, Monday, August 9 1916 9145, RAINCOATS & CAPES for BOYS and GIRLS Local News Noles A special train of fish left for Ss the east this morning. $6 6 Mrs. Jerry Bonneau arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning. ees Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman arrived from the south on the Prince Ru- . A Sixty Year Standby | For sixty years Dr. Price’s Cream Baking | Powder has been the standby of countless | . housekeepers who have relied upon it for | healthful, home-baked food. pert. i & 6 Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Smith < . That is We have a very complete stock It has stood the . test of time. of these and have just received ant purser on the Rupert, has/parted with coal valued at $5 informed housewives will use Se ne eee been appointed purser. £30 000,009 on a promissory cet ii ou Fish Brand” —the best low- ‘es % hie SUHEOU la Calctotypical no otner. Db. W. Bone, the popular assist-| (Continued From Page Two. |! and family left for the east this | ; ; ! morning. ; Dr. Price’s contains no alum or lime phos- ' * = 7 i : ; 4 Mrs. Naismith, mother of Mrs. a ey , phate. There 1S never any question about Smith, of Digby, is visiting at the the absolute purity and healthfulness of the quarantine station sata cl teensy food it ises : ele aS RECLAIM THEIR HERITAGE it raises. priced garment for hard usage that we know of. : We have them in khaki or in Granby black, with souwesters to match. Prince Rupert this Sizes of coats 22 to 34 inch, Oo em Prices $3.25 to $3.75. Mr. Lister, Canadian immigra- There were about twenty pas- sengers for Bay on the their coal policy. ‘ L. 2 ; Along with this reckless squan-| ’ a: E = morning. ere Se ea lt : t dering of natural resources has | * er” 5 gone a policy of encouragemen CREAM towards frenzied finance which} tion inspector at Seattle, and wife, ; : has resulted in the flotation of| my S are making the round trip to], _. . 5 4,760 limited liability companies, | CO., LTD Anyox on the Rupert. tt talizati eo ” . with a capitalization, mostly r - Bac ci bi s¢4.0G4 Ad” tte | Made from Cream of Tartar §_No Alum We or, ei, ,vUY, v, Vv >t Dorothy and Pete Tremayne a te ' gy» edits eee pe : is $3,000 per hea yr every man wo returned today from a visit with : wy ae ped , : , : ‘ woman and child in British Ce- ‘és “i ” friends in Victoria. They were 8 The Daily News the life f the trip on the way lumbig., , The sequal 4s S08n.1n e >’ @ P ti , ¥- nist hs the ruinous failures of such con- or ;: CLASSIFIED ADS e:. 3" cerns as the Dominion Trust, the e - Ernest Heaton, of Heaton’s|A!bion Trust, Alpha Mortgage| === ‘ = Handbook ,arrived from the south |CO™mPany, National Finance Com-|,.ue geoKeEN COIN” AT WANTED this morning and left for the east]P@2y, and others too numerous THE MAJESTIC THEATRE * $750 Wanted on loan, first mortgage on|On the train. to mention. During the last four asian F house and lot, assessed value $1,850. Te years the whole surplus accumu- Tonight aiid tomorrow, the Ma- ee ee err eee ee 164-5. Edwin Hansen, who was re-jlated by the government during |j.ctic Theatré screens the second ee WANTED — Competent girl for general/¢entiy reperted missing, has|the previous seven years has been|;,, caliment of “The BrokenCoin | v house work. Wages #20 per month. Ap- tt t t f i f N i tual i th Ben - r aot ply Box 110, Daily News. 168-75.; Written to his friends from Newjdissipated and there 1s NOW @al/phose who saw the opening of ’ fr" : E ae ae cuts Monday’s labor cle ron SALE Westminster, thus allaying all|Sross deficit of five and a half|ipnic famous serial will not miss in half y ” fears for his safety. million dollars. If the arrears it. and those who were unable to ; FOR SALE—Mahogany case upright piano, ; eae owned by the stakers of crown |pe present on that auspicious oc- The Sunlight way is 80 easy eae Pe ae ioe eae er B.. J: Taylor, state superintend- lands appeared on the publie aC-leasion should not fail to get in --just note. First you soap . ae en St. 79-84. ; : ; were 7 FOR SALE—Five goats, four females ana|c™t of public instruction forjcounts in their true shape as a on the story now. It is without the garment; then roll it up one billy. Apply Louis Mazzei, P. 0.