rHE DAILY NEWS Monday, July 26, 4 ee - “Fr ; SEBALL POOPPOPERO CC + bes SUDDEN DEATH OF er reeceesees {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS POPULAR OLDTIMER) —mornwosiom tnoue H SPECIA kane, Vancouver, 3 . ’ e f oO - . Mrs. Rix and daug left r While bata ate along the track] a Folate ee ae know D % ‘ { from | afternoon F. E. Morgan was seen} American. values sade ant Dia bon \ : gz to drop. and on being picked up} delphia 3-4; Cleveland, al ere are, r , yu : , a inis - né p come to think of it! The €o. Ses was found to be dead. res2-t 9 5 u S Ss rocer value of simplicity, the value r 3 ed fromthe early part of the afternoon; washington, 0-8; Detroit, 2-5. of ourace, the vaiue f e re: oe ; some! > St. Louis, 3.3. ee Hy a | ws ned 5 . o the ant : Prines M Morgan wa with | Bosto 7-2; St. Lou PHONE 572 ; 7 ara 58, na ns u€ Pi “os ' friends in town and appeared to} National League. “err ¢ gise fe d o : * ° : - a —_ fis thine 7 dei jae) dian be in his usual! state of health, | tsburg, 4-2; New Yurk, 8-4. | e ites e things you do ever ; ee a J ; arti , igh! 5 ookliyn, 6-9.!| the value of the things you uf Mrs i x. Walker and and was in part cularly high ae § s bas Sr kly i Y ESDAY & W C eas tt vo daughters left for the |SPirits. as he was expecting his igo, 0; Boston, 1. or ’ SDAY . : a: father and mother to visit him] itti. 0-4: Philadelphiad day. July 26, 27 and 28 et Lowa) }2. i } ie’ edie aaeee. ie Mrée Mc. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, who are| Coast League. FLOUR aS ‘ Ss Scotland this / sp gs the summer visiting! ' 5 Salt Lake, 1-84 ° y t husbands are members of their family through -’ Los Angeles, 2; San Fran., 3. } Purity and Quaker, 49s: DELIVERED for $1.95 “ sek ‘ t the west, arrived on the val 3: Vernon, 4. nteireet< Ut oe ea yrinee Rupert this morning, amd | p= pe SUGAR: 2 are t by Canon Rix who broke og cor 20 lb. sacks, Granulated, $1.60; ; \ at MeGree . sad news to them 100 Ib DELIVE sacks, DELIVERED ¢7 : CHILDREN’S HOSE ght az the G. T. P, at) “Doe” Morgan, as he was call- | ; : ee = : 2 For 15c we are selling VALUES t i fis it i by~his friends, was a real old- | CREAM: ; ' in hose that run to 35c et recclar ; thia rn- having arrived in May, } : } es. & to 8 d t * rey ec te ota biack were pty wine: ae < d iefi the train for the 7868, and for the last few years 43 Canada First and B.C., DELIV RED for $3.95 case ; ae] ° 5 | ¢ #4 ast had been in J. _H. MeMullin’s: i e 3 ts ast. Ne ea eee i New Potatoes DELIVERED for $1.65 per sack } gt ie was Reid in high es-} ; ry ’ i ne rt ] s Moffet 4 airge »} kne rn and! e ° 2 5 I tes by all whe knew him, and| P F d ; ; H. 5. WALLACE aR sa wean a a ea eal 3 reserving Fruit down again ilies J ie e de: as cas t ; iy bt i] q - Bil: CO., LTD. \ 4 seharge all eiggm over the whole city Death j ia PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. t Oil Co’y..s wharf jue to heart failure | . . . ¢ A es aioe acai ad Our Provisions stand on their Qualit | Heartfelt sympathy is fe or i : : 4 Eaeadene nc. Me: Chas. N. Ceowell will sclty,. . ed father and mother, Teas and Coffee cannot be beaten lis 1} « i t ait auc- aoe kai kine forwart to | | . ; ik meee | OUR SERVICE THE BEST “ Th Dail N ” . Me ene oars seeing their son, whom they had! ; e y ews jp. upe spect ery not seen for six years. A married | Ba a ; CLASSIFIED ADS ae aldron Apts. (*nuebler ‘ill arrive from Anyor! | - : nte | § BY AUS. — fp. m. at No. 7 Waldron Apts. [On tne Prince George. [—— erent We Sell For Less - 1 i EERE sa Funeral services will be held in| 1 So ee Se ee aa et ee ae oe fortunate that blir ayner'’s chapel on Wednesday at “ WANTED la aia Ra ah as Hayner’s chay dne ya ainsi be i 3p. n Interment will take place : : WANTED mpetent girl for general | Sitips Mian iton: Cnt | i = 4 house work. Wages #20 per month. Ap- | Bae ite 2 a | 4 ply Box ally News 168-75 cere PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVES pea ee oso Rae ee as 5 ‘ | | GENEROUS OFFER | i i ae 4 FOR SSLE |tives will soon b 3 FIVE ROOM HOUSE The’ following were \ amonget it i } mhbi sa tates 7 . ' i pa ee : en Mr