SO Saturday, August 7 fHE DAILY NEWS “1945, a —_— A eee = a = eT ry = . " iw, BY we Se Sy. SY, rah ¥ Pena r bea ee Dee Oe 5 NAN a RAINCOATS & CAPES HOMF “a > fee SOUS can tems Local News Notes STUDY : ' j Arts Courses only. wn \9 Thomas Warner, of Reno, Nev., Pie ! SUMMER yy M4 has returned to the city after a 4-1 SCHOOL a Ks trip to Alaska. Hh? > JULY and AUGUST x e Ke Ge UEEN’S || & A Sixty Year Standby | A. KE. Wright has moved his Q UNIVERSITY pf Ks oflice to Third St., between Sec- KINGSTON, ONTARIO | se ae B : Ks " : “oO € > ond and Third Ave. * SCHOOL OF MINING For sixty years Dr. Price’s Cream aking i Sib tar MINING ican v Powder has been the standby of countless i General Superintendent W. C., eat aterm : ho h relied upon it for . Mehan le in- ENGINEERING ‘ housekeepers who have I ‘ C. Mehan left on a tour of in GEO. ¥. CHOWN, Resistrar f d spection this morning. be — — a healthful, home-baked ood, ey * * &* A . 2 , ghd P F. 8. Wright leaves tonight for bi Dr. Price’s contains no alum or lime phos- os the Islands in the interests of FOR RENT bY phate. ‘There is never any question about Ky the ea etree: x the absolute purity and healthfulness of the Ks Pi] $ £ ¥ J. G. Millichamp, a well known MODERN HOUSE ALL CON- 4 food it ralses. ; traveller has returned from a trip VENIENCES, DESIRABLE “i i : ry. e t ts have a as ae aa along the G. T. P. as far as Smith™ LOCATION, SECTION SIX. m) It has stood the ed of time. iy 1S a of these and have just receive a3 | ; > ousewlves WI! use y a shipment of the celebrated a FOR RENT PARTIALLY why the best informe L e “Fish Brand” —the best low- Petre FURNISHED. a no other. h priced garment for hard usage Mrs. Hannah Mott Donald has y Ke 25.00 PER MONTH. 7) that we Know of. been sent up for trial at the next + | py 9 ts We have them in khaki or in : : pate ls S " dil, Wits dauwedbers Le ana. asaizes on a charge of criminal —APPLY— pf R Ril E S Sizes of coats 22 to 34 Inch, libel. 4 es ty Prices $3.25 to $3.76. Pacem PATTULLO & RADFORD 3! 43 CREAM p f G, m Gower, provincial govern- 2ND AVE 4 ie s We ment inspector of schools left for|% x CO., LTD Victoria On the Geo) this orn.) —X—X—X—X«—X—X—X—XX—————XIK!__l_"_ DI i bi ¥. ing. U. Rothwell, of Refuge Bay, is | Made from Cream of Tartar No Alum k e059 in town. a Ke Ernest Heaton, Proprietor of .. 3.8 4 . ; , of Heaton’s Handbook, is expected] Judge Dickson, of Humboldt, ' , # The Dail News to arrive on the Prince Rupert on|Sask., arrived, by last evening's ¢ t y Monday. train. He is accompanied by Mrs. o se \ | ASS IED me Aw Dickson. AS At Ae Ae Ae As AS As A as A es As Aes fos ae Vp Pe ee Sr © roy: C IF ADS. Canon Rix left on the Prince oe eee oe == — = ) — ‘ ar x : tcl George on a two weeks vacation. H. G. Zanders and family, of WANTED In his absence Bishop Du Vernet |Chicago,; is in the city, arriving SHERIFF'S SALE ; i 5 3 O rvices i ; as ‘vening They are guests at Sey F $750 Wanted on loan, first mortgage on will conduct the services in St./last evening. They are guests a i house and lot, assessed value g1,850.| Andrew's. the Hotel Prince Rupert. Oe Te ery een eae eet EN AT PRINCE RUPERT if Apply Box 116, Daily News. 184-5. | are — — — WANTED — Competent girl for general Bek bouse work. Wages $20 per month. Ap- “ ia € Time and Trial Prove | Horstman and others, Plat. tits. | Li.n'ved, Defendant. ' ply Box 110, Daily News. 168-75. ‘ortand Care! Pu sls, cuts Monday’s labor clean in half. & FOR SALE : By virtue of Warrants of Execution, |s- i the unequalled value of Beecham’s Pills as the pebh is Wak Sita ad Wo tae ea FOR SALE—Mahogany case upright piano, best corrective of ailments of the digestive organs have scized of tiv yoods of the defend The Sunlight way is so easy Edison Diamond Disc phonograph, at so common—and the best preventive of lasting and ent, tie followine --just note. First you soap the garment; then roll it up tosoak. After a while you rinse it thoroughly and the dirt drops out like magic. Why scrub, and rub, and serious sickness so often resulting from defective or 1 No 8 combination vise, 1 black sinith 8 irregular action of the stomach, liver or bowels. vee ee ee te ae eee tools, 38 sacks blaccécs's voal, 60 feet 1-2 inch air hose, 2 boxes candles, 40 ie J a sets 68, 3 ore vars, capacity 21 cubic EUS BALD). Woite Leghors taying hens; mM i Ss feet, 2 machine drills, Ingersoll ¢ 4-4 E ‘White Leghora rooster. Apply 887 Sum- 44, 3 bars 1 inch square iron, 2 3-4 “ars mit Avee., Phone Blue 508. 1 5-8 square iron, 84 boxes 1 1-4 60 per FOR SALE—Desk, chairs, cornet, guitar. have a great record. For over half a century they have been used with cent. Giant powder, 64 boxes 1 1-4 40 sacrifice. 