‘ be Pee E EN g 3 4 ? z es 25 EG aa oN i ree 17 a fHE DAILY NEWS Monday, July 19. {915 are offering. ‘ A whole rack of serges and woolen dresses up to $25.00 MIE GANG. sei eae ... - $5.75. Dozens of this season’s Royal Society packages...20% off. A dozen silk dresses up to $25.00, this sale....... $10.00. Be CAMS “GOTStS 6 silos she. 5 ERAN swe ORS .20 % off. Silk brocaded La Diva corsets at ........... HALF PRICE Regular 50c and 75c fancy ribbon at............ 25 cents Wonderful bargains in veiling, neckwear, hair nets, wares. DEMERS’ JULY SALE Begins Saturday, July 17th A Genuine July Clearance Sale: that is the best term we know to use in describing this sale of High Grade Ladies’ NOTHING HELD BACK! The following will give you an idea of the bargains we Imported Silk Petticoats up to $15.00, this sale... .$4.26. sulmer Ready-to-Wear Stock underwear, hosiery, brassiers, and dozens. of small WEAR LEET Foot Shoes Zr every Sport and Recreation a ——— BRIG. GENERAL BURSTALL * * * | 5 py Dianece Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built. tome In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed ; BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL | $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 oon 2 Money SE ES fy eae U Orb B- C. MILK Is t most eecnomical milk for the heuscife. ‘It gees farthest,” hbe- cause it is RICHEST in CREAM (by brown cclor and no cooked taste. It tests), N PLAVOR, AT ALL GROCERS ectial errment aark 3 the NATURAL ae - : — “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED—One or two } respectable young men to room or board in comfortable home at reasonable rates. Close in. Phone Blue 270, 163-169. , FOR TAXI ~ Phone 99 | Stand - Hotel Rupert THE PRINCE RUPERT FAIR 1915 SPACE RENTALS The Directors will be glad to receive tenders for a space 15 feet square in the eentre of the Exhibition Building for the three days of the Fair September 22, 23 and 24, This space is the best stand in the building, and is admirably suited for com- mercial display. Other space inside around walls of the building with depth of 10 feet will be let for the three days at $1.00 per front foot, No tender necessarily accepted, Tenders close July $3181, Outside space for refreshment booths, side shows, etc. Prices on application, The plan of the building is now ready and reservations can be made. Vor further particulars address the sec- retary, Board of Trade rooms, City. P. O. Box 1657. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. Between: TONY BROOKS, Plaintiff, And NICHOLAS HOMENTUK,Defendant. OF SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge FP, McB, Young, dated July 10, 1915, 1 will offer for sale by public auction at my omce in the Courthouse, Prince Ru- pert, B. C., on Friday, the 20th day of August, 1915, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, the following described lands: fhe East One-half and the East One-half of the Northwest One-fourth of Lot 1321, Cassiar District, said to contain 100 acres, more or less; subject to a judgment and costs for the amount of $863.72 and in- terest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum from the 22nd day of August, 1914, and costs incidental to the sale. DATED AT PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., this 18th day of July, 1945. JOHN SHIRLEY, 163-190 Sheriff of the County of Atlin. Gone south to meet eastern travellers and buy new fall goods ~—P. H. Showler, of Wallace's ANYGNE Going to Edmonton or Saskatoon will find it to their advantage to apply The Princess Alice arrived this morning with about two hundred tourists aboard. chance to have the home bright- cost—half Wallace’s. ened at so small a price wall paper sale == ee ———=—_— TO CURE COUGHS of Tar and Cod Liver Oil A tonic as well as a cough cure, Large bottle 35c. Sold e awhere, TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Instru- ments repaired. Bows rebaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 3rd Ave. w. Musical Sea = CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TRADE LICENCES NOTICE Pursuant to Bylaw 255 governing above, also resolution of Council dated July 12th. All licences are due and payable on July 15th, 1915, and must be paid forthwith, Section 33 of this Bylaw provides the following: “Any person guilty of a breach of this bylaw, or who carries on any profession, trade, occupation or calling, for which a licence or tax is provided for in this by- law, without having first taken out such licence and having paid the licence fee or tax herein provided, shall be Mable, on summary conviction, to @ penalty of twenty five dollars ($25.00) together with the amount of the licence fee or tax, which should have been paid, and in default of payment, to imprisonment for sixty (60) days.” The Bylaw also declares: “It shall be the duty of every person or company holding a licence under this bylaw to exhibit such licence at all times iu a conspicuous place in his office or place of business, so that the same may be seen by the officials of the city and any person doing business with them.” | respectfully ask all persons coming under these regulations to pay licences at once, Yours truly, E, D. JOHNSON, 163-167, Treasurer and Collector, 3 to Box 115, Daily News. 159-165 r } BOARD AND ROOM—88.00 per week,| [i $s Comfortable, airy rooms, close in, good alii R YRUP view. Phone Black 63. 163-166. OF Sa ieee aa a ee COO LIVER OIL FCR SALE FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Cocker Spaniel dog, 4 years old; trained. Apply P. O. Box 1636, City 163-166. SUBSCRIBE FOR FOR SALE—Desk, chairs, cornet, guitar. Apply, C. E. Bainter. tf. a FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com | FHE DAILY NEWS plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Daily News. if. FOR SALE—Furniture of four-room fiat - —----—- and flat for rent. Apply P. O. Box 272. : 162-9. o FOR RENT A. E. WRIGHT FOR RENT—-Furnished Cottage, bath hot and cold water, 15.00. Apply 444™8th Provincial and Dominion Avenue, East, 164-70. Land Surveyor Surveying and Engineering MUSIC. P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 Fourth Street APERHANGING KALSOMINING PAINTING F. G. ROBERTS 14 Dyer Apts. P. O. Box 642 THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1915) Is made to meet the demand for Hot Water instantly and without additional fuel being used. WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll lay themselves open to prose- cutlon equally with the parties manufacturing or making same. Now ie your chance to get the beet in Hot Water Heating Appii- ances— Coil Connected........ $20.00 Coll minus Connections. . $16.00 Your Money Back if It Dont Suit. As I Own and contro! the above, no one can put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Wall paper half price Wallace's $9. % Mrs. Brooks and child arrived on the Prince George. ere. % A dollar does double duty— halt] SEMI-ANNUAL REUNION price wall paper sale—Wallace’s, | Soe a successful and enjoyable semi- Six and a quarter cents a roll} : . 1 ual reunion. —anyone can afford to buy wall an paper at the half price sale- \ good PECETAM Was Aven, 10 Wallace's ding music, songs, recitations allace’s. ete., and at the close of the pro- ee ss You may never again get a/S?@™ all joined in singing the Na- ( a) 3 ape c the command- Formerly commander of Citadel, Quebec, now Canadian artillery at the front He was recently made a Compan- on of the Order of the Bath, ‘SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY At the K. of P. hall on Saturday night the Valhalla,”. Scandinavian society, entertained a large number of friends in the form of tional Anthem, Besides the ficers for the of- the main feature of the program was installation of ensuing term, the presentation to the lodge of a prize donated by the Grand Lodge ‘for the proportionate highest in- lerease in nembership for the year 11944, man’s The prize, an ivory chair- gavel, was presented by } Br. John Dybhavn, the represen- ttative of the Supreme lodge, who lexpressed the appreciation of the said body for the good work of the local lodge, \fter the program dancing, by about sixty couples, and a whist drive were kept up until the small hours, and everybody went home entirely satistied with the enjoy- able oceasion., local lodge figures The now With about a hundred members strongest lodge of the British Mr. John Dybhavn, of the local lodge, and is the order in Columbia. holds the distinetion of being the District ince as well as the representative President for our prov- of thé district to the