lel te aa ee ‘he pe aes eS See of = nepneienamaman gate _ Pe tea Se mys ‘ - ek be co J “sw oe “ > ae vt A te ea thes we ae ‘ RE tek ale ee ae ae te Naa a Se a Beis Saas o¢ ~~ oe Tickets To and from Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Italy and Russia. For rates and information apply to DYBHAVN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B. C. Over a ton of fall goods were delivered to us this eek other shipments are now on the way. and many lot con- sists of dress goods in woots, silks, novelty dress fabrics and many other lines. The present Ask to see the beautiful art sateens in silk finish at 10 cents a yard. Local News Notes | The Theckla and Vansee, both American schooners, brought in fair catches this morning. oS. (s Mr. father of A. M. Manson, and Miss Manson left for the Manson, east yesterday morning. a Ae Mr. Bailey is in town from In- verness and reports that the can- has had a record season. ae ee nery | | Any who have not yet received iprizes gained at the Labor Day isports will plying to Dan Sutherland Hotel. receive same on ap- Royal ate ea The chair valued at $50 donated by Geo. D. Tite to the Trades and Labor to be raffled, won by Mr. Barnslow, who held Council was Pe 837. H. S. WALLACE C0., LTD. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. WAKTED WANTED—Girl to take care of children. Apply P. 0. Box 285. 201-6. WANTED—#1i,000 on Prince Rupert lots for one or two years. Assessment $3,300 Will pay 15 per cent. Apply box 109 Daily News. 191-6) SECRET SERVICE — American, and Foreign. Reliable persons inter- | ested may send confidential personal particulars to District Secretary, Asiatic Pacific Agency, Los Angeles, Cal. LOST LOST—-Gray Persian kitten, about six} months old. Finder returning same to} Miss Eason, Flat 5, Clapp Blik., will be| rewarded. Please apply after 6 p.m. | THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1015) Is made to meet the demand for Hot Water instantly and without additional fuel being used. Travelling | WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll iey themselves open to pross- | cution equally with the parties manufacturing or making same. | ' | | i i Now is your chance to get the best in Mot Water Heating Appii- @| ancee— Coil Connected........$20.00 Coil minus Connections. .§15.00 Your Money Back if It Dont 6uit. As I own and control the above, no one can put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 Phoneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built. Come In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do It Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed ADVERTISE IN the beach on Portland Canal at Blue Point, near the mouth of the Georgia River. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE | “BLACK KNIGHT” and “BLACK KNIGHT?) NO. 1” Mineral Claims, situate in the Portland Canal Mining Division of Cassiar | District. | Where located:—About three miles trom | TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, | Free Miner’s Certificate No. 94,096B, act- | ing as agent for W. T. Kergin, Free Miner’s | Certificate No. 94,035B, Geo. Rudge, Free | Miner’s Certificate No. 80,511B, and J. E.} Stark, Free Miner's Certificate No. 93,915B intend, sixty days from the date hereof, | to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the pur- | pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claims. | AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action | under Section 37, must be commenced be- | fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- | provements. i Dated this 12th day of August, A. D.! 1915. j 189-248. GEORGE R. NADEN. | Sheet Mefal Work ! | Now is the time to have your roofs repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. In such Cases ~ Consult a Practical Man if You Want Results I served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in A Jam Factory. C. 0. ROWE The Practical Sheet Metal Man PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms 322 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- tractors and others Free PIPL G peveevvveys AUTO DELIVERY EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ~ Phone --- 355: a al pode. ae $i three-round The smoker, jin the wee sma’ hoors, was voted fHE DAILY NUWS TRADES AND LABOR SMOKER BIG SUCCESS ‘Continued from Page Three) the classes. consciousness into minds of the | When it has done that, it has done class workirg he concluded. the evening, were rendered lits work,” | } selections iConfer, R. Anderson, H. Fletcher, [Harry La Salle, W. Murray, A. G,. Cou- During musical by Gy iClapperton, C. D. Jones, ture, Pte. Collier, Ed. Stilwell, V. C. Knowles, A. geon, while Joe Laing recited. Gray, and J. Stur- Corgoral Fenton and Pte. Dunn of the Irish Fusiliers, gave a fast display of boxing, which Billy Wright ad- judged a draw. The most amusing item in a very fine program was a world championship bout of 40 rounds between the champion of Africa and the champion of Pata- referee gonia. They fought at any weight under the cateh-as-catch-can rules. The midget sometimes missed his feot-on the ladder try- ing to swing at the dusky cham- pion’s wool and a cireus move- the nigger’s complexion distributing itself all over the white. In the third round footwork che3! dropping to around his knees, the ment ensued, with the big fellow’s hampered by his when became midget missed a terrific swing and jthe rush of air floored the giant lwho peacefully took the count. which coucluded | by everyone as a huge success. | cinoasiant | |GROUSE MOUNTAIN PROPERTY TURNED R. P. Trimble passed through here last Monday morning on his after completing the Schorn & way south details in a deal for Bush’s copper property on Grouse mountain, just back of the saw- mill camp. The consideration is understeod to be a $75,000 bond. This property is a zine of iow grade copper which will require a large expenditure of money on before it but equipment and work reaches the prodyv.ing etage, it gives promise of being a very large shipper. .ue proper’y is only five mile from the reiiroad and the nearest point to the railway is about fif- teen miles east of Telkwa.—Omi- neca Herald. Wim. left for on the Prince Rupert. Manson Victoria Walker,s Music Store Removed to Werner’s Old Stand On Second Avenue. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. Terhaul-Heintzman Pianos. Pianos to Rent. - 2 FROZEN BAIT ICE FINEST FROZEN HERRING $25.00 per ton. For Sale by KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. LIMITED MILL BAY. B. C. For further particulars apply to THOR JOHNSON Central Hotel. FOR TAXI Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert THE DAILY NEWS i OAL Delivery Money Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 , we eed ? er rere 7 oe Tuesday, September 4, 1945 THE FAIR 1915 ARE YOU A MEMBER? It costs $4 and no more to join the N. B. GC. Agr. Ass’n., payable} at any time before the ist of October next. strength. government base the Fair each year on membership roll. 450 was the roll for 19144; $500 the government grant, and {,000 is the number wanted for 1915. Your $§$ a better and larger fair. Your dollar means more dollars in September next will be spent in your city. Your dollar is aiding develop- ment, and helping to make pay- Membership _ spelis The grant meant rolls, prosperity and profit. Send in your name to the sec- retary, Northern B. C. Agricultur- al and. Industria! Ass'n., Box 1657, City. tf. APERHANGING KALSOMINING 3, PAINTING | F. G. ROBERTS | 414 Dver Apts. P. 0. Box 642 DPEPPL PLO DOLD LOS PLDT PLO LEO LOL ALLL OD Your King and Need You :