Monday, August 16 ruE DAILY NEWS oh | — — ES SS a i . PP SP SP SS ES EY OS OV SI SP SP OD a Be Beka in i ae aa a ee ea * A ONAN AY, y } R Local News Notes A eady for . . A, Morte Craig reutrned from Vie- toria on the Princess Alice. CNoo ks ae pic seiscase, of aaa ixty Year Standb Opening en : For sixty years Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder has been the standby of countless Company, came north on_ the George. = * * Mrs. Albert Davidson and fam- CO., LTD. Storage Co. is providing a read-{e thought something was due re ily r ner rom the south this . ( eT ee ‘ housekeepers who have relied upon it for f i . ; healthful, home-baked food. } Splendid tine of Girls Mr. and Mrs. J. GC. Brady and » ie ’ ‘ i dresses at prices lower family arrived from Victeria on bi! Dr. Price’s contains no alum or lime phos- ? a than you can buy the ma- Pees ‘oe ae ae Zanll 2) phate. There is never any question about es enhes ahaa ia Mr. Dietrich of the B. GC. Equip- GOOD, IF TRUE ‘I the absolute purity and healthfulness of the R ment Co., came north on the A food it raises. N | mre one Soy. Prince George. A good story about our local a, - ‘i 5 ke 4 coats and capes. Girls’ eee [School Board is going the rounds} & It has stood the test of time. Chat is 7 i and Boye’ underwear, ee eee etee OMS) ust how and: it ideal, top tea) FF why the best informed housewives will use mE i — Pea eee om Tri ehies the general publie should not a no other. \ ; Hosiery, etc., etc. Prince George. | , , i 2 ro iknow it. 7 i Through lack of space we have} One of the teachers asked the 7 D PRIGE’S b i been forced to hold over until to- | class “Who wrote Hamlet?” 4 R. ds i morrow a letter oR prohibition: There was no reply for some x CREAM D | i. S WALLACE from oo | time, but as the tacher looked 4 Pp \v : The Canadian Fish & Cola} *°'Y eer. ot One Mueeenow Py BAKING OWDER @ i Made from Cream oi Tartar No Alum ing room for the use of its em-|from him, so he said, “Please I =—— — ployees. didn’t.” } “ss This was so good that at the e Lp or Ti of Se 2ar- } : Y “The Dail News = ee ee next meeting of the School Board / y Olina, arrived from the south this “| CLASSIFIED ADS. ! the principal of the school re- morning, accompanied by his wife nS ilated the story. After a hearty and daughter. They ieft for the i —— laugh ali round, the chairman of east on the train. the Board remarked, “And [ll bet] s~. SoLres a FAIR NOTES the little beggar did after all. Pi | d ; WANTED—#1,000 on Prince Rupert lots | _ a loneer un ry k for one or two years. Assessment $3,30( | gee Salvation Army. ast Scseaiiliadaiies is Will pay 15 per cent. Apply box 109} Lectures on fruit and agricul- Daily News. OOS he ee cs ke fentrive of the soeh : oer Third Avenue East WANTED—Woman wants work m private | ere te eee e tvio} Public meetings, cael Phone 118 family. Call Mrs. Anderson, Phone 18./Fair. These lectures will be given; Phursday and Saturday at 8 p.m s ‘ as 1g We Use the Most Modern ’ ; by experts, and here is where the|Sundays at 7:30 p.m. | cuts Monday’s labor clean FOR SALE ta a the f === —— —_——— Laundry Machinery Built. in half armer, an e fruit grower wi ‘ a ‘ . ods ae ee on .12 Gome In Any Tuesday or FOR SALE—-Mahogany case upright piano,|be able to get a few pointers to-/¢ APERHANGING Wednesday and See How The Sunlight Way IS SO easy Edison Diamond Disc phonograph, atiwards that bumper crop for 1916. ; just note. First y 4 Sacrifice. 733 Borden St. 179-84. KALSOMINING , We Do It --ju . r you Soap ? FOR SALE—Five goats, four females and my Absolute Satisfaction Is the garment; then roll it up " one Dilly. Apply Louis Mazzei, P. 0.| Advice from. Kitimat received PAINTING | Guaranteed tosoak. After a while you : ee See: SER: 170-80.) states that there will be a repre- i$ . it th hl d'th : FOR SALE—® White Leghorn laying hens F. G. ROBERTS rinse it thoroughly and the . . ori ‘Isentative crowd from that point — : like ; : White Leghorn rooster. Apply 827 Sum- ‘eniek Bw ©. Box 642 dirt drops out magic. ti s eee yer Apts. P. O. Box | sibs ptiadheenspciecotintreniaes ve mit Avee., Phone Blue 508. at the Fair. | oh FOR SALE—Desk, chairs, cornet, gultar. | SHERIFFS SALE Why scrub, and rub, and oe es * , nna aoe wear and tear the clothes a OR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- 7 pas fg i: plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? ania Salaried Alb dei seh’ seal dic when the gentle strength of |[¥ mee Apply Box 106, Datly News. tr. EN AT PRINCE RUPERT Sunlight Soap will do the ‘le be Certificate of Improvements ith h } it SS —_—_— r i 3 “I will make you a real bookkeeper in a qua Avenn 7 H. L. A. Horstman and others, work with never a hurt to ie few weeks of your spare time.” Write Close to the Westholme Theatre NOTICE Plaintiffs. fabric or hands. iW W. A. Ryrie, 614 Metropolitan Building, “BLACK KNIGHT” and “BLACK KNIGHT rtand fa at Ts nels. Linteed, it Vancouver, B. C. 183-185. ne ;NO. 1° Mineral Claims, situate in the} : , Defendant. Try it once pa eee STRICTLY MODERN |Portiznd Canal Mining Division of Cassiar! © BY Virtue of Warrants of Execution, is- 2 S li h a FOR RENT RENTS REASONABLE | Dist et ;*hed in wbis act'ov, aud to te are ied, this antig t ey i : Where located:—About three miles from} have stized of tiv soodls of "he defend way. i sik aed eer Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement the beach on Portland Canal at Blue Point, | 4@t, the following & "Sete ane ab One scenes “Aine near the mouth of the Georgia River pat No. 8 comb‘aiion vise, 1 biscesmith 8 At all grocers ee ydo id Storage. Apply 7 ‘ . ; rise + Jarge anv se smth’ 2 pa in 508 Hall Street. 