Vhursday: \ugust 19 1915 » 1945. | SSS re Re a ~ e+ - ; ist; Mrs. Dawson, LEE ne eee, ‘THE DAILY NEWS GILLETTS LYE 2) = siointosn, sou 3 TRAINS WEEKLY THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA E TS ! s annual chrysanthemums;: : - : SATURDAY VWIONDAY THURSDAY Published Daily and Weekly . Mrs. Dawson, 1st; M. M. Stephens, | Guaranteed Largest Circulation j THE DAILY NEWS 10:30 a, hy TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON corntlowers: Mrs. Mor- : > i uid welve REGINA, WINNIPE HEAD OFFICE ist: H. W. Robb, 2nd. , GQ, ST. PAUL, , i i 5 . BP hee. He CHICAGO, EASTERN CAN mT Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.| & stalks Antirrhimun: Mrs. | ADA an eee as. 2nd.| AND UNITED states Hi « PRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Contract Dawnct, Oe eae f 1 | ae : roct basket of flowers and Toll- ik rates on application. B hi aaa eieeticteicaantamaneneds age: Mrs. G Burroughs, ist; Mrs. “ 3 BOATS WEEKLY i 9 bt DAILY EDITION wea FINE Thursday, August 19, 1945. Af as, 2nd. TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 A. mw i iia. Sl p, Cle nate J] TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; SAN FRANoiggg hy : ce FER oe eT ee 4 ean ee vunias: Mrs. Dawson. j vi lhllas. N 4 WHAT MANITOBA HASIN MIND| left Rogers to shift for him- per uni gineily its Deeret SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS # The people of Manitoba on! — geif. UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER SERVICE '" i ; ; . Hl: Friday last did one good job. And the Hon. Robert Rogers Godetia: Mrs. Burroughs, 4st; Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished vail a sles | , almos he ; 9 ‘te ~oyhd eerie Be aca ahem did shift for himself, Notorious iMr. Van Gastel, 2nd. A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. ut last fragment, the broken-down 8 i ‘mas: Mrs. G.-H. Arnold. Ce ee a political machine that had| “* ® § illed election manager | — : ; dbeckia: Master Richard —___ a cursed their province for more long before he entered the Bor- BRILLIANT DISPLAY AT & shure. . hone 554 P Bt than a decade and made the; den government, and boastful LOCAL FLOWER SHOW) ying non: Mr. Van Gastel. |} MUSIC aia a \ Bi idealism of democracy and} of his success in ‘winning - | ionevsuckle: Master Richard 4 APERHANCIRC 4? parliamentary institutions a| elections,” he gave himself up Continued From Page One.) | Teacher of Violin and All sonia i 4 (Oe . Pillsbury. Band Instruments AINTIN( ie: cynical mockery. The Roblin- to win in this provincial cam-|stephens, ist; Mrs. T, Me@lyreont,) y, mus: Mr. Van Gastel. A. PESCOTT OLI k N ‘ie : Rogers regime—Roblin with- paign. Nothing of his old-time |onq, ia f sweet peas: Mrs. Bur- 452 Eighth Ave. East SHING AND ah ew only a few weeks da] arts was neg lothing |. Fone eee Phone Green 827 WALL TINTING Ri SESE MY S 100 USES SOC arte. was neglected. Nothing French marigolds: Mr. Van),,.ehs oe. Bi aa rears riths : i i is dere ‘eastige "as | oe : Sana S High grade 1 ad Rogers, notwithstanding his} in ros federal prestige was! Gacto), | coreopaies Mra. Surroushs, vehi Rang te eR EME th arate tr i a , ice, ste yi mitted. / yhat came of it? a | ; Cae ae Peer ens: ORATOR | WIER: S08 ae e et _— ee et African marigolds: M. N. W.) Posp of nasturtiums: Mrs. Ar-| , a ooo |i : Day played-out game to the very His special lieutenants, Sir Robb — ‘Martin Swanson i last, fighting