oa isan Monday August 23, 1915, TE 0 —_——E—E se THE DAILY NEWB. —__S > Tif JOY OF BEING ii AND WELL d To Health By “Fruit-a-tives” Restor Medicine The Famous Fruit aoe MDE. ROCHON n, P.Q. March 2nd, 1915. “ey | ived the most wonderful ng ‘Fruit-a-tives’. I irs from Jheuraatism f life, and I took every le, without any good | of ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and ul and it was the only lous work that ‘Fruit-a- in overcoming disease the sick, is winning the fthousands and thousands, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. ly did me good. Now “ TH’ COMPRESSION well; the Rheumatism Septic mee land the terrible pains pr re all gone. Tam exceed- =f 4 - BuTtT— ‘Frutt-a-tives’ for such 1 hope that others who oe h distressing diseases ‘ ae = = t-a-tives’ and get well’’. ———— tenes ” DAME ISALE ROCHON, nr ae , eng PESSIMIST; ‘NOTHER SNAG L ‘SpPose.” Z “VACATION IMPRESSIONS” MON NAWSIR! TORONTO'LL NEVER‘MOUNT TOA ow oF SHUCKS! TOO AR AWAY FROM GITA DISH PAN! SWARM OF BEES |S | COMIN? * —Cartoon by Moyer. rs or sent postpaid by Limited, Ottawa. LAND NOTICES Skeena Land Disteict. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District Graham Istend. TAKE NOTICE that I, of Prince Rupert, hotel man, SUBSCRIBE FOR s THE DAILY NEWS mtend — = —_ = THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO, OF B.C, LIMITED SS, VENTUIE etiam cemeeentias so. our. iron. Sails for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE and VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. C f § Salis for PORT SIMPSON, GRANBY, STEWART, §. J. CAMO: U Thursdays at midnight, August 19th, Sep- tember 2nd, 16th and 30th. Sails for REFUGE BAY, SKIDEGATE, JEDWAY, and IKEDA on Satur- days at midnight August 21st, September 4th and 18th. Sails for MASSETT Tuesdays, August 24th, September 7th and 21st. Sails for SURF INLET, NAMU, RIVERS INLET and VANCOUVER at 10 p. m. Wednesdays August 25th and September 8th and 22nd. SP Poes Grant Thorburo, to — 00DOb. HOW SERGEANT O’LEARY EARNED THE VICTORIA CROSS (Continued From Page Two.) us he had only done his duty, and he was going back to the trenches to try again. I heard him say he did not want a Ger- Sie sniper to get him; if the end |apply to the Cbtef Commissioner ef lands | for the Province of British Cotumbta for |}a license to prospeet for cogil amd pe- |troleum: Starting @¢ a post planted two | miles west of the noréhwest eerver of Bec- } tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 ehaina; | thence south 86 chatns; thence west 8@ |chains; themce north 860 chains to potnt of commencement; contatning 0 seres, more or less. Dated the 16th day of March, 1945, at io northwest cornes. GRANT THORBURN. Samuel Horner, Agent. 64 112-140 ° = —————_ SLUMBER SHINGLE”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS , PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ‘ A J. BURROUGHS, Manager 1st Ave. and MoBride st. PHONE 25 . PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Branch FERRI III III DDI DDI AAD IAAI AAA AAAA AIAN