1o1-2}$ UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, | Vise, © large aie ne ey teet ers se $\Free Miner's Certificate No. 94,096B, act- | tools, 3 acks Dilaccs 4.°i's al, 60 fe , BOARD AND ROOM—Central location. $30 oom 'ing as agent for W. T. Kergin, Free Miner’s!?-2 inch air hose, 2 boxes candles, 40 { per month. Apply Box 117, Daily News. Certificate No. 94,025B, Geo. Rudge, Free|Sets 63, 3 ore ars, capacity 21 cubic = Miner’s Certificate No. 80,511B, and J. E. }feet, 2 machine drills, Ingersoll £ 1-4 E ¢ music. q Stark, Free Miner’s Gertifeate No. 93,915B/44, 3 bars 1 inch square tron, 2 3-4 vars arccecccrrsit = intend, sixty days from the date hereof,;! 5-8 Square iron, 84 boxes 1 1-4 60 per) 3 TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALI to apply to the Mining Recorder for a/ cent. Giant powder, 64 boxes 1 1-4 40 Certificate of Improvements, for the pur- | Per cent, Giant powder, 54 boxes 1 1-4 e Musical Instru- pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the | No. 2 Giant gelatine, 150 feet cruciform Our in an oun I » el 5 » stee 75 pe 1 machine ments repaired. Peo WE oat 1c above claims. | mac hine steel, 375 feet roun : = cal : AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action | Steel, 1,800 feet rails, 16 x 20 not laid, e Bows rebaired.~ under Section 37, must be commenced be- | 10,500 feet rails 16 x 20 laid in mine, ‘ Prince Rupert Mu- EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE fore the issue of such Certificate of im. | 1,500 feet 2 inch air pipe, laid in mine, bad provements { sorrel horse, nine years old, gelding. Ce ou et & sic Store, 345 3rd Dated this 12th day of August, A. D. All of which I shall offer for sale by ie 4 ave. tf 1915. public auction for cash on Tuesday, the j eis 189-248 GEORGE R. NADEN. {7th day of August, 1915, at 2:30 o'clock ae Phone --- 35 in the afternoon, at my office, Court House, RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, 4 at y eos ee " ee eee eee: Re, ; s : JOHN SHIRLEY, CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. ' +f Sheriff of the County of Atlin. eee : , BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Dated at Prince Rupert, July 30, 1915. RECRUITING OFFICE AT PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT WATER HEATER COIL ; eo Ee eens OFFICE NOW OPEN. IN URT OF ATLIN 7 FOR RANGES AND STOVES Palace Of Sweets ( O A | HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. leone se og (Patented 1918) a . so In view of the recruiting which is in progress at prese!! ; S made io mee emand for nner $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Between: TONY BROOKS, Plaintifl ; } , q : , 5, ' throug > Pr > apr answer , : Hot oe ere ae without The Cholcest Stocks of Giliver And NICHOLAS HOMENIUK,Defendant. sughout the Province, it is apropos to answer 4 additional fuel ng used. ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS y NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE the questions which are considered by those who 12 Money Back If Not Satis- Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge : ey And Other Frulte in Season ge ate e .p » Service. T a DS { an WARNING! ee FP. McB. Young, dated July 10, 1915, 1 plate entering the Service. The following is a list | 5 Purchasers of any in- Fresh Stock of y will offer for sale by public auction at nent queries, together with he information which eac! Us ’ fringing Stove Coli tay RAM6BAY'S, LOWNEY’S AND HOME- UNION T my office in the Courthouse, Prince Ru- 7 | themselves open to prose- MADE CHOCOLATES 1 pert, B. Gon Priday, the 20th day of er : a gle ANSWERED. i cution equally with the 333 2n . August, 1915, at t our of 10 o'clock ¢ ow long am to serve? Until the end of Al ! parties manufacturing or 'CE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN 2nd Ave Phone 36 in the forenoon, the following described A ‘ . * making same. SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES we lands; and six months after if required. F _ j— we The East One-half and the East One-half 2.—-What pay shall I receive? Your pay as a pri) wiht #4 | of the Northwest One-fourth of Lot 1321, ‘ : this 4 Now is your chance to get the m WALAR, Prep. | Coughing scatters germs Cassiar District, said to contain 100 acres, | be $1.00 per day and 10 cenis fleld allowance. Besi: m best in Hot Water Heating Appii- Hart Block, 3rd Ave. and 5th St. more or less; subject to a judgment and | you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by the Goyer!