Fee tenets fHE DAILY NEWS are offering. A whole rack of serges and “La Camille Corsets........ _Regular 50c and 75c fancy Wonderful bargains in Imported Silk Petticoats up to $15.00, This sale .. Dozens of this season’s Royal Society packages...20% off. A dozen silk dresses up to $25.00, Silk brocaded La Diva corsets at ........ summer DEMERS JULY SALE ~ Begins Saturday, July 17th ‘ Seeepreeneerens emetee A Genuine July Ciearance Sale: that is the best term we know to use in describing this sale of High Grade Ladies’ NOTHING HELD BACK! The following will give you an idea of the bargains we Ready-to-Wear Stock this sale... .$4.25. dresses up to $25.00 woolen this sale.......$10.00. bs 8 ete 0% soseees RO % Off. .. HALF PRICE TIBDON: BU .8.5 6 66s .25 cents underwear, hosiery, MUNICIPAL NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Coun cil of the City of Prince Rupert has fixed Friday, the 30th day of July, 1915, at the Council Chamber in the City Hall, as the day and place to take the vote of the ratepayers on the following bylaw: A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF A PLANK ROADWAY FROM THE WEST SIDE OF KELLIHER STREET TO CONNECT WITH A PLANK ROADWAY NOW EXISTING AT SEAI COVE, AND TO CREATE AND SECURI veiling, neckwear, hair nets, brassiers, and dozens of small wares. 4 ~*~ > sii l i BT E Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built. Come In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC COAE $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER (0. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 PPK CRCeg B- C. MILK Is (c@ mest cecnomical milk for the heuseife. ‘It farthest,” be- cause it is RICHEST in CREAM (by brown color and no cooked taste. It actual government tests). No dark hus the NATURAL FLAVOR, AT ALL GROCERS goes - “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. ? WANTED—One or two respectable young then tor room or board in comfortabis home at reasonable rates. Close in. Phone Blue 270. 163-169. FOR TAXI Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert ANYONE Going to Edmonton or Saskatoon will f{nd it to their advantage to apply to Box 115, Daily News. 159-165 BOARD AND ROOM--—$8.00 per week, Comfortable, airy rooms, close in, good view. Phone Black 583. 163-166. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Cocker Spaniel dog, 4 years old; trained. Apply P. ©. Box 1636, City 163-166. FOR SALE—Desk, chairs, cornet, guitar. Apply, C. E. Bainter. tf. FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apvly Box 106, Daily News. tf. THE PRINCE RUPERT FAIR 1915 SPACE RENTALS The Directors will be glad to receive tenders for @ space 15 feet square in the centre of the Exhibition Building for the three days of the Fair September 22, 23 and 24, This space is the best stand in the building, and is admirably suited for com- mercial display. Other space inside around walls of the building witb depth of 10 feet will be let for the three days at #1.00 per front foot. No tender necessarily accepted. Tenders close July 31st. Outside space for refreshment booths, side shows, etc. Prices on application. The plan of the building is now ready and reservations can be made. For further particulars address the sec- retary, Board of Trade rooms, City. P. 0. Box 1657. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. Between: Aad TONY BROOKS, Plaintiff, NICHOLAS HOMENIUK,Defendant. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge F. MeB. Young, dated July 10, 1915, 1 will offer for sale by public auction at my oMee in the Courthouse, Prince Ru- pert, B, C., on Friday, the 20th day of August, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described lands: The Kast One-half and the East One-half of the Northwest One-fourth of Lot 1321, Cassilar District, said to contain 100 acres, more or less; subject to a judgment and costs for the amount of $863.72 and in- terest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum from the 22nd day of August, 1914, and costs incidental to the sale. DATED AT PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., this 13th day of July, 1915. JOHN SHIRLEY, 168-190 Sheriff of the County of Atlin. Gone Suth to eastern travellers and buy new fall goods —P. H. Showler, of Wallace's meet FOR SALE—Furniture of four-room fat and flat for rent. Apply P. O. Box 272. 162-9. FOR RENT YOR RENT—Furnished Cottage, bath hot and cold water, 15.00. Apply 444 8th Avenue, East. 164-70. MUSIC. