SP MMNTENS PTE oo TR TINT Ts a nae Tuesday, July on “THE DAILY NEWS oY ——— — a EE 5 : Wega. LE ST itl = a ee . - is ; ad eS 7) in Mo 1a | THE DAILy NEWS PIAGIC Ream THE | rok 3 TRAINS WEEKLY THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA LABEL r ii | Published Daily and Weekly , BAKING SATURDAY Se te Peeeeeny «10:20 a.m, ' Guaranteed Largest Cliroulation ; i _| ee Ana TO EDMONTON, sAsKaToon ie HEAD OFFICE roa oe REGINA, WINNIPEG, ST. PAUL 4 Oaily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.| ~~ es F CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA hi ; q ‘ eR ee HEE He eH a i TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract | y HAZELTON NOTES * AND UNITED STATES rates on application. He OR ORO OR tee Siw i ee eT ee. Mate. SO. ORY, 3 BOATS Ww EEKLY . oo ae eel Tuesday, July 20. 1915. Jaccompanied by Mrs. G. W. Ho- TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 A. M, " ; eee —==== SS SEES eT, of Prince Rupert, are visit- TO. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; SAN FRANCISCO a : NORTHERN GOLD | Geatieat(on ~ of: industry ig /in8 the Sealy ranch near Smith- SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS 4s The veport for the fiseal | causing some uneasiness in|°"*: UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVICE | ee of the government assay office Germany. The German gov-| 7 “ Bh Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished ¥ | s. S oskins, ace an- a j in Seattle indicates the import -| ernment is trying to reassure | | .d 9 1 : ie a De Se aod tat A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. we } ant influence that Alaska, | itself and its friends, In an | a ea ae : ener errr eT CL A rae “| British Columbia and the Yu-| inspired article in the Goidgriel” re yesterday for a visit to Rev. = ee, San | } ee eet Mrs. Larter, at Sez oi kon gold exert in contributing Gazette, it is said that for the idle cies eee miss JANE ADAMS ; f£OA p ; - ee ; : ; . i Cove. hone sot POR fi rn to the business of this city. first time in history England | Of Chicago, photographed on uw oh During the year nineteen tons} has to face an enemy superior) _, - a apes. | her return from the Woman's MUSIC APERHANGING of sini: bf tbe value cof 8c 5 Atel od Sr ae ore. * Cie H. Challies and K. G. Chris- nt Ms a Teacher of Violin and All NGING f gold, of f 38, to itself in technical resource ; ; Peace Conference at The Hague 850,000, were received here and organization The writer | 01" ae ene ee c i sik ee) ee AINTING and of this amount approxi in the Giavctte din: thet thi iveys in this district, for the Do- where she ao a prominent part cia gue te es OLISHING AND ‘ ae . foe AAZEUC Says ‘ = ; ea i iaiemea a in the proceedings. 9 ve. mately $5,000,000 was ex- advantage cannot now be over-| miniog Send: ProyinOr Mt. eeeera- -pamediniasoend WALL TINTING High er rd changed for newly-minted coin} come. He says: ee BANK COUNTERACIED Seishin tieapce ieee nial meee ee em 7. aud entered the channels of eee if one multiplies Lloyd Forester R. E. Allen started on ADVERSE PRESS REPORTS M city at George by 10, one cannot re- Monday for a tour of the Burns, ‘ D E N TIST RY | artin Saal : -—- Secend Avenue, near McBride Shippers to the assay oliice quire of him that now, in the Bat ne dia’ eked iateennd : abine an acla lake districts. That i] dae io ai have the alternative of accept- midst of this exhausting war, |, at I A % Che NT eae Sa a ; e was accompanied by Aygus Papin » $428.23. sent i 7 ing-gold coin or treasury drafts! he is expected to raise out of toi ¥ AVBUS) an account for $128.23, sent in by CROWN AND BRIDEE WORK BOI III IOI erty on New York for their bars of the ground a mighty national vonald, the Bank of Montreal, covering - so : ; : Sai —_ tems eent to the 2 i DRS. GILROY & BROWN ‘ gold and dust. It is particular™ mutions industry. For this 2 : news