|North Dak , arrive p ; eee so a ye ; . ae aan ae I Darote; will arrive : from |bad debt instead of an asset, this doubt the most enthralling serial to soak. After a while you Se a ie pete sere ele the east tonight, accompanied by|amount would be swelled by $12,- evar shown rinse it thoroughly and the . White Leghorn rooster. Apply 827 Sum- Mrs. Taylor. 000,000. From which it will be The rest of the program con- dirt drops out like magic. mit Avee., Phone Blue 508. ¢ “Ce seen what the MeBridse overn ; | ; ; ; . — 5 > § *'N-| tains a most interesting animate FOR SALE—Desk, chairs, cornet, guitar.| James Smith, of Digby Hospital at acut Aer any aie ; sng Why scrub, and rub, and Apply, C. B. Bainter. tf. ment costs. A seventeen million] weekly. a pleasing comedy drama ; same over this morning to take] 4,,)), Heit i eRe ci "i Sa a wear and tear the clothes FOR SALE—Furniture of four reoms com- mess s dollar deficit in two years is going}entitled “The Decision” and a plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? | farewell of his sister, Mrs. Clicyne some. These figures do not in-|) ht ki i when the gentle strength of f 5 - | laughter rovoking. comedy en- ° ‘ ae tee Maat ae *-lof Lucas, Iowa, who has been} qjude the $80,000,000 of guaran ee oon . V i : t ; Sunlight Soap will do We iis rea a : Hea a es ’ suaran-|titled “The Village Smithy. : “{ will make you a real bookkeeper in a visiting Mr. and Mrs. Smith forti,,. handed out to the C. N. De ae work with never a hurt to Re tay ee ee aw eee Tear : few weeks of your spare time.” Write|the past few weeks. Mr. Smith and . other. railwava Of thi SHERIFFS SALE fabric or hands. W. A. Ryrie, 614 Metropolitan Building, t see gs sis . a ae s ae , Maar a |e coos had not seen his sister for 27], ,ount the C. N. R. benefits to |! THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN HOLD- ee ‘lyears until recently. the extent of $45,000,000. their ee) ee eae Try Ht, ones to, , ; ier H. L. A. Horstman and others, thi S lich ts Sunlight FOR RENT bonds “being ‘guaranteed by the Pla‘ titts. | & Ee eee ee eee Sree — |e eo ortand Catal Tu awls, Lin'cved | way. McBride government, both princi Aaa? ' | FOR RENT—Large well furnished rooms i , pele Defendant. | ¥ down town, cheap. Lee Baker, Second |} Retr GUaee Domeeric pal and interest at 6 to 6%%. A By virtue of Warrants of Execution, is- | At all grocers Avenue and Third Street. 178.14 LUMP ian E : sued in ihis act’uv, aud to tne atrecied, | a | BOARD AND ROOM—Central location. $30 possible annual interest burden] have scized of tt. yxoods of the defend per month. Apply Box 117, Daily News. ( O A I of $4,000,000 for railways, not to ne ag — a ais pag “ No 3 comb natioa vise, Jacksmith $ MUSIC mention the $80,000,000 princi- ] vise, large anvil, 1 set bla ksiith’s " $9.50 per Ton — Cash on pal, is a McBride legaey which tools, 38 sacks blacés 4.tii’s voal, 60 feet o 2 ¢ oe recerrnerseint: Deliver Fs e 1-2 inch air hose, 2 hoxes candles, 40 | } TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL y will take a lot of handling by aisets 68, 3 ore vars, capacity 21 cubic | ° j wicdens meee Money Back If Not Satis- thinly populated province, most} "es, 2 machine drills, Ingersoll £ t-4 E} \ factory 44, 3 bars 1 inch square iron, 2 3-4 “ars |@ O r 1] | an O ; ments repaired. of whose natural resources are]|1 5-8 square iron, 84 boxes 1 1-4 60 per | ; Bows rehaired. The UNION TRANSFER CO tied up by greedy and unscrupu- ar lon are Bs ia —e : ‘ mot . er cent, , ) yowder, o oxes . Prince Rupert Mu- 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 lous exploiters.