733 Borden St. 179-84. FOR SALE—Five goats, four females and one billy. Apply Louis Mazzel, P. 0. Box 440. 170-80. Y Bt { . . . ° : - ‘ i . SS rad if Apply, C. E. Bainter. tf. entire satisfaction in thousands of homes. few doses will prove to per cent, Giant powder, 54 boxes 1 1-4 s=S f i BOR MAT WS wutninha Gt foubepoomis com: you that you can Gnd prom relies from Cahendaaiens depesesion of No: 9 Giant gelatine, 180 feet cruciform 4S wear “* tear the oon Bi | lete. Cé 000. hi 8 general no-; eelings caused by indigestion or biliousness. machine steel, 375 feet round machine SS when the gentle strength o Avi | “cow sare Roane mit ae ry them, Ser yon wil coow what it is to have at your command such steel, 1,800 feet rails, 16 x 20 not laid, ==5= & . § h i} d é ; 10,500 feet rails 16 x 20 laid in mine, | Sunlight Soap will do the W. A. Ryrie, 614 Metropolitan Building, id everywhere in Canada and U.S. America. In boxes, 25 cents, public auction for cash on Tuesday, the | i Vancouver, B. C. 183-185. {7th day of August, 1915, at 2:30 o'clock } . | } ead : . ee are es eens |i} the afternoon, at my oMce, Court House, Try it once— 1 FOR RENT |Prince Rupert. this Sunlight Becks Meeeteet tun Tae et og ce ws JOHN SHIRLEY, way. | +) j Sheriff of the County of Atlin, ; i} FOR RENT—Large well furnished rooms BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Dated at Prince Rupert, July 30, 1915. At all grocers i i down town, cheap. Lee Baker, Second 3 LUMP | FOR | AXI ———— ; Avenue and Third Street. 178. compensated BOARD AND ROOM—Central location. $30 —_ per month, Apply Box 117, Daily News. C O A L NOTICE TO OREDITORS ———— j —— music. $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Phone 99 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH] ,.. A ee “i De pennconttiiin Delivery COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Money Back If Not Satis- IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- e ; : TION ACT oe tstor at our King and Country ments repaired. UNION TRANSFER CO Stand - Hotel Rupert IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF 1 Bows rehaired. The B ROSARIO MAZZEI, DECEASED, INTES- Prince Rupert Mu- 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 TATE RB cs aes ie TAKE NOTICK that by order of His| Ce ou sic Store, 345 8rd IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN Honor F. McB. Young, local judge, dated Ave. tf. HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT ih TOD Gay Of Wey, A. D. 1966, 5 Bevo —— $ CDOe ‘ , been appointed administratrix of the es- 10N tate of Rosario Mazzel, late of the city RECRUITS WANTED FOR G2nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, YY Between: TONY BROOKS, Plaintiff, of Prince Rupert, Province of British Co- RCE. AUTO DELIVERY And NICHOLAS HOMENIUK,Defendant, |!umbia, deceased, intestate. CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FO . THE IMPERIAL Ls st AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail —_— ! NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ere acene eenenee. Shae Se taneee. RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT t Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge |“ josario Mazzel, who died on or) : WATER HEATER COIL F; McB, Young, dated July 10, 1941p, 1|#0Ut the 96th day of April, A. D. 1915, are OFFICE NOW OPEN. Bit FOR RANGES AND STOVES EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE will offer for sale by public auctiog at| '@duired bap reap to Patmore & Fulton, fe : (Patented 1918) my office in the Courthouse, Prince Ru-|>#risters, Prince Rupert, B. C., om or ; ; ' { 4 Is made to meet the demand for pert, B. C., on Friday, the 20th day of before the 31st day of July, A. D, 1915, In view of the recruiting which is in progr: ' : 3 August, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock |* ‘Ui! statement of their claims and of any : ' 4 4 few of ti Hot Water instantly and without St, , securities held by them, du ase throughout the Province, it is apropos to ans ! +h additional: fuel being used in the forenoon, the following described y » duly verified, and | . : falls j i ; one =" = lands: ar _~ date I _ proceed to dis- the questions which are considered by those w conten Bic The East One-half and the East One-half ae cee, sasete Of the deceased among ate entering the Service. The sis f pert } f WARNING! of the Northwest One-fourth of Lot 1321, me erties entitled ‘thereto, having re- nla senee shiny sie Bervige, She follawing is e its nie Purohasers of any in- v4! Cassiar District, sald to contain 100 acres, hg tao the claims of which notice nent queries, together with he information which cach ele ; fringing Stove Coll tay more or less; subject to a judgment and oe ae ! themselves open to prose- costs for the amount of $863.72 and in-| Dated at Prince Rupert, B, C., this 20%h QUESTIONS ANSWERED. ee r cution equally with the terest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent,|%4y of June, 1016. 