desperately for James Aikins and Mr, W. H. eer he - iS Me. Yar 'Ban Chrysanthemum autumn: Mrs. DE N TISTRY Second Avenue, near Mcfevie ame his own political life—the dis- Sharpe, deluded out of the} ‘ters, any kind: Mr. vi GH Annas = : r pias a graced and demoralized regime House of Commons, were beat - tel. as - CROWN Geume WORK SOIC II ott in ; ia: w, ‘ 1 : fe py Fo rarnations: M. M. Stephens Sea er os unciean to its very heart, bra- en to the point of disgrace, his Carnation i : : ‘ si tity Shatabe ea. Ni DRS. GILROY & BROWN ' zen in its corruptness, and im-| | own Winnipeg constituency re-| SIX roses, any variety: Mr. Van SCHOOL NOTICE DENTISTS 35 PHONE 34 ; ‘ : yt aa 8 Clyneon 7 ~~ =a pudent in its program of public buked his candidates with ma-|Gaste!, = so b. ee went hoki ARDIANS Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue vi | rascality, has been swept away. jorities against them far uv in |2nd; Mrs. F. G. Dawson, and Mrs. PARENTS AND GU Phone 454 ‘ The sorry rump of a Conserva- the thousands, and ever his|Thomas, 3rd. The Publ : ) Hieh School Z i i , : ne ubiie ant z se o1s | —_—_— a = ineaninasiie tive party that will appear at nurtured and pap-fed news- Rambler roses: Mr. Van Gastel. P 9° TAX] \ j ; ; : : : i. , |will open on Monday, August 25. | au Ra RR Rata aR aR | j the next session of the Mani- papers, in the province and out} Phlox Drummondi: Mrs. f. G. ics ‘ce eMnse Tran B- ‘ a Fi . oar Oo Schoo "ustees, i ‘ toba legislature has neither of it, scarcely did him the Bers peswecn. " ea iu ition f FOR A TAXI if “ae i g yasse 1e@ reso iO | the wit nor the ability to do low reverence of even a croco-} Phlox Mignonette: Mrs. F. G, eae i a ti 8 of Cha 4 it ' : 4 “ i orized vy section 0 AAaAp- | ' at either good or harm. Its ut- dile tear. And this is the ran} Dawson. ss ks - Sie tui f aa $ tt ALF HALLIGAN ; moe ° ie avi < er 38, 0 1e Statutes o Viz, | ee ter helplessness, even as a to gratify whose ambition for | Phlox Gladioli: Mrs. G W. hereby notify the parents and Sl reneekkwet tes RHEL RA RDG EY Rogers agent of wrongdoing, the Canadian Commissioner- Morrow. , ‘ ei nila fr + ss 7 ; 3 makes it pathetic. ship at London all Canada wide GS t k viens +4 BO eee aS seo ‘ ee No other province in Canada to have been thrown into the| Bre geeree eon. week stooks: MtS+lage of 7 to: 44, who- neglect. to : Phone 174 Bor wi | f or ‘OV se a€ > ave 3e "OW Lo > . . » wen tiperire ’ * j rete Mgekioten ‘ ; ‘© |F. G. Dawson. send such child to school, that he PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO 7) FOR Piticminy ono Neer. | unless it be British Columbia, shame of a war-election a few} Nas HH pe t *) : eee was ever so deliberately, so months ago! ne aie the | Nasturtiums, best specinienjor she is liable to the penalties | Qk tioktioitk tick kha |} > t sies: ‘Ss x 1. or 5 Ss } e The t Y air P Log “Pl mo , sively looted as Manitoba has But let the dead hury their PS: Cree wets ees Ag ‘reas Ay eis Bie, Gy PERSE ae . Thind Ave, Head of Becond sree ‘ f ‘ Dawson, 1st: Nrs. MeIntosh, .nd./fine not exceeding $5.00 shall be ’ Prince Rupert been in the past dozen years. dead. It is the one business : cae , : : = scum . saw The grafting and nefarious ex- of Premier Norris and his :ol- Ww ak PY ROTyen Lowers [imposed ‘fcr a ual willful of- B. C UNDERTAKERS eed mats a a ) nee ¢ in » ‘ ne , . Alex M. Manson, B.A. . : . Te rests leacues. i anidn A ste . ODD. fence and