Mrs. Chas. N. Crowell | he first-class passengers on the f SALE—F goats, four females and Se cg ce ata ate wah ee i 4 ne I pply Louis Mazzei, P. 0. | have arranged.with Mrs. J. Fred] CONVENIENCES Prince Rupert this morning Box 44 | Renee to eonduct a riffle of their | ALL MODERN ; For Prince Rupert. nt ieee as : oad a A. E. WRIGHT rowboat, equipped with an | ; G. Plumb, A. H. Tomlinson, Mr : : \pply 827 Sum- | ss nn otaas 4 : i é Provincial and Dominion Evinrude motor, the proceeds to| Green, Mr. English, H. Elliot, Mrs "4 FOR SA LE—Desk cornet, guiter Land Surveyor go to the Red Gross fund. Here B Lilley, Miss Day, Mrs. J. N. Ran- a Apply, C. E tf f 7 : a Surveying and Engineering jis an opportunity to secure a use- kin, Mr. and Mrs. Gainer, C, I ‘ FOR SALB—Furniture of four rooms com- | | ; : hict Nd fn Pard G D. Tite. M A tt.| q lete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? {ful pleasure boat, which will be ardee, Geo. D. Tite, Mrs. Aggo 4 nas B 106, Daily News tr P. 0. Box 10 Phone 85 é : pp y to : : . 4 i ’ , Dally ! ; i very handy these fine days, and at |Mrs. Dodge and Miss Dodge, Mr FOR SALE—Furuaiture - ess room mas | Fourth Street the same time add to the Red P itulle & Ra if. d and Mrs. A. L. Pattenson, Miss| I} The Dye that col at a pargain or will rent to right é a Gi il Seo " a N I of Cloth P. people. Harbour®view Also cones Cross fund. | M. Gray, Miss V. Gray, Miss L. ae others. H.G. Helgerson, Lit. 169-7 7 aie aes 2nd Ave. |Beghlan, Mr. and Mrs. Weir and gas yas Drnge STE FOR SALE— Gasoline la ch ‘ ” % . . Eimhed, vk we it 3-3 to © 48 teen heats to) SKIMMED MILK 5c per quart.|% $\child, Miss Cowe, Miss Ellsworth, ae 1912 i. P. engine; exceptionally FOR RENT BUTTERMILK 1i0c per quart, two) Se eT es . | Mr. and Mrs. Hefferman, Mr. and strong hull; good sea boat; two masts | 3 for 45 ci any eee Mrs sisho Miss Ho ve with three sails; electric Mght; hot and | quarts for 15 c. yee 20 a to an} . PERHANGING ir . Bish Pp. fi Hollywe rd, } cold water: w Sleep eight. Owner | part of the city—Prince Rupert MINING R. Stewart, Miss McPherson, Miss oe oo a Apply Wm pec | Dairy—P hone Green 252 tf. KALSO IN D. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Gillis. . bila Cools 71i- i os te me ec —_—-— r PARK PAINTING Mr. Dailey, Mr. Hamilton, Mr i ’ FOR RENT | F. G. ROBE Rodgers, D. M. Campbell, Mrs ae oe . | AVENUE Coe Kenney and child, Mr. Kenny, M1 FOR RENT——Well-furnished house with 8] A () DELIVERY 14 Dyer Apte. P. O. Box 642 . fs | piano, to married couple, apply Peck, | and Mrs. and Miss Hurry, Mr. and} Shoeman 168-74 | - } the Shoemar j $6 00 i — iMrs. MeGregor. , ar j rae IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN | e 4 MUSIC. HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. For Anyox. sf a i EXPRESS AND BAGGAGR> Mr. and Mrs. F. Marino, Mrs. A TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL | PER MONTH EACH Between: TONY BROOKS, Plaintiff, De Carello, J. B. Johnson, Miss | NICHOL OMENIUK,De ; ; ’ ' Musical Instru-| AGF, SAQROLAS ROMEMIUE Getenton Little, Mr. Hammond, D. M. Han- tin om ments repaired. | —APPLY— Phone ae a 35 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE nan, J. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. oe Bows rehaired. The | — Morgan, Mr. Knowlton, C, Pry-| [Pax ae Prince Rupert Mu- | PATTULLO & RADFORD > - Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge meter, Miss Crandell M@ andj +! The ‘ }| | % F. ‘cB. Young, dated July 10, 1045, 1 7 ° Ba! {| sic Store, 345 Srd_ 2ND AVE will offer for sale by public auction at}Mrs. A. G. Davis, A. BE. House. o an 1} rakes tf. ‘ my office in the Courthouse, Prince Ru- Peat oe rcs | ?