—H. F, Gadsby. No. 2 Giant gelatine, 150 feet cruciform | sic Store, 345 3rd machine steel, 3765 feet round machine | ° cay steel, 1,800 feet rails, 16 x 20 not laid, | tas tf. VARIED PROGRAM AT 10,500 feet rails 16 x 20 laid in mine, | _——— Ee Bee tc a m ‘ WESTHOLME THEATRE |'!:°°° oe 2 inch air ae. laid in mine, RECRUITS WANTED FOR G2nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, 1 sorrel horse, nine years old, gelding. | ° PTT ee All of which I shall offer for sale by | CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. THE IMPERIAL AUTO DEI IVERY Tonight and tomorrow. the|[Public auction for cash on Tuesday, the | venriaes ' yu : : ; {7th day of August, 1915, at 2:30 o'clock Westholme offers a nicely varied |in the afternoon, at my office, Court House, | RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT program, including a two-part|Prnee Rupert. } WATER HEATER COIL ” JOHN SHIRLEY, OFFICE NOW OPEN. FOR RANGES AND STOVES EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Essanay drama entitled “When Sheriff of the County of Atlin. | —_—_ (Patented 1915) the Lightning Struck.” and “The _ Dated at Prince Rupert, July 30, 1915. In view of the recruiting which is in progress sent Is made to meet the demand for Voice of Silence,” a drama, fea- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN throug t the Pr : : 3 . , ; > Hot Water instantly and without ; si ’ HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. | uroughou 1€ rovince, it is apropos to answi additional fuel being used. Phone 1 Me 35 turing Mable Trunnelle, Bigelow pereness Oey BROOKS, Plalouf, the questions which are considered by those w! 0 C aie Ar . e re i n NICHOLAS HOMENIUK,Defendant, m » ( WARNING! ee , ae Housman sng NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE plate entering the Service, The following is a BYE, coors pala erbert Prior. F 3 eae to an one. as jionor Judge nent queries, together with he information which ea noes There are als spy fing |F: McB. Young, dated July 10, 1915, 1) : onnoleh ones bree : @. are also two very fine) i omer tor sale by public suction st QUESTIONS ANSWERED. cution equally with the oa les in a he Egyptian Prin- ae AO ite heya Prince Ru- | 1.—How long am I to serve? Until the end , partics manufacturing or Palace Of Sweets cess and “The Widow of Red fea eee, ee pe Al. and six months after if required making same. Rock.” The By ye oe 5a st Psdathnge D 0 o’e ‘ , one in latter is: a lively a forenoon, the following nena) 2.—-What pay shall I receive? * Your pay as a |) ee western production. ‘ad ," 4 ad | 1 7 f , aX {i n 0 I will offer for sale at my office at the | allowance will be paid you, varying according to thi courthouse, Prince Rupert, B, C., on Thurs- EREEER : : : A. E. WRIGHT PERHANGING day, the 12th day of August, 1915, at the | your injury or disability, 1 dit hour of 10 o'clock {nm the forenoon, te 5 Wi rj i id children ’ Provinelal and BDominien OMINING es le Font ace diy ou : iat will be done for my wife ar Pye Land Surveyor KALS Lots 74 and 75, Block 34, Section 8, in one while on Active Service? The Government will pré f the City of Prince Rupert, Province of ade ate nsi { yi 3 aT ly to ; Surveying and Engineering PAINTING British Columbia, Map ese | | ade quate pension, that will enable the fam})) ee a Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, ennui 1$| fortably until the childhen are old enough to look @! F. G. ROBERTS s t » this 29th n be > day / 19] oo ; the $0! P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 ° ay of July, 1015, selves. The widowed mother of a single man, !! © Fourth Street 14 Dyer Apte. P. 0. Box 642 JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheritt, Stand - Hotel Rupert 3) ny Agent for Morris Weinstein, Mortgagee. 12] her sole support, is treated in the same way @s © . ° wore. 176-188 whee SPB ee: y gor: panne