eS i ee THE DAiLy NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Fublished Daily and Weskly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. CANADA FRECKLED WITH SAM | fod among their comrades of the MRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract HUGHES’ enn SPOMELS yother Countzy. But red tape a rates on application. lott iwa says no, and many Se h Bein pee ee (Continued From Page One.) | patriot who cannot go to the front DAILY EDITION aogier: Monday, August 16, 1915, |eaptious critics will accuse him /put would like to think of him- of overlapping. eelf as accounting for six hun- oe en ne a TE okt ee tw ee ee | Of course, the Ganadign officer |, , Germans a minute just the FRIEND DAN Dan will not improve the credit | ‘annot very will dodge any honors faa e. has his generous impulse It will be remembered that of British Columbia one cent, ai General Hughes has checked right at the start. Major the mention of Sir Donald but replacing the politicians, | store for him, but it al Hughes would change all, Mann by the attorney-general, at his recent meeting in Van- couver, brought forth hisses from an audience which was largely Conservative. It is not unlikely that the mention of the Canadian Northern Rail- road magnate at any political gathering in British Columbia would call forth some such sign of disapproval. We hold no brief for the Canadian Nor- thern Railway Company, and do not for a moment seek to excuse them for the part they played in loading up this prov- ince with what looks like a full- sized national debt, but, at the same time, all they can be blamed for, meantime, is get- ting all they possibly could. Why they got so much is a who played into his hands, with | | do strong men, whose one. inter- | est is the welfare of this proy-| ‘ 4 jimi ince, will do much to restore! ') re € confidence and bring along! tri genuine development and last- ing prosperity. (cor jact GERMAN-AMERICAN PRESS are anxious about Germany’s | conducting the ; icol interests in while they intimate very broad- hot ico | | possible i British War Office THE DAILY NEWS Po Monday A For example, there is a next /touch to check the flow of ma- The going to be States, the United ‘'y few months are ( os . i guns ) ic a very critical season for those|c! gun ( says that the soldiers can- front. Common whose hearts own a foreign}/scnse setae. ; , chine & and an antagonistic allegiance. }not have too many ma ee Collier's Weekly at the front, and that any sur- —Colhers ekly. { from Canada can be distrib- me a ae pl may be) gp, | He would not seek to stem ive service honors from the |), i by having a machine gun take more than the |y),,;; place. It is a bad omen that the | sawdust decorations in which | While Major General Hughes German papers published in |Major General Hughes has bee! li s in London he can do good work this country continue to vieW | dealing tar anune. Scare. pest. it|,. : ta nn ioe: iat ast tas the whole See ee stom) will be his right to emphasize the |. al ging with the British Was the standpoint of Berlin. They | ifact that there are two kinds ollg e that the guns shall be de- onels in Canada—colonels that lf tely assigned and their war re- th jwill fight and colonels that won't r ds kept track of. In this tmat- war; Py é «iy ey set not anxious | Major General Hughes ought LO lta, red tape has again said no, about the rights of the United! : . : ; : : ithink twice before he launches on but this should not be taken as States. Their editorials find! ‘ c ; : rn _ ja policy of levelling the honorary a final answer. The English have satisfaction and conviction in| jcolonels up and levelling the a great penchant for naming whatever emanates from the , pe is fighting colonels down, by making things even their locomotives Wilhelmsstrasse magnates, | promotions which have hithertolaro named rather than numbered iferred nothing but social dis- and there is no reason why the story to be told at some future ly that our government. is : oe es ean | tinction The colonel who has lhabit shouldn't be extended to date. prejudiced, hypocritical, un-| | i ; ; 3 jearned it naturally doesn’t wish ltheir machine guns. The Cana- The party this province has neutral, subserviant to Eng-| ‘ | ; : Sa |be confused with the colonel who} ldian donor naturally. likes to to deal with for the present is land, indifferent to fact, and| : : | : be ; a , wants it to play with. lknow what his gun is doing. aud not “our friend