1.—How long am I to serve? Until the end of the : parties manufacturing or l O per annum from the 22nd day of August, GAETANA CITRINA MAZZEI, ar six sf ar jf . j " making same. a ace Weets 1914, and costs incidental to the sale. By Patmore & Fulton, her solicitors. id six months after if required. te W , DATED AT PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., this een ” SS 2 What pay shall I receive? Your pay asa piriy ue ms ¢ 13th day of July, 1915. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT— TRICT ‘ resides this Now Is your chance to get the fee nics, aca aera ase ces DISTRICT OF be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field allowance. ! | : : t ) ; ; iovern- : ee Hot Water Heating Appli ORANGES, APPLES, ANAS 163-190 Sheriff of the County of Atlin. sar os you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by the 0’ Gall Sennented... ...9R0-00 And Other Frulte in Season NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE| rake Novice that Frank milter, of($ OMY ) Ever) Te rand Genes = a 2 ek oe: Fresh Stoc® of Ps Porcher Island, occupation fisherman, in- 3.—What will my wife receive during my absence : hi tends to apply for permi rc ; i { $e! i As I own and control the above, ae ee HOME Pursuant to a power of sale contained | the Hn Bl ih oni agevet ig purohess month there will be paid her a separation all : sam s CHOCO 3 , a » {to cole 1a came ps Rade tS nilstek in @ mortgage dated the 2nd day of June,| Commencing at a post planted 45 chains (also part of your pay) and if this be not enou i . ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN 1914, registered in the Land Registry|®0rth and 10 chains west of the Ss. E, fortably maintain your f ily. the Canadian Patt Fund hy HARRY HANSON SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES OMee, Prince Rupert, B. C., made to secure] (ner Of Lot 1447, Range &, Coast Dis- ‘Il Se Te ee ee ree , trict, said post being planted on Grace will further assist them, Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 the principal sum of $600.00 and interest Island; thefice following the shore line of , : 7 ; You will H. KILLAS, Prop. as therein set out, between William John] this island in a westerly, Southerly, gast- ‘What will happen if I am wounded or si tinued Hart Block, 3rd Ave. and Bth St. SEGnpUsD, mortgagor, and Morris Wein-|Jerly and northerly direction to point: of be cared for by the Government and your pay © nuit : . Stein, mortgagee, both of the said city of }commencement, containing 4 aseres more : tisabled al Prince Rupert. ig ' until you are discharged, If you are permanently (!°' tont of on Ww er for sale at my office at the FRANK MIL f sn th ak eae ies ; Pe e to the extent - courthouse, Prince Rupert, B, C., on Thurs-|Dater July 12th, 1915. nas $19 “lowance will be paid you, varying according ! A. E. WRIGHT day, the 12th day of August, 1915, at the : your injury or disability. APERHANGING hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the 5.—What wil i i children if [ di Provinelal and Dominion KALSOMINING following described lands: at 1at will be done for my wife ant jo all ‘ Land Surveyor ns het ane, Mh, Bloat $4, Section 8, in while on Active Service? The Government will prey? = BC 0 *rince Rupert, Province of ada : ; j y { ve CO . Surveying and Engineering PAINTING British Columbia, Map 993. adequate pension, that will enable the family | them , Dated at Prince Rupert, B, C., this 29th fortably until the el ; loo} q . B. C,, i » childhe '@ enough to 4 P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 F. G. ROBERTS day of July, 1916. J ely Tl | | saehy ing! if the son h ‘ JOHN SHIRLEY, Sherif 5 8, 10 Widowed mother of a single mal Fourth Street 14 Dyer Apte. P. O. Box 642 j r ’ : To JOHN HA ey § Agent for Morris et eee “Desk BE, 18” LLA her sole Support, is treated in the same way @ ¢ Y" PPPOOD o oe. ssnsnoonssnniitnn “I will make you a real bookkeeper in a few weeks of your spare time.’ Write only by Thomas Beecham, An Invaluable Aid to Health St. Helens, Lancashire, England. 1,500 feet 2 inch air pipe, laid in mine, | 1 sorrel horse, nine years old, gelding. All of which I shall offer for sale by work with never a hurt to fabric or hands.