|pert, B. C., on Friday, the 20th day of ee : — = jg] Ausust, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock Salvation Army. al. FOR l AXI nrg forenoon, the following described Publie meetings, Tuesday, =e | 5 9, - : ’ The East One-half and the East One-half Phureday aud Saturday at 8 p. m. ee of the Northwest One-fourth of Lot 1991,)5undays at 7:30 p. im. - ; || Cassiar District, said to contain 100 acres, | ~ " a more or less; subject to @ judgement and NOTICE TO CREDITORS SG if ; one | costs for the amount of $868.72 and in- | \ i i wv [gj terest thereon at the rate of & per cent. in THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITIGH ) ) |$]/per annum from the 22nd day of August, | COLUMBIA /\ } }2] 1914, and costs incidental to the sale LEN wae fp me i y | rn | DATED AT PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., ts | ae ee a £3 SE Sl 4 i 5 _ Stand - Hotel Rupert 13th day of July, 1015. — end Se Th 4 | a a ES a ra a hel oa , She a ee IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF e 2 ere ee 163-190 heriff of the County of Atlin ROSARIO MAZZBI, DECBASED, INTES The Whisk; 7 S SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF| TATE Ge COAST, RANGE VY. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His of a eenricaniies Honor F. McB. Young, local judge, dated | ity ae TAKE NOTICE that Frank Miller, of | the 18th day of May, A. D. 1915, I bave i Tage THE IMPERIAL Porcher Island, occupation fisherman, in- | been appointed administratrix of the es Aged in W . tends to apply for permission to purchase | te Of Rosario Mazel, late of the elly 8 Years the following described lands; of Prince Rupert, Province of British Co- before bottli WATER HEATER COIL Commencing @t @ post planted 45 chains |!umbia, deceased, intestate. } mae / north and 10 chains west of the 8. E AND NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that ati) GUARANTEED BY THE FOR RANGES AND STOVES corner of Lot 1447, Range 5, Coast Dis- | Persons having claims upom the estate of GOVERNMENT of CANADA ; (Patented 1915) trict, said post being planted on Grace |the Said Rosario Massel, who died om or is made to meet the demand for Island; thence following the shore line of |@bout the 28th day of April, A. D. 1915, are Fs. Hot Water instantly and without this Island in @ westerly, southerly, east-|equired to send 1 Patmore & Fulton, 2a additional fuel being used. erly and northerly dircetion to point of | barristers, Prince Rupert, B. €., on or mu commencement, containing 4 acres, more | before Me Sist day of July, A. D. 1015, 4 , WARNING! or less, & full statement of their Olaims and of any 3 : . . , Purchasers of any in- FRANK MILLER, securities held by them, duly verifNed, and | ot There is no alum in Dr. Price’s fringing Stove Coll lay Dater July 12th, 1915. J19.|4fler that date | shall proceed wo dis. | A Real Lever Simulation b) Cream Baking Powder. The names themselves open to prose- , the ae ihe assets of the deceased among REE } : : 4 cution equally with the e ‘e parties entitied thereto, having re D W 5 of its ingredients, printed on the parties manufacturing or ss QUALITY | Fard only to tie claims of which notice | A. emaighttorwant! 0 a : making same. EST DOMESTIC | as been Bled, eter from ° label of every can, show it to be ; |. Rated 95 atmen sein: mais son || oe Ge sine : 2 made from Cream of Tartar, which ee ie |day of June, 1945. | > comes from grapes best in Mot Water Nesting Appit. GARTANA GITRINA MARAEI, a . grapes. @ | BY Patmore & Fulton, ker solicitors. waite : 3 ee reece | x 8 No alum bakin: wder or food con- Connected........ $20.00 $9.50 per Ton — Cash 4 ini eee ed be sold i Coll minus Connections . .$16.00 ” NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS © taining alum is permitted to sold in Nain Cheney Gack Mf a ae Delivery a pe, oes many countries. To avoid alum read the As I Own and control the above, Money Back If Mot Satis- §) tenders wil be received up to 6p.m.| ‘ no ¢ "a t ss | Bi : label and use only baking powder made Sean eee ae factory Monday, July 19, for the erection of a) , from cream of tartar. ; : jMotlon picture theatre for The Prince —, HARRY HANSON UNION TRANSFER ff). | Kupert Mutual Building Company, Limited. | fous ofr. We expect you to t#l L | trceathe and specifeations may be secured | I fest .t,.0R Mam tema ts 1 Phone 489 P. O. Box 396 333 2nd Ave. ° [Pam the Architect, | § 26 censs to-dey . ne 36 | will be amared WIiLLIA® ‘ J. M, POTTER, | fl Sexvohions tttept. 160), 40, Cosma’ F ye Pn | to» 164 Architect, Baalend