THE DAILY NEWS RUSSIAAS WILL PURSUE WAR TO VICTORY BERLIN POPULACE IS JUBILANT—-GERMANS | WILL FIND D WARSAW BARREN CITY eS WYSTERIOUS SHOOTING ee . a 2} REPORT REGARDING TH THE AFFRAY IN THE SOUTH Bikey ae f U. $. DREADNOUGHT FIRE (Special to The Dally News.) (Special to The Daily News.) ver, August 6.cudtey. #1. Philadelphia, August 6.—The committee of inquiry into the fire in the hold of the dreadnought Oklahoma reports that it was due to spontaneous combustion. Re- pair work is being rushed, but will take from October to January to complete. Nixon, owner of the Twin Is- who was” recently shot ing reading on his launch, it the General Hospital inds. Foul play is sus- lhe police state that it ive been the work of a Repairs of all description. Quick work at reasonable prices. Phone 583, Fitz. 181-83. PRINCE RUPERT'S DRYDOCK IS AN ACCOMPLISHED FACT DRYDOCK COULD BE PUT IN SHAPE TO HANDLE A BIG JOB IN A MATTER OF DAYS—MACHINERY COULD BE AR- “Eddy Wand" Institute and. the: tessa aad Ross 5 Battack’s Shorncltie f the launch for a deer. | Camp oz RUSSIANS DESTROYING FORTS AND TOWNS AS THEY RETREAT FACTORIES AND MACHINERY REMOVED FROM WARSAW WILL BE ESTABLISHED IN INTERIOR—GERMANS FIND TOWNS IN FLAMES—ARCHDUKE STEPHAN who had mistaken the Risboro lines "Shami 5 rs Em RANGED TO PRODUCE ABOUT 300 SHELLS iS NEW RULER ae Quests ¢ Canadian Military | Hospital, Baa boogie EVERY DAY ; Near Hy fh ote —— (Special to The Dally News.) ture of munitions. Novogeorey- A representative of the owners;@re laid on solid conerete beds. id, Aug. 6.—The evac-|rask is prepared to stand a siege the Ivangorod forts is Ruler of Poland. Berlin, August 6.—The Kaiser UNUSUAL VIEWS OF SHORNCLIFFE of the steamer Delhi was in the Wherever possible the machinery city on Wednesday, making en-|i8 electrically dirven, the power quiries regarding the drydock|house developing 2,600 horse- plant. The Delhi is not a big|POWer. vessel, but, if she comes here to] One great fact which strikes be repaired, the drydock will havye;}an uninitiated visitor is that the made a start on what is @ertain|latest labor saving devices have to be a great career of shipbuild-|been adopted. For instance, six ing and repairing. huge furnaces and a battery of half miles away is the Elizabethan mansion, which the Canadians After over. two years of siren, [six hotlere aan be teamm, oars oF rnment has set as side | and Anglo-Canadian residents of London presented to the War j2°US Work, the drydock is an ac-)by one man, and all he has to do a ra ee ec we — FISHERMEN EXPRESS Office at the outbreak of the war. aa complished nde i a ne ish : to pe an we oa ee yer of tl emoval o irsaw [01 3| os Sy agua comes along the dock cou ye pu E ass. The coal is brought along age egy eameamerie ofan) LOTARTT TO THE CATSE ANOTHER DISTURBANCE [ANOTHER HAZELTON |" srs worsne nie) cr runing on an ria The high lying Shorneliffe camp near the southern coast of as they were unfit to| oben oni qq) | aH proclaim the Austrian Arch- moder fartare. An Kent, where the Canadians are at present in training. Eddy Wood Institute and the Ross Barracks, where many of the men are duke Stephan ruler of Poland on quartered, lie at the north of the camp and the road seen in the ore, MOROMIOAHY re triumphal entry into War picture runs south to Seabrook and:the famous old Cinque port of Hythe. The view Risboro lines, shows the married emn’s quar- wed rhe rear guar blew ur saw. He will alsé announcé a ele casements of the | measure of autonomy for Poland. | ters of the camp, now filled with Ganadian bachelors, while the destroyed the bridges} The ery of the populace is now ’ Queen's Canadian Military hospital at Beachborough, two and a ssed the river. “On to Petroprad.” Fmy \ll machinery has been is pi aaa a few days. Under the direction|monorail system, and the fur- Che fall of Riga is w-| Te master and men of the BREAKS OUT IN HAYTI MINE SHIPPING ORE of D. J. Broderick, the B.C. Equip-|naces fed automatically with the be imminent. |James Carruthers, numbering _ ——- ment Company has just com-jexact quantity of coal required. es are fighting their | itwenty men, have contributed (Special to The Daily News.) The Sunrise mine on Nine|pleted the installing of the ma-|]When it is remembered that a ) Russia, with proper $300 to the Gold Storage machine Washington, August 6.—A new | Mile mountain near Hazelton has|chinery in the machine, boiler|great many manufacturers have jgun fund. The following letter|revolutionary disturbance has made its first shipment of ore. and blacksmith shops, and in the|their profits burned up every prevent the develop- 3 : ; has been received by Mr. Johnson|broken out at Gonaves, in West-|> rhe i} consignment, which is of shipyard. The huge lathes, shears}year through wasteful coaling, ie great German envel- Havt M f s galls sk “Pt ern Hayti. Auxiliary forces ¢ ; Shas si ' rh ; : ; ; vement. The press is from the gallant skipper esi 7 af ree nd/about thirty tons, is being sent|drills, milling machinery, ete., are/the saving in this department 5. S. Ji 2s Car ers, additional naval craf ave bee nies ‘ ; ‘ in declaring that the 8. 8, James Carruther " ae Devas oral. haye Deen | Ee frail, via Prince Rupert, for all of the very latest design, and|can be to a certain extent realized. evacuation of Wareavil Ketchikan, Alsaks, dispatched. | treatment. eee re nn an ay oe Another interesting feature is ngethen Russian jeter-|Mr. T. H. Johnson, Manager Can- Serene err | The ore is rich in silver, and,| THRILLING PLAY AT THE the use made of sea water from adian Fish & Cold Storage Co. {GASTINEAU COMPANY oe ' th oie te adian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lif this trial shipment turns out WESTHOLME THEATRE |(the bay. The water is pumped pursue the war to at Dee TAKES OVER BIG MISSOURI | ms Ee ctory, Dear Mr. Johnson:—At a spon- ; satisfactorily in spite of the long into immense tanks and used for Towns in Flames. taneous bounol of war held on The Big teen sd mineral claim |@U the work at the mine will The Westholme Teron. Oe condensing purposes. The steam re towns of Jiradoff, Groitva,|t#e James Carruthers, while on n the: Bigwass distriotibas shauk. pe kept up all winter. The Sun-|"ight and ert "5 vane ae used is condensed and the water ne were in flames shen|¢? Way to Ketchikan, the sum ed hands, an option having been|"!S® #8 Owned by several of the }emoys yy more nr collected, and when a sutiicient Golden West,” in five reels. The of $300 was contributed for the contractors who worked on the quantity of water has been eol- taken by the Gastineau Mining! |G. T. P. eonstruction. rians arrived, All skilled machine gun which is being pre-| story is one of those thrilling from the evacuated dis ; Co., in which Mr. Jacklin, one lected at a given point, its wo'ght