HE DAILY NEWS — ee ———————E—————== RUPERT, B. ee THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1915 PRINCE von, VI. NO. 182 PRICE FIVE CENTS CERINANS ENTERED WARSAW THIS MORNING ee a = = a ———— USSIAN ARMIES IN TIGHT CORNER-ITALIANS CAPTURE MILES OF TRENCHES eee = — — = : AUSTRIANS DRIVEN OFF BY ITALIANS WITH HEAVY LOSSES iTA: 'A4NS CAPTURE MILES OF AUSTRIAN TRENCHES—ENEMY VAINLY ATTEMPT TO RECAPTURE MOUNT SEIBASI—ITALIAN LEFT AND CENTRE ADVANCING ee ———_—__—___—— ERLIN REPORTS THAT GERMAN TROOPS HAVE ENTERED WARSAW ST TURNING MOVEMENT OF GERMANS CAUSING CONCERN IN LONDON—FEARED THAT RUSSIANS STAYED TOO LONG IN WARSAW —A BRITISH STEAMER TCRPEDOED to save the Russian armies (Special to The Daily News.) advancing, while the right main- (Special to The Dally News.) | late ‘ \y cust 5—Warsaw was|from disaster, if Von Hindenburg Rome, saugust 5.--Ps.Jowing tains the ground conquered. ida - morning by the Ger-|should stride the Warsaw-Petro- the centiues of miles of trenches I seh yy ps. This is an official | grad railway. Reports indicate yesterday, the Italian troops Turkish: Ships Sunk aA from army head-|that the Russian armies are de- with heavy artillery attacked the London, August 5.—-A Russian wh | E fending against enormous masses station of Borgo and shelled Aus- torpedo flotilla in the Black Sea 43 } tugust 5.—The vast|of German cavalry. MAURETANIA AS A TRANSPORT. Picture shows the giant Cun- |trian infantry columns at Marcot-|destroyed 900 Turkish craft Hy i g ment of the Ger- Submarine Murder. arder leaving dock at liverpool with 10,000 troops aboard, destined |tini and Rupa. The enemy vainly|carrying supplies, and over 800 Hg! g coneern to the The steamer Costello, of 890] it is supposed, for the Dardanelles. The torpedo boat destroyer in |attempted to recapture Movuntjsailing vessels. The persistence ; f } It is feared that the evac-|tons, hag, been torpedoed: One| the foreground escorted the transport. Seibasi, but was driven off withjof the Turks in building craft i A f Warsaw was made too|man was " drowned. De heavy losses. shows that Constantinople is in nae ae The Italian left and centre are|desperate need of supplies. Tay oe ee a nn —— it ‘ TARIO RAILWAY in the ulling DRONTO JOURNALIST leath of fifteen nity of seeing the Majes- es being laid in VISITS PRINCE RUPERT AMERICAN MARINES necticut have completed the oc- passengers spending most of the The following were amongst the first-class passengers: from the City Hall last night to this city, filled the large building while the picture of the English patriotism displayed by the citi zens during the last year, culmin- besa. In the interval the Mayor called ed upon to deliver an address on lout the Empire. Before begin- to every line, the verses were eminently suited to the occasion AGED EX-PREMIER air consecration service at Cam- military parade through the city. noon a most enjoyable time was With Mrs. G. W. Morrow spent. grounds, zens are organizing great patriot- ic meetings. forming a Prince Rupert club and and to elect oflicers. * RUPERT HOTEL WIRE * KKKKKKHDKRKH KR HHH ‘ OFFICIAL ARRESTED | « aot « P ATRIOTISM AT THE RINK , huesA's PONITION eit AanOLe: Fete aM * Heaviest fighting taking * * a * FLOWS OVER INDIA ti f (apeeiel 00 8 * place northeast of War- * ae ee * The wire received by the * i August 5.—Edward J. it daw "Ten dtvisions.of Ger * AUDITORIUM FILLED TO OVERFLOWING — PEOPLE SHOW A /|* Hotel Prince Rupert indi- * (Special to The Daily News.) 4 yl presen of the in'}, nan troops making des-. ® GRIM DETERMINATION TO SEE THE STRUGGLE * cates that the Russian *| gimla, India, Aug. 5.—Interces- F . on ar Co., Ras heen * perate efforts to reach the * THROUGH — STIRRING SPEECH BY * armies are safe, as the */