Monday, July wii "5 1945 THE DAILY NEWS —— we or -—— = a cnaanent - . Be ra thick as leaves THE PURGING PROCESS IN | lixcuses wore AS TEN TRAINS WEE : radle " jut none § | THE DAwLy NEws lin aa. he ll a Nene ihe 3 LY » good enough to save ? THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA - Fee ee i hauaitel Ama SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY 10:30 a. » i Published Daily and Wookly (Continued From Page One.) face of a diseredited B Ley a i SEarenIWey oor scale will be well to recall the main! ppemier Roblin admitted “‘over- TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON, fi , en hie . om yee CTO th eR a Te tac eae et. ee. OIC: Ore these: The payments and laid the Dlame on REGINA, WINNIPEG, ST. PAUL a HBHAD OFFICE Mathers commission was the first) jepartment officials, He also ad- CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA Rt Daily News Vuilding, Sed Ave, Prince Nopert, 1.6, Telephone 98, j : Its objeet was to in id tearing up orders-in-coun- appototed, 4 J milter AN N i ' ' » papers which he D UNITED STATES ef THANSIUNT DIBAPLAY ADVERTIBING..60 cents per inch, Gontract} quire into charges made in theloj) and signing pay + y ’ y a rates on application, logislature by Mr, Hudson, then] giq not read and acting one way TS WEE 1 — ‘ < {an opposition member, now at-land another more like a lunatic 3 BOA KLY magvegoner t » effec ty aypee than the prime minister RSDAY SATUR if DAILY HDITION * oS yre Monday, July 26, 1045, Lorney-general, to the effect Ma at large than I ae TUESDAY THU URDAY 10 A. M. Ay) the foundation of the new parlia-],¢ a great provinee, Dr. Monta- TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; san FRANCISo9, — ree ae ment buildings in Winnipeg,tyue, minister of public works, SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS wre ' , . sla 4 ‘ost &6 ; , screpancies, but blam- PUBLIC AGCOUNTS oarching audit should be made|which was to cost vars had|admitied discrepancies UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVICE Mor weeks past, honest men of the awecounts of every prove |cost #860,000, and that Kelly, the},q it on his health he was too} ' : : attare of Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished of all ehades of politieal opin ince in the Dominion. Doubt. |eontractor, bad been paid for anfejiek to attend to little matters of, ~ ‘. . cave . ot too have been diswuated be loas Sir Hiehard MeBride would/enormous quantity of build’ng|getail which might have prev nl- A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. | onuen oof the revelations die rise up in righteous indignas|materials which he was neverleq the people of Manitoba being SE SEE ' } @ re Es rrr i : Closed by the Toyal OQomiite tion ab the idea of such a thing }eatled on to supply. robbed of a million dollars. Tt} sion sitting to Winhipes, whieh in British Oolumbia, just as Whereupon the Roblin govern transpired, too, that the Doctor * hone 554 P.O) Box 6) i eulminated inh warranta being he presented enquiry into the | mont resigned and each member|ywas a great band at troublesome MUSIC tus : : | oT jaeued for the arrest of ox purchase of the submarines | thereof proceeded in his own Way]yp jneriminating orders-in-coun- ‘Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING i Premier Hoblin and) thraa of If it is neeessary that the books}/to stand from under, They ex-Jojj, and could tear up as many of Band Inetruments AINTING 5 hie Golleamues If these men of @ municipality be striotly|pected to head the commission }ijen as Sir Rodmond himself, A. PESCOTT OLISHING AND j are eonvieled of the ertime for wudited at rewular intervals, Bre by wetting Kelly to Coreen the | py Attorney-General Howden av s Sam WALL TINTING Whieh they lave been arrested, is doubly neeessary that the} @raft and making a bargain with),»jtted irregular transactions with e wercee 8 : iigt ter 7 (here should be no display of aecounts of every provinee|the Liberals to use the soft pedal, } Kelly, but blamed it on custom, | ————————— en stlan 6 Soest : maudlin sentiment in thew should bave the same treat. | but public opinion was todstrong, tradition and party method of Martin Sw favor Mis is ho oteaston for mont, and Premier Norris was too hon-}paising a campaign fund, He