vi. NO 196. = PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., SATURDAY, = AUGUST 21, 1945. THE DAILY NEWS | PRICE FIVE CENTS BREt —_— — 7 re £ ——— = REPORTED, RUSSIAN DEFEAT IN THE BALTIC oPENHAGEN REPORT SAYS RUSSIANS DEFEATED OFF RIGA ed RUSSIAN SITUATION CRITICAL—BULGARIAN TROOPS ARE ON TURKISH FRONTIER—RUSSIANS BRING DOWN A ; ZEPPELIN—GAINS AND LOSSES ON to The Dally News.) 21.—A (Spec al gust naval in progress tween the German eets, om Copenhagen ; hussians Situation Critical. | tof 200,000 Kussians is regarded as tulgaria Ready. »{ \ despatch that IDENDS PAID states \t. The Daily Nows ) ugust 21—-The f the Domitiion Prust ! filed a list of con- nanding the sum of lle alleges that over wrongly credited to iolders, and de- eturn of $465,000 dends, from trust hareholders dur- L two years. \OWDED HOUSE AT MAJESTIC THEATRE sas packed to light splendid Billy Woodwerth, Conte id Andy Ande rst rate vaudeville I Their heartily when, in six -reel *30n various applauded sls were ts” of the voyagers wit equal to all audien ©. sive hange of program to- there is sure to be wded house, REAL GOOD SHOW AT WESTHOLME THEATRE Westholme has a real good geht. “Identification” is vo-reel Kalem drama, llelen Holmes, while “im, Diplomat,” is a htepony “wp ; DI For ovoking comedy, But Worse” is a Keystone Fomed of the rollicking earst-delig order, Gazette is up- date and interesting, ( Wednesday and Thursday ‘nee Reed will be the star in Girl,” Dancing i Follow the crowd to Self’s _ here is a reason., Next lajestic Theatre. 102tf Cet ooooe. LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultless Service of Fault- less Food Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES MWrore in the | have | Bul- OUT OF TRUST FUNDS| THE WESTERN FRONT concentrated °150,000 Turkish Zeppelin Downed. | garia has | troops on the frontier | hLondon, August 21-—Russian | | Zunners have brought down a |Zeppelin at Vilna. Western Front. August 21 In Artois, lent | Paris, | ifter viol artillery fighting, enemy made three new counter lattac! ind succeeded trenches which voting in lost the road Ancres, the severe ~ | FISHERMAN DROW NED IN SKEEN4 RIVER, William MeNeill, of the Oceania} the | He was | ing a fi he had On Ablain, to sustained from Germans losses. cannery, was drowned in Skeena earls this week. where | His well known on this coast, he has lived for some years. body has not been recovered. he accident happened on Mon- day about ten o'clock in the fore- McNeill, at the out with the boats on noon. who was a fisher- man Oceanic taken ther cannery, was along with Monday day was perfectly the tug fishing The not a morning, ealin and ripple on water, After of the river, he limit the would to the fishing grounds in decided that he drift down to a point off the Cas- being towed siar He had was cleaning up the cannery. something to eat and dishes when the accident occurred. While dip- ping a vessel into the river » to get some water to clean up with ap- parently, he was noticed from the Claxton cannery by a Jap to fall over into the There no one else on board the boat but Mr. MeNeill, and he at came separated from the boat and river. was once be- before any help could get to him sunk beneath the water. went out he had Paddy brought the boat in. Sullivan and THE PACIFIC COAST JULY HALIBUT RETURNS The table published below shows that Prince Rupert is grad- ually up on Seattle in quantity of halibut landed. In the Rupert third of creeping month of July, Prince handled more the total quantity of halibut land- than one ed on the coast. Ibs. Arrivals at Seattle Pers ‘2 ee Arrivals at Prince Rupert..-+++> Oe Arrivals at Haysport, B. ©..++++> Ri ‘rivals at Vancouver, B, G..+++++98% Reena’ CO... 02 + 847,000 Arrivals at Steveston, B, { ) Arrivals at Victoria, B, G.-+> 80,000 Arrivals at Oregon and Washington 50,000 ports, estimated, ou, Be dig 5,245,315 BOVIC SAFE August 20 eppool and pro- Ss ar- London, Bovis § rived safely in Liv ceeded to Manchester. the in regain-| | HOW ENGLISH | WOMEN HELP | | | Upper picture shows Viscountess women volunteer the women participated. enlisting” monster parade in The nitions, after 5 workers for upplin London in shows a group of ladies lower picture seated at her manufacturing war which desk mu- 50,000 near Vickers’ works just t before the beginning of their day shift. NO CANADIANS ON THE ROYAL EDWARD Ottawa, August 20,—The ru- mor that a number of Canadian doctors and nurses were among these who went down with the Royal Edward is given a denial by General Sam Hughes, who the following Major this morning sent cable from London: Guy Carleton Jones after were no “General assures me investigation that doctors or Canadian the there nurses’ on Royal Edward,” # A cable this morning by message was received the government from the British Admiralty stat- ing that so far as known there no Canadians on board the Royal was sunk on Saturday were Edward, which last in the troopship Aegean Sea, City by the G. T. P, the Saskatchewan government has notified them that they have ready than they fore, the government does not find it necessary to send delegates to Prinee Rupert nor does it intend to apply to the railroad companies for special rates. In view o fthe fact that 188 men had enrolled for harvesting work, the city. to follow this matter are still being sent from