Peri guen oe LABOR DAY | THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch rates on application. DAILY EDITION ee = —— The Trades and Labor Coun- cil is to be congratulated on the results attending its efforts to provide an enjoyable enter- tainment for Prince Rupert's citizens on Labor Day. The lure of the woods drew many hunt- the heavy ers away from town over weekend, and _ several bags of geese were brought in, the of deer in the vicinity have been while number must —— —=——-—— - —— —— oats athena Telephone 98. Contract action is the truth bluntly told. | Doubtless Washington has felt | that the situation is delicate, | owing to the fact that there are so many German sympathisers in the United States, and that the for definite action must be thrown upon Germany, but, if there is any red blood surely that] have reached onus in Washington, blood must now In this last das- pleced boiling point. tardly Berlin Washington at defiance in the act, has THE DAILY NEWS —— : C. Anderson, ist; Rudderham, 2nd Races. {00 Yards dash (open): Roche, ist; Gardner, 2nd. 100 Yards dash Anderson, ist; Rudderham, 2nd. 220 Yards dash (open): Roche, ist; Gardner, 2nd. 220 Yards dash (fishermen on- considerably reduced, but those most unmistakable manner, : : who remained at home had no and, if the president still con- - : Jas, Slater, 1st; H. Hanson, cause to grumble at the fare] tents himself with a cabled oe Panta slosed): J provided in the way of enter- notice of surprise and another CES bevtsy oe aa, tainment. demand for an explanation, he]” Pees ee nee ora Recreation Park swarmed|_ will prove to the world that he Pb ie aos et re with kiddies having the time made a grave error when he x re . ms ses: a of their lives, while the grown- Be Se Wek ONS. SOE, eee ideal se 4 Win. “oa ss ups were young again. The{ Willian Jennings Bryan. 50 Yards desk iartied ladies sports committee displayed Berlin is quite willing to go Mrs. Adams, ist; Mrs. Grossman, businesslike management in| 0n explaining for the duration 09