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Musical Instru- ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 8rd Ave. . CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TRADE LICENCES NOTICE Pursuant to Bylaw 255 governing above, also resolution or Council dated July 12th. All licences are due and payable on July 15th, 1915, and must be paid forthwith. Section 33 of this Bylaw provides the following: “Any person guilty of a breach of this bylaw, or who carries on any profession, trade, occupation or calling, for which a licence or tax is provided for in this by- law, without having first taken out such licence and having paid the licence fee or tax herein provided, shall be liable, on suinmary conviction, to @ penalty of twenty five dollars ($25.00) together with the amount of the Hcence fee or tax, which should have been paid, and in default of payment, to imprisonment for sixty (60) days.” The Bylaw also declares: “It shall be the duty of every person or company holding a licence under this bylaw to exhibit such licence at all times iu @ conspicuous place in his office or place of business, so that the same may be seen by the officials of the city and any person doing business with them.” 1 respectfully ask all persons coming under these regulations to pay licences at once, Yours truly, E. D, JOHNSON, 163-167, Treasurer and Collector, A DEBT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON STRUCTING SAID PLANK ROADWAY AMOUNTING TO THE SUM OF FOUR THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS (4,500.00): AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the vote shall be taken by ballot, and that the polling booths shall be open on the said 30th day of July, 1915, from the hour of 9 a.m. until the hour of 7 p.m. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Ernest A. Woods has been appointed Re turning OMcer to take charge of the said vole. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk. BYLAW NUMBER 259 A BYLAW OF TH CIPY OF PRINCE RUPERT TO’ PROVIDE FOR THE CON- THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED DOL- LARS (84,500.00): WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince has determined to construct way from the west side of Kelliher street to connect with a plank roadway now existing at Seal Gove, the said plank road- way being shown on a plan by W. McG, Mason, then City Engineer of the City of Prince Rupert and dated the 17th day of July, 1913, and which plan is fled in the office of the Engineer of the Citv Ot Prince Nupert, ana a copy thereof an- nexed to a lease of the land over whieh the proposed plank roadway passes, from the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com- pany to the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert, and dated the 2nd day of January, 1915: AND WHEREAS for the purpose of con- structing the said plank roadway it will be necessary to incur a debt to the extent of Four Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500.00): AND WHEREAS the City intends to Iis- sue debentures for the amount of the said proposed debt, being Four Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars (84,500.00), by the sale of which to realize moneys necessary for the said purpose, the sa‘d debentures to extend over a period of four (4) years from the first day of August, 1915, and to be secured in the manner hereinafter appedring: AND WHEREAS the assessed value of improvements in the City of Prince Rupert, according to the last revised assessment roll, namely, the as- sessment roll for the year 1915, is the sum of Twenty-five Millions, Eight Hun- dred and Forty-six Thousand, Six Hun- dred and Seventy-two Dollars (#25,846,- 672.00 AND WHEREAS the aggregate debt ow- ing by the said City, exclusive of debts for works of local improvements and school purposes does not exceed One Million, Five Hundred and Seventy-four Thousand Dollars (81,574.000.00), nor does it ex- ceed twenty (20) per centum of the value the lands and of the assessed lands and improvements according to the latest revised assessment roll: AND WHEREAS the total amount which will have to be raised annually for the purpose of paying the suid debt and in- terest will be One Thousand, Three Hun- dred and Thirty-seven dollars and Sixty- three cents (81,337.63 AND WHEREAS the sum necessary for the payment of interest during the cur- reney of the said debentures to be issued hereunder is the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($270.00): AND WHEREAS the sum to be set aside annually by way of sinking fund to dis charge the debt authorized to be created by this bylaw is the sum of One Thousand and Sixty-seven Dollars and Sixty-three cents ($1,067.63), and it is proposed to set aside such annual sum of One Thou- sand and Sixty-seven Dollars and Sixty- three Cents ($1,067.63) by depositing the Same annually at interest in a chartered bank or trust company in Canada, or by investing the same in any manner that a municipal corporation may legally adopt: AND WHEREAS the amount to be raised annually a8 to sinking fund to pay the said debt is arrived at by estimating the interest to be derived from the annual investment of such sum at the rate of three and one-half per centum (344%) per annum: AND WHEREAS this bylaw cannot be altered save with the consent of the Lieutenant Governor in Council: NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This bylaw shall take effect on the registration thereof: 2. It shall be lawful for the City of Prince Rupert to construct the said plank roadway a8 hereinbefore deseribed, and as laid down tn the aid plan: Rupert | A plank road- | a ; ‘Interest STRUCTION OF A PLANK ROADW AY | 5, construction of the said piank roadway, as hereinbéfore mentioned, the City of prince Rupert 1s hereby empowered to ereate a debt of Four Thousand, Five ($4,500.00) which debt Hundred Dollars shall be payable in four (4) years from the first day of August, 1915, for which debt debentures shall be issued, to be secured in the manner hereinafter ap- pearing: 4. The sum of Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($270.00) is necessary for the payment of interest each year during the currency of the said debentures, and the sum of One Thousand and Sixty-seven Dollars and Sixty-three Cents ($1,067.63) is necessary to set aside annually during the currency of the said debentures for the purpose of forming a sinking fund with which to pay the said debt and de- bentures at maturity. The said sum of One Thousand anc Sixty-seven Dollars and =Sixty-three Cents ($1,067.63) to be raised annually as a sinking fund being such that together with the profits ac cruine from the investment thereof at the interest rate of and onc-half per centum 3u%% per annum during the currency of said debentures will be suf- ficient to discharge the said debt when due: three necessary to pay the sum of Two Hundred 5. The said sum interest, namely, the and Seventy #270.00), and the sinking fund, namely, the sum of One Thonsand ind Sixty-seven Dollars and = Sixty-three Cents ($1,067.63), making together the sum of One Thousand, Three Hundred and rhirty-seven Dolirs and Sixty-three Cents $1,327.63 shall be annually raised as follows, namely, by @ special rate levied annually on all the ratable land of the City of Prince Rupert during the currency lof the said debentures and shall be col- | le cted as municipal taxes and placed to account called “Seal Cove Plank account: said sum of a separate Roadway 6. The Sixty-seven one Thousand and Dollars and Sixty-three Cents $1,067.63) to be raised annually as a sinking fund shall be invested annually by the City Treasurer upon the recommenda- tion of the Council in such securities or manner as is permitted by law, hereinbefore recited invest- in such including the ments: 7. There shall be issued any number of debentures to be made for such sums as may be required for raising the said sum of Four Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500.00), and said debentures may be expressed either in currency or sterling money, payable in gold coin for not less than $100.00 currency or 20-0-0 pounds Sterling each, and not exceeding the saia um of Four Thousand and Ftve Hundred Yollars ($4,500.00), and the said deben tures shall be duly prepared, executed and sold for the purpose aforesaid: FROM THE WEST SIDE OF KELLIHER |} STREET TO CONNECT WITH A PLANK ROADWAY NOW EXISTING AT BEAL 8. The said debentures shall be deemed COVE, AND TO CREATE AND SECl RE | 46 likes kets itiperte cesentad 10 “horne | A DEBT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer STRUCTING SAID PLANK ROADWAY ; AMOUNTING TO THE SUM OF FOUR 3. For the purpose of paying for the of the said Ctly, and shall be sealed with | its Corporate Seal: 9. The said debentures shall bear date of August, A. D. 1915, and shall contain a promise to pay the princi pal of the said debentures and also the thereon, at the rate of Six per centum (6% per annum, payable half yearly, on the First day of February, and the First day of August in each year, and may be with or without coupons attached thereto for the payment of Interest and in case coupons shall be attached to said debentures each of such coupons shall be equivalent tw one-half year's interest at the rate of Six per centum (64 per annum upon the amount of the debentures to which they shall be respectively at tached, one coupon being made payable each six months from the date of the said debentures, In case the whole of the six months’ interest shall not have acerued before the First day of February next the the First day difference shall be adjusted in the first | payment of interest. The said coupons | shall be deemed to have been properly executed by each one stamped, printed or having written, lithographed thereon | the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City. Each coupon shall be | numbered with the number of the deben- tures to whith it is attached | 10. The said debentures shall be made } payable at any place in England, the United | States or Canada therein set out: | 11. The amount of the said coupons for | interest shall be payable at any of the | places in England, the United States or | Canada therein set out: 12. The said debentures and the coupons | attached thereto shall be deemed a valid | and binding charge upon the ratable land in the City of Prince Rupert and upon the City of Prince Rupert: 13. The amount of the debt authorized by this bylaw is subject to consolidation with the debt authorized by any other} bylaws of the said City passed for the issue | and sale of debentures, and, notwithstand | ing anything herein contained author izing and directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of the debt hereby created