‘ “Si J | vo NO. 10 - ea in a : | PRINCE is Se C » THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1046, So) 6 ee tasen rite CENTS Hl NER AND MILLERAND ON BATTLELINE WHITE std 2 LINER ARABIC TORPEDOED — FORTY-EIGHT LOST OUT OF 423 TEXAS HURRICANE DOES , SiKiY MILLIONS DAMAGE «= as Fs ‘CORONER'S JURY BRINGS IN AN OPEN VERDICT Yesterday afternoén the cor- if | < Special to The Dally News.) | August 19. nee | lied in the storm joner’s jury concluded its duties in connection with the inquest Galveston iest 250, in the circumstances connected with the death of John Pittman at Port Essington. The verdict x the shipping in the ds of citizens have or shelter in the that was brought in was an open buildings. Vhere one, fixing the crime upon no one. h damage hy fire, ft was to the effect that he came at Galveston with- to his death by a hemorrhage rible onslaught of The total damage eaused by a wound in the neck, i at $60,000,000. illiAN DISPLAY AT | i ' inflicted by a sharp instrument. BIG WHEAT YIE YIELD IN SOUTHERN ALBERTA Cutting of spring wheat is now LOCAL FLOWER SHOW cultural Society held wér .show in: ths neral throughout southern Al- rade rooms yesterday. berta, and an abnormal yieid is vice-president of expected. One field at Suffield is estimated to give a yield valued at pened the exhibition, t speech expressed S100,000 from 4,000 acres. larcer number of In many distriets the farmers are planning to have the schools ! not come forward. closed for a few weeks to allow ber of entries was : ality shown was of SAVED FROM LAKE ONTARIO WRECK WITH A LIFE LINE of the older children helping with In every class mag- In one of the worst sturms in the history of Lake Ontario the Canadian Steamship Lines’ freighter Alexandria, From Montreal to |*bhe harvest. mens were display-| Fort William with package frenght for Western Canada, was driven ashore on the famous Scargoro Bluffs, at Toronto’s front door. STROMBOLI ACTIVE Che following were the prize] For several hours, while the vessel was breaking to pieces in the storm, the sailors’ lives were despaired of Finally, through the ‘ rive bravery of farmers on shore, a life line was got to the steamer and in the darkness all were ¢aken off. Above are eleven of the sur- (Special to The Dally News.) Plants ors otographed a fe nine atten st matic = vivors, photographed a few hour ifter the accident. soccer aaa ee eat Begonia; Mrs. T. Mc- — : nal officer on Stromboli reports “susan wt wg (AGED CARDINAL HAS” KITCHENER AND MILLERAND i. an eribtions eaieera. te PASSED AWAY AT ROME the craters, accompanied by de- ee INSPECT WESTERNBATTLE LINE... .cscsss enon junta” Mr. M. M. Stephens, (Special to The Dally News.) ey will not require any mei MILLERAND SAYS THAT THE ENEMY HAS NO ILLUSIONS AS TO {from Prince Rupert and the Al- PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVES WINNING—LINER TORPEDOED—HUGE GERMAN nd Rome, Augsut 19.—Cardinal s: Mr. M. M. Ste-|]Vannutelli, dean of the Sacred berta government is meantime The following were amongst College, is dead at the age of 81. Mr. M. M. Ste- LOAN—-NORWAY PROTESTS—DANISH : He was one of the most intluential MOTORBOAT DETAINED ainply supplied with labor, the|/the first-class passengers on the a oe as members of the college and was Fray fhe cea question of sending men frota| Prince Rupert this morning: nium: Mr. M. M. - eee ae e : sp , eligible for the Papacy. He has tdpecies to Tie haa ee Norway Protests. Prince Rupert to the prairies is Mr. Jennings, Mr. Bell, Miss pean cardinal, singe, £887. Paris, August 19.—An inspec- Christiania, August 19.