Supreme Lodge. Since 19141, until the 17th of this month, he has continually filled the office of secretary of the local lodge. S. Holmquist is see- retary and Olaf Hansen, president for the ensuing term. Sam John- son is the past president. The Brightest Women Find sometimes that they are dull in mind, depressed in spirits, and that they have headache, backache, and sufferings that make life seem not worth living. But these conditions need be only temporary. They are usually caused by indigestion or biliousness and a few doses of BEECHAM PILLS will quickly, safely and certainly right the wrong. This famous family remedy tones the stomach, stimu- lates the liver, regulates the bowels, Beecham’s Pills cleanse the system CASH SPECIALS —. eee PPPPPPPP C+ OO es, SP POO oes . Fuller’s AT PHONE 572 res Grocery For TUESDAY New Spuds, - Quaker Flour, 49-lb. sack for $1.95 Imported Sardines, regular 15c; Special 3 Tins for 25c Canada First Milk, $3.90 per Case ONLY, July 20 - 15 lbs. for 25¢ MOTOR DELIVERY FREE ORDER TURKISH COFFEE || We Sell For Less PPOPPOPI LOD OG eg Salvation Army. Publie meetings, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. in Sundays at 7:30 p.m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF TH TION ACT — and MATTER UF MAZZEI, BRITISH ADMINISTRA THE ESTATE OF DECREASED, INTES- IN THE ROSARIO TATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, local judge, dated the 18th day of May, A. D. 1915, I have been appointed administratrix of the es- tate of Rosario Mazzei, late of the city £ Prince Rupert, Province of British Co- lumbia, deceased, intestate. AND NOTICE '8 HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims upon the estate of the said Rosario Mazzei, who died on or bout the 28th day of April, A. D. 1918, are required to send to Patmore & Fulton, barristers, Prince Rupert, B. C., on or before the Sist day of July, A. D. 1916, a full statement of their claims and of any securities held by them, duly verified, and after that date I shall proceed to dis tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitied thereto, having re gard only to the claims of which notice has been fled. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 20th lay of June, 1915. GAETANA CITRINA MAZZEI, By Patmore & Fulton, her soliettors. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received up to 6p. m. Monday, July 19, for the erection of a motion plecture theatre for The Prince Rupert Mutual Building Company, Limited. Plans and specifications may be secured from the Architect, J. M., POTTER, 162-164. Architect, FOR RENT THREE-ROOM PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, CLOSE TO DRYDOCK ONLY $8.00 —APPLY— Pattullo & Radfcrd 2nd Ave. Delivered to any part of town, or oan be had Good of accumulating poisons and purify the biood. Theii beneficial action shows in brighter looks, clearer complexions, better feelings, Try them, and you also will find that they | Are Worth A Guinea a Box Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World, Sold everywhere, In boxes, 25 cents, | at Spurr's Market, Knott's Bakery and the -__—_. The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth Peréectly, with the SAME DYE. Segment or » Bent! for Booklet ao Co, ited, Me ! me - | me MN Best , = Ajasl So [a for ; 4 } Baby's Own Seep ! @ universal in or le ] beneficial to : kin Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA A Real Lever Simulation GOLD WATCH FREE. A. straightforward gonero"t offer from an esta! q firm, We are giving wey Pure Milk The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is the Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Fulton Gash Market. Govt. Inspected Cows | CP PPIIPILEDDEDDIOODDE DODO et Watches to thousands Ci people all over | the world oa & ‘ advertisement. 4 ia your chaner obtain one, Write now, enclos ry " conta for on fashionable Le Long Guards. Gants’ Alberts carriago paid to with the watch, will be given (these — watchos guaranteed f\« should you ¢ vantage of our) lous offer, We expect you to tell yu aboot us and show them the beautiful \* Don't think this offer too good to he trie Cents today wot va a } Wate? will bo amarved.—"V. LIAM & Liovi Jewollers (Dept, 14) ), 4, Commwatlia Road, Lor England iies or t ar b SS i S és bo ad