4 4) Renta RT i thy ee ee 1. Vi. NO. 193. ue PRINCE RU ERT. B.C. DNE “AUGU: pie ae orerag Vi) \ ‘ , NOE , zo ¢ Ss J 5 siiealeaailitin \UPERT, B. C., WED DAY, AUGUST 18, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS ——— commen ee ————————— — ——- _— - —————— [or sailieataiadl seapininensaninmense re JAP WHO KILLED PITTMAN FARMING DEVELOPMENT IN a ' eee ? 4 (Special to The Dally News.) (Special to The Dally News.) P RINCE RUP ERT INT ERLAND ae Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 18.—Mayor San Antonio, Texas, August 18. nr AT PRELIMINARY HEARING OF THE PORT ESSINGTON MURDER Woodward ; soohy § ‘ The storm damage at Houston is BULKLEY VALLEY |! neon YESTERDAY, TENDS POOTTIVELY eTATEO ard, in a speech at a ban- : . 2 Y 1S PRODUCING FINE CROPS OF WHEAT ; estimated at $1,000,000. Six note quet, defends the lynching of Leo by AND OATS—PROMISES TO BE GREAT STOCK RAIS- THAT NAGANO, THE , COMMITTED persons were drowned. Eight were THE MURDER Frank. He says the efforts to se- : ING COUNTRY—FARMERS GETTING DOWN , : t drowned at Morgan’s Point. Gal- TO REAL BUSINESS cure justice and avenge the mur-|veston is isolated. _ ooo = —~ —— ' Bet ee of coe dropped right at his}der were blocked in the courts. All elevators have been blown (By F. 8. Wright) ington murder case, Meels. e say me else ¢ e f s Fo ar G or »§ x ‘ > Causeway wrevk . i j i nee eae Pee iw no one else at}He warns Former Governor Sla-|@0W! ae Bear wrevked, The Bulkley valley is a com-jword to the Prinee Rupert busi- 4 { , 183. » t * : ; one Isge 2 g x7 : Nae he oo Stas ton te keep out of Georgia for a r ae it ae ae nee througa paratively small part of the hin-|ness man might not be amiss. gus gave evi- ess ran and go s part- ' pr erty 108s 18 e ate F j f i a | | ran an i DSW i 1e property loss is estimated|/terland of Prince Rupert, but| Why not slip out of town about milar to that given)ner, Gus Schorneck, who was in to be greater than in the storm|4915 indications ar it i his ti i | Fat : Governor Harris announces |! ; 915 indications are that it is a/this time, away from city cares er’s inquest, He iden-|bed. They came back and found of 1900. It is feared that hun- district that has gone st the d get g i i i as the ‘ , ip Z ‘ 19 lthat there will be a rigorous in- “a ar 4 se ; San ee toe ge soquainted with this as the man whe ittman lying dead. lrommy © dreds are dead. Eighteen so'diers experimental stage turdy bunch of f TI xpe al stage. sturdy th of farmers. ese the crime. It seems|Darve and another man came]|Yestigation into the lynching. are dead in Texas City. The bar- Gone are the days of feveris ar : ot aa i + . ! fe ione are 1e days of feverish|farmers’ one complaint is that urphy and Pittman|along with Murphy on a truck. racks were blown down and 0}pea1 estate peculation, gone the ;Rupert, although it ex ts t 7 al Sts 2 6Spec ‘ +s > 3 ‘ srt, € ) z expects see the Oriental Cafe|They put Pittman on the same Chimneys, pipes, ranges andjinjured, damage to the extent of day of the contractor and rail-|the interior trade re nies “ ay é é - > y. “ade ass oug |. When Garlson eall-|truck and took him on to the hos [furnaces cleaned. Good, quick/$400,000 being done. The dama.se}poaq builder and his following.|the city,does not make any ay cf i é s x. » city, does ake any appre- ann oe , | nite work at a reasonable ‘ice, P sito » Cotto or amo S45 7 . P wat ; 3 ip. ‘ - the |] F " 3 : Prit, ci sonable price 192-8 t eK cotton crop amounts lo) No more do long strings of freight|ciable effort te get in touch. They rec an hava | PDaS- CRAY inBd by Mr. P-'‘ers, wes a aan eee cae eee. Y teams pull out of Aldermere with|can grow the stuff, they look to oe a corner ste Witness s: iid Kameda had rothing supplies for the construction}|Prince Rupert to help market Oe eee ner or a ae gigti KOVNO TAKEN BY GERMANS camps. In their place the man|what they produce, and here is d for the soup. ‘s he knew He had n oun with the plough has arrived, has/where the Prince Rupert business t of the cafe and|the stab Pittman got at the foot AFTE B cleared and sown, aud this year|man can help them. The trade is ites afterwards twolof the steps was the one that the experiments of previous years|not in settled channels yet, it is him back. He had paren his death. It was. nit have shown that the Bulkley val-|perfectly possible for it to get ; { ose and around his|Kameda that stabbed him it was LONDON BELIEVES EASTERN SITUATION CRITICAL — BRITISH ley can produce, along mixed|away from Prince Rupert, and it Witness told the Japs|the cook. ADVANCE IN DARDANELLES — DIPLOMATIC PAUSE farming lines. will require effort on the part of far enough. He Provincial Gonstable Pechert V. IN GREECE—ZEPPELIN RAID — ENEMY You will go a long way before Prince Rupert if they are to get d this when Oharal|Leese testified as to the finding REPULSED IN VOSGES you will see better looking grain their share. There are a few in n over the eye. He sawlof the body, the condition of the hay and feed. The quantity, true, Prince Rupert who are reaching striking Carlson with a/restaurant, and the arresting of (Special to The Daily News.) diplomatic situation. Venzilos has |i8 not great, measured with the out for it, but mighty few. Nagano, Kameda and Vhara. Berlin, August 18.