2 ee ence ee Mo ae ‘THE DAILY NEWS | ' THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weokly Guaranteed Largeet Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIBNT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Gontract rates on application. DAILY EDITION OGGGITO Saturday, August 24, 1945. ACTION WANTED It is significant White Star torpedoed while outbound for York. many has sought to find ex- that liner Arabic the was New In the past Ger- cuse for her submarine piracy in the fact that she was com- batting the importing of mu- nitions by the Allies, but in this case she can only claim that she was attacking a ship which had been carrying munitions. Germany tells the truth in actions, not words. Her dip- lomats are past-masters in the use of the diplomatic truth, but no smooth language will be of any use in convincing Pres- ident Wilson that Berlin cares a straw what America thinks or feels. There is only one inter- pretation to be put upon this latest dastardly act—that Ger- many has no intention of heed- ing American or any other pro- tests. She has made up her mind to defy the world, and the civilized world must treat her exactly as the authorities would treat a dangerous luna- tic. The time for words be- tween Washington and Berlin is over, and the situation de. mands instant action. For America to waste further time in speech, is akin to a con- stable reading the riot act to a mad dog, which is tearing up everything in sight. WINTER CAMPAIGN According to Berlin, the Ger- néens are continuing their vie- {orious career in Russia. Ve- trograd says litt!: or nothiag ‘) the matter. In tue past the gieatest foe ito an ‘rvader of INussia has been the ciinsite in The cxtending, and witb it the risk of Raving to keep a huge Ger- winter, German | ce is man army, on t lengthy front, Russian winter, is growing. Winter is drawing near, and an invading army entrenchedin Russia with many feet of snow on the ground and the thermometer around during a 7OLO, 2 will not worry the defenders very much, Doubtless the Germans in- tend to spend Christmas in Pe- trograd, but their disappnint- ment is certain to be that of last Christmas, they figured on having a great time The Russians just as well off as they have been, and Von liable to have mighty cil feet before he Berlin During the coming winter, the German armies in Russia will be practically in the pos.tion of an invading force fight’ 2 the snow and frost of the Can- adian prairies. Big guns and of men will make a against the silent, relentless King Frost. when in Paris. aie Hindenburg ic sees agaia. millions poor showing AMERICAN MEDIOCRITY America just now the greatest exhibit the world has ever mediocrity. provides seen of successful There are no contented poor on this side of the Atlantic ex- cept in the backwaters of the East. There is no single class content to the tellectual or mental superiority of the rest. Every one is push- ing Onward and upward. The poor man, as we are told every recognize in- day, may be rich tomorrow: te ignorant goes to night school and will learn; the hopes to run the business for drummer which he is travelling; the hired man will own land as good as that he plows; the clerk will be a partner in the firm, Even in the universities no institutions like the fellow- ship of Oxford and Cambridge can exist. In America not cven the scholar is willing to stop at such a He must go on—or try to go on—as far as the rest. a nation exhibited so complete position. Never before has a spectacle of millions of in- sects all swarming upward to- ward the light. This view may be optimism. I do not think so. For in 900 cases out of 1,000 the goal of all this striving is mediocrity — FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | 255 — 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackte tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Carpenters’ Tools FRED STORK’S HARDWARE THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, August Re STROYALES YEAST MARES PERFECT BREAD —— = HOW PRUSSIANS LOOTED PARIS AFTER WATERLOO (Continued From Page One.) the Allies, and nothing could be more interesting than the present situation ef it. The streets are crowded with officers and soldiers The great favorites, the Prussians be- ing held in the greatest detesta- Paris of all nations. English are they had entered alone, or if the had delayed their entry, they (the tion; if Crowned Heads would probably have taken some pictures from the Louvre. . Prussians pillaged Paris; they have Chey have demanded the payment of 100,000,000 of franes from th city and at this moment there are Prussian guards in the house o} the other principal held as a sort of hostage for the pay- Pengaux and some of bankers, who are ment of the contribution. We drove today to the depot d’Artilleries. We were told by the sentry that we were welcome “gee the but that the Prussians removed everv- contained-—the Arc, the knife Turenne’s sword. I to see salon, had thing which it sword of Joan of of Ravaillac, Your does ert hope to be president. He climbs son nowadays toward a much lower round in The laborer wishes The middle class wishes to be rich- The have one—hopes to make sure of its Canby, in Harper’s Magazine the ladder. to reach the middle class. class—-if we er.. upper Seidal perch.-—Henry Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7:30 p.m. as — Don’ t Send Money in a Letter HEN you send subs- criptions to magazines, or order goods out of town, or pay small accounts at a distance, do not place the actual cash in the envelope. Thousands of dollars are lost every year through fire, robbery or mis-direction. Use the Bank Money Orders, issued by this bank. They are ayable in Canada and the United States in any sum up to fifty dollars. Their protection is well worth their small cost. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. Prince Rupert Dairy Has cut the price of Milk in half PURE FRESH MILK Delivered in city at 10c per quart and Sc per pint &. Phone Green 252 of the cause other day. He was very loud in his exelamations ed Blucher. remain, The Glebe, Sevenoaks. will open on Monday, August 23. authorized by Section 8 of Chap- ter guardians of any child from the am sorry for this, not on account mortification which it will infliet on French vanity, but be- t fear the return of the be less popular than could King will it would have been if he have preserved entire at least these national monuments and relics, Which are exclusively French. We paid a visil to Denon cae Prus- had some sians quartered upon him and against ee bete feroce, as he call- .,. And believe me to dear Lord Whitworth, yours most truly, ROBERT PEEL. time it j the present to publish Robert 100 I think at interest the of the Peel the rs ago, their behaviour during would be of opinion great upon Prussians of yea the present war showing that they not advanced in have not only their civilization, but have retro- graded. Yours truly, ete., CHARLES J. PHILLIPS. SCHOOL NOTICE TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS The Public and High Schools The Board of School ‘Trustees, having passed the resolution of 1912, and Statutes the of the notify 38, hereby parents 14, who neglect Lo send such child to school, that he age of 7 to or she is liable to the penalties provided in Section 141, of Chap- ter: 200. HK. 8. B.C, °1,.6, That a fine not exceeding #5.00 shall be imposed for the first willful of- fence and double that penaity for each subsequent offence. W. D. VANCE, Secretary of Board. NOTICE TO OREDITORS WN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMENISTRA- TION ACT — a — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROSAMO MAZZBI, DECBASED, INTES- TATE TAKE NOTICK that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, lweal judge, dated Me 18th day of Mag, A. D. 1946, I have been appointed administratrix of the es- tate of Rosario Magzzel, late of the city of Prince HKupert, Provimee of British Co- lumbia, deceased, intestate. AND NOTICE 18 HEABBY GIVEN that all persons having claims upon the estate of the said Rosario Mazzei, who died on or about the 28th day of Aprtl, A. D. 1015, are required to send to Patmore & Fulton, barristers, Prince Rupert, B. G., on or before the 3ist day of July, A. D. 1015, a full statement of their claims and of any securities held by them, duly verified, and after that date I shall proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice has been fled. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 20th day of June, 109145. GAETANA CITRINA MAZZEI, By Patmore & Fulton, her solicitors. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE V. TAKE NOTICE that Frank Miller, of Porcher Island, occupation fisherman, in- 3 TRAINS SATURDAY MONDAY CHICAGO, TUESDAY THURSDAY TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; san FRano) SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished A. DAVIDSON, TO EDMONTON, REGINA, WINNIPEG, st. pay, AND UNITED states 3 BOATS WEEKLY WEEKLY THURSDAY 10:20 a, SASKATOON, EASTERN cCANapa SATURDAY 10 A, 800, CHARACTER SERVICE General Agent. MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments A, PESCOTT 452 Eighth Ave. East Phone Green 827 DENTISTRY | CROWN AND GRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY DAS. GILROY & BROWN OENTIOTS OMice: Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 LENORE 7 * : FU YO yg PAIK KERATIN FH FOR A TAXI 79--PHONE-79 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO Be Be ee a B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALMERS — GATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEBD—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 1417 2ND STREET—-PHONE 41 BRUCE MORTON, Funora! Director | ! } | | } Motors Sierling Marine Can be purchased In town. A Motor that wili give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for hard work. Guaranteed. —HEAVY DUTY— | No, 2 cylinder; 4 3-4 bore; G6-inch stroke; 8-10 H. P.; weight 800 Ibs. No. 2 cylinder; 5 1-2-inoh bore; 7- inch stroke; 12-15 H. P.; weight 1,100 Ibs. No. 4 clyinder; 5 1-2-inch bore; 8- isch stroke; 25-35 H. P.; 1,700 Ibs. No. 4 cylinder; 6 1-2-inch bore; B- Inch stroke; 46 H. P.; welght 2,800 Ibs. For Further Information } vpply to W. E. Williscroft, Phone Biue 508, or BD. Brown, Elec- trician, Phone 383. P Lene tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands:— Commencing at @ post planted 46 chains north and 10 chains west of the 8. K, corner of Lot 1447, Range 5, Coast Dis- triet, said post being planted on Grace Island; thence following the shore line of this island in a weéterly, southerly, east- erly and northerly direction to point of commencement, containing 4 acres, more or less. The Beans Are Almost Spilled @o&- SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE HANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry's, Steele’s, Brigg’'s Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers - We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mall orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Hay, FRANK MILLER, 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 TT ° Dater July 12th, 1015. J 19. eer - “res 3 So yang Ee ee Drawn for The Daily News, ~~By “Hop.” i ro. Se WHo \s THAT USING- suck AWFUL ) ©, ws INTRO) Na- BALYs-mp | MusT BE Ve WAVES “MY Dey Wy THEY SOUND Ule A AUMAN VOICE, AT TIMES — HA + HA ~ $0 You ‘YHOUGHT IT RRR KAI RRRIREIN rh " 223 Sixth St. rsa hone 554 Pp Rox 6 for APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING High grade nteror e Corating a Specialty Martin Swanson Second Avenue, near McB ‘8 —sas 35~PHONE-3, TAXI | i a oo P re Phone i174. Box i! FOR PLUMBING ONN NEST GMITH & MALLETT | Layvest stock of Pipe north of Verfouver, Crane Valves ent mt i tags, Pipes cut to order Third Ave., Head of Becond Btreai Prince Rupert So a Alex M. Manson, B.A W.E WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto, MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Prince Rupert, B.¢ Williams, B.A, LLB Helgerson Block Office corner 2nd Street and rd Aveow PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMIT (Successors to Pacific Transfer Co Generel Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 03--—Phone 83 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near Mclride Sree — me ee er eee ee ee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Meals and berth Included on steamer PRINCESS ALICE SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY, 6 P. M. PRINCESS MAQUINA SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY, 6 P. ™ J. @. MONAB, Genera! Agent i Corner Fourth Ctreet and Third AY — ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wan away a stone. A slign eyestrain injures th because it is constant. strain which first manl . itself as a slight disc om bend should be remedied a mt This we guarantee to ¢ pon lasses.* Consultation elays are dangerous: Look for Loop OPTICIAN phone Black 69