Vancou- ver to Saskatchewan. more men for O. K. BARBER SHOP Jack have taken over Judge anticipated, and Brother Moody’s ~ |SASKATCHEWAN GOVT. WANTS NO HARVESTERS Clerk Woods was advised this morning that al- harvest there- the and, there is a good deal of disappoint- ment amongst the unemployed in The city council intends up, as men Roi Barnes THE CRADLE barber shop on Sixth Street and will move in today. They will be BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Stan-|right on the job Monday morn- ley L, Peachey, 720 Thompson st.,{ing, with everything remodelled a son at the General Hospitaljat the O, K. Barber Shop, Sixth this morning. Street. WHAT OFFERS D C2, 22" will be received for jthe fishing boat Alliance bd No, 1, as she now lies at Digby Island, The G. W. NICKERSON CO., Post Office Building a (Special to The Dally Mews.) Washington, ed to call the attention of the American Arabic, with the loss of lives, explanation. Cymric Arrives. York, truth in White Star Red Star ipeen tor pedoed, —There that and New August 214. the liner is no the the rumors Bovie liner Lapland have Passengers whe irrived today on the Cymric state jthat the | me | WASHINGTON INVITES AN EXPLANATION FROM BERLIN NO TRUTH IN RUMORS REGARDING THE BOVIC AND LAPLAND —CYMRIC ARRIVES SAFELY AT NEY YORK, CONVOYED BY WARSHIPS FROM LIVERPOOL TO BAY OF BISCAY bassador Gerard has been direct-|a ! of the Berlin government to the sinking | sea. | | and to invite an} British J BULGARIAN TROG/S READY FOR FRAY—WASHINGTON ASKS BERLIN N TO EXPLAIN ——————————— relays of warships from Liver- August 241.—Am- pool to the Bay of Biscay, where submarine lurking, urtil thirty-six hours out to was she was Cotton Contraband. London, A Franco- announcement August 214. official | jstates that cotton is now contra- band of war. Three More The British steamers Bittern and Ben Brackie, and the Nor- vegian steamer Dras have beer ‘submarined. The crews were vessel was convoyed by | tI] landed safely. HOW PRUSSIANS LOOTED PARIS AFTER WATERLOO: The following interesting letter recently received and pub- lished by the editor of the London Morning Post: Dear Sir:— Being engaged in the compila- was tion of an important family his- tory, I have recently come across a number of original and unpub- lished letters, ert Peel, Irish written by Sir Rob- secretary of the Lord Whitworth, when he was Lord Lieutenant of when office, to [reland. Some three weeks after the bat- tle of Waterloo Sir Robert with two other members of Par- Peel, liament, went over to Paris to see the Allies march in, and the fol- lowing extract is from a letter entirely in his writing, dated at Paris July 415th, 1815. Dear Lord Whitworth:—As I owe my trip to Paris_in great measure to the kindness and readiness with which you dis- pensed with my services in Ire- land, it is but just that I should account of my proceedings. Croke, Fitzgerald and myself left town on Saturday morning last, the 8th inst. is surrounded by the troops of (Continued on Page Two) THE FAIR 1915 ARE YOU A MEMBER? give you some Paris no more Ass'n., payable the ist of It costs $1 and to join the N. B. C. Agr. at any time before October next. Membership spells strength. The base the Fair grant each year on membership roll, 450 was the roll for 1914; $500 the government grant, and 1,000 is the number wanted for 1915. Your $8 mean a better and larger fair. Your dollar means more dollars in September next will be spent in your city. Your dollar is aiding develop- ment, and helping to make pay- and profit, Send in your name to the sec- retary, Northern B, G, Agricultur- al and Industrial Ass’n., Box 1657, government rolls, prosperity 3 | City, tf, HUGE PROHIBITION CONVENTION PLANNED (Special to The Daily News) Aug. 214. convention Vancouver, —~A great prohibition has been planned to be held in the skating rink on Wednesday and Thurs- day. Organizer Glass reported to the that hotel- men and barkeepers sat in boxes committee seventeen al his Prinee Rupert meeting. Afterwards he was visited at his hotel by a lady from the red light who professed to be in- The lady disappeared when he insisted up- district terested in prohibition. her in the publie sitting room of the hotel. THE CATHOLIC CLUB WINS BASEBALL CUP In an exciting game of base- ball last night, the CG. C.’s defeat- ed the Colts by the score of 9 to 6, thereby winning the baseball cup offered to the team winning the most games two seasons out of three. The C, G,’e mined to win last night and end the struggle for the cup, and Mc- Aleenan’s Colts were equally de- termined that all the games would to be played before the re- on seeing were deter- have sull would be known. The teams played evenly until the fifth inning when the Colts manager thought it advisable to take Hunter the box, but was unable to find another man to stem the tide, the fina! score being 9 to 6. The CG. G.’s have out of played consistently throughout the season and have never stop- ped fighting until the last man had been caught out. The Colts have always played a clean game of ball, but in playing many new men, lacked the team work. Walkers Music Store Removed to Werner's Old Stand On Second Avenue. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHE/:T MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. Terhaul-Heinizman Pianos. Pianos to Rent. ees ee