—The fort-/asked for four days in which to | Prairie provinces’ output, but the] The people up there will see on ran out and witness} After further crss-examina-|_.., of Kovno has been captured| study conditions before he at- quality is there absolutely. Sel- that a party of business men og ara Someone said “theyjtion by Mr. peers: Anh PORT O8 after a most tenacious resistance,|tempts to form a new Greek cab- | dom can cleaner or heavier grain] Views all there is to be seen and dering me. Witness went|was adjourned until today. with. 240. guns and 4,500 prison. |inet. be seen than that growing in the|have a good time in addition. It the door and found Mur- e ers, Zeppelin Raid. Bulkley valley. Another eight|Would mean geing to Smithers, vn in a corner, Na- PARTY ROAD WORK Situation Critical. There has been a Zeppelin raid|days with ordinary farmer's luckjand from there arrangements a ee Sa ad ON PORCHER ISLAND London, August 18.—The fall}on the east coast near Londan. will see it cut and shocked, and|Would be made to take the party Witness picked up| of Kovno makes the eastern situa-|Ten people were killed and 36 in- then Bulkley valley will show by|through the valley to Round lake Oe ae titan soreher Island tion critical. The Germans are|jured. Property damage wis actual marketing of a surplus,}/by motor. They would see for who were with | : moti gnia a parreet ee showing no relaxation in their|slight. One of the Zeppelins was that they at any rate can farm and themselves the possibilities of the ‘inom Sey nee) efforts to reach Brest and Litouik. | hit. ‘ |make a living in the north. country, and ask anyone who Murphy went out| Dear Sir:—We wish to draw Dardanelles Advance Germans Repulsed Their hay crop is roughly|*®ows whether it would not mean | ’ » Se | oO a oO } ay | h . . : ™ . ve “ ¢ . mrich » ONE Na ee” on coset pe . . cig \ i Sir Ian Hamilton reports that Paris, August 18.—German at-] 4,900 tons, equal to the finest education and a surprise. Mr. oe ane ark is hi dit 1is dis- . : 4 m . siness t Tr is r { after him mega W 2 ‘ ee ed in : Tine British left wing has gained|tacks in the Vosges have been re-]Washington hay. Their wheat|usiness man, there is one of follo ge Pi , ‘ict. » have en settlers ; : ye ’ : arkets waiting ae llowing Pittman ss ; ‘ a een st *}500. yards, ineluding a Turkish|pulsed, Prisoners taken from the|crop is sufficient to supply the|¥°U! markets waiting for you to e steps \ s district for seven years, and, : pe i eat Oe: Be i Cee ae ae ae ni a i ; ‘i 1 trench. The Australians repulsed|German Crown Prince's army district with all the wheat re-|/U/™P into—small as yet, but in- steps f ‘ned | w of e har mes, ap- ; : , , j T ‘reasing ri fl > Ss Pate et on f ah oe ik all Turkish attacks. have printed orders to capture] quired for poultry feeding. They|°TCS*tns rapidly end. the Gras oO gre laos lie oO rot orem Mendem j i : Gers ? : 8 to grab Nagano. 1 plies : I : , ay ey Diplomatic Pause. Verdun and at any cost to end]expect to ship at least six car- man in gets the plums, Are you hina e ou ee Is & BhOre 0 » work being done , . going > first’ ing glitter in Nagano’s| fer @ shore rite ; There is little change in the the war by December. loads of oats, and two of barley.|° ing to be first? here, understanding that such Stock—-At the present time the} A business man’s trip would knife. Pittman the hob, Pm stabbed,” The round the stabbed in the Witness after } pool: room, cook, ed on Ww under tl was haCkh then ra treet Pittman t Witness Nagano, itness, cook's arm head n Ile passed + . * . s . ; s ai s MAJESTIC : THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Extraordinary Attraction — Jesse L. are Presents Wallace Eddinger In a most Unique Society Comedy Hit “A GENTLEMAN OF LEISURE In Five Acts, © reel TOPICAL GAZETTE 6 reel "ne thousand feet of war News ! caricature of the European war, t a ¢ lobrated cartoonist, Best Ever Seen in the City. Admission 10 and 15 cents. CPL OO LPL OL ODL O LL O LP LLL OPPO