Dan,” but his so on, ad nauseam. Our free- bi ; ‘ i 5 glad [The Department of wueean not too much for him to ask friend Sir Richard. Sir Richard dom of the press enables them ; ide’ “i : needs the Major General's master | ithat his gun be named and a tally McBride's duty was to protect to malign the administration g - ; fhand. As soon as Kitchener ¢ an | key pt of its performance The the interests of the people of at Washington, but does not 7 ’ ; , : , ....... |Spare him, Major General Hughes \British War Office might look on this province in the railroad enable them even to criticize! ; % ‘ Pai ought to hurry back home. The it as an innovation, but it would deals, and to see that the prov- fairly the rulers at Berlin. It : es en , ; : J ; ‘ acting minister, Senator Loug- hardly refuse a little request like ince made a good bargain. In is perfectly plain that in case ead ; i Steet aad aes ; ; E ; lead, 18 doing very well, bu 1€ lth; oaco rv ose stake order to provide friend Dan of a break with Germany many jthat to a country wh take in ; i : lacks the Major General's delicate the war so far is 150.000 men d with all he wanted, the prov- of these so-called American ' oe ’ Germans will be unable either zeal for the old shake off their habit of implicit and instine- ince has been loaded with the guarantee of principal and in- terest on C.N.R. bonds amount- ing $45,000,000. It is evident to curb their in Thousands of Homes country or to that the principal and interest tive obedience to its orders. : of the Canadian Northern Ry. We have had many examples Seen rae Seed was more important to Mc- of this lately in the endless subject—ailments due to defective Bride and his friends than the small “accidents” to war prop-| or irregular action of the stomach, principles of good government erty of the United States, in| liver, kidneys or bowels—in the and the interests of the people. the bombs found on vessels = ie ggg ggg ee The business of a railroad loading for England and | magnate, we suppose, is to get France, and in the foolish- all he can, but it is not the frantic activities of all these business of the province to see alleged peace, truth, and neu- PIi i that he gets it, to the detriment tral leagues. These things may of the province. Perhaps, like be only coincidences, but there are justly famous because they have the late manager of the Domin- are altogether too many such] proved to beso reliable as correctives ion Trust Company, Dan has coincidences, It is high time| °F Preventives of the sufferings, dull feelings and danger due to indigestion or biliousness. If you will try them to cleanse your system, purify your blood, tone your stomach, stimulate your liver and regulate your bowels, you will know why so that origin and Germanic engaging personality our citizens of Germanic that it is impossible to refuse him anything he asks, the of the fascinating such an sympath- together and show that they care about Hissing les pull themselves name many rely on Beecham’s Pills to Insure Health FRED STORK’S HARDWARE } and Happiness | ~1$150.000,000. In fact, the Pritish War Office would be able about it.—H. F. reason- quite GADSBY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA IN THE MATTBR OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — and — . BN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROSARIO MAZZBI, DECEASED, INTES- TATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, local judge, dated the 18th day of May, A. D. 1945, I have been appointed administratrix of the es- tate of Hosario Magzei, late of the city of Prince Rupert, Province of British Co lumbia, deceased, tptestate. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ali persons having claims upon the estate of the said Rosario Mazzei, who died on or about the 28th day of April, A. D. 1015, are required to send to Patmore & Fulton, barristers, Prince Rupert, B. Cc., on or before the 81st day of July, A. D. 4015, a full statement of their claims and of any Seourities held by them, duly verified, and after that date I shall proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice has been filed. Dated at Prince Rupert, day of June, 1016. B. C., this 20th By Patmore & Fulton, ber solicitors. OF BRITISH ubted whether he will be as ap-Jyyo¢. He |preciative of the Major General's), yyovement in which even the litary titles as he would have | y nisterial Associations are tak- on if they had not been dis-|., e part What's good ‘enough buted so freely among non- If r the clergy is good enough for nbatants. In fact, it is just!