THE DAIBY NEWS . — __—_- stock between the PEOPLE OF B. Cc. MUST vit : i | ‘THE DAiLy NEWS RECLAIM THEIR HERITAGE poo (or aid their fiends has 3 TRAINS WEEKLY °F 4 “ay nit thé mands o THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA - . ; ee A MONDAY TH Published Daily and Weekly Continued From Page One Fieishbaker Bros. ahd a German SATURDAY URSDAY 10:30 A. Guaranteed Largest Circulation of the timber assets of Britis? |<, ite. This German syndicate TO EDMONTON, saskatoon Columbia are in the hands of ex etext of securing the ae REGINA, WINNIPEG ‘ HEAD OFFICE ploiters. As usual the McBride /¢; « of the bankrupt Ocean . » ST. PAUL Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.boovernment’s German and pro-|Falls Company, takes over 80,- CHICAGO, EASTERN CANAD” TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract | German friends got their bit. ¢ s of timl and two bi “i AND UNITED 8TATES rates on application. jinstance one German titi, t of timber additional, in| Fleishbacker Brothers, of Sanir for which they hand the 3 BO: \TS WEEKLY DAILY EDITION aaa Monday, August 9, 1915. |Francisco, along with Count Aly tors $310,000 in shares in a TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 A.M ‘on ensleben, new a fugiti which they proceed to a se | Von Aivensieben, now a fugitive ny i ey | ‘te TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; SAN FRANciso9 ' control perhaps 146.000 acres ~italize at £10.000.000 1¢ | § MANITOBA | province milked dry by the ce oe Pit Se ee ee SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS ' aimost one-tenth o e@ timber /«< lers ‘ the defunct} The landslide in Manitoba is} family, railroad and land syp-} oo. oy in, eeee Hated Ah « Coen re UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVICE more than a party triumph; it dicate type of politician, and You Aive i hy the ies . ie tenia me England. Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished is a glorious victory for clean; will see to it that men instead credited with wrecking the Do- ‘ look after themselves A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. r s . s 0; oO ol iti s e se o Vic. ‘ . = esha ate a opposed t f politicians are sent t iG-} ninion Teast C mpany and @riv-| 7 stakers and exploiters have party bossism, with all its at- toria. Eig a et Sa a : ss . RS ‘ ing its manager Ww suicide DY Oils |, ked ie immensely j tendant evils of graft and in- It is to be regretted that the;, .... . trigue. The hastily improvised pposition in Manitoba is so! . re ; . COPEDe OE Een Te bone 205 P.O Rox 6g ‘i fhe puip ieases were another |, a with the result that ‘n MUSIC — deathbed repentance type of; weak. A strong opposition tful field for the speculat i I APERHANGING } op ee ety vs © speculators r undhog aistrict atone - f nO Why } platform rigged up by Sir J. A.; makes for a strong, sound gov- ia 3007 the th Wen dane ” ' Teacher of Violin and All “ae | n 907 he le as ease »s shat ia 3 sav e district draine: M. Aikins deceived no one. It| ernment. Sir John A. Mac- ies y the district drained Band Instruments ANTI ; as to grant puip companies who), ; =keena and Naas rivers. A. PESCOTT OL Hin AN]) was too transparent a piece of} donald uttered a great truth leaded imability to comply with ; ' i 052 Kighth Ave. Kast - ol AN} humbug to place before people| when he said that “a weak op- 2 ; Enger : - cor oa e hundred and twenty lieu | Phone Green 327 YALL TINTING i the conditions an extension of!..54 acres of coal lands have al- . 4 os who had at last regained their} position would corrupt a gov- ‘é political sight. ernment of archangels.” We do}, 4, to build. mills and employ H h tl | es oO s 8 o f 3 he sRride.