY ALL GROCERS " In 1=-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTP. Vancouver, B. ©. Empress Jams ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ pd Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern :} British Columbia :: Largest Circula- tion means the Best Advertising A | Medium :: 3 REASON SSSS=S= THERE $ Three quarters IS $ ot the local Ad- vertising is done in the DailyNews Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’