<,,, and he can thoroughly un- that he will “~value his}, stand this desire to do their| ata 3 TRAINS WEFKLy % SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY 10:39 p , | TO EDMONTON, sasknry ON, | REGINA, WINNIPEC, st. pry, i CHICAGO, EASTERN canap, AND UNITED states 3 BOATS WEEK|.y TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 4 TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; spn FRANCISon SAN DIEGO EXPosiTions - UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVior Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. —eeaeEeEeEe———ES= hone 554 PA Ro fg for APERHANGING MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments AINTING A. PESCOTT aettean 452 Eighth Ave. East OLISHING AND Phone Green 827 WALL TINTING High grade ntenor UNE & Spec ialty DE N TISTRY | ‘Martin Swanso : PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO * nr ee, | Phone 174. Box FoR ee 2 ND WOM Second Avenu: ear Mc? CROWN ano. sripas WORK De eiiitansncscanil DRS. GILROY & BROWN oil ourners 35--PHONE--35 : Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue $| i Phone 454 ' 7 ' TAXI ; emcee eee ee eeeeeeeeteerey ke { ; FOR A TAX : 3 * ‘ oe . a x siz ALF HALLIGAN * e #|? t 75-PHONE-75 {[feoseee nom bd "tS » . 2 E 3 SMITH & MALLETT at ee of Pipe porth of Vathons Crane Vatves inf Pit Pit Hi uit u ~ Meee of Beoond Btreit Prince Rupert CEE ER EKEEKK AKER EHS tings Thied Ave FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND Em- § | 4!ex M. Manson, B.A BALMERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- W. E. Williams, BA, LL AND NIGHT ANTEEO-—-OPEN DAY 117 2ND STREET—PHOSE 41 BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ew. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1686 Prince Rupert, B.C GAETANA CITRINA mazzes, } | Helgerson Block | —— Sterling Marine Motors |ottice corner #nd Street and town. PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMIT (Successors to Pacific Transfer & Sra Aveaue Can be purchased in: town. A Motor that will give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for hard — Guaranteed. Genera! Cartage —HEAVY DUTY— No. 2 cylinder; 4 3-4 bore; 6-inch LADYSMITH COAL 8 stroke; 03—Phone—# Ibs. No. 2 cylinder; & 1-2-inch bore; 7- inch stroke; 12-15 H. P.; weight | 1,100 Ibs. No. 4 clyinder; 5 1-2-inch bore; B- 8-10 H. P.; weight 800 $| > | JAMES GILMORE i j Inch stroke; 25-35 H. P.; 1,700 | Architect ibs. No. 4 cylinder; 6 1=2-inoh bore; 8- : . Inch stroke; 45 H. P.; weight 2nd Avenue, near Mcbride Siret 2,900 Ibe. Fea eoiiihaameiane —_—_—— For Further Information — _—-- ii Ww. €E. withieonere, Phone Biue 508, or D. Brown, Eleo- trician, Phone 383. 4 eres CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest rates to all Eastern Points a : via Steamer to Vanoouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Meals and berth included on steamer SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND ~ve BOss- EH OFF a Poeniro DIE MAYPE OF AMP IBOOL. OR LO ah MU TTD 710 SEOOND AVE a eee oleae = WE HANDLE. SATURDAY, 6 P.M ee SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's A SOUTHBOUND Carpenters’ Tools Sullders’ Hardware Ship Chandiery ee Sk aa ery ee SOAST, RANGE V. Brigg’ ‘ en eee P. i Wire Gable Steel Blocke Fishing Taokte { or Gard a hae 4 @ ie acca Agent Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ; P R t D 3 TAKE NOTICE that Frank Miller, of on ae ae Yoote Corner Fourth Bireet and Third AV Rope Valves Ammunition ; rince uper airy cone Island, occupation fisherman, ip Also Fertilizers , tends to apply for p on to p a esone meet Pumps Hose Paint 3 Has cut the price of Milk the following de saduek ate —ae- — >So a ast os ely Mrs Scoop Is Some W orried About The Boss Drawn for The Dally News [TH Fag THES ; ie ra —By “Hop.” = Oli-HO- $0 Nou DU OWNS RESGBE SHIP- BY YouR oRDERS Y I’ \T LOOKS GOOD “Bose Se FINALLY ARE BEGINAING)/ TH Boss 15 LEFT (AUHPURPLED-OR. TL SHOULD ; MY wre \s E Is BEGINNING Yo rs TO WORRY AzouT— _/| say MUH-R0ONED -ON An ISLAND way, flit it P A constant drop ing wh e. light away atone. || ae se ealth CANNIBALS WiLL eyestrain inju SAT HIM- & because it is con: stant. fests strain which first man!” itself as a slight di eit once | | should be remedied a vith This we guarantee toc ‘free. lasses. Consultation elays are dangerous. | Look for Loop OPTICIAN , 4 223 Sixth St. Phone Biaok