Saturday, July 31, 1945. —_—_—_—_—___—_— AUGUST FURNITURE SALE For Cash Only E This Housefurnishing Sale is the Biggest Event Prince Rupert has ever known Prices slashed intwo. Must have the Money You need the goods. Nothing a selling. At Cost Prices. . THE DAULA NEWS. Se SS reserved. Every. FURNITURE, BUFFETTS, , CHINA CABINETS, DINING TABLES, CHAIRS Iron and Brass Beds TRON AND BRASS BEDS—ALL SIZES. Cut Below Cost No need to buy second-hand furniture when we offer these great values of high-grade and medium gOods at our Big Cut In Two Prices Our Drapery Departme’t You want to freshen up your windows and in- terior decoration. All [+ material by the yard, and Made Up Curtains selling at sacrifice prices, regardless of cost. Poles and trim- mings treated likewise. Dining Tables and Chairs Upholstered Nasy Chairs, solid oak, leathered covered, 860.00 for 850.00 values for ‘ ‘ ; pce 0 CESSEWE We OHA Pe owes $40.00 values for £20.00, And so on right down Less than Cost. GET YOUR ORDERS IN NOW. | First Come First Served SEE WINDOWS FOR SPECIAL DISPLAY AND PRICES Remember this Sale is cut to less than Cost Prices For Cash Only — ~ a — is Carpet Squares Wilton, Axminster and Tapestry squares, and Rugs for the Hearth. At Cost Price and Less. Must turn these goods to Cash. Springs, Mattresses, Etc. Springs, Mattresses and Baby Cribs, Go-Carts and Baby -uggies. ALL IN THE SAME BOAT—GOING AT COST PRICES. Cheap Dining and Kitchen Chairs Tables, with and without drawer. Kitchen Cabinets and Cupboards, High Chairs and Commode Chairs. All to sell at the Cost Figure. LINOLEUMS — Every Buyer Treated The Same Never will values in Linoleums be at the prices we are offering. sheets Blankets, Rider-Down Comforts, Pillows, Pillo Prices at the Old Country Mills have advanced 25 per cent., and Hand, ie Hier and Glass Towels. All to go at Cost Pr to replace will cost us this advance.. Luoky were we * was well supplied before the advance. However, we , . to give you our old bargain sale prices; we must turn this stock China . and Glasses over. Dinner Sets, 97 pieces At Cost Price. Fancy China, Handsom: Inlaid Linoleums. Regular $1.50, for $1.00 per square yard. signs.. Jardinieres, Glass Tumblers for the home. Hotel English and Scotch Print Linoleum. Sale Price, 75c per square Resta mt Glass in all sizes and kinds At Cost Price Durit : os - yard. ° Canadian Print Linoleum, At 50c per square yard. Canadian Floor Oilcloth, At 35c per square yard. Canadian Hall Oilcloth, 5-8 width. At 20c per yard. that our stock are going OUR AUGUST SALE. “STRIKE A HOME RUN WITH YOUR ARMS PULL OF TIT > BIG FURNITURE SALE VALUES.” This Sale is for you,.one and all to take advantage of, and gives to your home First Hand Furnishings At Cost. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? Special for Monday Special orders for Blinds in any size. ene =§ 4 40 repaired at Our Special Sale Values. wae Cut Sale SALE TAG. GEO. D. TITE - THIRD AVENUE ——_—_—_—_— EVERYTHING MARKED. a4, Also Upholstering Special for Monday| Iron See ng Mattress and Is rm LOOK FOR THE | t= c= "$9. 90 rice —-— The Quality Sia F destaher PRINCE RUPERT PHONE 20