the City of Prince Rupert consolidated stock may be issued in the | place and stead of the debentures to the! amount of the debt. This section shall apply only Insofar as the City may be! empowered by law so to do. 14. It shall be Jawful for the Counett | during the construction of the plank road way hereby authorized to borrow money from any bank or other person willing to | advance the same at interest to be agreed! upon for the purpose of paying for the said construction and for such loan to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, provided that such loan with! the interest agreed to be paid to such bank or person shatl be repaid out of the | sums of money realized upon the sale of the said debentures, The Council may sell the sald debentures at less than par if it is found necessary or advisable so to do: PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT THE TWELFTH DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1915. (Signed) 8. M. NEWTON, Mayor, (Signed) ERNEST A, WOODS, Clerk, TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed bylaw to raise Four Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars (34,500,- 00), upon which a vote of the Municipality will be taken at the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the 30th day of July, 1915, | from the hour of 9 a.m. until the hour | of 7 p.m, ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk NOTE The persons who are entitled to vote on the above bylaw are those’ who are | British subjects of the full age or 21 | years, and are the assessed owners of | land or real property within the Muniec\. | pality. “Assessed Owner” means a person | shown 48 the owner in fee Simple in the Land Registry OMce, and shown on the | Assessment Roll of the City of Prince Rupert as the Owner. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk jhas been fled. Saturday, July 17 1945 ; b. —— PRPPPLOVIPILLD? POLL PROP PLCS SUPP OOe SP PPP Ob, ere ASH SPECIALS Ee, AT Fuller’s Grocery PHONE 572 For MONDAY ONLY, July 19 New Spuds, - - 15 Ibs. for 25¢ Quaker Flour, 49-ib. sack for $1.95 Imported Sardines, regular 15c; Special 3 Tins for 25c Canada First Milk, $3.90 per Case MOTOR DELIVERY FREE ORDER TURKISH COFFEE We ‘Sell For | Less POPPEPPPPP ORES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPREME COURT CGF BRITISH; COLUMBIA | IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — and ~ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROSARIO MAZZEI, DECEASED, INTES TATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, local judge, dated the 18th day of May, A. PD. 1015, I have been appointed administratrix of the es- tate of Rosario Mazzei, late of the city of Prince Rupert, Province of British Co- lumbia, deceased, intestate. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims upon the estate of the said Rosario Mazzel, who died on or about the 28th day of April, A. D--1916, are required to send to Patmure & Fulton, barristers, Prince Rupert, B. C., on or before the 31st day of July, A. D. 1915, a full statement of their claims and of any | securities held by them, duly verified, and | after that date I shall proceed tw dis tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitied thereto, having re- | gard only to the claims of which notice The Dye that colors ANY KIND of CO SAM Pertec me Ove the Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 20th day of June, 1016. i GAETANA CITRINA MAZZEI, i ve 3 & Fulton, her solicitors. Lot st By Patmore NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received up to 6p. m. | f g }| Monday, July 19, for the erection of a| +! The j ’ 1] motion pleture theatre for The Prince | Baby's ‘ i Rupert Mutual Building Company, Limited. @ universal ta orile ] Pians and specifications may be secured benefici..! ¢ sin from the J. M. POTTER, Albert Joap- Architect. } Architect, Lisaited, Montreal. 162 16 4. FOR RENT a THREE-ROOM PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, CLOSE TO DRYDOCK La ONLY $8.00 ——APPLY— Pattullo & Radferd 2nd Ave. before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA : A Real Lover Simulation . GOLD WATCH FREE. A_atraightforward gener" face from an establis! firm. We are giving & Watches to asands people all over ¢ world s@ & huee edvertioamens. Hew ls your chance obtain one, Write now, enclosing * cents for one of our fashionable Ladier long Guards, § Gents’ Alberta, sent carriago paid to wear with ino waich, which will be given Free (these watches are guaranteed five you! should you take a! vantage of our mar lous offer, We expect you to tell your fricnis about us and show them the beautiful ve! Don : think thin offer too Ce mdi io! true, but & Delivered to any part of town, or can be had at Spure'e Market, Knott’s Bakery and the Fulton Gash Market. { Good Pure Milk The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy Is the Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Govt. Inspected Cows wil! be amared.— WILLIAMS ke 1OvD, | #eeee 265 cents today end ve Jewellers (Dope. 14) ), , Cornwa tia Le Enaland