items sent to the ,ondon ‘ : Mining Recorder J. E. Kirby] pjjyo iientact Standatd DENTISTS men ' ly that portion of the ship- purpose there are needed a i ii aaa a imes, elegraph, Standard, OfMce: smith Block, Third Avenue : x 3 wen . “ssing n - ’ ; : . in7e ments converted into coin that proper number of well-trained . ’ en is ere - oh Westminster Gazette and the Phone 484 ‘ : Regge : day, atten re funere IS fy ry Sts remains in Seattle. Beyond this and well-practised engineers, : ; a oe na ete mee Evening Standard. ; ‘ uncle, “ace “by, ¢ ry we npr hi - large sums are invested hereby technical experts, and chemists oe orace Kirby, a very wel During the two days in which J AXI 5 ; . ; cnown reside » coas wn, ‘* - . ta PEER OE miners who feel that Seattle of the first rank, a wealth of a : esident of the coast town,|the city’s treasury certificates ++ * ' ; ; who ‘don Si ‘day fr s tk, : property is an attractive form the most modern special ma- | ; a " eg 1y from sheek:| were in default, the London press FOR A TAXI P+ i ‘ . the resi ra fall. shi of investment. In the seventeen chinery, and a band of workers esult of a fall published reports which the bank : ; isp ’ years of the life of the local who go at their work with de- thought might be harmful to ALF HALLIGAN ‘ awsay ‘office’$7.6 ton f id t crake : Martin Sanders was down fr0™M| pringe Rupert shaietora Si t ' assay O1Ce@40¢/.0 LONS O £oil yotiton an ul arste @, f ° " are . Sir 4 ‘ae Sian tener ‘ammphgadyonoble, ‘NC lthe Bulkley Valley early in the], oN 7 RRAREREERRERR EEK RED RHEE have been received, valued at -train their whole strength in k Frederick Williams Taylor, on his == Seis 5 get week, rei ies ; * shi a asa hs, $228,462,761, and of this total unity fron? the first man to the own initiative, cabled a statement ‘7 British Columbia and Yukon as "he as s , i 4 , ; to the above papers, in order t ; ehone 174 7 mtr ol a , iko last. What wa lowly built Gilbert Velge, of Ootsa Lake, i pay ’ ; 0 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO Bee Bi tceute ann nectin lerritory contributed $109,- up elsewhere in a decade, upon ha arrived with a number if counteract any evil effects of fo mas ‘ i er t oT { i cr 428,000, the basis of countless individ-| o> these articles. BAIA III III III ASS AISISA SIS SIS SIN SMITH & MALLETT 10rses. res Largest stock of Pipe th of The unlocking of Alaska re- ual experiences and with the The council approved of this ae ai vat ouver, Crane Valves and Fit . a ngs, Pipes cut tw orde sources and the construction help of the best trained work- Mrs. Dr. Shewan is visiting her action and ordered the account Third Ave, Wend of Becond Btrest : ; ; ‘ : rince pert of the government railway are men, is now to be improvised}|parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Harris. paid. B C UNDERTAKERS ~~ expected to bring a return of in England.” lo Ve coe Pee: " sie aia ; " re Cee tee Alex M. Manson, B.A. old golden days. New placer The German writer savs that kK. T. Kenney ,of Smithers, was CUNERAL OMECTORS AND E> W. E. Will 1. ‘ : \ sa) i “S f Fi a SALMERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- . EB. Willis LLB deposits are being opened, as Great Britain cannot do what] Visitor in Hazelton on Moday, a ety irst’ is the ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WILLIAMS & MANSON well as new quartz mines re- she set out to do. There he —_—_ Slo an of Business” ee ae eee i ; “Stee ; ; BRUCE rector rri olicitors, Ete. quiring large initial invest- is wrong. He says that the Mrs. R. C. Sinelair and children en MORTON, Funeral Di ; i Barr ache co aita Risic MY LIFE. IN A AIRSHIP WITH 1 Bots, on Ree ae GET (N- GEE TH WIFE OWN AND CALLED ME UP are f A constant dropping “< ars =<", — - away a stone. A slight ath ne \/ eyestrain injures the because it is constant. . | strain which first mani!es PHONE UH RINGING— ae ee