LLL LOLOL LOO L OL LLL OL LORD LONDON CAFE And Grill 3 t $ Faultless Service of Fault- ; js less Food art Bik, Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES i oovevccovcconpabbeninatiaaanr ais tlers. family, yel W Share. for seven entitled Surely it is work should b Billy ing the trip Frisco in a in the harbor Ladies’ sat blue Bros. white, Jabour years to some only e di the 24 of us ins favored ones. Yours Frank and Andy Anderson, fr and are consi fair t vided tead of truly, work is divided amongst the set- The road foreman positively re- fused to give us a share of the work. stating that we did not need |. it. Now, we ask you, would a man ask for pick and shovel work if he did not need it? The real reason is, we suppose, that we do not belong to the right political hunch. There are 22 men work- ing on the roads around here, and three of these are from one e are refused our We have been settlers here » surely deration hat the amoungst 9° the John Warner. Armstrong, SKAGWAY TO ‘FRISCO IN A 25-FOOT BOAT —— Woodworth, Cy who are mak- Ska ym) Confer to arrived eway this morning. and slippers, pink, black, $2.50 at 192-3. ENQUIRY RE FACILITIES FOR MAKING MUNITIONS (Special to The Daily News.) Victoria, 18. MeGaffrey, head of the Provincial August -Earnest ° . Bureau of information, has been ordered to make a report to the government regarding the facili- ties in Vancouver, New Westmin- ister and Nanaimo for the gov- ernment manufacture of muni- tions. Two thousand mechanics are idle in Vancouver, — EARTHQUAKE SHOCK (Special to The Daily News.) August 18,—A mild felt Vancouver at Vancouver, earthquake shock was from the to 6:06 this morning, Okanagan FLOWER SHOW AIDS FUND Competitors in the cut flowers class at the flower show today are donating their exhibits to the Red Cross Fund, Purchasers will re- ceive their flowers at the close of the show, At least we are much more sure of the Canadian tion than the kaiser is of his war business situa- indemnities, THE FAIR 1915 ARE YOU A MEMBER? It costs $1 and no more to join the N. B, C, Agr. payable time before of Ass'n, at any the ist October Membership The grant roll. $500 the government, grant, next. strength. hase the Fair each year membership 450 was the roll for 1914; and spells government on {,000 is the number wanted for 1915. Your $8 meany a better and larger fair. Your dollar means more dollars in September next will be spent in your city. Your dollar is aiding develop- and helping to make pay- and profit. ment, rolls, prosperity Send in your name to the sec- retary, Northern B, G, Agricultur- al and Industrial Ass’n,, Box 1657, City. tf. 40c Ladies faney lace collars selling at 20c each at Jabour Bros. 192-3, Follow the erowd to. Self’s Next 102t%. Cafe. ‘Phere is a reason.. Majestic Theatre, Ladies crepe nightgowns going at $1.00 each at Jabour Bros, of 400 consists cattle, pigs, Bulkley heard about head of 100 valley 700 head of 700 and They the raising sheep, about Angora goats. have six pedigreed bulls in as a stock Bulkley will be hard district, and district, the to beat in future years. The settlement of the valley has increased about 15 per cent, over {914 farmers, with families, knowledge and experience. The birds of pas-- sage who made a bluff at farming are gone, and their place has bee taken Today in the serious producers. Bulkley who is employing by you ean see the farmer hired help on his place. He needs the help and has the cash to pay for it. Saturday night in Telkwa is a busy night these days. ‘The town has a of prosperity about it quite refreshing in these and crisis. look days of war They are holding a fair on the {8th and 19th of September, a district fair, replete with attractive features, and stock competition, ete. the ist of September they are holding a picnic at Round lake. This is a yearly affair, where the farmers from the whole district gather to renew acquaintances, It is well attended each year, and a good, racing On horse with a good class of settler} Continued on Page Four.) Ladies’ silk hose color or black, WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE RUPERT’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AN D TOMORROW Warguerite Clark in the Famous Ro- mantic Comedy “GRETNA GREEN” In Four Parts, “THE FALSE SHADOW” A two-reel Lubin Drama of very high merit, showing a great fre seene. “SHERLOCK BONEHEAD” Kalem Comedy, Seven Thousand feet of good film. Don’t Miss It. PRICES 10, 15 and 26 cents. Walker,s Music Store Removed to Werner’a Old Stand On Second Avenue. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. Terhaul-Heintzman Pianos. Pianos to Rent,