—The!!eld in abeyance, sharpe, Miss L. Salamander, Miss S. Cameron, Mr. Davidson, Mr. turtiums: Mr. W, T. tion of the western battle line was | halting of the Norwegian mail eee ee ee iM M M F.H.B igs : : and Mrs. Manson, Mr.. F. H. Bo- s: Mr. F. B. Holland. REMARKABLE HAT made on Monday by Lord Kitchen. | Steamer Haakon V-141 and the THE FAIR 1915 EE Oey Kae eee” OMe nae : jse e of the mails by a Ger- Pema te Er ee Re Roca | y variety not aspara- ‘ M. Millerand, the French War| a F ene er ee a sheit; Mr fe gy ‘ Mrs. R. L. MeIntosh ARRIVED LAST NIGHT ete iman submarine has been follow- ARE YOU A MEMBER? om ea ret: 4 Mellog. BOY. SM ieee a y oe Minister, General Joffre and Gen-| : Rix, Mr. J. Squarebriggs, Mr. D. flowering plant: W ar ed by protests to Berlin and a a ; : A battered old hat arrived 00). .)“ppench. In an address, Mil- Aerhand tor 4hd sels cis Bont. It costs $1 and no more to join|J- Anderson, Mr. R. Bedford, Mr. and Mrs Lawn, Mr. A. Armstrong, trick, he train last night on a round | J . er 33° ayable Variegated geraniums: Am _ : : lerand said that after a year of Danish Boat Detained. the N. B. C. Agr, Ass’n., payable ‘ ae Sets -* tthe world tou Che hat started | 3 ‘ar 1t any time before the ist of}/™Mr: Sigmore, Mr. and Mrs: Mor- i. M, Stephens . var the enemy had no illusions} London, August 19.—The Dan-|@) 4m} : ; : I ’ from the Panama Exposition and F h motorboat Jutlandian. bound}October next gan, Mr. N. B. McLennan, Mr. Cut Flowers | Pp Rupert via about winning and was only pro-|'* OLOPhOE . . mete sd . ’ 5a te R . as eaches ince Rupert vik : ; scans 1 bali Ymmerler, A. M. Plunkett, Mr. peas, best colleection:Mrs “ zs Alaska ,dicting internal dissension amon from San Francisco to Copenha- Membership apa Sana, : : gh ) sic eerie Ors: 0+ WON 80.20 Aoeeee , igen with a general cargo, has{The government base the Fair Smith, Mr. Phair, Mr, and Mrs. J. gyenea, Father Conola, Miss L. been taken into Kirkwall, in the|grant each year on membership : ? roll. 450 was the roll for 1944; Black, Mr.J. Stoff, Mr. Frinkton, Mr. Cronin, Mr. Theiss, Mrs. va a i , Ist; Mrs. T. MecCly- on the next boat north, and will; tie Allies as a hope. Arabic Torpedoed. end then cross the Pacific. : i Orkneys, and is being detained by annual ies with { \ London, Aug. 19.—The White ae en aire It is on view at W. J. MeCut- AR eve a tina British warships. $500 the government grant, and Stephens, ist; F.],,,,,° i etare ann 4 ract- | Star line ‘abic as torpedoes Rnwte fot “2 oi 2nd ’ eee sae 20r8 tl tl t of Trel Ee tl Cotton Contraband 1,000 is the number wanted for|Boyts, Mr. and Mrs, Hewittsom, ing a great deal of attention, At} Washington, August 49.—An/1945. Your $$ means a better Mr. Francis, Mr. Abercrombie, pimnorning op.bor Way i. RaN Rerm Mr. E, Hoeken, Miss Carmelita ment, and helping to make pay- rolls, prosperity and profit. tion of annual flowers: each stoppin place it is sup- = f ie ; ae | ei aceengere were ajj/announcement that the Allies}and larger fair. “. Dawson. posed to be tagged, in order. to] The. crew and passengers ‘were ” oir Your dollar means more dollars| #ill, Mr. W. J. Tidley, Mr. H. E. nm of perrenial flowers alret isaved agree to cotton being declared : ar essa, | : 8 ltrace its wanderings. It already |S : [ : in September next will be spent in Kelsey, Mr. H. A. Roberts, Mr. G. Dawson BS . | Later. contraband of war has been made He] : : : : : Berean: poet) menisasie net by th British embassy your City Wilson, Miss G, Batley, Mr. W. ' dahlias: Mrs. Thomas ns to orig-| The White Star Co. announces|"- 0 sh embassy. . a! ie bey i ea a > Se oben dt roturas.to the, 0 lthat 375 re: saved