double that pe nalty for FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- ; ; ploitasion p pon anor eal “e DADS Of the heasy Candytuft: Mr. F. B. Holland,|each subsequent offence. BALMERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- W. E. Williams, B.A, LLB for private gain was matched handicap of a too large major. tet M Tl MeCly t W. D> VANCE ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WILLIAMS & MONSON : SL; i ei o as Nc mo (t 7 4 in shamelessness only by the ity, so to serve their province . 5 pais ere saab eu eagt ST ee net | Solicitors, Etc ; s ; : ’ . : ep 2nd; Miss Violet Mortimer, ‘rd. Secretary of Board BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Barristers, Solic 3, ELC, lawless manipulation of the with integrity and ability that Mi ; Mr. V sae - MONEY TO LOAN ° ‘ Mimuius: Mr. an Gastel. * ee electoral machinery permitted the ugly mess left by their VaGth- Mra? t! @ Dawask NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re es RS aa eA ae Ue Box 1585 | by the law officers of the Crown predecessors may be cleaned ; M as os ; i > Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, BC PA ; gear sostmos; Mrs. BF. G. Dawson. lin THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ‘ ; -_———__---- man by which AS government up; the ae If-respect of Manit )- iPekicn: Ghaihas ualdioh’ Mire. GOLUMnEA Sterling Marine Motors Re ee aes ons B06 OO itself made political profit. For ba’s citizens restored, ind a] As ——— |IN THE MATTBR OF THE ADMINISTRA- _— ee years the decent citizens of government established true to Fig gots Can be purchased In town. A PACIFIC CARTAGE LT Manitoba were galled by the the principles and the spirit of Ready Help IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF gg ty ne Rat oh oe * (successors to Pacific Transfer Ce yoke of tlfeir bondage, but progressive Liberalism. in time of physical trouble cuused by ae SAREE, RECRANED, IN Tae: hard work. Guaranteed. Geners! Cartage against the power and_ the It matters very little thal the eee reece enn Demet agtarocs TAKE NOVICK that by order of His|$ Wo eas Sy tants iden LADYSMITH OOAL craftiness of Roblin and Rogers} government's name is Liberal: ware given, anclay oamaain vatels tae ae hae fees toe stroke; 8-10 H. P.; weight 800 a 7 7 ‘ ; snain ; 4 " eee ; y ti I S : Dean flay rie i ne 15% y 0 ay, A. - 1045, ve Ibs. — ah wee sa in despair. it matters everything that the by the most famous of family remedies been mopotsinng aeeenens x = = No. 2 cylinder; 5 1-2-Inch bore; 7- “he greatest public service Sir yrinciples be progressive and fury & ale ¢ sano Masse, late o city Inch stroke; 12-15 H. P. ht 4 S ~ : : : Teed Cig BEECHAM’ of Pitace Rupert, Provinee of British Ce- iAeedene ae JAMES GILMORE Rodmond ever rendered—and their work-out in the daily life lumbia, deceased, imtestate. No. 4 clyinder; 6 1-2-inch bore; 8- this should be counted to him of the province intelligent aad — woe . cone ap that - inch stroke; 25-86 H. P.; 1,700 Architect j , at 5 : ; : yersons having claims upor ce estate o ibs. . almost TOF righteousness—was impartial and just. Manitoda PILLS the said Rosario Mazzei, who died on or No. 4 cylinder; 6 1-@-Inoh bore; 9- when, in tired-out @isgust at has a chance to return ‘o po- about the 98th day of April, A. D. 1016, are Inch stroke; 45 H. P.; weight 2nd Avenue, near Mcbride Sire a ge Largest Sole of Any Medicine in the World, required to send to Potmore & Fulton, 2,900 Ibs. ee the hungry Ottawa gang,” he litical deceney. It is the duty Sold isverviers: fa beeen: AS etme barristers, Prince Rupert, B. C., on or For Further information ee ee “chucked” the premiership, Of: Wie. Norris Jarovernmont. £0 bao ee ee en a a ee ee ae ao ee aad pp ly to Pe ” a gave Norris a free hand, and! lead the way.