DE N TISTRY | a party pejoleing over the down Wore an indepehdent audit ost for them and so the inquiry}eouid see that splitting with He Second Avenue, nea MoBride fall of opponente, The matter made in British Gelumbia, we/Went on. It ee up to Sir Rod-|Kolly, perhaps on a_ fifty-fifty CROWN AND BRIDGER WORK SERIIISSISIIOO IO itis woos far beyond the bounds of shoule probaly discover what mond Roblin’s cabinet ministers basis, Was wreng, particularly A GPECIALTY ' party polities, thoweh it had tts beeame of the 845,000 whieh {te make excuses, and this they] \ hen seme part of it was to be DRS. GILROY & BROWN ' orikin there Ih the interests wax not aeoounted for in the | aid They did it good and plenty.) jovoted te such a good cause as OEnTICTS 3 PHONE.-35 ; ‘ saisdinlsilaiigiibtilialiint wen of publio purity, men who are Sonwhees Reserve deal, and it returning the Roblin governmeat Office: raga > gai Avenue ' found @uilly of misappropeiat is Just possible that the public Wise, 70, Order 20 . Beag. wown to power, In short, the blame ‘ ; t { yr _ rear 5 ihe pubtio funds should be dealt Might dad out why the cheque taxation for this year by)... well shifted. At this game ] AX] ' . rere ne » cost of 7 yor} : f With as ordinary criminals, UP in payment of the Chilean sub spreading the cost of this work) | wo assing the buck” the Roblin EEE , ver ¢f rr of fi 5 rears § Ihore is any diference between marines was split, Th would oyer a period of four years.| int showed itself a world beat- FOR A TAXI himhwavinen or burglars and be interesting to nd out The council apprehend oo er a ' politieiane who are found wuil etha ae : ‘cates 4 fleulty in disposing of deben- awever a ance =e | , bs er whether it was the fault of the REIL ROE IE However, the evidence kept ALF HALLIGAN i : ty of wraft, tt ts that the for cheque, the submarines, ot “ : coming out. Horewood, the pro- | ‘ ; mer are stratwhtforward, whil aMeond ole Aecidents will It seems good business to vineial architect, now an exile in 75--PHONE-75 ERPARANAER RARE AK eee hehehe 4 » latte a prde ’ we proceed ith this work ¢ he},, , iacamcianiia tcledeclikediniine ocuiht Py he latter diaplay the lowest happen in the best rewulated ee ae , New York State, admitted chang-] 5 ee) ‘ ‘ , ‘ > . 7 ‘ est possible momen ci : " Me type of cunning families or governments, and] : nome ing plans, making bogus specifl- ‘ Phone 174 Bor 9% Apart allegethar from the the MeRride Bovernment has hearly support of the cit- eations, certifying fraudulent es- z PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO 7 = — Nanay ; ivens on riage s lookes for, . . wv moval aspect of the matter, ith been so nicely regulated in Friday {e.looked _ timates and jockeying the Qiures | inkthiainignininnt innint tient SMITH & MALLETT : + huetne Dan o ‘ \ little later it is proposed “ ; os « bad aia as for any pro some Ways that accidents may | seas ar we ro em generally, with a view to helpiag Lap eee itt, ure inve inh the Dominion to toler often ave , he it wy SuUmemey Ss : aun *~T Kell o dr @4 000 mM « oO ee = tiegs, Pipes cut 1 rder \ ‘ n have happened, After} nate OR. aE es 0 DUR os Kelly to draw $1,000,000 out of Third Ave, Mead of Second stirm avte for a moment anything in What happened, Canada must ™ ; ) nal the provincial treasury for the Prince Rupert . ee a het eons . : : i n order to encourage the fish- ii ‘ the shape of misuse of public show a elean bill of health ; : ree eee : Continued on Pcge Three B. C. UNDERTAKERS —_—_—_—— ae funds Ganada is a borrowing] potitioally, or ‘remain ander! Se Ny OF eae er nes | FUNMRAL DIRECTORS AND am- —) !¢t Mo Manson, 5A WUUNERY, ANG Mast ¢ t ve to Ora suspicion ; “A Dollar Saved is BSALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- Ww. £.W ums, B.A, LLB a ee ee DAY AND NIGHT wont nh : whe LLIAMS & MANSOX OPP r years ty come, | labcehsiiclh Coughing scatters cris ” 147 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 we , : Threpefone Phe epedit of the Do. MONEY BYLAWS S e a ff BRUCE MORTON, Fuperel Director Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. minion Must be Kept bewoned om } dav Tulv OL. citreens . op it MONEY TO LOAN \ : i i ; B 158 ; boproaoh The good name of will be called apen to vote on Congtii increases = i DOLLAR