|_ ee Pree "s tes How rich this coe ind} : een eae menor = t am -Taeee . LBaE eee. Menree a certain number of hands. Ac- S vy te judged foun the fact | | Martin Swanson be congratulating himself that} Bowser bunch have ever shown | : : : : D E N - IS T RY ‘ cording to Premier McBride time in which to fulfill their con-',. : been alienated to » Chie Iolice | ¢ SRT te - ses, = ticks closer than hapr ned t be hief of Police it the bank for your For Further information a a el es brother.” The people of Brit-| Barbeau in plain clothes. account ‘ vpply to a ish Columbia have seen the “Five dollars,” said the judge. of Cloth SAME DYE. a en a ve CANADIAN PACIFIC 4 THE BANK OF stance ta teatreatiai triolan, Phone 383. | RAILWAY : Britch North America (ae ae |__| - Lowest rates to all Eastern Points 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. _ yore o via Steamer to Vancouver and th CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. ; CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Corporation of the City of Prince SEEDS! SEEDS! " ; PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Rupert ; ° ” Meals and berth included on steamer a es ae u re ae pert. RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS 3) OP MIA SOUTHBOUND ti NOTICE that: (1). The Couneil PRINCESS 8 80 4 710 SECOND AVE P. MARGETTS, Manager. ot ew Garenauec a6 sth city ak Penn WE HANDLE. | SATURDAY, © P. ™ i \ ) ————— | Rupert itotends nstruc g _ U , ’ ‘ Ba! Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery a8 Senet 6 Mbt eee ae: ee PRMReRES mcauina souTHeOs oh i Wire Cable Steel Biocks Fishing Tackte i 41% Presa Street, from the existing plank a Briga’s oo Agent \ i ° ° road om Eighth Avenue to the centre of arden and Field Seed 4. @ MoNAB, Geners! i tron Pipe Pipe Fittinge Rifles and Shotguns { Prince rt Seventh Avenue, ames ee comet — - Corner Fourth Street and Third AW a S Rope Valves Ammunition ; Avenue from the centre of Claude Street, 4 Also Fertilizers ‘ —_—_——— ed tl to the existing sidewalk on L Stre Ww rders De ce A eaten oon —— Pe } Pumps Hose Paint : Wl} Has cut the price of Milk }|s« tuteogs 1 specialty asscar, the con ff ne mre fOr Nursery ee }) Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron in half a tee land abutting directly on the sf Stook ADVERTISE IN . | a ay, rain, and Feed at i “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” (8). The estimated cost of the * PURE FRESH MILK $984.60, of which sone is t0 be paid be| Vancouver Prices THE DAILY NEWS i —— Delivered in city at 10¢ per oe See. Phe enumnatne speetal | Chicken Feed a Specialty . : 2 ontlsa i el . | bat FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ee fleece ia pad ose ere | ee ere Some erent and gi oa (3). A petition against the work will . e re ~ i Phone Green 252 oe Nia ae fenatrootien. Pri mce Rupert Feed Co. Net ve Ene rgy Pop, ay of June, 1915. ra A on i EANEST A. WOODS, Clerk. se et) Eyeglasses. ri ii as Sa pe — ‘ ap pealws AgNoise ithe An Ostrich _ Drawn for The Daily sme. ’ * —~By “Hop.” re et G60 it BRICK i ety ) ing weals if WHAT MRS. SCOOP WILL Do TO A constant dropp ont ib ME FOR TAKING SCOOP AWAY AN’ awayastone. Asip' h SETTING HIM INTO ALL THIS TR eyestrain injures ( health Pe because it is con: sa ifests strain which firs tn per ‘ | itself as a slight ¢!<° t once | should be remec!! awit Bli we guarante t ‘ro lasses. Consu lon elays are ¢ danget | Look for Loop )US- OF HIDING— WAS A WITH A LADY in HoT PuRsUIT! ®~itis OSTRICH if + Discover tae METHOD OPTICIAN phone Black “ it~ SYN O ~ BAL . me - 223 Sixth St.