Thursday, August 5, 4048 THE DAILY NEWS 045. : 5% is lannat DEMONSTRATION OF | ‘THE DAILY NEWS GILLETT'S LYE PATRIOTISM AT THE RINK 3 TR AINS WEEKLY q THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA EATS "esadiiatl ) SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY 10:30 fe Published Daily and Weekly << Continued From Page One. A. M. iy Guaranteed Largest Clroulation : trace the history of the Wit, le. TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON Be - * e murder of the Austrian areh- : ’ Hh HEAD OFFICE rks eoing on to show how ready er ee ST. PAUL, i Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. Serbia had been to make all pos- CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA i VRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract sible ponogeste oe oe the | AND UNITED STATES Heh) rates on application. Prussian ultimatum to ussia i Pp had fdllen like a bolt from #98 3 BOATS WEEKLY » DAILY EDITION ESTO Thursday, August 5, 1945. bine. After, dealing With 3eF TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 4. y a laine Seiden giana the Su” |] To VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; SAN FRANCISCO ’ rent renewal o ' e speake ; oi THE STRUGGLE did at St. Julien, When Sir Sh on al as ance SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS Although it is early yet to Ian Hamilton’s full report of | diplomatic relations between Ger UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVICE deciare that Warsaw is safe, the Dardanelles fighting comes lmany, Frenee and Britaty luring! Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished ; it seems certain that the Kai- to be published, it will make the last few years, particularly A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. a ser must have been sorely dis-| some of the most. stirring with the Moroccan crisis in 1909, id appointed with his war birth- pages in the history of the this, is party responsibility. showing that Germany had - " — i day gift. The Russians have] war. Parties must stand or fall by|/£°°¢ yen ee of ee Ee hone 554 P.O. Ray 60 } commemorated the outbreak of terete their leadership and the record |PC2°°: if war would serve her MUSIC elt * war in real warlike fashion,;“YOU’RE ANOTHER’ of their leaders. If these lead-|¢"4s- Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING i and the Germans are having The favorite excuse of the| ers do well, the party obtains} Pointing out nes Uae Band Instruments AINTING i quite as much as they can| discredited politician is that} the credit. If these leaders me) FOORs were mobilized on the Bel- ee ed OLISEING AND Hy handle along the Narew river.| one party is as bad as another. badly they must go, and the|#!0n frontier a week before wur Phone 827 WALL TINTING 1 : German infantry is notoriously] This game is now being played| party must share the penalty |was declared, romny:. to rush Hien grade nteroe & | afraid of facing the bayonet, in Manitoba with a variation. of loss of power. Personally, |through Belgium to France, re- Coraung & Specialty i and the Russian birthday gift] The discredited Roblin govern- the members of that party may |gardiess of treaties, Mr. ae = Martin Swanson 1) seems to have taken the form] ment disappears and_ gives be honest, respectable people. |went on to show eat waen — DE N TISTRY Becond Avenue, near Moliride nt of a particularly vigorous ap- place to a band of virtuous Most party men are. But if|many broke the Belgian treaty, ener anieeecasidenhieesiaiinaeanneete cee ce raf ! tn, ca plication of this primitive but men who disclaim all connec- they have consented to serve} Britain was in honor bound to CROWN AMD BRIDGE WORK TARE ERATION ERR RY eS le deadly weapon. From the re-| tion with Roblin and_ his under bad leadership they must {rush to her defence. Mr, Grant wdiwresagrtd fi port that German cavalry had| works. An attempt is then pay the penalty. said some people thought he DAS. GILROY & BROWN 35~-PHONE 3 P| to charge their own infantry made to throw a little of the Sir James Aikens cuts a]stould preach pone instead of isda ois aie ale sensi 5 | in order to force thera to re- Roblin mud on the party which respectable figure, but as the}Wwar, but he rethinded them that Phone 454 a | turn to the attack, it is evident; opposed Roblin. successor of Sir Rodmond Rob-|when the Prince of Peace was ° ¢ “If the old government was| lin in the party leadership, his|faced by a power which wes - TAX! that the Russians must have been delivering the goods in no uncertain fashion. ally increasing in strength, and though they are making no rapid advances, they have the] situation well in hand and a general forward movement should be only a matter of time. Though there is still much desperate work to be done in the Dardanelles, the position erudely corrupt, the new ad- ministration is not ahove ex- unmixed evil. If it were allow- ed, party leaders would go on doing wrong until the possibil- ities of wrong-doing were ex: hausted. They would then give place to other leaders «f the same party, who, while mildly rebuking their predecessors, would declare that the leaders of the other party were “just place is that of leader of the that position opposition. In he may criticize the new gov- way to good government under our present system.