—Toronto Gicwe. seourtties held by them, duly verified, and a. ne ae rane CANADIAN PACIFIC e : e after that date 1 shali proceed to dis- triclan Phone 383 ° RAILWAY rmhce upert airy tribute the assets of the deceased among | See ‘ Se eee the parties entiticd thereto, having re- Points Has cut the price of Milk er, ere claims of which notice Lowest rates to al! Eastera as eee . FRED STORK’S H ARDW ARE in haif janet Prince Repent B. G., thds 20th SEEDS! SEEDS! * Serene rere a * GAETANA CITRINA MAZZEI, Meals and berth Included on steamer as a a ae a aE PURE FRESH MILK By Patmore & Fulton, her solicitors. RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS UND Delivered in city at 10c per : Deceit alee WE HANDLE PRINCESS ALICE SOUTHSBO mee -Ounwere AYE quart and Sc per pint SKEENA- LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF Rennie’ r , : eee BET y ~- nn ’ ND Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandtery COAST, RANGE V. the mi ie men Pee teneny ¢ m1 ae Wire Gable Stee! Biooks Fishing Taokte Phone Green £52 ree awe ag Reni 4. @. mean, Sovess! fess an e i. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns TAKE NOTICE that Frank Miler, of f4 A P Corner Fourth Btreet snd Third Art Rope Valves Ammunition cone island, oogapason fisherman, in- }4 “i, + a Fertilizers a ends to apply for permission to purchase 6 ake Soll eanianecaieneEeEnEEEEEEEED ii Pumps Hose Paint the following described lands;— 3 wears for Hureshy Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Commmencing at @ post planted 45 chains 4 Stock ADVERTISE IN north and 10 chains west of the 8. E, Hay, Grain, and Feed at corner of Lot 1447, Range 5, Coast Dis- trict, said post being planted on Grace Vancouver Prices THE DAILY NEWS Island; thence following the shore line of Chicken Feed a Specialty this isjand in a westerly, southerly, east- erly and northerly direction to point of Mall orders promptly attended to commencement, containing 4 acres, more Prince Rupert Feed Co. Nerve Energy and “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” = = == = | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Oe => Sao or less. . € FRANK MILLER, 80 Daier July 19m, ‘es a Te prone 88 ¢/ Eyeglasses. J 19. = —s_ — — — Sas ar — = = iicaiacemaionin oes - ia t Sounded Pretty Solid For A Ghost bina wae Bea he ( Vee =~ —~By “Hop.” ee = aaa? ~~ * REPENT WOMAN Pt p ‘ Sl / . 3 %, r 5 M rm * v THAT SHE CANT LEAVE ee ac AN’ MAYEE HE ao ape tt: o-- —] | ino wears ME. ON AN ISLAND TO 65S SCOOP-T AM T\ wit come To Meh . | AF ‘irawes} | | A constant dropping DIE.-AN' STILL HAVE g TH GHOST OF TH’ 4 ne \! 6 SR] Me tone. Aslight _— , | BOSS-COME BACKue : ig "oS /— E % | eWay a Stone. the health TO HAUNT YOU FOR = ; ae ee , ' |eyestrain injures t's NOUR CRUELTY TO re = > a because it is constant. ) —— ae = strain which first man'” itself as a slight dis: OE should be remedied a! 0 e to do w! This we guarante lasses. Consultation free. elays are dangerous: | res en OG ZA Look for Loop eee gs ip Z7-ZZZ OPTICIAN + si 223 Sixth St. -—~Phone BI ae ack 69