to your credit ; Ail nupert, BC “apg OR te ee irritation of the already in- in the bank, is yours. | Helgerson Block we ; TAnada SHOUT IW intnibely IW Proney bylaws © to sane ~— macaous membranes ; Yon don’t have to — a ze ’ —— — ; NOM Ipeartant than any tem? tion 8105 for Ux decking aml fs moreover apt to carry i work for it all over ime otors Tice corper fad St she: : : disease to thera ; . do f PoOPaAPN party political expe f plank RIWALCS amd = sth ; Mathiea’s Syrap of Tar and ; again—as you or the dollars —, 7 ; » iba ; ss Onl Liver O8 yet - that have n t. Gan be purchasea in town. a PACIFIC CARTACE LD diene Yhe sitva Seems he 23.3 & spen : St cesta ‘ : ; cong his eon, than’ | Motor that will give you en- Oe ) to ead : Weadent @ weak iecmy 4 eer to {68 tonke properties effects | _ How many dollars have you tire satisfaction. Built for angen 1 i tie hee Te fe ne that you can call your own P hard work. Guaranteed. eee Corteee ; , Why not start an account in —HEAVY DUTY— LADYSMITH COAL c : vals, . Sweh matters ‘ St ¢ : ts Or ; p | Sa and ie. 2 eytnpers 5 ee 0g Ot 83 —Prone—22 and God Liver Onlis specially _ our Savings Department stroke; 8-10 KH. P.; weight S00 ’ ‘ ' 1) : stende Man ‘ WANS Gee to ts save a part of the money you De. - ‘ ‘ . ‘ earn? A few dollars saved Mo. 2 cylinder; 5 1-2-imch bore; 7- . ineh stroke; 12-18 HK. P.; weignt ‘ wa i each week, amount tohundreds aie aan JAMES GILMORE in the course of a few years. ’ ; ' . ‘ : ‘ Ne. 4 clyinger; 5 1-2-Inch bore; 8- \ ‘ eee eas: THE BANK OF ee tees Architect eae . Ro. 4 cylieder; € 1-2-incm bore; 8- erth inch stroke; 45 H. P.; weight § 2nd Avenue, near ? je Streel x % ~ < = k 2.200 be. siiin eatin een © @kie . ‘ . ‘ A TS YEARS IN BUSINESS. For Further Information einai : CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, §7.584,008, -. a to < % < 3 q lecroft, Phone : rn PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH { S!%e 50s, or 0 Srows.Eieo- § | CANADIAN PACIFIC sa = = meessnesinreeal trician, Phone 383. 4 RAILWAY SSS OSE Ss SR eS ES See P. MARGETTS, Manager. nae is Siielelieornicelhicslbdieiieaeiint teats erate ate nee i iabaliinpsiieiiapeiana Lowest ‘ te a Faestern Points FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ee weet Poe [aco me ccooR SEEDS! CANADIAN PaACHFIC RAILWAY Rupen. : Is eal — ae 6 Meals ar¢ berth im - wonkoe a os . a eee ie =e RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS Ce TH SOON AVE “<< ee Oerperetion of ahe Cite of Preece WE HANDLE. SATURDAY. € PF. ® Si cgeers os c wee Ren p orry Stee! ‘ PRINCESS Garpenters’ Toot Beldere Nardeare Sie Chandlery an scslataarty iui aeaa ar oiomamn —s - at ates. Wire Oa dic Sree Sioorre Fishing Taoite t \teode Sirect, Tram he existing plea i Ertan - t tron Pipe Pape F letage Rites and Srorpers | ie gee ai ee Garden and Field Seeds ieee ans me An Pace Valves Armen itor Avewne Traum Ge coptre of (lewde Sarest Also Fertilizere <<< Paden i \ 2h GEE sRewE om Domelé Sees, § We Take Orders for Nursery ection re Mos } “co lems & Spectedip axsems Ge ent Stoerk Srovee ane Ranges Moddseroki Roofing Gorrapetad tron { “see Lame ubEwRg Girecty oe we ADVERTISE if e work May, Grein, and F WE SELLA NOTNINOS BUT THE BEST’ } 2. Tie (8eEeed cost of see wart is oe _— — iieniteneaiaa a : VLDL OO, ot waren woe 2 we be pee by anoouver Prices THE DA ILY News a p ae Compare Tee cstimeied speci Chicken Feed a Specialty . { mae Per Tou Snag & $8.98. Tee apesiat Wak orders promptly attended te - FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | BRSUSe Cc monn coousse rs : ry and : { pte ny Aaah - ‘ ee ee te week wie Prace Kwpert F ed Lo. Nerve Energy - " eval ¥ we Pad we { ae Ps" wh 3 coo LIweR Ore Tate Ths TO gay - oa ao Ot Thre ave ~ lasses SSS SSS SSE TSS SSS SSR SS SsSs tet BANGET 2. WOODS, Get Eyeg . Bi ——. =T __Th’ Good Ship Scoop Takes On A Cargo OF Gasoline na Oo Soe SS __—_—— fy “fie.” . Aa Th oY Ga> “S Se = — Ney Ve ve SS —=—— = TW Bas De Sem f . A © nt Seerming wears . OER ae Ue mER Y —_— : = - we © RE TYTyY ey Sta" i> > y 4 OAS OF GAS.QUINE “Se = a EY wt = LL awayastome. A> 5° 9 " 3 . evestrain injures ‘ The because it is cons". Strain which firs: rae itsell as a sig” + once should be rem: so with, ; his we guaran: = ‘ free. t panes: Cons a days are dang > Look for LooP OPTICIAN