—Toronto Star. Salvation Army. Public ineetings, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Sundays af 7:29 p.m. = —— —— — —] breaking took a whip and drove them ont, 3 The purity and fragrance of down the teniple, ey Continued on Poge Three Baby’s Own Soap have made it a universal favorite. Its use is beneficial to any skin. 44-13 B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALMERS — GATIGFACTION GUAR- AND NIGHT ANTEBD—OPEN DAY 1417 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Dieecter reeeeee | FOR A TAXI ee With the Russians causing so pediency. Mr. Norris himself much trouble, Germany must is a live stock auctioneer, with ernment, and if that govern- ALF HALLIGAN : keep on sending reinforce- some skill in politics and in ment does wrong, Sir James RAP RRR TO RR eRE ments to the eastern front, ad horse trading.” Aikens may be called upon to x o= = Be . ae a it seems impossible that she The objection to this plea is take its place. Parties must ’ i : 7 , i : 7s > saferuar he their responsibility, f Phone 174. Box 974 can sustain her western forces that it destroys the safeguard be-held to espo ~ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00 ee Bites ann neniwh under this steady drain. The| of party responsibility, without and governments, having had a Z —80 to French and British are gradu- which partyism would be an fair trial, must be judged by SIA AIAISAIADIAAISAISS ISAAAIN SMITH | & | MALLETT ; < . ri *ipe nor their record. There is no other Oe Vaitouver, Crane Selves ‘end Fit. tings, Pipes cut to orde Third Ave., Head cf Becond Btrost Prince Rupert Alex M. Manson, B.A. W. E. Williams, B.A. LLB WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Prince Rupert, 8. C Helgerson Block of the British there has greatly as bad.” : ‘ Mo Offi er nd Sti t xd Grd Aveour improved. The action on the This system would secure P > R D : Sterling Marine _ jolors a , Gallipoli Peninsula is the most bad government in perpetuity. rince upert alry Can be purchased In town. A PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED important of the war, and has| There would be no penalty for Has cut the price of Milk arever. ee ee ove re =. (successors to Pacific Transfer Co ! been the most costly to the Al-| bad leadership. A bad leader in half hard work. Guaranteed. Gener! Cartage i lies, but the opening up of the would be retained so long as ——— No. tues Eyton 6-ssi LADYSMITH COAL i Black Sea will be worth the he could eseape discovery and PURE FRESH MILK stroke; 8-10 H. P.; weight 800 PaePnene-—os P| price. It is claimed by ex-! punishment. Then another|§ Delivered in city at 10c per on ephabin( M-aiaedi Salis Fe aye i perts that no troops in the would take his place. The quart and S¢ per pint inch stroke; 12-15 H. P.; weight JAMES GILMORE ) world could have accomplished party need not trouble about iat Cela rian so ieee 5 1-2-inch bore; 8- iy what the British have done in the leadership, because its , igoh stroke; 25-85 H. P.; 1,700 Architect 4 taking the Gallipoli heights. HoOWMpoNn: Power would: e.see | tse ee Se : Sepia ee cylinder; @ 1-R-Inch bore; 9- ; The Australians and New Zea-| cure so long as it changed the] ¢ D : A inch stroke; 45 H. P.; weight $/2nd Avenue, near Mcbride Stree landers have covered them- leader as soon as he became A ollar m the Bank - ste isis: Information ts | selves with glory in that re- notorious. Worth Two in Promises : Apply to ; 5 : w. €E wiliccroft Phone gion, just as the Canadians The right system, opposed to Blue 508 or D. Brown Elec- CANADIAN PACIFIC ’ s , FRED STORK’S HARDWARE TO HEN you have a substantial Savings Account, you do not have to ask favours or court refusals when you require ready cash. A Savings Account in The Bank of British North America makes Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert. tricilan, Phone 383. SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS RAILWAY Lowest rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Meals and berth Included on steamer PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND ; a TAME NOTICE : ; soune 710 SECOND AVE he independent of promiete of the caeneeecee i aa 4S eames WE HANDLE. SATURDAY, 6 P. ™. { e@ money is yours—rea Rupert intend ’ , ’ yt Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery when you ‘noel tt orotnoten npeoraneat, 7 eclay sue theewent moon a we eae ot meen, 6 ones et Wire Cable Stee! Blooks Fishing Tackle against loss—safe from fire and [0° flaude Street, from the existing plank G oe Ao pale Agent : iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifies and Shotguns theft—and earning interest at | seven je te ag eta dette ees ee oer oe Corner Fourth Btrest and Third Av# Rope Valves Ammunition mapas ane nano Avenue from the centre of Glaude Street, Also Fertilizers 7 eposits o » and upwards are | to the exiting sidewalk D We Take Ord Se Pumps Hose Paint feceived on Savings accounts. and intends to ome sine ee Y oe ee ary fm Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron THE BANK OF upon the iand abutting directly on the ADVERTISE IN ae a work. Hay, Grain, and Feed at ; WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” (2). The estimated cost of the work is Vv - os h Worth erica |#2%4.%¢. of which none ts t be paid by ee THE DAILY NEWS SS the Corporation. The estimated special Chicken Feed a Specialty ; 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS, rete per foot frontage is $6 ge $6.26. The speetai mati Sicha ienghiadiasth si | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE il poner orprrr peance (ut zeuion oie me" wont Se and (8). A petition against the work wit . ce “ PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH [+1 st &'prrnt's:'ontratuce. “™ {Prince Rupert Feed Co, {| Nerve Energy oy s ay of J , 19145. 908 Third A re S555 EEE IO EEO P. MARGETTS, Manager. ERNEST A, woone. ae i ore Eyeglasses. it ee —- ee —- en Ecco ciate ee a cae _ a The Last Straw Drawn for The Daily News. F —By “Hop.” 3 ’ FRIDAY—AND WHILE f HEY! YOURE WAITING FOR A constant dropping wears TE RIDAY - YH’ COFFEE TO BOIL- tone. Aslight HUSTLE UP WASH away a stone It ey) BACK eyestrain injures the hea WATER- because it is constant. * ' strain which first man! - we itself as a slight disc om oe . should be remedied at orith % This we guarantee to a0 : . lasses.< Consultation ree. ; elays are dangerous: 8 Look for Loop : OPTICIAN a 9} -INTC SYND ~BALYO- mp, 223 Sixth St. Phone Black 68