t of 423 sinew pple aedieaenietcaiate Your dollar is aiding develop-|?0"#S5, Mr, E, Hasenfritz, Mr. W. | lat 375 were saved oul OF 42. Bell, Miss MeNeill, Mr. W. H. Mr. M. M, Stephens, ist; Mrs. Dawson, 2nd; Mr. Van Gas inal sender, should be greatly en- ‘ : ; ¢ -anger ‘ ‘paw Tha Chimneys, pipes, ranges anc |passengers and crew. The ‘ship Cook, Mr. M. Albert and son, Mr. was torpedoed without warning haneed in value, sentimentally, if furnaces cleaned. Good, quick and Mrs. Alien, Miss A. N, Hillan. rd Mitnically, se in your name to »-sec cactus dahlias: Mr, M, M en be 9:45 a, i, near Fastnet, about|Work-at a reasonable price. Phone} hd 49 your name to the-sep- : ; Pe cretae attr oe es | : wae : ‘nite Kee 9 « |retary, Northern B. C. Agricultur- erg ane Continue age Tw FUND | 40 1s from the scene of the|Pritz, 583. 192-5, . nued on Page Two) __ FLOWER SHOW alos hr es .. ak i" a : ee al and Industrial Ass'n., Box 1657, THANKS St eeroon susitania disaster. Fifteen boat- Sener * ; tit the cut flowers|loads were ived On the last WEDOING BELLS rapes af rt j Ss t Competitors in the cul iv ©) loads re. saved. 7 tae anaes: The Scandinavian Society : WHAT OFFERS ? sds at the flower show today are trip from New York, with a cargo ; : Ee vishes to thank all wh : , Class a ae , Miss M. Crawford, of New Haz- RED CROSS SALE WISHhGS TM é a Oo, IM any “ash offers will be received for neers nel te - - ie aeons een and 4 fade elton, was married to Mr. Hugh way, assisted in making their Red ‘ nk boat Alliance No, 4, as Gross Fund, Purchasers ic eee ne Semnan iad AS. cea \. Harris, a well-known Hazelton] Mr. Benson has kindly lent his]Cross lunch a success. ’ i es at Digby Island, ceive their flowers at the close Of /of the women’s cabin, The Arabic], «|, : : 3 3 : 1g man, at nine o’clock this}new studio opposite the postofiice THE G. W. NICKERSON COMPANY lina ahow wae a vessel of 15,801 tons and . ; ; : ; iv , i Post Office Building. 1@ show. : ; morning at the Presbyterian|for the Red Cross sale of home ° Steeeererererorororonooonooeoneoe - — spears ae was 600 feet long. She was built Chureh, the Rev. H. R. Grant of- cooking on Friday next. Mrs Rix Walker,s Music Store eo rae et 400 adies cy ace COMBE Ts ark t E r at ‘tfas “i . a ‘ : ‘ : . rreecccesoccorscoooooccoroosoooes| 0 Lalies 1 conn (ed Harland and Wolf at Belfast/aciating, The happy couple leftland Mrs. A. B. Wright will be in| Removed to Werner's Old stand ; selling at 20c¢ each at Jabour in 1903 She outfooted a sub-], ; , On Second Avenue. LONDON CAFE ° 192-38 ae ' for the south on the Rupert. charge and will gladly receive Bros. ms marine on her last trip. ee. Jeontributions, Afternoon tea will PIANOS And Grill Follow the crowd to Self's Huge German Loan. Ladies’ satin slippers, black, be served from four to five. PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC Faultiess Service of Fault- Gafe. There is a reason.. Next Amsterdam, August 19.—Thel/white, blye and pink, $2.50 at Sy ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND nant eal less Food Majestic Theatre 102tf,| Voerworts says that the Booiatist Jabour Bros. 192.3, J. B. Oppenheimer. arrived from SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. k. Third Ave. a Bese party in the Reichstag has decided eae ig e Rocher de Boule mine last night ae elhtgowns going |to vote on the war credits, inelud- Ladies’ fine high black shoes af : : fi ‘ Terhaul-Heintzman Pianos. BOXES FOR L Ladies crep »fand left for the south this morn- ADIES at £4.00 each at Jabour Bros. ing a new loan of $2,500,000,000, lselling for $2.25 at Jabour Bros-ling Pianos to Rent.